This message was preached on October 26, 2008. It was an incredible challenge to prepare and preach. Not because I was sick the day I presented it; but because this topic is so sensitive and potentially expolosive with people. Many people, even within the church have passionate views about politics and hope that the pastor will say something that will support their view. And it is not just whether someone votes Democrat or Republican, but also includes certain issues, whether or not the world is about to end, and who the Anti-Christ might be! It was my desire not to answer all of their questions or to break down each issue; but to present the principles from the Word of God that could be useful during election years.
I put a lot of work into preparing this message; and as usual, had to leave some of my work, including illustrations, out of the finished product. So, in this blog, I have included, not only the manuscript of the message I spoke, but in [brackets], I have included my extra notes that I was not able to include. So, it is up to you to decided if you woudl like to read and think about the extra notes, which are in brackets, or not.
Near the beginning of the message, there is a skit that was acted out live on stage. The names listed are the first names of the actors. They did a great job of acting like debaters, including during the intro. music, shaking hands and waving to the audience! At the end of the message are the resources that are mentioned in the message, that was available to our people on the back of their message outlines. We do not necessarily agree with everything in those resources or with the organizations or persons that produced them; but we do think they can be helpful as Christians get all the information they can in determining for whom they should vote.
The audio of this message will be available as soon as our website is fixed at: You can click on the listen option and choose that particular message.
I would be interested in your comments after reading this message.
[expanded version]
[Presidents video– Can be viewed for free at by searching politics, then choosing the Presidents video – it gives quotes about the Bible and God, attributed to past Presidents of the USA]
Please turn in your Bible to Job 38. In the Bible in front of you, it is page 463 or 476.
[Why would I take a detour out of our journey in Mark, in order to talk with you today about this controversial topic? First, this is on the hearts and minds of people right now. They are struggling with it; and are wondering, as a Christian, how to approach this issue of politics. But, most importantly, I felt led by God to spend time this morning dealing with this issue. The difference between what we are doing this morning and the constant talk of politics in the office, living rooms and throughout the media is this: we get to talk about it in the context of the truth: the living Word of God! And the fact is: the Bible has something to say to us about politics.
I received several e-mails and faxes from a certain Christian group over the past few weeks; and one I received this week really caught my attention. It is addresses to all church congregations, and part of it reads: “Has your Pastor, Rabbi or Priest explained that (and then it talks about a certain candidates views on abortion) Why is he silent? If Herod were running for King today, fir your congregational leader knew of the slaughter ahead, and recognizing that it is perfectly safe and legal to speak out in t eh USA…would he or she say even one word?...How, in heaven’s name, can pulpit silence on this possibly be rationalized?
Has your pastor talked about the (presidential candidate’s name) this person’s view on sexual orientation. Why not? Does your pastor even have a clue regarding his First amendment, free exercise, Free Speech rights to teach the bible and tradition from pulpit to pew—while clearly explaining policies of political leaders and naming names? Is there any reason he or she would prefer ignorance? Has your Shepherd spoken even one clear word on these monumental matters from the pulpit? Is your shepherd a man of God…or just a holy pontificator…a church mouse…a wimp?
I’m not afraid to talk about or do messages on abortion, or marriage. We’ve recently done messages on Hell, homosexuality and other controversial topics.
Let me very clear, from the beginning. I am not here to talk about the specific issues in politics, although we have already brought several of them up. I am not going to endorse a particular candidate, although I have been receiving e-mails telling me that I can legally do so. I am not going to tell you how to vote. My job, my responsibility before God, this morning, my goal is this: to help you see the political scene through God’s eyes, as revealed in His Word. If you leave here, more committed to seeing God’s perspective, rather than assuming your perspective is His, then I will have been successful this morning.
Why do many people say that they will talk about anything but politics or religion? It is because these 2 topics bring out emotions from people, unlike any other topic, and can sometimes lead to fighting, division, mocking and even hatred. Bring up the topic of politics today in public, step back and watch the sparks fly.]
People are passionate about their politics. This story appeared recently in the Akron-Beacon Journal:
“Poll workers from opposing sides in the presidential race apparently clashed in a physical altercation Friday at a Cuyahoga Falls nursing home when one accused the other of improperly marking a ballot. George Manon, the 75 year old Republican, told police that Edith Walker, the 73 year old Democrat, jumped on his back and struck him in the head three to four times with her fists. Manos said two other elections workers had to pull Walker off his back, according to a report filed with Cuyahaga Falls police.
Manos said it happened after he accused Walker of ballot tampering, and he wants to prosecute. The incident, which occurred about noon at Gardens of Western Reserve nursing home, is being investigated by both the police and the Summit County elections board.
Walker said in her statement that Manos tried to grab the ballot in question out of her hand. She said he accused her of marking the ballot wrong and she apologized to him if she did it, but she said: he was very mean to me.”
Politics brings out strong emotions. That is why many churches and pastors stay out of politics all together. I am not here to talk about the particular issues or give you my personal opinion. I would be happy to do that in private.
My job, my responsibility before God, is to point your attention to the Word of God; and talk about some guiding principles that apply to all areas of our lives, including politics. And then, it is up to you to take these biblical principles and make your own decisions; hopefully, seeking God’s will and direction. On the back of your outlines this morning, are some resources that might be helpful to you. The voter’s guides mentioned are on the welcome center table. You can use your own discretion to determine which of these resources will be helpful to you.
At times, listening to the political parties can be just frustrating and confusing – but usually interesting!
[cue debate music] [Steve and Kourtney shake hands]
Jen: Welcome to the first and probably the last debate held here at Grace. I am Jenn, and serving as your moderator today. This morning’s debate is unique because our guests debating are not the candidates themselves, but are representing the two major political parties. The color red will represent the Republican party, and the color blue will represent the Democratic party. Also, I will be asking questions that I am sure you have not heard in any of the previous debates this election season. I will ask our guests to introduce themselves at this time:
Kourtney: Thank you Jenn for moderating and to Grace for hosting us today. I am Kourtney, representing the Republican Party: Go Big Red!
Steve: I also want to thank Grace for hosting our debate; and of course you, Jenn, for being our moderator. I am Steve, representing the Democratic Party: Go Blue!
Jenn: Kourtney: Tell us a little bit about the history of the Red Party
Kourtney: Our party was created in 1854 in opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act that would have allowed the expansion of slavery into Kansas. The party founders adopted the name "Republican" to indicate it was the carrier of "republican" beliefs about civic virtue, and opposition to aristocracy and corruption. The symbol for our Party is the elephant, which cartoonist Thomas Nast created in 1874. From the beginning, our party was all about abolishing slavery, free speech and women’s suffrage.
Jenn: Steve, tell us a little about your Blue Party
Steve: Thomas Jefferson founded our party in 1792. Our Party's founders decided that wealth and social status were not an entitlement to rule. They believed that wisdom and compassion could be found within every individual and a stable government must be built upon a broad popular base. The late Ron Brown put it best when he wrote: “The common thread of Democratic history, from Thomas Jefferson to Bill Clinton, has been an abiding faith in the judgment of the hardworking American families, and a commitment to helping the excluded, the disenfranchised and the poor strengthen our nation by earning themselves a piece of the American Dream.”
Jenn: So, Steve, what do you think about Red’s mascot?
Steve: The Elephant? How ridiculous looking! It describes their party well, lumbering around, stepping all over our freedoms!
Jenn: Your response Kourtney?
Kourtney: Come on – Blue’s mascot is a donkey? Enough said!
Jenn: So, Steve, what are your 4 favorite bumper stickers right now?
Steve: I was hoping you would ask that Jenn! They are:
· End the War – Stop McCain
· Obama: Hope, not fear
· It would be insane to vote for McCain
· Pro Family – Pro Obama
Jenn: And Kourtney, what are your favorite bumper stickers right now?
Kourtney: My favorites are:
· Go Navy – Beat Obama
· 10 out of 10 terrorists agree: Vote for Obama
· Your wallet is the one place democrats are willing to drill
· Vote McCain not Hussein
Jenn: Kourtney, tell us a little about your candidate’s faith.
Kourtney: Well, Jenn, at the recent civil forum at Saddleback Church in California, our candidate was asked this question by Pastor Rick Warren: “You’ve made no doubt about your faith in Jesus Christ. What does it mean to you?” And this is how our candidate answered: “It means that I am saved and forgiven of my sins. When we are talking about the world, our faith encompasses not just the United States of America, but the entire world.” He went on to explain how his faith in Christ is played out in everyday life and even through difficult circumstances.
Jenn: And Steve, what about your candidate?
Steve: Well, our candidate was asked the same exact question as theirs, at the same forum, and this is how our candidate answered: “It means that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that I am redeemed through Him. That is a source of strength and sustenance on a daily basis…If I can get myself out of the way, I can do what He intends.” So, you can see, our candidate is a humble, completely dedicated Christian man.
[Jenn: Have either of you ever heard of Gene Amondson, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, Roger Calero, Charles Jay, Gloria La Riva, Cynthia McKinney, Brian Moore, Thomas Stevens, or Ted Weill?
Kourtney: No
Steve: Nope.
Jenn: These are the presidential candidates from the following political parties:
Prohibition party; Constitution party; Libertarian party; Socialist workers party; Boston Tea party
Kourtney: Did you just say The Boston Tea Party?
Jenn: Yes: The Boston Tea Party, Socialism and Liberation party; the Green party; Socialist party; Objectivist Party; and the Reform party
Steve: Sorry - We only recognize, and the American people only care about the big two: Blue and Red.]
Jenn: So, let me ask both of you:
· Which Party cares more about women? Kourtney: Red Steve: Blue
· Which Party cares more about the middle class? Kourtney: Red Steve: Blue
· Which Party sticks closest to the United States Constitution? [same answers]
· Which Party is most economically responsible? [same answers]
· Which Party is most concerned with raising our level of education? [same]
· Which Party believes marriage is between a man and a woman? [same]
· Which Party believes there should be less abortions? [same answers]
· Which Party believes they can defeat terrorism? [same answers]
· Which Party is the real Party of change? [same answers]
· Which Party’s candidate won the first presidential debate? [same answers]
· How about the second debate? [same answers]
· And the third? [same answers]
Jenn: How about the vice presidential debate?
Steve: Our candidate knocked it out of the park!
Kourtney: Our candidate? She knocked it way out of the park!
Jenn: OK, last question. Steve, in your opinion, Who Would Jesus Vote For?
Steve: Well, that’s a no-brainer Jenn! Jesus would vote blue, across the board. He would vote for our candidate. Why? Because Jesus cares about the poor, like our party does. It’s all over Scripture. We are also concerned about the economy, and Jesus talked a lot about money. Jesus also said taxes were not necessarily a bad thing – don’t forget that! Jesus would see that we are most concerned about people, and therefore, He would most definitely vote BLUE!
Jenn: And Kourtney, in your opinion, Who Would Jesus Vote For?
Kourtney: That is an easy one Jenn. Jesus would, undoubtedly, vote for Red, across the board. He would vote for our candidate. Why? Because Jesus cares about the sanctity of life, just like we do. He cares about the ability to teach about Him in school, to pray, and to offer an alternative to evolution, just like we do. And Jesus would most definitely want a constitutional amendment on marriage, just like us! No doubt about it – Jesus would vote RED!
Jenn: Thank you Kourtney and Steve. And now the question goes to all of you: Who do you believe Jesus would vote for?
[We are taking a break from the gospel of Mark this morning to deal with an issue that is on most everyone’s mind at this time. It is a topic that churches struggle with how to present, if at all. It is the turbulent topic of politics. Even within this room this morning, there are a variety of views on politics, and some of those perspectives are backed with great emotion and a strong will. Many people become very passionate about politics; and there is good reason for that. I want to deal with it this morning because: God has led me to; it is something the Scriptures address; and we all need some biblical help to sort through all the political talk of today.
If you are looking for me to tell you who to vote for, you will be disappointed. As a pastor, I am uncomfortable telling you how to vote. I certainly have my personal viewpoints, and am happy to talk to people personally about politics and specifics. But, this morning, it is my goal and responsibility before God to share with you what God has to say about the principles of politics; so that you can then base your decisions on what He has to say, rather than me or a media outlet; or even other good Christian organizations.]
I want to have a conversation with you, this morning, about what God’s Word has to say to us, during this highly emotional, sometimes confusing political season.
Let’s consider some biblical principles on politics, as it relates to God; and then to us. Let’s begin with God:
[So, at our home, we received 2 different mailings: one from the Republican State Leadership committee; and one from the Ohio Democratic Party. They both had to do electing a state representative for District 16. And both of them, instead of saying why you should vote for their candidate, the whole mailing was about why you shouldn’t vote for the other candidate. In fact, the only picture on each mailing was a picture of their opponent. And the main accusation against the opponenent, for each side?:
Democratic ad: “Think your taxes are high enough already? Nan Baker wants to raise them even higher…She even fought against a $3.8 million property tax cut.”
Republican Ad: “Our budgets. Our bank accounts. Our businesses. All Running on Empty…Is there anything left in your wallet? State Representative Jennifer Brady co-sponsored legislation to raise Ohio income taxes…[and] supported higher taxes on both our incomes and our businesses.”
Both Ads negative and critical, about the very same issue. Have you listened to any of the debates? Both sides making accusations, taking some facts and using them for their own benefit. Both sides accusing the other side of distorting the truth. Both sides throwing out statistics and numbers and quotes that are very difficult to track down, as to their validity. And even newspapers, like the Plain Dealer, that try to tell you they are telling the truth about whose telling the truth in Ads…the newspapers have a slanted view as well – they all pick a candidate that they are backing; and you can tell.
Study it out. Read and listen to the voices you trust. Do the best you can to understand what is really going on. Then, go vote the way you believe God would want you to vote.]
1. God is neither Republican nor Democrat.
Now, that might be surprising to you Republicans…and Democrats. You independents are thinking: I knew it all along! You never see God taking a political side; and there is no reason to think, that if Jesus were here today, that He would always vote one way (Republican OR Democrat; or even register as such). If anything, He would most likely be an independent, who voted as He thought best at any given time.
When people wanted Jesus to do something, whether it were His enemies asking for him to perform miracles to prove His claims, or the crowds wanting Him to set up His Kingdom immediately; or His closest disciples, who did not want Him to go with the suffering and dying plan, Jesus always responded the same way: He voted with God the Father. In other words, no matter how compelling other’s arguments might be for what He should do, He always and only voted (lived) according to what God, the Heavenly Father wanted done.
Although we never hear of them, you probably know that there are other political parties out there and presidential candidates from those parties. There are independents as well, but all of these have found that they pretty much have no chance of winning unless they run as a Republican or Democrat. In the past, I have had extended family, and just recently a friend from my former church in Florida sent a mass e-mail out, backing the Constitution party. Many followers of Christ believe that the Constitution Party not only abides most closely to the Constitution but also to Christian principle. However, many Christians would never vote for anyone that they knew couldn’t win. Each believer, based on the fact that god is not affiliated with a party, must choose whom they think God would want them to vote for.
In the book of Joshua, Joshua was getting ready to fight a battle for Israel and He has an encounter with God, most likely another appearance of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. Listen to this conversation:
Joshua 5:13,14 – “…And Joshua went up to him and asked, Are you for us or for our enemies? Neither, he replied, but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come…”
Jesus, representing God the Father, did not take sides, even though it concerned His own people Israel. God was on His own side; and I don’t think that has changed. If you want to ask the question: God, are you the Republicans side or the Democrats side, I think God would say: neither. The question is whether or not you are pursuing what God wants you to do in every area of life, including how you vote and to what extent you are involved in politics.
[D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe, in their book “How Would Jesus Vote”, address this issue of whose side God is on. “What Party Does God Claim? What side is God on? People have wanted to know that since the beginning of warfare. During the Civil War, people wondered which side God was on. Initially many pastors and their congregations were duped by Adolf Hitler. Journalist and historian William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, notes that some German Christians even drew up a resolution (which ultimately was not adopted) demanding One People, One Reich, One faith, and these same professing believers wanted to require all pastors to take a oath of allegiance to Hitler. Surely, God did not approve of Hitler’s anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, antifreedom regime.]
2. God is not American
[Are these Scriptures true?
Psalm 33:12 – “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!”
Proverbs 14:34 – “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Yes, of course they are true. But, first of all: I don’t think we could even say that the USA treats God as our LORD. And we are not the ones God has chosen as His heritage: it’s Israel. And would we really say that we are living as a righteous nation right now? We can certainly see how destructive sin is, in our personal lives and in our nation.]
I’m sure you know that is true; but many people act as though God were. We somehow think He loves America more than others and has promised us great things in the future. However, to be biblically honest with you, God has not promised us, as the United States of America, anything. I know not everyone agrees with that.
Someone just this past week asked me directly: “Do you see America in biblical prophecy”? I said something like this: No. Now, it might be there, and I’m just not scholarly enough to see it; but I don’t see it, clearly stated, that God makes any promises about the United States in particular. I know there are those who have interpreted certain passages of Scripture and say otherwise. I might be wrong. What this means, for me, is that if God chose to wipe out the United States of America, so that we were not even around for future biblical end times, that would completely up to Him. He would not be wrecking prophecy if the USA was not around in the future.
Do I believe that many of our founding fathers were true believers who included God in politics? Yes. Are there still many reminders in our country, that at one time, we had a great trust in God? Absolutely. The video we showed during the offering demonstrated that many of our Presidents looked to the Bible as their authority and to God for direction for the United States.
Well, what about the passage that is quoted so often:
II Chronicles 7:14 - “If my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways – I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.”
That promise was not just for anyone – it was for Israel. Yes, I do believe in the principle of that verse. I think America should seek God and ask for forgiveness of her sins. But, even if she did, God would not be under no obligation to do anything for us (except forgive us) or keep us around any longer than what He originally planned. But, it is always a good idea to ask forgiveness for sins, to seek God and turn from wickedness. In most cases, that does bring God’s blessing and it is always a better way to live.
I like what author’s Kennedy and Newcombe had to say about this in their book: How Would Jesus Vote? : “God created only one country in the history of the world: ancient Israel. He did not create America. The United States is not the new Israel. The United States is not now nor ever was a theocracy, although the Puritans attempted to created such a colony in Massachusetts. That attempt failed, but because they culled the Word of God for biblical principles on government, law, civil liberties, education, and morality the Puritans have essentially served as the midwives of our current freedoms. We do not claim that God is on the side of the United States. What we do claim is that as many people as possible in the United States should strive to be on God’s side.”
3. God is God and we are not
[Daniel 4:35 – “All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, What you have done?”
If only Roe v. Wade was overturned, then everything in America would be just right. If only we had prayer in schools, then God would bless us. Although your guy being elected and your choices are ruling on the supreme court; and if you could choose what laws were overturned and what happened in the public schools, would we then have God’s complete blessing?]
This principle applies to everything, but it certainly includes politics. It begins with the willingness to admit that we don’t always know what is best; and we certainly cannot fully control what happens. Even those who are committing voter fraud are not ultimately, in control. We need to be careful not to adopt the attitude that God might be making a mistake.
Job is a character in the Bible that is given to us as a great example of trusting God, while going through terrible loss and suffering. But, in the midst of it all, Job did challenge God as to why He was allowing these things to happen in his life. And God responded to Job, with some rhetorical questions. Look at:
*Job 38:4 – “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth…”
*Job 38:12 – “Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place?”
*Job 38:36 – “Who has put wisdom in the inward parts or given understanding to the mind?”
*Job 40:2 – “Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it.”
What was God’s main message to Job? “Job, listen: I am God. I created the Universe. I have all wisdom. You concentrate on obeying me; and let me take care of the rest of the world, including the circumstances in your life that seem unfair.” God would say the same things to us; even in the midst of this election season; especially if things don’t go the way you think they should go.
Here are two key verses and universal biblical truths to keep in mind, for all of life:
God said this, and it applies to all of us:
Isaiah 55:8 – “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
Psalm 115:3 – “Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.”
You can let these truths frustrate you; or you can embrace them as a great comfort, and draw strength from them, regardless of your circumstances.
Please turn in your Bible to the book of Exodus, which is the second book of the Bible – just after Genesis.
4. God’s goal is to glorify Himself
What might be our goals in life and politics do not necessarily match God’s. A great example of what God is trying to do, using all political situations as His tool, is found here in Exodus: God had sent Joseph to Egypt so that He could use Joseph to preserve His own people Israel, once the famine came. The nation of Israel was in Egypt and well taken care of. However, Joseph died and then we read this:
Exodus 1:8 – “Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.”
· And that ruler (also known as Pharoah) decided that Israel needed to be controlled…
*Exodus 1:10,11 – “Come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and , if war breaks out, they join our enemies and fight against us and escape from the land. Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with heavy burdens…”
*Exodus 1:12– “But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad…”
*Exodus 1:13 – “So they ruthlessly made the people of Israel work as slaves.”
*Exodus 1:15– “Then the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives…”
*Exodus 1:16 – “When you serve as midwife to the Hebrew women and see them on the birthstool, if it is a son, you shall kill him, but if it is a daughter, she shall live.”
Go to chapter 3. So, here was an evil ruler, oppressing God’s people; and killing babies. The people of Israel cried out because of their bondage. God heard them and appointed Moses (read about his incredible story in Exodus 2) to go to the ruler, Pharoah, and demand that His people be let go…
*Exodus 3:19,20 – “But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless compelled by a mighty hand. So I will stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all the wonders that I will do in it; after that he will let you go.”
Turn over to chapter 7.
So, God says that Pharoah would not let the people go at first; and He would send some plagues to convince him to do so. But, not only would Pharoah harden his own heart, as the plagues were being sent to Egypt, God explains that He would play a major role in how Pharoah would respond.
[Exodus 4:21 – “…[God said] I will harden his heart…”
Exodus 9:12 – “But the LORD hardened the heart of Pharoah, and he did not listen to them, as the LORD had spoken to Moses.”
Exodus 10:20 – “But the LORD hardened Pharoah’s heart, and he did not let the people of Israel go.”
Exodus 10:27 – “But the LORD hardened Pharoah’s heart, and he would not let them go.”
Exodus 11:10 – “…and the LORD hardened Pharoah’s heart…”]
You have turned to Exodus 7. Look at what God says to Moses in…
*Exodus 7:3-5 – “But I will harden Pharoah’s heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, Pharoah will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my hosts, my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgment. The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out the people of Israel from among them.”
Here we have the connection between God hardening Pharoah’s heart, and one of the major reasons why: so that Pharoah would not let God’s people go until God was done using him. And primarily, what God wanted to accomplish is mentioned right here in verse 5: “The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD.” This is the name for God that refers to Him as the covenant keeping God of Israel; even the God that can be trusted to keep His promises. Egypt was going to learn the truth about God.
[There are other mentions of what God was trying to accomplish:
Exodus 7:17 – “…by this you shall know that I am the LORD…”
Exodus 8:10 – “…that you may know that there is no one like the LORD our God.”
Exodus 8:22 – “…that you may know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth.”
Exodus 9:14 – “…that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth.”
Exodus 9:29 – “…so that you may know that the earth is the LORD’s.”
Exodus 11:9 – “Then the LORD said to Moses, Pharoah will not listen to you, that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt.”]
Go to chapter 10. God was also going to teach His own people about Himself:
*Exodus 10:1,2 – “Then the LORD said to Moses, Go in to Pharoah, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may show these signs of mine among them, and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and of your grandson how I have dealt harshly with the Egyptians and what signs I have done among them, that you may know that I am the LORD.”
This was God talking to Moses and to Israel, His people, saying they also, His own people, would see what God was doing, and were to know who He was; and to continue, then, to worship Him alone. That was the goal. Now, come back one chapter and listen to what God has to say, directly to Pharoah, about why He was put in that position of power:
Exodus 9:16 – “But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.”
Did you catch that? Let me read it one more time. It’s also on the screen:
Exodus 9:16 – “But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.”
God claimed responsibility for Pharoah being in the position of leadership he was in. This leader, that all of God’s people would call evil…this leader, who killed babies…this leader, who brought incredible suffering on God’s people…this leader was chosen by God. But, he wasn’t chosen because he was a Christian, or because he would promote God’s ways. He was chosen, as God explained, because it was through His evil rule, that God would show His own power and reveal Himself to all. This was God’s doing. Here is a biblical truth, that not only applies to Pharoah in Exodus, but to all rulers who have taken power in every nation ever since:
Psalm 75:7 – “But it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another.”
Daniel 2:21 – “…Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might…He removes kings and sets up kings…”
God is in control of who wins elections.
Please turn in your Bible to I Timothy, chapter 2. In the Bible in front of you, it is page 1027 or 1053.
Now: Based on what has been revealed about God, we need to consider our response; and ask the all important question:
SO WHAT? What does God expect of us, as it relates to politics?
[What are some other things we are to remember about our responsibility to those in authority?
· Pay your taxes (fulfill your responsibilities)
Jesus encouraged the people to pay the taxes that they were subjected to.
He did not encourage them to withhold payment or try to cheat the government:
Matthew 22:17,21 – “Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not…Then he said to them, Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
· Obey the laws unless they contradict God’s Word
Romans 13:1,2 – “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”
The followers of Christ, from the beginning, obeyed the laws of the State. Even if the politicians were corrupt and the government was adverse to Christianity; which it was in almost every case back then. The only time they were encouraged not to obey, was when the State asked them to do something the Bible for bid them to do. When the Apostles were asked to explain why they kept preaching the gospel, even though they were jailed and beaten and told not to, they explained:
Acts 5:29 – “…We must obey God rather than men.”]
1. Trust in God, not in man
Israel learned this as they had to face opponents like Goliath and see God use a boy with a slingshot to bring him down and the entire Philistine army to their knees. King Saul of Israel was trusting in man but David put His trust in God; and God did His thing.
It is easy to think: If only this guy gets elected, then everything will be fine. If only that guy gets appointed to the supreme court. What can happen is that we begin to trust in man, putting hope in a certain candidate or a certain court or a certain piece of legislation. We have to be careful. Even when there was Theocracy, where God ruled in Israel, they still sinned, and eventually replaced God’s rule with a King of their own. All human rulers have their limitations and are just a breath.
The only one who has been here all along and will never go away, is the one and only true God. Should you pray that God would put godly men and women in leadership? Sure! Should you do your part, get involved in politics and vote for followers of Christ that are pursuing what is important to you? Absolutely. I hope more Christians become involved in politics. But, when things are not going your way, or those believers aren’t able to accomplish what you had hoped, there is still one you can trust in, who knows what He is doing.
Psalm 146:3,4 – “Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish. Blessed is he…whose hope is in the LORD his God.”
Jeremiah 17:7 – “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD.”
2. Pray
[When it comes to prayer, we need to be careful what we attribute to God. What do you think of this story forwarded by e-mail, by a pastor in Ohio?
Tuesday at 2:00 A.M. - God spoke these words to me - "Go turn the Radio
on!" Immediately the Reporter's Words were - "McCain & Palin Bus to be
in Lebanon later this morning for a 10:00 A.M. Rally!" God said, "You are to go. You will meet them and give them a message for Me!"The News would later report they were expecting 5,000 people and the actual head-count of those who had been scanned was more than 10,000 people.
I simply obeyed and God actually told me where to stand, who to talk to
and when to be on the move. As I was standing there, two Boy Scouts came running up my back-literally, they almost knocked me to the ground because they were running so fast behind me up my back and over to the right.
The Scout Leader grabbed me and told me bring the other Scouts up front.
I just became the leader of the rest of the Scouts to lead them right up front and center.
When I got there I was fifteen feet from the podium. GOD said, "Stand here, and don't move from this spot.” A little lady who stood by me, reached up and told the Rep that they had promised a Picture with her because she was the one who had lost a son in Iraq, recently.
When McCain came to hug the lady, he immediately shook my hand and
following his moment with her, I shook his hand and said, "God wants you to know that I'm praying for you, Sir!" He thanked me and kept smiling. I repeated that phrase to him five times. He grabbed my hands and looked right into my
eyes and said, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"
As he moved to my right, Sarah Palin came over and got on her hands and knees and hugged that the little lady who had lost the son, telling her, "It was not
in vain." It was at this moment that Sarah Palin reached out for me to help her up
and as I was assisting her to stand I was now face to face with her and
GOD said, "Open up your Mouth and I will fill it."
Here is what came out... "God wants you to know that you are a present day Esther! [She immediately began to cry]! God wants to tell you that you are Chosen for such a time as this! You are called, and chosen to be a leader. Don't lose heart and don't fear man. Keep your eyes on GOD and know that He has chosen you to Reign! Stay strong. Be strong. Don't tire. Don't be weary in well-doing. Be strong."
If you believe God reveals something to you in prayer, then you should examine it according to the Scriptures, and consider that it may be God’s Spirit directing you to do something. What we must be very careful with, is making some type of predictions or prophecies, as though God is revealing new truth to us. If this pastor’s prophecy about Sarah Palin does not come true, it doesn’t mean that God made a mistake – it means that this pastor sinned in making a false prophecy and attributing it to God] Please look at:
*I Timothy 2:1,2 – “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions…”
We would all agree that we should pray for our leaders. But, keep in mind, that in that day, their kings, their leaders were opponents of Christianity. And the concerns the believers had were far from abortion and an amendment on marriage. They were concerned about persecution and death just because they were believers! And yet, in the midst of that kind of persecution, what did God tell them He wanted them to do? Picket? Protest? Politic? Nope. He told them to do the one thing they could do, which they could control – the one positive thing that God knew would made the greatest difference – PRAY
And this has not changed for us today. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be involved in politics or even picket and protest if you choose. But, what I am saying is what the Bible emphasizes, even if the government and its leaders are not godly – we are to pray for them. But, did you catch what else? This leads us to a third application:
3. Focus on heart change
It is easy to focus on a political party or a piece of legislation. It is easy to focus on all the things we wish were right in the world, according to us. But, the real focus must be where real change comes from. The Focus must be on heart change. And there is only one person who can change a heart. People must be introduced to Him.
Did you notice the verses we just read that have to do with prayer? Notice verse 2:
[praying]… “for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. [why]?
*I Timothy 2:3-5 – “This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”
Did you see that? What is this all about? Why are we to be praying, even for corrupt rulers? And why, instead of overthrowing the government, are we to pray for the strength and grace to live quiet and peaceable lives? Because: it’s all about the gospel! What is important to God, regardless of the political circumstances, is that we live rightly; even loving our enemies, so that they can see the light, the truth, through us.
So, if you are arguing with someone about politics, and being unloving as you do it, don’t think you are honoring God. If you are, in any way being an obstacle to the gospel, as you passionately pursue your politics, you are being an obstacle to God and what is most important to Him. There is a way to be passionate about politics and honor God; and that is by being much more passionate about the good news of Jesus Christ – because it changes lives for eternity!
When Jesus’ followers began sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, they endured incredible persecution. But that did not wipe out their testimony or Christianity. In fact, Christianity exploded and grew through the time of persecution. We would look at it as the worst thing that could happen; and yet God saw it as positive, for one reason – people’s hearts were being changed.
We do live in a land that has been blessed by God; even though we don’t deserve it. I am so thankful for the freedoms God has given us. But, there are times that God takes away those freedoms in order to do what is more important to Him than our religious liberty – and ironically, he took away liberty in order to promote the gospel! Isn’t that something! We pray God will not choose to do the same thing here; but He might.
[What if you could have the government exactly the way you wanted it: With a president who shared your views, a supreme court who voted your way, and the Ten Commandments as the law of the land? Would that make us a God honoring nation? Not necessarily. The only way to have real, lasting change that will honor God is to have people’s hearts changed. We can get so focused on changing the politicians and legislation, that we forget this very fundamental principle. The focus for us, when it comes to politics, must be the gospel: the good news of Jesus Christ.]
4. Live in love, not fear
I received this e-mail recently:
“If the [fill in the political party] win the upcoming election, America as we have known it will no longer exist. This country that we love, founded on Judeo-Christian values, will cease to exist and will be replaced by a secular state hostile to Christianity… The damage will be permanent.
[AFA letter continued: This “city set on a hill” which our forefathers founded, will go dark. The damage will be deep and long lasting. It cannot be turned around in the next election, or the one after that, or by any election in the future. That is why it is so important for you to vote and to encourage friends and family to vote. This is one election where your vote really counts.”] – Donald Wildmon, founder and chairman of the American Family Association
I also, this past week, received a forwarded message from one of our missionaries, who was sending me an article from World Net Daily. It was entitled: Trail of Terror – Islamic takeover of U.S. already under way: "We estimate thousands of terrorists have already been smuggled into America. ... Hamas is here. ... They have cells in over 40 states. ... They asked: "What happens if a [particular party is named here] wins the 2008 election?" The answer: "We are doomed. Our enemies want the (particular party) to win. This last election, jihadist websites were playing victory songs and declaring the (particular party) are our allies in the war against America," she said.
[Continued world net daily: We also need to reform our immigration and visa programs. We need to monitor who is coming into our country and why. ... We need to increase human intelligence. … I want everyone who fits the terrorist profile to be profiled. We have men between the ages of 16 and 40 who have committed terrorist acts around the world in the name of Islam. They are not little old ladies from Ohio with blue hair. They are not children going to Disney World on their Easter vacation," she said. ]
Then, I also received several forwarded e-mails from Dr. John Tisdale, President of Anchor Bible Institute at McAllen, TX. Part of one of those e-mails said this:
“How long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations? Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is? Almost a four-year term of a Presidency. According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ willbe a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations withpersuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy saysthat people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace,and when he is in power, will destroy everything..Do we recognize this description? Is it (a particular presidential candidate is named).
It is so easy to rely on fear to get people to do what we want them to do. And it is possible if you have been reading e-mails and listening to various Christian organizations that you are very fearful of what might happen if the election doesn’t go your way. I can understand that. I have many fears of my own. But, I don’t think it is the way God wants us to approach this topic or any other.
All of these things are meant to motivate us to vote a certain way; but what they really do is drive us to fear. The Bible warns against that:
I John 4:18 – “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear…”
II Timothy 1:7 – “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
We are not to live in fear, or use fear tactics to manipulate people to vote how we want them to vote. We have to be very careful of what we accuse people of, including presidential candidates or political parties, making broad stroke statements that may not be true; especially of everyone who supports a particular party or candidate. Plus, some of these are simply not biblically true, and to assert such things is misusing the Scriptures. And those who choose to do that, even for what they consider to be a good cause, are not honoring God.
Instead, we are to have His strength and confidence, that no matter who is elected; and no matter what happens, we have a God who is all powerful, the God of truth, and we are to be on His side, regardless of our political views. Speaking about believers in Bible days, that were persecuted for their faith, but considered heroes:
Hebrews 11:13,16 – These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth…But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared for them a city.”
Those who were persecuted for their faith were not despairing because things weren’t the way they wanted them in the government here on Earth. They were keeping their attention on the future, on their home in Heaven. They didn’t look at their dwelling here as the only thing that mattered; but instead, they knew this was a temporary dwelling place; and what really mattered was the eternity to come with God in Heaven. If we can keep our focus there as well, then the things of this Earth, including politics doesn’t have to drive us into fear and depression. It can, instead, take us closer to God, to live for eternity rather than expecting Heaven here.
So, the answer you have all been waiting for: Who would Jesus Vote for?
This is probably not the answer you were hoping for. But, based on what I have just shared with you , I think the answer is this:
· Jesus would vote for the one that He knew was the will of God. Whomever, for this time in history, would be the one used by God to do His purposes for His glory would be whom Jesus would vote for.
· [John 5:30 – “I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.”]
And sorry to tell you this: but I don’t know who that is. And you may think you know who that is: but you don’t – not for sure. God sometimes surprises us , doesn’t He?
[How would Jesus vote? Abraham Lincoln put it best in 1863 when he heard someone remark that he hoped ‘the Lord was on the Union’s side.’ Here is how Lincoln responded: ‘I am not at all concerned about that, for I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord’s side’.”]
If God doesn’t choose your guy, then please realize it is His guy, for this time, for His own purposes, whether we like the guy or not; whether he is godly or not. This is about what God is doing. If your guy doesn’t get elected, you don’t need to get depressed, mourn for days or leave the country. Instead, there are some things the Bible would encourage us to do, based on these principles about God and politics.
So, what should you do?
Pray, pray, and pray some more. Get involved in politics. Read and listen to people you respect; and consider your political views. Ask God what He would want you to do. And then, go vote. And then…keep your focus on the God who is in control.
Will you pray with me please? Based on this, I would like for us to close this time with some silent prayer and meditation. Listen to a song that reminds us who is in control; and that we need to respond to Him in love and praise, as we trust Him, even during these days. Take a few moments to pray; and then consider your response to God’s Word this morning as you listen to the song.
Let’s pray:
Song: Let My Words Be Few [Phillips, Craig and Dean] – Linda Kuyper
Saddleback Community Church (interview from a faith perspective with the presidential candidates)
click on “view past forums”, then click on “presidential”
Ohio Christian Alliance (voter guides available at welcome center table-while supplies last)
Focus on the Family
Citizens for Community Values (find more information on the specific people and issues you will be voting for in your area)
Desiring God Ministries (for an article on one issue voting: abortion)
search: One issue politics (click enter), then choose article: One-Issue Politics, One-issue Marriage and Humane Society – by John Piper – January 1, 1995
Book: Is God on America’s Side? The Surprising Answer and How It Affects Our Future
By Erwin w. Lutzer, pastor of Moody Bible Church in Chicago, Illinois
Book: How Would Jesus Vote: A Christian Perspective on the Issues
By D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I hate being sick. I absolutely hate it. But, when I am, I seem to learn more humility; even if I don't want to. For the most part, I don't get sick. Normally, I get sick about once a year. That is, the kind of sick where I am "put down" for a week or so; where I spend a lot of time in the bathroom, somtimes throwing up - that kind of sick. I will struggle at times with a cold, but nothing that stops me from working and doing all I need to do.
So, it really bothers me when the common cold puts me down. And, in my opinion, the timing couldn't have been worse. I started getting my cold Thursday night. Friday morning I knew I would just be at home trying to rest, as it is my normal day off. Mainly, it was getting me in the head: sore throat was starting, congestion, headaches, etc.; and I was exhausted. Saturday is usually a flexible day for me, but it ended up being a full work day, with counseling and visiting appointments that I didn't feel I could cancel. Yes, it was my fault, but I felt I had to. Speaking with people and counseling just takes the energy out of me, even when I am healthy.
So, I was hoping, somehow, I would wake up this morning, and everyting would be "out"; and allow me to enjoy my birthday, sing on the worship team, life group (at night) and preach (my favorite thing to do). But, I could tell right away that I wasn't "cleared out" yet and I was going to be struggling wih it.
I had been drinking water all weekend, taking herbs, cold medicine, eating oranges and soup (didn't feel like eating much else). Normally, and especially on Sunday mornings, I am on top of everything, getting things ready for the service and writing notes on what else has to happen that day. Today, however, I felt like I was in a daze, or trudging through mud. I felt like I could hardly move. I also couldn't remember what I had just done or what I was supposed to be doing. It was very frustrating.
I decided not to sing on worship team to save my voice, and I really missed doing that. I had to basically stay away from people, so as to not get them sick, or wear my voice out. And I really do enjoy seeing everyone and talking to many on Sunday mornings. There were also many details to this service, as we were using some videos and had planned a creative drama as a part of the message. I had a hard time keeping all the details straight. That is humbling.
Today's message was about politics, as took a week off of my message series in Mark. I planned on sitting on a stool and having more of a "conversation" in dealing with a very highly emotional issue. That helped me feel more comfortable, but it was frustrating having to blow my nose often and feeling very stuffed up as I spoke. Plus, this was a message I had taken a lot of time and effort, praying over and wanting to be communicated just right. Turns out, I was communicating it through a stuffed up nose, scratchy throat and somewhat clouded mind.
All of this to say, that I was humbled. I want to be able to work hard, do everything I have committed to do, and to do it well. I want to be able to be with and enjoy people. And I want to communicate God's truth as clearly as possible. But, when sick, like today, I am not ablt to do it. This reminds me about a couple truths about God: He is able to accomplish His will without me; and He chooses to use me even when I am weak. And that is the encouraging thing I do hang on to. If I am sick and cannot do what I woudl like, I know God is not surprised, and is, in fact doing what He knows will help me to grow and bring Him the most glory.
So, in taking liberty with the Apostle Paul's words, I can say: "I will therefore glory in my runny nose, headache, discomfort, scratchy throat and fatigue - because when I am weak, He is strong."
Hopefully, I will have learned what I need to learn from this, so I can smell again - that would be nice.
So, it really bothers me when the common cold puts me down. And, in my opinion, the timing couldn't have been worse. I started getting my cold Thursday night. Friday morning I knew I would just be at home trying to rest, as it is my normal day off. Mainly, it was getting me in the head: sore throat was starting, congestion, headaches, etc.; and I was exhausted. Saturday is usually a flexible day for me, but it ended up being a full work day, with counseling and visiting appointments that I didn't feel I could cancel. Yes, it was my fault, but I felt I had to. Speaking with people and counseling just takes the energy out of me, even when I am healthy.
So, I was hoping, somehow, I would wake up this morning, and everyting would be "out"; and allow me to enjoy my birthday, sing on the worship team, life group (at night) and preach (my favorite thing to do). But, I could tell right away that I wasn't "cleared out" yet and I was going to be struggling wih it.
I had been drinking water all weekend, taking herbs, cold medicine, eating oranges and soup (didn't feel like eating much else). Normally, and especially on Sunday mornings, I am on top of everything, getting things ready for the service and writing notes on what else has to happen that day. Today, however, I felt like I was in a daze, or trudging through mud. I felt like I could hardly move. I also couldn't remember what I had just done or what I was supposed to be doing. It was very frustrating.
I decided not to sing on worship team to save my voice, and I really missed doing that. I had to basically stay away from people, so as to not get them sick, or wear my voice out. And I really do enjoy seeing everyone and talking to many on Sunday mornings. There were also many details to this service, as we were using some videos and had planned a creative drama as a part of the message. I had a hard time keeping all the details straight. That is humbling.
Today's message was about politics, as took a week off of my message series in Mark. I planned on sitting on a stool and having more of a "conversation" in dealing with a very highly emotional issue. That helped me feel more comfortable, but it was frustrating having to blow my nose often and feeling very stuffed up as I spoke. Plus, this was a message I had taken a lot of time and effort, praying over and wanting to be communicated just right. Turns out, I was communicating it through a stuffed up nose, scratchy throat and somewhat clouded mind.
All of this to say, that I was humbled. I want to be able to work hard, do everything I have committed to do, and to do it well. I want to be able to be with and enjoy people. And I want to communicate God's truth as clearly as possible. But, when sick, like today, I am not ablt to do it. This reminds me about a couple truths about God: He is able to accomplish His will without me; and He chooses to use me even when I am weak. And that is the encouraging thing I do hang on to. If I am sick and cannot do what I woudl like, I know God is not surprised, and is, in fact doing what He knows will help me to grow and bring Him the most glory.
So, in taking liberty with the Apostle Paul's words, I can say: "I will therefore glory in my runny nose, headache, discomfort, scratchy throat and fatigue - because when I am weak, He is strong."
Hopefully, I will have learned what I need to learn from this, so I can smell again - that would be nice.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I have this as a title for my message this coming Sunday. Now all I need is a message to go with it! I don't normally do this (get a title before the content of the message), and I don't necessarily recommend it. There is a running joke among pastors that we find great illustrations and then try to find a passage of Scripture to go with it. In this case, I finally decided to break my message series in the gospel of Mark in order to preach on politics. I thought this might be a catchy title.
I really struggled with whether or not to do a message on politics. It is a touchy subject for so many people; and for pastors to talk about it, they take a huge risk. It is not as much a risk legally as it is to be misunderstood by those who are listening or who eventually read the message. However, this is something that most people are thinking about, talking about, and concerned about. Many Christians are wrestling with how they should engage the political issues.
The Bible does speak to how believers are to respond to government, by giving many principles to live by. It also deals with how God relates to government, and how that should affect our view of what happens in world government. My desire in my message is to be fair to the biblical texts, and be careful to not make assertions that are not supported by Scripture. There will be many who hear me who will be disappointed because I won't say what they hope I will say. But, as long as I am true to the Scriptures, I will be satisfied.
I will preach this message (once I get one!) this coming Sunday, October 26th.
I will post it as a blog next week some time.
I really struggled with whether or not to do a message on politics. It is a touchy subject for so many people; and for pastors to talk about it, they take a huge risk. It is not as much a risk legally as it is to be misunderstood by those who are listening or who eventually read the message. However, this is something that most people are thinking about, talking about, and concerned about. Many Christians are wrestling with how they should engage the political issues.
The Bible does speak to how believers are to respond to government, by giving many principles to live by. It also deals with how God relates to government, and how that should affect our view of what happens in world government. My desire in my message is to be fair to the biblical texts, and be careful to not make assertions that are not supported by Scripture. There will be many who hear me who will be disappointed because I won't say what they hope I will say. But, as long as I am true to the Scriptures, I will be satisfied.
I will preach this message (once I get one!) this coming Sunday, October 26th.
I will post it as a blog next week some time.
Monday, October 13, 2008
This message was preached at Grace Baptist Church in Westlake, OH on Sunday, October 12, 2008. The song mentioned at the end, during the meditation time was Hold Me Jesus by Big Daddy Weave. The preparation of this message was challenging to me as I thought about what Jesus went through in order to do God's will and bring my salvation. It has caused me to be more thankful, recently, for all He has done.
Mark 14:26-65
Please turn in your Bibles to Mark 14. In the Bible in front of you, it is page 881 or 899.
Jesus used the title: Son of Man to refer to Himself 12 different times in the gospel of Mark and only once calls Himself the Christ, the Messiah. We are supposed to take not of this title and consider why it is important. Jesus was truly fully God and fully man. As a man, He would present Himself as a suffering servant, willing to give of Himself for the eternal destiny of others. He would also be the one to judge mankind in the future, ruling for 1,000 years here on Earth. But, before the glory comes the pain. This man would suffer and then die for the sins of the world.
This has major significance for us today, that Jesus was The Son of Man. And as we cover several verses this morning, that tell the story of Jesus being betrayed and falsely accused, I want us to focus in on what Jesus was going through. You will see Jesus experience intense emotions as He is left alone to suffer and die. However, there are 3 important things that stood out to me in this study, that I hope will challenge and encourage you – as we look at Jesus as The Son of Man.
In his book Quote Unquote, Lloyd Corey tells a story of a man who seemed to have everything going for him, only to have everything fall apart. A new friend of his from work called one day and said: Looks like everything is going great for you my friend. I was riding by in a taxi yesterday and saw you in a sidewalk café eating with a beautiful woman. You seem to have it made. Well, the friend said, let me share with you the reality of my life. That beautiful woman was my wife, but the furniture we were sitting in was my furniture she threw out; and she was telling me that she was leaving. Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes they are worse.
If you could have looked into the Passover meal Jesus was having with His disciples, you might have wrongly assumed: Everything is going great. There He is with His close friends, lounging around the table, eating a meal together, drinking wine, laughing. But, if you couldn’t hear the details or watch what happened next, you might not know that one of those close friends was about to betray Jesus; and the rest of them were going to abandon Him. And that Jesus was explaining that He would no longer be with them, but was going to suffer terribly and then die.
Things were worse than they looked; and Jesus, as The Son of Man, was about to experience loneliness in a way that no one else would ever match.
Mark 14:26-28 – “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. And Jesus said to them, you will all fall away, for it is written, I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered. But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.”
Right away, we are introduced to a theme connected with Jesus being the Son of Man. One reason He had to become a man is so that he could do this:
As the Son of Man: Jesus died for you
What He has been telling His followers, and what He reiterates here, is that He was going to suffer and then die, and then rise again. Consider this passage of Scripture that describes it:
I Peter 1:18,19 – “Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.”
This was Passover time. They knew the significance of a lamb’s blood being shed. Jesus was going to do this, as the Son of Man, to ransom us, redeem us, save us from our sins. As we go through these passages and the ones coming in future weeks, let this thought sink in, and let it draw you closer to Him because of it.
With the Passover meal, the tradition in singing the hymn or chanting would be to use Psalms 115-118 after the meal. I wonder if Jesus and His disciples sung or chanted Psalm 118 in this particular case. Because if they went with tradition, they may have used the following words that would have incredible significance just before Jesus was betrayed and arrested:
Please read the bold words out loud with me:
Psalm 118:6,7 – “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The LORD is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.”
Psalm 118:22-24 – “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Scholars estimate it was midnight by the time they left the upper room and headed to the western slopes of the Mount of Olives, where Gethsemane was located. And Jesus makes this strong statement and prediction: “you will all fall away.” To fall away, here, means “to take offense of, be ashamed of”. He had said during the meal that one of them would betray Him. Now, Jesus is saying the rest of the 11 that are left: all of you will fail me. What a statement!
And He uses a quote from the Old Testament prophet Zechariah to describe what would happen: “I will strike the Shepherd” (God the Father would bring suffering on Jesus Christ, His own Son; and in doing so, His followers would scatter. They would not remain with Him. Jesus is simply stating that the fact that His closest followers would run away is a prediction of prophecy. It will happen).
But, He doesn’t stop there. He then says that He would rise again, be reunited with His followers; and they were to follow His lead. Galilee was a significant place because it is where Jesus had called His followers and trained them. But, His followers couldn’t focus on the positive part of the statement; but only the negative; and they took it personally…
Mark 14:29-31 – “Peter said to him, Even though they all fall away, I will not. And Jesus said to him, Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times. But he said emphatically, If I must die with you, I will not deny you. And they all said the same.”
Peter ignores the part of Jesus rising and being reunited with them; and chooses to focus on the falling away part; and he wasn’t about to let that pass. “These losers might fail you; but not me!” And then Jesus responds: You want to know the truth Peter? You will fall harder than the rest: before the sunrise, you will deny that you even know me! Wow!
But Peter just could not accept that; even though he knew that Jesus always told the truth. He would not give in: “Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you.” And his boldness spread to the rest of the guys, and the other 10 finally spoke up: “That’s right Jesus – we are with you. We will not fail you. We will die with you if we have to!” But Jesus knew the truth. And in just a few hours from that moment, they would all do what they swore they would never do.
We will focus more on Peter next week; but this morning, we are considering the effect statements like this would have had on Jesus. Think of the situation, from a human standpoint; which is how we want to consider Jesus, as the Son of Man. Someone is coming to beat you up after school and your friends all promise to “have your back” and defeat the school bully with you. But, as the bully and his posse approaches, you look behind you and your so-called friends who promised to fight to the death (or at least the first bloody lip) are nowhere to be seen.
You are standing trial for a crime you did not commit. Your friends promise to testify on your behalf. But when threats are made against them, when the judge asks if there is anyone who will give testimony on your behalf, no one responds. You have gained support within the office for a new proposal that will mean career advancement for you; but after you share the risky proposal with your boss, the others in the room who said they would support you, are looking at you as thought they had never heard such a crazy idea in their life.
The family you grew up with, the person you married, or the life-long friend…things have happened, relationships have been splintered…pressure has been applied…and they are no longer there for you. Can you come close to imagining what Jesus was going through, as His friends, those He hand chose, were claiming complete devotion – to the death – and yet He knew they would soon run away and hide.
Mark 14:32-34 – “And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, Sit here while I pray. And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.”
In this garden like setting, Jesus said to the 11 disciples: stay here while I go and pray. He took the 3 guys that were closest to Him on further into the garden. As Jesus walks further into the garden with these 3 followers, He begins to respond bodily to what was about to take place. He became very distressed and troubled; and He even shared with these guys transparently: “I am completely overwhelmed and feel the strength of my life fading away.” “Stay here, stay alert and keep your eyes open; while I go and pray.” Jesus was feeling the full effect of what was coming.
“I am now the most miserable man living”, wrote a famous American leader. “If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on earth. To remain as I am is impossible. I must die or be better.” You may be surprised to know that the man who wrote that was Abraham Lincoln – or maybe not. In the darkest days of the Civil War, President Lincoln struggled within his soul – with the reality of his emotions because of the state of the nation. Jesus knew that pain and emotional turmoil.
Mark 14:35-36 – “And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will but what you will.”
Jesus goes a little bit further, falls prostrate on the ground and cries out to His Father: [fall on the ground] Daddy, I know you can do anything. Please, Please, if there is any other way to accomplish your will, to save mankind, than for me to go through this inevitable suffering, don’t make me experience this cup, this overflowing pain. But, daddy, I want what you want. This is not about my will, but yours. Do your will daddy. I am willing.
There is a second significant thing we learn here from Jesus:
As the Son of Man: Jesus gave you an example to follow
Another key passage that can be applied here is:
I Peter 2:21-23 – “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.”
Jesus gave His followers this example and left it for us. When things got rough, when He knew the end was near. When, as a man, he did not want to go through the needed suffering, He prayed. He cried out to God, speaking the truth of His heart. He didn’t hold anything back. He even told God the father about His own desires for His life; and how He did not want to experience what He knew He was going to experience. But, in the end, he put it in God’s care, entrusting Himself to the Father and wanting more than anything else, for God’s will to be done.
Talk to God about your will, and then commit your life to His.
I believe this is the greatest biblical example of a clear biblical principle. God wants us to share the reality of our hearts with Him. Talk to him about your marriage struggles and how you sometimes feel life giving up. Talk to him about how a lot of what he allows in your life just doesn’t make any sense. Talk to him about the circumstances in your life that you wish were different. Like David in the Psalms, talk about your disappointments. But, then, commit yourself by faith; and commit your circumstances by faith to the only One who really knows what He is doing.
Mark 14:37-40 – “And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy, and they did not know what to answer him.”
Jesus came back to His disciples, Peter, James and John – the ones that he asked to keep watch. Just one hour had passed and they were sound asleep. Jesus rebukes them, reminding them of their weakness, despite their strong statements to the contrary a little earlier. Jesus instructs them and warns them. You need to pray, depend on God’s strength, that you would not fall to temptation. Jesus knew they would be tested. He knew they would fail. He makes the statement: The spirit indeed is willing (We will go with you to the death!) but the flesh is weak (you guys just fell asleep and you are about to face incredible temptation to run away).
I don’t really think that Jesus is condemning them. In fact, I think He is getting them ready to understand that they will need God’s help to go into the future. They will need the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s purpose without Jesus’ physical presence. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promises to leave them the Holy Spirit, God’s presence, that would help them accomplish His mission.
So, after rebuking them, Jesus goes and prays some more. He comes back and guess what? They were asleep again! And they were like…[no answer] They didn’t know what to say. They were getting an early feel that what Jesus said was indeed true: their spirit was willing, but their flesh was weak. So, He gives them another chance.
Mark 14:41,42 – “And he came the third time and said to then, Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough; the hour has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand.”
Three times Peter and the other 2 failed to stay awake and pray. 3 times, very soon, Peter would deny that He even knew Christ. Let’s not leave this until we note another important example of Christ:
SO WHAT? Spend time with God, to prepare you for life’s challenges
What Jesus modeled is what the disciples failed in; and I do as well – often. But He showed us, especially in the midst of uncertainty and difficulty, now is not the time to drift from God; but it is exactly the time to run toward Him. Of course, this is a need for us every day; but like the disciples, we often get tired and try to go it on our own. If we could somehow take this from Jesus’ example, we would find a greater strength, a greater wisdom, to face the challenges of each day.
If you need some ideas on what to read, feel free to go to my blog which is listed in your bulletin, and see a daily Bible reading schedule there. Spend a few minutes reading God’s Word. Spend a few minutes talking to Him about life. Commit your day to Him. Experience His power in your life.
Jesus basically said – ok guys, its time. The Son of Man is betrayed in to the hands of sinners. What He had predicted earlier was now going to happen. He would be betrayed. Get up guys, the time has come. The rest of the disciples, no doubt, were now with them as Judas approaches.
Mark 14:43-46 – “And immediately, while he was still speaking, Judas came one of the twelve, and with him a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, The one I will kiss is the man. Seize him and lead him away under guard. And when he came, he went up to him at once and said, Rabbi! And he kissed him. And they laid hands on him and seized him.”
While Jesus was talking, Judas approached with a crowd, representatives from the Sanhedrin, made of the chief priests, scribes and elders – and their hired soldiers. They served the religious court and this was the time they chose to arrest and accuse Jesus of religious violations worthy of death. They held short hand swords and clubs to use as needed. Judas led them to the garden where he knew Jesus would be and turned Him over by calling Him Rabbi (his teacher) and kissing him. It was a common sign of respect to a teacher to kiss him on the hand or cheek; but Judas used it to betray Him.
Jesus put up no fight; giving Himself to what He had just prayed – God’s will. And this was part of it.
Mark 14:47 – “But one of those who stood by drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.”
Mark doesn’t identify him but we know, from John 18:10 that this was Peter, who, having just fallen asleep 3 times, failing to watch and pray, spontaneously decides to take matters into his own hands. As Jesus allows Himself to be arrested, Peter takes his sword and goes after Malchus (we find in parallel passages), the servant of the high priest. But all he gets is the right ear of Malchus. Peter impulsively tries to defend Jesus in the wrong way at the wrong time. When he later has the opportunity to speak up for him, he falls. Luke reports that Jesus restored Malchus’ ear and rebuked Peter for taking physical action.
Mark 14:48,49 – “And Jesus said to them, have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. But let the Scriptures be fulfilled.”
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders for coming after Him as though he was leading an uprising; as though he had come armed to rob them. They came prepared to give physical force. “Why didn’t you take me when we were together day after day in the temple? You had opportunity then.” But, Jesus points out that these things have happened to fulfill the Scriptures. So, Jesus is submitting Himself to what needs to happen. Again, in the midst of this, Jesus sets an example to follow:
SO WHAT? Embrace the circumstances God has given you
No, Jesus didn’t like the circumstances; but since He had submitted to God’s will, He now embraced them. He didn’t try to run or fight or perform a miracle (which He could have). He now addressed the circumstances as they were; and added “let the Scriptures be fulfilled.” It would be like us, finally accepting our circumstances, and saying “let God’s will be done.” You can only do that if you truly believe that God is in control and will do what is for your spiritual good (Romans 8:28).
That means that your struggling marriage is not a surprise to God; and can actually be the catalyst for your spiritual growth and God’s glory. That financial struggle you are going through doesn’t have to be seen as the end. It can be seen as what God has allowed so that you can learn to trust Him fully; and you can embrace that thought as you walk through those struggles. Fill in the blank with your struggle; and once you have committed it to God’s will and prayed through it; then see it as what God has allowed for your spiritual good –and embrace it.
So, here is a question: What will His followers do, those who just hours earlier, promised to suffer and die with Jesus if necessary? They would certainly never leave Him – right?
Mark 14:50-52 – “And they all left him and fled. And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body. And they seized him, but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked.”
Verses 51 and 52 are additions that no other gospel mentions. In fact, when I came to this passage in Mark to study, I realized that I didn’t even remember this reference being here. There is not a lot of explanation here, so we need to be careful of making too much of it. Many scholars believe that Mark, this gospel’s author, was the young man written of here. In fact, I read of how some believed Mark arrived on the scene there after Jesus was arrested in the early hours of the morning, began to follow Him and then, when confronted by the soldiers, left his sleeping garment in their hands. But, even with this strange addition to the story, the point is that everyone, even this young man determined to stay with Jesus – eventually left. We don’t know everything about why this is here; but what we do know is that it adds to the drama of that moment… of everyone leaving Jesus.
At his lowest moment as a human being, Jesus found Himself all alone. The guys who had promised a few hours before to never leave Him and go to death with Him if necessary – had changed their minds…and ran away. We probably cannot fully understand what Jesus was feeling at that moment; but we can relate to an extent. I am assuming that all of us have had those moments when we felt all alone – no one seemed to understand – no one seemed to care. But, I doubt any of our feelings of loneliness and being deserted by friends can ever come close to what Jesus experienced.
I believe there is a third key point we need to consider here. That Jesus,
As The Son of Man: Jesus understands your pain
He knows what you are going through. A key passage here to illustrate this biblical truth is:
Hebrews 4:15 – “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
Yes, He was God. No, He never sinned. However, Jesus, as the Son of Man, went through every kind of temptation and experience of pain, to a greater degree than we ever will, partly for this reason: to help us believe that He knows our pain. You can’t name anything that Jesus can’t understand. He is our high priest in heaven and He can sympathize with us on every level.
I worked with this man closely for a couple of years in ministry. We had become friends. I felt I could trust Him and I shared the reality of my life with Him – including my greatest failures. But, at the moment of greatest vulnerability, this friend, this partner in ministry, turned his back on me. He accused me falsely of things I did not do. He tried to gather support for cutting off my pay and kicking me out of the church as pastor.
I had never felt so betrayed. Yes, Teresa supported me. Yes, I had friends in ministry at that church that knew the truth and supported me. But, if you have ever been in this type of situation, it still feels lonely. It is utterly frustrating to know that lies have been spread, and the damage of rumors have been done; even though they are not true. It hurts deeply to know that one you trusted in decided to abuse your trust and fend for himself. Although I had human support around me, there was nothing like the encouragement I received from Jesus Christ.
In those dark and lonely hours, it was Jesus who really knew what I felt. It was Jesus who understood. It was God who encouraged me with truths from His Word. He lifted my spirits in a way that even my most loyal friends could not. He identified with me. He knew the whole truth. I entrusted myself to Him.
Now, plug your own pain in here. You have faced times of loneliness or betrayal in the past most likely. If you haven’t, be sure that it will come. And in those moments of pain, when everything seems wrong, when no one seems to be on your side, when it seems cloudy, dark and gray – when there seems like no way out. Remember Jesus who said that He understands. Consider what Jesus went through on His way to the cross. Let Him bear the burden of your pain; and know that all is not lost.
Now, Jesus faces his greatest fears, alone, as He faces the religious leaders, who have been plotting and strategizing for one thing – His death.
Mark 14:53 – “And they led Jesus to the high priest. And all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes came together.”
Jesus first goes before the religious authorities before He faces the political ones, who then had the power to put Him to death. The religious leaders led Jesus back to Jerusalem to the residence of the high priest, Joseph Caiaphas (Mt. 26:57). According to scholars Walvoord and Zuck:
“The 71 member Sanhedrin, including the presiding high priest, was hastily assembled in an upstairs room for a plenary night session. This was an informal trial that required a formal ratification after dawn to satisfy strict Jewish legal procedure allowing trials only in the daytime. A quorum consisted of 23 members but on this occasion the majority were probably there even though it was around 3 a.m. on a feast day.”
They would have to wait until later in the morning to get any kind of Roman trial, so for now, before opposition from the people could be raised, they needed a hasty religious trial that would somehow support their intentions of killing Jesus. They were so intent on taking this opportunity to rid themselves of Him now, that they were willing to go against their tradition by holding trial on a feast day.
Mark 14:54 – “And Peter had followed him at a distance, right in the courtyard of the high priest. And he was sitting with the guards and warming himself at the fire.”
This is interesting, that the one who spoke most boldly about staying with Jesus until the end, had decided to blend in with the crowd and try to find out what was going on. In fact, he was sitting in the courtyard near where Jesus was being tried, sitting with guards and staying warm by the fire. Mark lets us know that Peter was nearby; that although he had just fled from Jesus, he was probably trying to convince himself that he was still being loyal, as he followed from afar. Mark will get back to him later in the chapter.
Mark 14:55-59 – “Now the chief priests and the whole Council were seeking testimony against Jesus to put him to death, but they found none. For many bore false witness against him, but their testimony did not agree. And some stood up and bore false witness against him, saying, We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands. Yet even about this their testimony did not agree.”
This is really hard to believe, but it did happen. The Sanhedrin, this group of religious leaders, were looking for evidence, for testimony that would support the death sentence they had already determined in their hearts. However, they weren’t finding anything credible. There were many people eager to be the heroes and say things against Jesus; but unfortunately, they were all false and they couldn’t get witnesses to agree on anything that would stick. There were so many discrepancies that not even this group set against Jesus could take their testimonies seriously. They had to hold to the Law of Moses, where at least 2 people’s testimonies had to match up in agreement.
Finally, they had at least 2 guys who stood up and testified about a statement they said that Jesus made: “I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.” Even though their testimony did not match up here, this kind of statement was so serious that the details of accuracy didn’t matter.
Jesus had made a statement like this (John 2:19) referring to his body; but when he had made the statement, most people assumed he was talking about the actual temple structure. And that, if true, would be a major problem and issue. According to Josephus, the First Century historian, destruction of a worship place was a capital offense in the ancient world. So, if Jesus had threatened to desecrate the temple in this way, the religious leaders would see this as an assault, not only on their religion, but against God and those who worship Him in the temple. It didn’t matter, in this case, that the testimonies of this statement were still not matching up perfectly. This opened the door for Caiaphas the high priest to corner Jesus:
Mark 14:60-62 – “And the high priest stood up in the midst and asked Jesus, Have you no answer to make? What is it that these men testify against you? But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.”
The High Priest asked Jesus 2 questions in order to find accusation against Him. The first was basically this: What do you have to say about the accusations from these witnesses? What do you have to say for yourself? And Jesus was silent. This, of course, is in keeping with the prophecy from:
Isaiah 53:7- “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.”
When it came to false accusations and much of the injustice thrown at Jesus, He did not answer them; but allowed for it to happen. It fulfilled prophecy and proved that Jesus was the suffering servant, the silent lamb, here to be sacrificed for the sins of the world. But, then the high priest asks a direct 2nd question, and Jesus was willing to answer it directly.
The question: Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? What is he really asking? Since Christ was a reference to the promised Messiah, prophesied from the Old Testament as the One who would be sent by God to save His people from their sins; and since Blessed or Blessed One here is a reference to God the Father, He is asking this:
Are you truly the One sent by God to be our Messiah, our Savior? And Jesus answered directly: I am. In saying this, He was not only confirming Himself to be the promised Messiah, but He is using the same words He used in another context to identify Himself with God, and as God. I am brings back memories for the Jewish people of the time when God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and when Moses asked God about what whom he should say sent him, God answered: I AM has sent you. When Jesus used this phrase: I am, He was also identifying Himself as God, who had no beginning and no ending. He also, was God the Son, and as such, was sent by God the Father to accomplish this mission.
Jesus continued on to say that they would know this for sure one day when they were judged by Him. He was not trying to say that this crowd would necessary see all of this take place (we know they didn’t); but that future Jews would see it, and all of those there that rejected Jesus would see Him judge them one day, after they were resurrected. On that day, those judging Jesus now would be judged by Him; and then they would know the truth: He was the promised Messiah. The Bible tells us that all people, even non-believers will one day recognize this and respond:
Philippians 2:10,11 – “So that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Mark 14:63-65 – “And the high priest tore his garments and said, What further witnesses do we need? You have heard his blasphemy. What is your decision? And they all condemned him as deserving death. And some began to spit on him and to cover his face and to strike him, saying to him, Prophesy! And the guards received him with blows.”
That was all the High Priest needed to hear. In tearing his inner garments, he was showing that what Jesus just said was blasphemy. In his opinion, Jesus was dishonoring God by claiming to be sent by Him and claiming His powers. So, the high priest, in a demonstrative way, urged the Sanhedrin court to make their decision, even though all of the witnesses had been contradictory. “You have heard Him blaspheme with your own ears. We don’t need any more witnesses. Find Him guilty now and give him the death penalty. And that is exactly what they did.
Some who were there felt free to begin abusing Jesus, by spitting on him (what could be more degrading?), and hitting him. The mocking began as well. They would cover his eyes, have someone hit him; and then ask: So, tell us, great prophet – who was it that hit you? The suffering, that Jesus knew was coming, that He had prayed for God to remove Him from, had begun in full force. And it would get worse.
I’m going to let you determine that. You have heard the message. You have read and listened to God’s Word. You have seen some of the biblical principles illustrated here; and you have heard my suggestions on how to apply it. Now, you determine, as you pray, what specifically are you supposed to do in response to God’s Word this morning. That is what you can write down. That is what you can discuss tonight in life group.
Take this time, as the song plays, to consider your response.
Mark 14:26-65
Please turn in your Bibles to Mark 14. In the Bible in front of you, it is page 881 or 899.
Jesus used the title: Son of Man to refer to Himself 12 different times in the gospel of Mark and only once calls Himself the Christ, the Messiah. We are supposed to take not of this title and consider why it is important. Jesus was truly fully God and fully man. As a man, He would present Himself as a suffering servant, willing to give of Himself for the eternal destiny of others. He would also be the one to judge mankind in the future, ruling for 1,000 years here on Earth. But, before the glory comes the pain. This man would suffer and then die for the sins of the world.
This has major significance for us today, that Jesus was The Son of Man. And as we cover several verses this morning, that tell the story of Jesus being betrayed and falsely accused, I want us to focus in on what Jesus was going through. You will see Jesus experience intense emotions as He is left alone to suffer and die. However, there are 3 important things that stood out to me in this study, that I hope will challenge and encourage you – as we look at Jesus as The Son of Man.
In his book Quote Unquote, Lloyd Corey tells a story of a man who seemed to have everything going for him, only to have everything fall apart. A new friend of his from work called one day and said: Looks like everything is going great for you my friend. I was riding by in a taxi yesterday and saw you in a sidewalk café eating with a beautiful woman. You seem to have it made. Well, the friend said, let me share with you the reality of my life. That beautiful woman was my wife, but the furniture we were sitting in was my furniture she threw out; and she was telling me that she was leaving. Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes they are worse.
If you could have looked into the Passover meal Jesus was having with His disciples, you might have wrongly assumed: Everything is going great. There He is with His close friends, lounging around the table, eating a meal together, drinking wine, laughing. But, if you couldn’t hear the details or watch what happened next, you might not know that one of those close friends was about to betray Jesus; and the rest of them were going to abandon Him. And that Jesus was explaining that He would no longer be with them, but was going to suffer terribly and then die.
Things were worse than they looked; and Jesus, as The Son of Man, was about to experience loneliness in a way that no one else would ever match.
Mark 14:26-28 – “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. And Jesus said to them, you will all fall away, for it is written, I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered. But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.”
Right away, we are introduced to a theme connected with Jesus being the Son of Man. One reason He had to become a man is so that he could do this:
As the Son of Man: Jesus died for you
What He has been telling His followers, and what He reiterates here, is that He was going to suffer and then die, and then rise again. Consider this passage of Scripture that describes it:
I Peter 1:18,19 – “Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.”
This was Passover time. They knew the significance of a lamb’s blood being shed. Jesus was going to do this, as the Son of Man, to ransom us, redeem us, save us from our sins. As we go through these passages and the ones coming in future weeks, let this thought sink in, and let it draw you closer to Him because of it.
With the Passover meal, the tradition in singing the hymn or chanting would be to use Psalms 115-118 after the meal. I wonder if Jesus and His disciples sung or chanted Psalm 118 in this particular case. Because if they went with tradition, they may have used the following words that would have incredible significance just before Jesus was betrayed and arrested:
Please read the bold words out loud with me:
Psalm 118:6,7 – “The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The LORD is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.”
Psalm 118:22-24 – “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Scholars estimate it was midnight by the time they left the upper room and headed to the western slopes of the Mount of Olives, where Gethsemane was located. And Jesus makes this strong statement and prediction: “you will all fall away.” To fall away, here, means “to take offense of, be ashamed of”. He had said during the meal that one of them would betray Him. Now, Jesus is saying the rest of the 11 that are left: all of you will fail me. What a statement!
And He uses a quote from the Old Testament prophet Zechariah to describe what would happen: “I will strike the Shepherd” (God the Father would bring suffering on Jesus Christ, His own Son; and in doing so, His followers would scatter. They would not remain with Him. Jesus is simply stating that the fact that His closest followers would run away is a prediction of prophecy. It will happen).
But, He doesn’t stop there. He then says that He would rise again, be reunited with His followers; and they were to follow His lead. Galilee was a significant place because it is where Jesus had called His followers and trained them. But, His followers couldn’t focus on the positive part of the statement; but only the negative; and they took it personally…
Mark 14:29-31 – “Peter said to him, Even though they all fall away, I will not. And Jesus said to him, Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times. But he said emphatically, If I must die with you, I will not deny you. And they all said the same.”
Peter ignores the part of Jesus rising and being reunited with them; and chooses to focus on the falling away part; and he wasn’t about to let that pass. “These losers might fail you; but not me!” And then Jesus responds: You want to know the truth Peter? You will fall harder than the rest: before the sunrise, you will deny that you even know me! Wow!
But Peter just could not accept that; even though he knew that Jesus always told the truth. He would not give in: “Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you.” And his boldness spread to the rest of the guys, and the other 10 finally spoke up: “That’s right Jesus – we are with you. We will not fail you. We will die with you if we have to!” But Jesus knew the truth. And in just a few hours from that moment, they would all do what they swore they would never do.
We will focus more on Peter next week; but this morning, we are considering the effect statements like this would have had on Jesus. Think of the situation, from a human standpoint; which is how we want to consider Jesus, as the Son of Man. Someone is coming to beat you up after school and your friends all promise to “have your back” and defeat the school bully with you. But, as the bully and his posse approaches, you look behind you and your so-called friends who promised to fight to the death (or at least the first bloody lip) are nowhere to be seen.
You are standing trial for a crime you did not commit. Your friends promise to testify on your behalf. But when threats are made against them, when the judge asks if there is anyone who will give testimony on your behalf, no one responds. You have gained support within the office for a new proposal that will mean career advancement for you; but after you share the risky proposal with your boss, the others in the room who said they would support you, are looking at you as thought they had never heard such a crazy idea in their life.
The family you grew up with, the person you married, or the life-long friend…things have happened, relationships have been splintered…pressure has been applied…and they are no longer there for you. Can you come close to imagining what Jesus was going through, as His friends, those He hand chose, were claiming complete devotion – to the death – and yet He knew they would soon run away and hide.
Mark 14:32-34 – “And they went to a place called Gethsemane. And he said to his disciples, Sit here while I pray. And he took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly distressed and troubled. And he said to them, My soul is very sorrowful, even to death. Remain here and watch.”
In this garden like setting, Jesus said to the 11 disciples: stay here while I go and pray. He took the 3 guys that were closest to Him on further into the garden. As Jesus walks further into the garden with these 3 followers, He begins to respond bodily to what was about to take place. He became very distressed and troubled; and He even shared with these guys transparently: “I am completely overwhelmed and feel the strength of my life fading away.” “Stay here, stay alert and keep your eyes open; while I go and pray.” Jesus was feeling the full effect of what was coming.
“I am now the most miserable man living”, wrote a famous American leader. “If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on earth. To remain as I am is impossible. I must die or be better.” You may be surprised to know that the man who wrote that was Abraham Lincoln – or maybe not. In the darkest days of the Civil War, President Lincoln struggled within his soul – with the reality of his emotions because of the state of the nation. Jesus knew that pain and emotional turmoil.
Mark 14:35-36 – “And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will but what you will.”
Jesus goes a little bit further, falls prostrate on the ground and cries out to His Father: [fall on the ground] Daddy, I know you can do anything. Please, Please, if there is any other way to accomplish your will, to save mankind, than for me to go through this inevitable suffering, don’t make me experience this cup, this overflowing pain. But, daddy, I want what you want. This is not about my will, but yours. Do your will daddy. I am willing.
There is a second significant thing we learn here from Jesus:
As the Son of Man: Jesus gave you an example to follow
Another key passage that can be applied here is:
I Peter 2:21-23 – “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.”
Jesus gave His followers this example and left it for us. When things got rough, when He knew the end was near. When, as a man, he did not want to go through the needed suffering, He prayed. He cried out to God, speaking the truth of His heart. He didn’t hold anything back. He even told God the father about His own desires for His life; and how He did not want to experience what He knew He was going to experience. But, in the end, he put it in God’s care, entrusting Himself to the Father and wanting more than anything else, for God’s will to be done.
Talk to God about your will, and then commit your life to His.
I believe this is the greatest biblical example of a clear biblical principle. God wants us to share the reality of our hearts with Him. Talk to him about your marriage struggles and how you sometimes feel life giving up. Talk to him about how a lot of what he allows in your life just doesn’t make any sense. Talk to him about the circumstances in your life that you wish were different. Like David in the Psalms, talk about your disappointments. But, then, commit yourself by faith; and commit your circumstances by faith to the only One who really knows what He is doing.
Mark 14:37-40 – “And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words. And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy, and they did not know what to answer him.”
Jesus came back to His disciples, Peter, James and John – the ones that he asked to keep watch. Just one hour had passed and they were sound asleep. Jesus rebukes them, reminding them of their weakness, despite their strong statements to the contrary a little earlier. Jesus instructs them and warns them. You need to pray, depend on God’s strength, that you would not fall to temptation. Jesus knew they would be tested. He knew they would fail. He makes the statement: The spirit indeed is willing (We will go with you to the death!) but the flesh is weak (you guys just fell asleep and you are about to face incredible temptation to run away).
I don’t really think that Jesus is condemning them. In fact, I think He is getting them ready to understand that they will need God’s help to go into the future. They will need the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s purpose without Jesus’ physical presence. In Acts 1:8, Jesus promises to leave them the Holy Spirit, God’s presence, that would help them accomplish His mission.
So, after rebuking them, Jesus goes and prays some more. He comes back and guess what? They were asleep again! And they were like…[no answer] They didn’t know what to say. They were getting an early feel that what Jesus said was indeed true: their spirit was willing, but their flesh was weak. So, He gives them another chance.
Mark 14:41,42 – “And he came the third time and said to then, Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough; the hour has come. The Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going; see, my betrayer is at hand.”
Three times Peter and the other 2 failed to stay awake and pray. 3 times, very soon, Peter would deny that He even knew Christ. Let’s not leave this until we note another important example of Christ:
SO WHAT? Spend time with God, to prepare you for life’s challenges
What Jesus modeled is what the disciples failed in; and I do as well – often. But He showed us, especially in the midst of uncertainty and difficulty, now is not the time to drift from God; but it is exactly the time to run toward Him. Of course, this is a need for us every day; but like the disciples, we often get tired and try to go it on our own. If we could somehow take this from Jesus’ example, we would find a greater strength, a greater wisdom, to face the challenges of each day.
If you need some ideas on what to read, feel free to go to my blog which is listed in your bulletin, and see a daily Bible reading schedule there. Spend a few minutes reading God’s Word. Spend a few minutes talking to Him about life. Commit your day to Him. Experience His power in your life.
Jesus basically said – ok guys, its time. The Son of Man is betrayed in to the hands of sinners. What He had predicted earlier was now going to happen. He would be betrayed. Get up guys, the time has come. The rest of the disciples, no doubt, were now with them as Judas approaches.
Mark 14:43-46 – “And immediately, while he was still speaking, Judas came one of the twelve, and with him a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, The one I will kiss is the man. Seize him and lead him away under guard. And when he came, he went up to him at once and said, Rabbi! And he kissed him. And they laid hands on him and seized him.”
While Jesus was talking, Judas approached with a crowd, representatives from the Sanhedrin, made of the chief priests, scribes and elders – and their hired soldiers. They served the religious court and this was the time they chose to arrest and accuse Jesus of religious violations worthy of death. They held short hand swords and clubs to use as needed. Judas led them to the garden where he knew Jesus would be and turned Him over by calling Him Rabbi (his teacher) and kissing him. It was a common sign of respect to a teacher to kiss him on the hand or cheek; but Judas used it to betray Him.
Jesus put up no fight; giving Himself to what He had just prayed – God’s will. And this was part of it.
Mark 14:47 – “But one of those who stood by drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.”
Mark doesn’t identify him but we know, from John 18:10 that this was Peter, who, having just fallen asleep 3 times, failing to watch and pray, spontaneously decides to take matters into his own hands. As Jesus allows Himself to be arrested, Peter takes his sword and goes after Malchus (we find in parallel passages), the servant of the high priest. But all he gets is the right ear of Malchus. Peter impulsively tries to defend Jesus in the wrong way at the wrong time. When he later has the opportunity to speak up for him, he falls. Luke reports that Jesus restored Malchus’ ear and rebuked Peter for taking physical action.
Mark 14:48,49 – “And Jesus said to them, have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. But let the Scriptures be fulfilled.”
Jesus rebuked the religious leaders for coming after Him as though he was leading an uprising; as though he had come armed to rob them. They came prepared to give physical force. “Why didn’t you take me when we were together day after day in the temple? You had opportunity then.” But, Jesus points out that these things have happened to fulfill the Scriptures. So, Jesus is submitting Himself to what needs to happen. Again, in the midst of this, Jesus sets an example to follow:
SO WHAT? Embrace the circumstances God has given you
No, Jesus didn’t like the circumstances; but since He had submitted to God’s will, He now embraced them. He didn’t try to run or fight or perform a miracle (which He could have). He now addressed the circumstances as they were; and added “let the Scriptures be fulfilled.” It would be like us, finally accepting our circumstances, and saying “let God’s will be done.” You can only do that if you truly believe that God is in control and will do what is for your spiritual good (Romans 8:28).
That means that your struggling marriage is not a surprise to God; and can actually be the catalyst for your spiritual growth and God’s glory. That financial struggle you are going through doesn’t have to be seen as the end. It can be seen as what God has allowed so that you can learn to trust Him fully; and you can embrace that thought as you walk through those struggles. Fill in the blank with your struggle; and once you have committed it to God’s will and prayed through it; then see it as what God has allowed for your spiritual good –and embrace it.
So, here is a question: What will His followers do, those who just hours earlier, promised to suffer and die with Jesus if necessary? They would certainly never leave Him – right?
Mark 14:50-52 – “And they all left him and fled. And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body. And they seized him, but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked.”
Verses 51 and 52 are additions that no other gospel mentions. In fact, when I came to this passage in Mark to study, I realized that I didn’t even remember this reference being here. There is not a lot of explanation here, so we need to be careful of making too much of it. Many scholars believe that Mark, this gospel’s author, was the young man written of here. In fact, I read of how some believed Mark arrived on the scene there after Jesus was arrested in the early hours of the morning, began to follow Him and then, when confronted by the soldiers, left his sleeping garment in their hands. But, even with this strange addition to the story, the point is that everyone, even this young man determined to stay with Jesus – eventually left. We don’t know everything about why this is here; but what we do know is that it adds to the drama of that moment… of everyone leaving Jesus.
At his lowest moment as a human being, Jesus found Himself all alone. The guys who had promised a few hours before to never leave Him and go to death with Him if necessary – had changed their minds…and ran away. We probably cannot fully understand what Jesus was feeling at that moment; but we can relate to an extent. I am assuming that all of us have had those moments when we felt all alone – no one seemed to understand – no one seemed to care. But, I doubt any of our feelings of loneliness and being deserted by friends can ever come close to what Jesus experienced.
I believe there is a third key point we need to consider here. That Jesus,
As The Son of Man: Jesus understands your pain
He knows what you are going through. A key passage here to illustrate this biblical truth is:
Hebrews 4:15 – “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
Yes, He was God. No, He never sinned. However, Jesus, as the Son of Man, went through every kind of temptation and experience of pain, to a greater degree than we ever will, partly for this reason: to help us believe that He knows our pain. You can’t name anything that Jesus can’t understand. He is our high priest in heaven and He can sympathize with us on every level.
I worked with this man closely for a couple of years in ministry. We had become friends. I felt I could trust Him and I shared the reality of my life with Him – including my greatest failures. But, at the moment of greatest vulnerability, this friend, this partner in ministry, turned his back on me. He accused me falsely of things I did not do. He tried to gather support for cutting off my pay and kicking me out of the church as pastor.
I had never felt so betrayed. Yes, Teresa supported me. Yes, I had friends in ministry at that church that knew the truth and supported me. But, if you have ever been in this type of situation, it still feels lonely. It is utterly frustrating to know that lies have been spread, and the damage of rumors have been done; even though they are not true. It hurts deeply to know that one you trusted in decided to abuse your trust and fend for himself. Although I had human support around me, there was nothing like the encouragement I received from Jesus Christ.
In those dark and lonely hours, it was Jesus who really knew what I felt. It was Jesus who understood. It was God who encouraged me with truths from His Word. He lifted my spirits in a way that even my most loyal friends could not. He identified with me. He knew the whole truth. I entrusted myself to Him.
Now, plug your own pain in here. You have faced times of loneliness or betrayal in the past most likely. If you haven’t, be sure that it will come. And in those moments of pain, when everything seems wrong, when no one seems to be on your side, when it seems cloudy, dark and gray – when there seems like no way out. Remember Jesus who said that He understands. Consider what Jesus went through on His way to the cross. Let Him bear the burden of your pain; and know that all is not lost.
Now, Jesus faces his greatest fears, alone, as He faces the religious leaders, who have been plotting and strategizing for one thing – His death.
Mark 14:53 – “And they led Jesus to the high priest. And all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes came together.”
Jesus first goes before the religious authorities before He faces the political ones, who then had the power to put Him to death. The religious leaders led Jesus back to Jerusalem to the residence of the high priest, Joseph Caiaphas (Mt. 26:57). According to scholars Walvoord and Zuck:
“The 71 member Sanhedrin, including the presiding high priest, was hastily assembled in an upstairs room for a plenary night session. This was an informal trial that required a formal ratification after dawn to satisfy strict Jewish legal procedure allowing trials only in the daytime. A quorum consisted of 23 members but on this occasion the majority were probably there even though it was around 3 a.m. on a feast day.”
They would have to wait until later in the morning to get any kind of Roman trial, so for now, before opposition from the people could be raised, they needed a hasty religious trial that would somehow support their intentions of killing Jesus. They were so intent on taking this opportunity to rid themselves of Him now, that they were willing to go against their tradition by holding trial on a feast day.
Mark 14:54 – “And Peter had followed him at a distance, right in the courtyard of the high priest. And he was sitting with the guards and warming himself at the fire.”
This is interesting, that the one who spoke most boldly about staying with Jesus until the end, had decided to blend in with the crowd and try to find out what was going on. In fact, he was sitting in the courtyard near where Jesus was being tried, sitting with guards and staying warm by the fire. Mark lets us know that Peter was nearby; that although he had just fled from Jesus, he was probably trying to convince himself that he was still being loyal, as he followed from afar. Mark will get back to him later in the chapter.
Mark 14:55-59 – “Now the chief priests and the whole Council were seeking testimony against Jesus to put him to death, but they found none. For many bore false witness against him, but their testimony did not agree. And some stood up and bore false witness against him, saying, We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands. Yet even about this their testimony did not agree.”
This is really hard to believe, but it did happen. The Sanhedrin, this group of religious leaders, were looking for evidence, for testimony that would support the death sentence they had already determined in their hearts. However, they weren’t finding anything credible. There were many people eager to be the heroes and say things against Jesus; but unfortunately, they were all false and they couldn’t get witnesses to agree on anything that would stick. There were so many discrepancies that not even this group set against Jesus could take their testimonies seriously. They had to hold to the Law of Moses, where at least 2 people’s testimonies had to match up in agreement.
Finally, they had at least 2 guys who stood up and testified about a statement they said that Jesus made: “I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.” Even though their testimony did not match up here, this kind of statement was so serious that the details of accuracy didn’t matter.
Jesus had made a statement like this (John 2:19) referring to his body; but when he had made the statement, most people assumed he was talking about the actual temple structure. And that, if true, would be a major problem and issue. According to Josephus, the First Century historian, destruction of a worship place was a capital offense in the ancient world. So, if Jesus had threatened to desecrate the temple in this way, the religious leaders would see this as an assault, not only on their religion, but against God and those who worship Him in the temple. It didn’t matter, in this case, that the testimonies of this statement were still not matching up perfectly. This opened the door for Caiaphas the high priest to corner Jesus:
Mark 14:60-62 – “And the high priest stood up in the midst and asked Jesus, Have you no answer to make? What is it that these men testify against you? But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.”
The High Priest asked Jesus 2 questions in order to find accusation against Him. The first was basically this: What do you have to say about the accusations from these witnesses? What do you have to say for yourself? And Jesus was silent. This, of course, is in keeping with the prophecy from:
Isaiah 53:7- “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.”
When it came to false accusations and much of the injustice thrown at Jesus, He did not answer them; but allowed for it to happen. It fulfilled prophecy and proved that Jesus was the suffering servant, the silent lamb, here to be sacrificed for the sins of the world. But, then the high priest asks a direct 2nd question, and Jesus was willing to answer it directly.
The question: Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? What is he really asking? Since Christ was a reference to the promised Messiah, prophesied from the Old Testament as the One who would be sent by God to save His people from their sins; and since Blessed or Blessed One here is a reference to God the Father, He is asking this:
Are you truly the One sent by God to be our Messiah, our Savior? And Jesus answered directly: I am. In saying this, He was not only confirming Himself to be the promised Messiah, but He is using the same words He used in another context to identify Himself with God, and as God. I am brings back memories for the Jewish people of the time when God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and when Moses asked God about what whom he should say sent him, God answered: I AM has sent you. When Jesus used this phrase: I am, He was also identifying Himself as God, who had no beginning and no ending. He also, was God the Son, and as such, was sent by God the Father to accomplish this mission.
Jesus continued on to say that they would know this for sure one day when they were judged by Him. He was not trying to say that this crowd would necessary see all of this take place (we know they didn’t); but that future Jews would see it, and all of those there that rejected Jesus would see Him judge them one day, after they were resurrected. On that day, those judging Jesus now would be judged by Him; and then they would know the truth: He was the promised Messiah. The Bible tells us that all people, even non-believers will one day recognize this and respond:
Philippians 2:10,11 – “So that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Mark 14:63-65 – “And the high priest tore his garments and said, What further witnesses do we need? You have heard his blasphemy. What is your decision? And they all condemned him as deserving death. And some began to spit on him and to cover his face and to strike him, saying to him, Prophesy! And the guards received him with blows.”
That was all the High Priest needed to hear. In tearing his inner garments, he was showing that what Jesus just said was blasphemy. In his opinion, Jesus was dishonoring God by claiming to be sent by Him and claiming His powers. So, the high priest, in a demonstrative way, urged the Sanhedrin court to make their decision, even though all of the witnesses had been contradictory. “You have heard Him blaspheme with your own ears. We don’t need any more witnesses. Find Him guilty now and give him the death penalty. And that is exactly what they did.
Some who were there felt free to begin abusing Jesus, by spitting on him (what could be more degrading?), and hitting him. The mocking began as well. They would cover his eyes, have someone hit him; and then ask: So, tell us, great prophet – who was it that hit you? The suffering, that Jesus knew was coming, that He had prayed for God to remove Him from, had begun in full force. And it would get worse.
I’m going to let you determine that. You have heard the message. You have read and listened to God’s Word. You have seen some of the biblical principles illustrated here; and you have heard my suggestions on how to apply it. Now, you determine, as you pray, what specifically are you supposed to do in response to God’s Word this morning. That is what you can write down. That is what you can discuss tonight in life group.
Take this time, as the song plays, to consider your response.
Monday, October 6, 2008
This message was preached on September 28, 2008 at Grace Baptist Church in Westlake, OH. As I preach through Mark, it was the toughest passage I had to preach. The commentators all agreed that is one of the most difficult passages to interpret in the New Testament. I say Amen to that. So, I gave it to God and did the best I could. It ended up being an encouragement to my own heart and a great challenge to my life as well.
Mark 13
Please open your Bible to Mark 13. In the Bible in front of you, it is page 879 or 897.
Commentator William Barclay says it at the beginning of his statements on Mark chapter 13: “Mark 13 is one of the most difficult chapters in the New Testament for a reader to understand.” And I would agree with him. He continues: “That is because it is one of the most Jewish chapters in the Bible. From beginning to end it is thinking in terms of Jewish history and Jewish ideas. All through it Jesus is using categories and pictures which were very familiar to the Jews of his day, but which are very strange, and indeed, unknown to many modern readers.” So, as we face this challenge together, this morning, let’s pray.
The first thing we need to do is give you a future event context to put Mark chapter 13 into. If you have your outline from your bulletin, please take it out and look on the backside of it. At the top, you see the words: The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25). Mark chapter 13 is a parallel passage to Matthew 24,25, as Jesus is speaking on the Mount of Olives. So, this chart before you gives a biblical future timeline, in which you can put the context of what we are reading in Mark 13.
We are currently in what is called “The Church Age”. Near the beginning of this frame of time, you see the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70. That will play a prominent role in today’s passages. The Church age will end when the Rapture occurs. The Rapture is described in I Thessalonians 4 as the moment that could happen at any time. A trumpet will sound, Jesus will come to the clouds, and all of the true believers still living will rise to meet Jesus in the air; and go to Heaven to be with Him.
That event will bring in the next future time frame, referred to in the Bible as The Tribulation period, which will last for 7 years. The final 3.5 years of that period is sometimes referred to as the Great Tribulation because it is when the most intense suffering will take place for all who are on Earth. There will be people saved during the Tribulation time and they will be persecuted for their new faith. We will be reading about this in these passages.
And then, just as the next time period begins, The Millennium, which is the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth, you see “Christ’s Glorious Appearing”. That is often referred to as the Second Advent or the Second Coming of Christ (Christ came first, as He was born in Bethlehem; and now, He will not just come to the clouds, as He did for the Rapture; but He will come all the way down to where man dwells, to set up His 1,000 reign). This event of the 2nd coming is also highlighted in Mark 13.
I hold in my hand an article that I have kept for 16 years now. The headline reads: RAPTURE: October 28, 1992. JESUS IS COMING IN THE AIR. This article then goes on to describe why they knew the Rapture would happen on this date. Quote: “This prophetic message did not come from men nor any other wrong vision. Many testimonies and signs prove that it is really the revelation of the Holy Spirit.”
And yet, October 28, 1992 came and went – without the Rapture.
The end of the World has always been a popular topic, for preachers, as well as writers and movie producers. Everyone seems to be interested in it. Everyone has questions about it. And the big question is normally this: When will the world end? Jesus’ closest followers were no different.
Mark 13:1,2 – “And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings! And Jesus said to him, Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”
Jesus talks to them about the things He wants them to know about the future. These things will bring incredible changes, as well as bring into play the events predicted in the Bible. Some of these events would be seen by those hearing Jesus. Other events would be experienced by future Jewish readers. The first event Jesus predicts is this:
The Temple will be destroyed (1,2)
They are leaving the temple area, and one of the disciples makes a comment about how incredible the buildings were. You need to understand, that the temple structures were not just buildings to people; they were a representation of the presence of God; and gave the people security and pride. The temple complex was huge, with forty foot high columns, 18 feet wide. According to the First Century historian, Josephus, the temple would become known as an architectural wonder of the ancient world. It was built with large white stones, polished and generously decorated with gold.But, Jesus then says: “Do you see these great buildings? They are all coming down.” That’s exactly what happened - in 70 A.D. when the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem. The temple represented that God’s presence, in power and majesty, was with His people. So, the destruction of the Temple was judgment for rejecting Jesus, even as the same thing happened hundreds of years earlier when God judged the Jewish nation, sending them to Babylon and destroying the Temple.
To the Jewish people, who knew the Old Testament prophecies, they felt that if the temple was destroyed, then all the end time events would take place right away; even including the Messiah coming to set up His Kingdom. So, this prediction from Jesus so disturbed His disciples, that they looked for an opportunity to ask Him for more details. It wasn’t just about the temple, in their minds; but this would signify the time they had been waiting for; when Jesus would come and take over the rule on Earth.
Mark 13:3,4 – “And as he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?”
They ask 2 questions here: When will the destruction of the temple (and thereby the rest of the future events) take place? And secondly: What will be the sign that these things are about to be fulfilled? As they sit on the Mount of Olives, they can see the temple across the valley. Jesus begins by answering the 2nd question first: Another thing Jesus says will happen in the future, as these events begin to unfold:
There will be false signs of the end (5-8)
That is: Jesus is going to talk about things that would happen in their day and ours, that will make people falsely assume the end has come. First, Jesus says there will be:
· False Christs
Mark 13:5,6 – “And Jesus began to say to them, See that no one leads you astray. Many will come in my name, saying, I am he! And they will lead many astray.”
Here in verse 5, Jesus begins a theme that will run throughout these passages: Be on the look out! Be on your guard. Watch out! Don’t let anyone deceive you, He says. There will be many people who will come and claim to be the promised Messiah. They will try to take my place. They will arise in times of crises, and people will try to put them in a position that only I can fulfill. And…they will attract many followers; and lead them to destruction.
You probably know that this didn’t just take place in the days of the disciples. Even within the last 30 years, we have seen examples of this:
· In 1978 the Reverend Jim Jones, claiming to be the reincarnation of Christ, moved from the US to South Africa with his followers. On November 18, 1978, he ordered his followers to drink from a tub of grape-flavored Fla-Vor-Aid laced with potassium cyanide and tranquilizers. All 900 plus people died.
· I have another article here, an advertisement that appeared in the New York Times on April 25, 1982. The beginning lines read: The world has had enough…of hunger, injustice, war. In answer to our call for help, as world teacher for all humanity (and then the huge headline): THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE. And the ad goes on to describe (very generally of course) the fact they believe that the Messiah had come back to set up His Kingdom in the coming 20 years (by 2002).
· David Koresh, the cult leader of the Branch Dividians at Waco, Texas, claimed to be Jesus Christ. On April 19, 1993 he refused to surrender to the FBI and the ATF and around 90 people died in a fire at the compound.
· On March 26, 1997, 39 members of “Heaven’s Gate” cult decided to “shed their containers” and board spacecraft hiding in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet. This resulted in a mass suicide of 21 women and 18 men, ages 26 to 72.
Many other false religions have begun, since the time Jesus said these words, where people claimed have special revelation from God, that they alone had the truth; and then they attracted followers. Today, there are religions that count millions of people as disciples, who decided to believe the words of a man who claimed to come from God. Jesus continues to warn His followers and us about the false signs of the end. And another of those warnings is about:
· International destruction and pain
Mark 13:7,8 – “And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. This must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. These are but the beginning of the birth pains.”
Jesus was warning them not to get carried away with the so-called “signs of the times” that would be continual. He assured them that they would hear about battles that were close and battles in far-away places. However, that did not mean the end had arrived. Yes, Jesus said: nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes and famines; but this is just the beginning.
All of these things are going to happen with sinful people living on this Earth; but they don’t mean that the end of this age and the establishment of God’s rule on earth is here. It is still to come, Jesus said.
He uses the idea of birth pains, that time just before a woman gives birth, to describe this period of time, this age, that comes with great human pain that happens with wars, earthquakes and famines. In this case, however, we are talking thousands of years of birth pains, unlike our human experience with giving birth. Keep in mind here what the Bible says about the huge difference between how we see history and time and God’s perspective:
II Peter 3:8 – “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
It is important, as we study end things described in the Bible, that we keep in mind that God’s perspective of time is different and complete; whereas we interpret everything according to what we are seeing in our very short time here on the Earth.
Every generation of people will experience these pains (wars, famines, earthquakes); and it all points ahead to the time when the end will come, and Jesus will return to set up His Kingdom. Jesus then warns His followers, that over all of the years to come of these pains, before the end, His followers were going to experience suffering.
There will be suffering for the followers of Christ (9-13)
Mark 13:9,10 – “But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them. And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.”
Those that heard Jesus’ words would experience this suffering (read about it in the book of Acts). Those of us living in the Church Age some 2,000 years later hear of this kind of suffering. And those who will be saved during the Tribulation period will experience this kind of suffering. But, it is all connected to spreading the gospel: the good news of Jesus Christ. God has used this kind of suffering, and will in the future, to proclaim the truth of who Jesus is; and the salvation He offers.
And also keep in mind, that just a few days after Jesus spoke these words, He Himself would be beaten and whipped and murdered, for speaking the truth about who He was. If God in the flesh was going to be rejected and suffer, then you can be sure, Jesus said, that His followers would.
In fact, that remains true today. The Apostle Paul, who would be persecuted himself, wrote this in the Word of God:
II Peter 3:12 – “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
They experienced that in the First Century. And even though, we who are believers here in America do not experience it to this extent, this type of suffering is going on throughout the world, even today. If you want to keep up to date on this constant spiritual battle, and pray more effectively, you can keep up to date, through ministries such as: Voice of the Martyrs
For example, just a few years ago in Indonesia, 3 Christian girls were attacked and then beheaded by professing muslims who targeted Christians. These are not isolated events; and they are all a part of the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy. However, don’t lose sight of this: Jesus said these that are being persecuted are those who are bearing witness of the truth. In fact, He said: the gospel must be proclaimed to all the nations.
A part of God’s overall plan does include the suffering of His servants. However, this all brings glory to God because it brings the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. It is God’s goal that we would proclaim salvation through Jesus Christ alone to everyone. That is why Jesus left His followers with these words:
Acts 1:8 – “…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
John Piper, in his book: Don’t Waste Your Life, encourages us, today, to think and pray for the people in places that still need to hear the gospel:
He writes: “Think about the people in places like:
· Libya with its six million people and perhaps ten indigenous believers
· Bhutan, a hermit Buddhist kingdom in the Himalayas, cut off from Christian witness for millennia with only a handful of indigenous believers among its two and a half million people.
· The Maldives, off the southwest coast of India, and one of the most closed countries on earth.
· North Korea, a pariah nation gradually starving to death under its crazed Communist leadership, with no open witness or church life for fifty years.
· Saudi Arabia, the headquarters of Islam where Saudi believers, if found, are executed.
· India, perhaps the greatest challenge of all, with its vast Ganges plains that contains the greatest concentration of un-evangelized people in the world.
· Turkey, the secular, mainly Muslim state with an ongoing Christian witness of only 3,000 believers out of 70,000,000 people.”
Of course, taking the gospel to all places in the world does not guarantee that it will be accepted.
Mark 13:11,12 – “And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit. And brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death.”
There will be suffering. People will turn on their own family members who have turned to Jesus Christ; even having them killed. This sounds impossible; but it is happening in our world, even today. But, in the midst of all the persecution God’s people would go through, He also promised that the Holy Spirit would be with them, to help them know what to say. It didn’t mean that they would escape more persecution or death, but it meant that God’s presence would be with them throughout the suffering. And then Jesus gives the bottom line:
Mark 13:13 – “And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”
Jesus is saying that you will be hated by all kinds of people, not just the hostile authorities or family members. Jesus had predicted:
John 15:18,20 – “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you…if they persecuted me, they will also persecute you…
Then Jesus added, here in Mark 13:13: “but the one who endures to the end will be saved.” The one who endures is the one who has remained faithful to Christ, demonstrating that he is a true believer. It is the true believer, which, when life is completed (signified by the term “the end”), he will be saved. That is – he will experience the completion of His salvation, as He receives His new body and new life in Heaven. This is the end of everyone who has trusted in Christ. But Jesus makes it clear that a sign of a true believer is that he will endure persecution and remain faithful when it comes.
Don’t get confused here. It doesn’t mean that if you fail to share Christ when you should or if you are afraid of suffering for Christ, that you aren’t saved. If that were true, then the Apostle Peter wouldn’t make it to Heaven. He was so afraid that He denied that he even knew who Christ was, let alone admit that He was a follower of His. But, this doesn’t change the message: that those who are Christ’s followers are to demonstrate that by living faithfully, even during persecution.
Some of you, although not suffering like some around the world for your faith, are struggling with some opposition to it. Some of you are feeling the effects of living in a post-Christian nation. Although the United States claims a history that honors God, the current reality is that we basically ignore Him or try to re-create Him in our image. Some of you struggle with this inside the school system, that either ignores God or teaches lies connected to Him. Some of you face opposition in the work place, where those who stand up for Christianity and the Bible are mocked or even at risk of losing some career opportunities. Others of you face intense opposition within your own family. They don’t want to hear about your dedication to Christ. At some point, in the faithful living out and proclamation of your faith, you will face opposition.
These next verses talk about the destruction of the temple and the suffering to follow. They would see some of it in their day in 70 A.D.; but it would be in the distant future, even from now, that all of these things will be fulfilled in the way He describes. The desecration of the temple will begin intense suffering for the believers.
Jesus will return to set up His Kingdom after these signs occur
Mark 13:14 – “But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”
About 40 years after Jesus spoke these words, Jerusalem would be destroyed and some of the things he spoke of would take place, like the destruction of the temple. However, many of the things he references will not fully take place until He returns again, following a 7 year period of Tribulation (incredible pain and suffering for those who do not know Jesus Christ here on Earth) and then the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth, where He will take control and set up His 1,000 year reign on Earth. When Jesus speaks these words, there are some things that those people would see and understand; and some things that we have not yet experienced and are still waiting for.
So, what was the abomination of desolation all about? Well, prophecy spoke of it concerning the temple. Jesus included: “Let the reader understand” so that those who believed would be able to put it in the Old Testament context of what was taking place.
The abomination would include pagan idolatry with its corresponding sinful practices. Because of ungodly leadership and practices, the worship of God would be abandoned, including the temple where worship was to take place. The prophet Daniel had used these words, and part of their fulfillment was in 167 B.C. (before the time of Christ) when the temple was desecrated by a Syrian ruler and the pagan Greek god Zeus, Josephus tells us, was worshipped.
When Jesus referred to this abomination of desolation, certainly followers of Christ would recognize what took place 40 years later in 70 A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem. Also, this is predicted still to come in the future. The abomination can refer to a person, and one day, that person will be the Anti-Christ, who will make a covenant with the Jewish people at the beginning of the 7 year period known as the Tribulation. The temple will be rebuilt and worship will take place.
However, in the middle of that period, The Antichrist will break his promises, stop the worship that is taking place, and proclaim himself to be the Christ. That is when the major persecutions will increase and those who had turned to Jesus Christ even during the Tribulation would need to get out of there; because many will be martyred at that time. Jesus, in trying to express the seriousness and extent of the coming persecution, says it this way. What Jesus talks about next is what happened in around 70 A.D. and is a foreshadowing of what will take place in the future before Jesus Christ returns to the Earth.
Mark 13:15-19 – “Let the one who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter his house, to take anything out, and let the one who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak. And alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! Pray that it may not happen in winter. For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation that God created until now, and never will be.”
The suffering for everyone will be tremendous, and for those who trusted in Christ during those days, the persecution will be intensified. Jesus says, this will be worse than any disaster or suffering since the beginning of creation. So, although 167 B.C. was bad; and 70 A.D. was worse; and there have been disasters and tragedies ever since; the worst one is still to come.
Mark 13:20 – “And if the Lord had not cut short the days, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days.”
This verse is a challenge, to put it in the context of what He is referring to. The action here happened past tense (if the Lord had not cut short the days); and yet the practical outworking of this is all future (including the fact that when Jesus spoke these words originally, the destruction of 70 A.D. was still decades away).
Jesus is saying this from His perspective, which is again, different than ours: God determined in the past the exact timing of this Tribulation in the future (which would include their suffering in 70 A.D. with the destruction of the temple.) But, the future events also predicted here would culminate with the 7 year Tribulation time. He said that if that time was not cut short by God’s sovereign plan, then they would all be destroyed; but because of those He had chosen to be a part of His family, it would only last a “short time” (from God’s view).
The suffering those first Christians would experience, the suffering of those alive during the desecration of the temple in 70 A.D.; and eventually, those who will receive Christ during the Tribulation and are enduring it, would all receive grace by that time of suffering being “cut short” so to speak, by God’s sovereign will.
This is really, believe it or not, a positive part of the message. Suffering will come. Yes, there will be tribulation; but when God’s people are involved, there will also be grace, so that they will not be completely wiped out.
Mark 13:21-23 – “And then if anyone says to you, Look here is the Christ! Or Look, there he is! Do not believe it. False christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand.”
In the midst of those days, Jesus said, others will be claiming to be the Messiah or point you to the Messiah (the Christ). Don’t believe them. They will have the ability to do miracles, even leading others to follow them. If it was possible, and its not, even those chosen by God would follow. There will be people, who have decided to follow Christ, during the Tribulation time. They are the elect; but will not fall away, since they are true believers. But, Jesus warns everyone to be ready for such a time of deception. The fact was, that those listening to Him would not experience the tribulation time, but they would experience many signs of it, including intense suffering; and people who would claim to be the Messiah. These warnings applied to them in that day; just like they apply to us now; and those that will go through the Tribulation in the future.
Now, Jesus gives a contrast with what will be happening during those days of Tribulation with what will take place when the Tribulation ends and the true Messiah will come:
Mark 13:24,25 – “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.”
This shows that He is not primarily referring to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. because these other things did not happen and Jesus did not return. Although that time would be what they were going to go through, these events are still future for us. There will be incredible changes in the heavenly lights. No one will miss that something new and unique is taking place.
Mark 13:26,27 – “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.”
And this is what will signify that the Messiah has come the second time and has come this time…to rule. And by referring to Him as the Son of Man, He is making it clear that He speaking of Himself. Those on earth at the time will see Him coming after all of those signs in the heavens; and He will be coming with great power and glory. His angels will gather all those who have accepted Christ (the elect) to join Him.
Jesus then uses an illustration to enforce his warning to keep their eyes open to the true signs of these things taking place; even things that will not happen until the future. Jesus answers their first question about :When will this happen:
Mark 13:28,29 – “From the fig tree learn its lesson; as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates.”
He uses the idea of a fig tree to talk about the timing of when these things will happen. He notes that the fig tree, unlike the other trees in that area, would blossom in the spring. So, when that happens, you know that summer is getting close. Jesus said, so when you see these events that I have just described to you taking place, then you also know I am getting ready to come. The he of verse 29 can also be translated “it”. If “it” is the better translation, then this could refer to the abomination of desolation, the destruction of the temple that the disciples would see fairly soon. Either way, they would see some of these signs and know that things were set in motion for the end to come. Just remember that God’s view of time and ours is very different.
Mark 13:30 – “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.”
This sounds a little strange, doesn’t it? What is he saying? He couldn’t have meant that everything described earlier would actually happen before those people listening to Him died, could he? Because if that was true, Jesus would be a liar; because we are still waiting for some of these things to happen; and those people died over 2,000 years ago. So, what was he saying?
This is one of those times when we are looking at a “both/and” in Scripture. In other words, He is referring to those disciples - that some of them would see the abomination of desolation with the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. But, He was also speaking to the future Jews, during the time of the Tribulation, who would understand then what Jesus was referring to, because they would be living it. The term generation can be used to refer to a narrow (those living now) and a broader (those who are your descendants) focus concerning those in the future.
Mark 13:31 – “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
Jesus said: Yes – all you see here on Earth and in the heavens (not Heaven itself but the heavens – the skies) will pass away, but everything I am telling you, will certainly come to pass. Now, of course it would not come to pass in the way they thought or in the time frame they thought – we still struggle with that today – but it will come to pass.
These things are not easy to interpret; and that is why so many people have made the mistake of trying to set specific times. And when they have done that, they have make rash decisions based on their predictions; and they have caused others to do so as well. Let me just give you a few more examples from history (from the time of Jesus even until now):
· In 247 A.D., Christian prophets declared that the persecutions by the Romans were a sure sign that Jesus was returning at any moment
· In AD 380, The Donatists, a North African Christian sect, predicted the world would end in 380.
· In AD 500, the theologian Irenaeus predicted the second coming of Jesus in the year 500.
· In AD 1000 Christian authorities from all over the known world predicted the second coming in the year 1000 (and you can probably understand why – the same thing happened as we approached the year 2000 AD – remember?)
· IN AD 1284 Pope Innocent II predicted the end of the world in the year 1284, 666 years after the founding of Islam.
· In AD 1500, Martin Luther gave a general prediction, that Jesus would return within 300 years (AD 1800)
· Jonathan Edwards, in AD 1700, was reported to have predicted that the Antichrist’s rule would end when the papacy ended in 1866, and that the Devil, would be finally defeated in the year 2000, when the Millennium would begin.
· Isaac Newton, in AD 1700 predicted the Jews would reclaim Jerusalem in 1899, and that the second coming of Christ would occur precisely 49 years later.
· Mormon founder Joseph Smith, in AD 1832, said the New Jerusalem temple would be built in Missouri before another generation of people lived.
· Charles Taze Russell, founder of what would become the Jehovah’s Witnesses, first announced that the Last Days had begun in 1874 and the world would end in 1914.
· Radio evangelist Harold Camping, in 1994 believed the world would end by September 6, 1994.
And there are many more. But Jesus made it clear:
Mark 13:32 – “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
People would see some of the things happening and know what is coming; and yet no one, not even the angels or Jesus in His human form, would know exactly when Jesus would return. Jesus has equaled Himself to God saying that His words will never pass away. That is only true of God. Now, He is reminding everyone that He is also fully man, as he says that He at that moment, did not know when He would return one day.
This is all very important, being fully God and fully man, as he would die in just a few days for mankind. He had to be fully man AND fully God in order to do so.
What is the Day He is speaking of here? Certainly, the day He will return is in view; but also the Old Testament context of The Day of the LORD is in view. This includes the Tribulation, the Second coming and the 1,000 year reign of Christ. This will all begin suddenly. The Rapture of the church, which could happen at any moment, will set all of these things in motion without any more time for preparation.
Since no one knows when, exactly everything will happen, Jesus continued:
Mark 13:33 – “Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.”
It had implications for the people listening to Him that day; and it still has implications for us today, and everyone who lives in the future, up until Jesus returns. I believe that the Apostles believed Jesus would come again in their lifetime. I believe, if you read Paul’s writings, he thought Jesus would return soon. If you read historical writings of scholars and pastors and teachers down through the last couple centuries, everyone has believed that they have seen the signs of the times, and that certainly Jesus would come in their generation.
We all would say that is also possible in our generation. Many talk about these signs as though they are happening now; when they have really been happening ever since Jesus talked about them. I believe the reason is this:
Mark 13:34-37 – “It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake. Therefore stay awake, - for you do not know when the master of the house will come in the evening, or at midnight, or when the cock crows, or in the morning – lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake.”
Jesus sums up the So What for everyone listening then and everyone who would read this in the future, with a story. I remember a professor of mine in college telling us the story of when he was in college. A teacher of his had allowed him and his friends to use his house while he was going to be gone for a weekend. So, they did what their college friends were doing – they partied and left a huge mess at this man’s house. In their thinking, they had plenty of time. He had told them he would return sometime on Monday, so they could easily clean it up Monday morning. However, as you can probably guess, the man’s plans changed, and he returned on Sunday instead. He came in to find the boys on the couch, watching football, with food and drink everywhere and garbage all over the apartment. The boys were completely embarrassed as they assumed when the teacher would return; and they were not ready.
Jesus gives this story to remind us all of this spiritual reality. Jesus, our Lord and master, will return one day and we don’t know when. So, don’t let your house (your life) go to waste. Make the most of your time. Be ready, Be alert, be on your guard. Jesus said, I could come any day, and any time of day. He used the four watches of the night to refer to the Roman system of measuring time. The evening was 6-9 pm., the midnight watch was 9 pm.-12 midnight; the rooster crows was the third watch from 12 a.m.-3 a.m. and the dawn was the fourth watch (3-6 am..) Mark used the Roman system for his readers benefit; and to make this point. It could happen at any time. 2,000 years have since past; and yet Jesus’ words have not passed away. They are still true.
1. Be a student of the Word of God
2. Be aware of spiritual deception
3. Be prepared to suffer for the gospel’s sake
4. Be ready for Christ’s return.
· Don’t make predictions – just be prepared.
· Trust in Christ for eternal salvation
· Live for God’s glory, knowing he could come for you in the Rapture; or your life could end.
Don’t get so caught up in the details of the study of future things; that you forget what was most important to Jesus as he spoke these words. He doesn’t want us obsessing about setting dates for the end of the world. He wants us focusing on living faithfully, each moment; as we seek to make disciples around the world. And as we do that, we live as though this life could end in the next moment.
SO WHAT changes do you need to make?
Mark 13
Please open your Bible to Mark 13. In the Bible in front of you, it is page 879 or 897.
Commentator William Barclay says it at the beginning of his statements on Mark chapter 13: “Mark 13 is one of the most difficult chapters in the New Testament for a reader to understand.” And I would agree with him. He continues: “That is because it is one of the most Jewish chapters in the Bible. From beginning to end it is thinking in terms of Jewish history and Jewish ideas. All through it Jesus is using categories and pictures which were very familiar to the Jews of his day, but which are very strange, and indeed, unknown to many modern readers.” So, as we face this challenge together, this morning, let’s pray.
The first thing we need to do is give you a future event context to put Mark chapter 13 into. If you have your outline from your bulletin, please take it out and look on the backside of it. At the top, you see the words: The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25). Mark chapter 13 is a parallel passage to Matthew 24,25, as Jesus is speaking on the Mount of Olives. So, this chart before you gives a biblical future timeline, in which you can put the context of what we are reading in Mark 13.
We are currently in what is called “The Church Age”. Near the beginning of this frame of time, you see the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70. That will play a prominent role in today’s passages. The Church age will end when the Rapture occurs. The Rapture is described in I Thessalonians 4 as the moment that could happen at any time. A trumpet will sound, Jesus will come to the clouds, and all of the true believers still living will rise to meet Jesus in the air; and go to Heaven to be with Him.
That event will bring in the next future time frame, referred to in the Bible as The Tribulation period, which will last for 7 years. The final 3.5 years of that period is sometimes referred to as the Great Tribulation because it is when the most intense suffering will take place for all who are on Earth. There will be people saved during the Tribulation time and they will be persecuted for their new faith. We will be reading about this in these passages.
And then, just as the next time period begins, The Millennium, which is the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth, you see “Christ’s Glorious Appearing”. That is often referred to as the Second Advent or the Second Coming of Christ (Christ came first, as He was born in Bethlehem; and now, He will not just come to the clouds, as He did for the Rapture; but He will come all the way down to where man dwells, to set up His 1,000 reign). This event of the 2nd coming is also highlighted in Mark 13.
I hold in my hand an article that I have kept for 16 years now. The headline reads: RAPTURE: October 28, 1992. JESUS IS COMING IN THE AIR. This article then goes on to describe why they knew the Rapture would happen on this date. Quote: “This prophetic message did not come from men nor any other wrong vision. Many testimonies and signs prove that it is really the revelation of the Holy Spirit.”
And yet, October 28, 1992 came and went – without the Rapture.
The end of the World has always been a popular topic, for preachers, as well as writers and movie producers. Everyone seems to be interested in it. Everyone has questions about it. And the big question is normally this: When will the world end? Jesus’ closest followers were no different.
Mark 13:1,2 – “And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings! And Jesus said to him, Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”
Jesus talks to them about the things He wants them to know about the future. These things will bring incredible changes, as well as bring into play the events predicted in the Bible. Some of these events would be seen by those hearing Jesus. Other events would be experienced by future Jewish readers. The first event Jesus predicts is this:
The Temple will be destroyed (1,2)
They are leaving the temple area, and one of the disciples makes a comment about how incredible the buildings were. You need to understand, that the temple structures were not just buildings to people; they were a representation of the presence of God; and gave the people security and pride. The temple complex was huge, with forty foot high columns, 18 feet wide. According to the First Century historian, Josephus, the temple would become known as an architectural wonder of the ancient world. It was built with large white stones, polished and generously decorated with gold.But, Jesus then says: “Do you see these great buildings? They are all coming down.” That’s exactly what happened - in 70 A.D. when the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem. The temple represented that God’s presence, in power and majesty, was with His people. So, the destruction of the Temple was judgment for rejecting Jesus, even as the same thing happened hundreds of years earlier when God judged the Jewish nation, sending them to Babylon and destroying the Temple.
To the Jewish people, who knew the Old Testament prophecies, they felt that if the temple was destroyed, then all the end time events would take place right away; even including the Messiah coming to set up His Kingdom. So, this prediction from Jesus so disturbed His disciples, that they looked for an opportunity to ask Him for more details. It wasn’t just about the temple, in their minds; but this would signify the time they had been waiting for; when Jesus would come and take over the rule on Earth.
Mark 13:3,4 – “And as he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?”
They ask 2 questions here: When will the destruction of the temple (and thereby the rest of the future events) take place? And secondly: What will be the sign that these things are about to be fulfilled? As they sit on the Mount of Olives, they can see the temple across the valley. Jesus begins by answering the 2nd question first: Another thing Jesus says will happen in the future, as these events begin to unfold:
There will be false signs of the end (5-8)
That is: Jesus is going to talk about things that would happen in their day and ours, that will make people falsely assume the end has come. First, Jesus says there will be:
· False Christs
Mark 13:5,6 – “And Jesus began to say to them, See that no one leads you astray. Many will come in my name, saying, I am he! And they will lead many astray.”
Here in verse 5, Jesus begins a theme that will run throughout these passages: Be on the look out! Be on your guard. Watch out! Don’t let anyone deceive you, He says. There will be many people who will come and claim to be the promised Messiah. They will try to take my place. They will arise in times of crises, and people will try to put them in a position that only I can fulfill. And…they will attract many followers; and lead them to destruction.
You probably know that this didn’t just take place in the days of the disciples. Even within the last 30 years, we have seen examples of this:
· In 1978 the Reverend Jim Jones, claiming to be the reincarnation of Christ, moved from the US to South Africa with his followers. On November 18, 1978, he ordered his followers to drink from a tub of grape-flavored Fla-Vor-Aid laced with potassium cyanide and tranquilizers. All 900 plus people died.
· I have another article here, an advertisement that appeared in the New York Times on April 25, 1982. The beginning lines read: The world has had enough…of hunger, injustice, war. In answer to our call for help, as world teacher for all humanity (and then the huge headline): THE CHRIST IS NOW HERE. And the ad goes on to describe (very generally of course) the fact they believe that the Messiah had come back to set up His Kingdom in the coming 20 years (by 2002).
· David Koresh, the cult leader of the Branch Dividians at Waco, Texas, claimed to be Jesus Christ. On April 19, 1993 he refused to surrender to the FBI and the ATF and around 90 people died in a fire at the compound.
· On March 26, 1997, 39 members of “Heaven’s Gate” cult decided to “shed their containers” and board spacecraft hiding in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet. This resulted in a mass suicide of 21 women and 18 men, ages 26 to 72.
Many other false religions have begun, since the time Jesus said these words, where people claimed have special revelation from God, that they alone had the truth; and then they attracted followers. Today, there are religions that count millions of people as disciples, who decided to believe the words of a man who claimed to come from God. Jesus continues to warn His followers and us about the false signs of the end. And another of those warnings is about:
· International destruction and pain
Mark 13:7,8 – “And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. This must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. These are but the beginning of the birth pains.”
Jesus was warning them not to get carried away with the so-called “signs of the times” that would be continual. He assured them that they would hear about battles that were close and battles in far-away places. However, that did not mean the end had arrived. Yes, Jesus said: nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes and famines; but this is just the beginning.
All of these things are going to happen with sinful people living on this Earth; but they don’t mean that the end of this age and the establishment of God’s rule on earth is here. It is still to come, Jesus said.
He uses the idea of birth pains, that time just before a woman gives birth, to describe this period of time, this age, that comes with great human pain that happens with wars, earthquakes and famines. In this case, however, we are talking thousands of years of birth pains, unlike our human experience with giving birth. Keep in mind here what the Bible says about the huge difference between how we see history and time and God’s perspective:
II Peter 3:8 – “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
It is important, as we study end things described in the Bible, that we keep in mind that God’s perspective of time is different and complete; whereas we interpret everything according to what we are seeing in our very short time here on the Earth.
Every generation of people will experience these pains (wars, famines, earthquakes); and it all points ahead to the time when the end will come, and Jesus will return to set up His Kingdom. Jesus then warns His followers, that over all of the years to come of these pains, before the end, His followers were going to experience suffering.
There will be suffering for the followers of Christ (9-13)
Mark 13:9,10 – “But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them. And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.”
Those that heard Jesus’ words would experience this suffering (read about it in the book of Acts). Those of us living in the Church Age some 2,000 years later hear of this kind of suffering. And those who will be saved during the Tribulation period will experience this kind of suffering. But, it is all connected to spreading the gospel: the good news of Jesus Christ. God has used this kind of suffering, and will in the future, to proclaim the truth of who Jesus is; and the salvation He offers.
And also keep in mind, that just a few days after Jesus spoke these words, He Himself would be beaten and whipped and murdered, for speaking the truth about who He was. If God in the flesh was going to be rejected and suffer, then you can be sure, Jesus said, that His followers would.
In fact, that remains true today. The Apostle Paul, who would be persecuted himself, wrote this in the Word of God:
II Peter 3:12 – “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
They experienced that in the First Century. And even though, we who are believers here in America do not experience it to this extent, this type of suffering is going on throughout the world, even today. If you want to keep up to date on this constant spiritual battle, and pray more effectively, you can keep up to date, through ministries such as: Voice of the Martyrs
For example, just a few years ago in Indonesia, 3 Christian girls were attacked and then beheaded by professing muslims who targeted Christians. These are not isolated events; and they are all a part of the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy. However, don’t lose sight of this: Jesus said these that are being persecuted are those who are bearing witness of the truth. In fact, He said: the gospel must be proclaimed to all the nations.
A part of God’s overall plan does include the suffering of His servants. However, this all brings glory to God because it brings the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. It is God’s goal that we would proclaim salvation through Jesus Christ alone to everyone. That is why Jesus left His followers with these words:
Acts 1:8 – “…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
John Piper, in his book: Don’t Waste Your Life, encourages us, today, to think and pray for the people in places that still need to hear the gospel:
He writes: “Think about the people in places like:
· Libya with its six million people and perhaps ten indigenous believers
· Bhutan, a hermit Buddhist kingdom in the Himalayas, cut off from Christian witness for millennia with only a handful of indigenous believers among its two and a half million people.
· The Maldives, off the southwest coast of India, and one of the most closed countries on earth.
· North Korea, a pariah nation gradually starving to death under its crazed Communist leadership, with no open witness or church life for fifty years.
· Saudi Arabia, the headquarters of Islam where Saudi believers, if found, are executed.
· India, perhaps the greatest challenge of all, with its vast Ganges plains that contains the greatest concentration of un-evangelized people in the world.
· Turkey, the secular, mainly Muslim state with an ongoing Christian witness of only 3,000 believers out of 70,000,000 people.”
Of course, taking the gospel to all places in the world does not guarantee that it will be accepted.
Mark 13:11,12 – “And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit. And brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death.”
There will be suffering. People will turn on their own family members who have turned to Jesus Christ; even having them killed. This sounds impossible; but it is happening in our world, even today. But, in the midst of all the persecution God’s people would go through, He also promised that the Holy Spirit would be with them, to help them know what to say. It didn’t mean that they would escape more persecution or death, but it meant that God’s presence would be with them throughout the suffering. And then Jesus gives the bottom line:
Mark 13:13 – “And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”
Jesus is saying that you will be hated by all kinds of people, not just the hostile authorities or family members. Jesus had predicted:
John 15:18,20 – “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you…if they persecuted me, they will also persecute you…
Then Jesus added, here in Mark 13:13: “but the one who endures to the end will be saved.” The one who endures is the one who has remained faithful to Christ, demonstrating that he is a true believer. It is the true believer, which, when life is completed (signified by the term “the end”), he will be saved. That is – he will experience the completion of His salvation, as He receives His new body and new life in Heaven. This is the end of everyone who has trusted in Christ. But Jesus makes it clear that a sign of a true believer is that he will endure persecution and remain faithful when it comes.
Don’t get confused here. It doesn’t mean that if you fail to share Christ when you should or if you are afraid of suffering for Christ, that you aren’t saved. If that were true, then the Apostle Peter wouldn’t make it to Heaven. He was so afraid that He denied that he even knew who Christ was, let alone admit that He was a follower of His. But, this doesn’t change the message: that those who are Christ’s followers are to demonstrate that by living faithfully, even during persecution.
Some of you, although not suffering like some around the world for your faith, are struggling with some opposition to it. Some of you are feeling the effects of living in a post-Christian nation. Although the United States claims a history that honors God, the current reality is that we basically ignore Him or try to re-create Him in our image. Some of you struggle with this inside the school system, that either ignores God or teaches lies connected to Him. Some of you face opposition in the work place, where those who stand up for Christianity and the Bible are mocked or even at risk of losing some career opportunities. Others of you face intense opposition within your own family. They don’t want to hear about your dedication to Christ. At some point, in the faithful living out and proclamation of your faith, you will face opposition.
These next verses talk about the destruction of the temple and the suffering to follow. They would see some of it in their day in 70 A.D.; but it would be in the distant future, even from now, that all of these things will be fulfilled in the way He describes. The desecration of the temple will begin intense suffering for the believers.
Jesus will return to set up His Kingdom after these signs occur
Mark 13:14 – “But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”
About 40 years after Jesus spoke these words, Jerusalem would be destroyed and some of the things he spoke of would take place, like the destruction of the temple. However, many of the things he references will not fully take place until He returns again, following a 7 year period of Tribulation (incredible pain and suffering for those who do not know Jesus Christ here on Earth) and then the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth, where He will take control and set up His 1,000 year reign on Earth. When Jesus speaks these words, there are some things that those people would see and understand; and some things that we have not yet experienced and are still waiting for.
So, what was the abomination of desolation all about? Well, prophecy spoke of it concerning the temple. Jesus included: “Let the reader understand” so that those who believed would be able to put it in the Old Testament context of what was taking place.
The abomination would include pagan idolatry with its corresponding sinful practices. Because of ungodly leadership and practices, the worship of God would be abandoned, including the temple where worship was to take place. The prophet Daniel had used these words, and part of their fulfillment was in 167 B.C. (before the time of Christ) when the temple was desecrated by a Syrian ruler and the pagan Greek god Zeus, Josephus tells us, was worshipped.
When Jesus referred to this abomination of desolation, certainly followers of Christ would recognize what took place 40 years later in 70 A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem. Also, this is predicted still to come in the future. The abomination can refer to a person, and one day, that person will be the Anti-Christ, who will make a covenant with the Jewish people at the beginning of the 7 year period known as the Tribulation. The temple will be rebuilt and worship will take place.
However, in the middle of that period, The Antichrist will break his promises, stop the worship that is taking place, and proclaim himself to be the Christ. That is when the major persecutions will increase and those who had turned to Jesus Christ even during the Tribulation would need to get out of there; because many will be martyred at that time. Jesus, in trying to express the seriousness and extent of the coming persecution, says it this way. What Jesus talks about next is what happened in around 70 A.D. and is a foreshadowing of what will take place in the future before Jesus Christ returns to the Earth.
Mark 13:15-19 – “Let the one who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter his house, to take anything out, and let the one who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak. And alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! Pray that it may not happen in winter. For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation that God created until now, and never will be.”
The suffering for everyone will be tremendous, and for those who trusted in Christ during those days, the persecution will be intensified. Jesus says, this will be worse than any disaster or suffering since the beginning of creation. So, although 167 B.C. was bad; and 70 A.D. was worse; and there have been disasters and tragedies ever since; the worst one is still to come.
Mark 13:20 – “And if the Lord had not cut short the days, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days.”
This verse is a challenge, to put it in the context of what He is referring to. The action here happened past tense (if the Lord had not cut short the days); and yet the practical outworking of this is all future (including the fact that when Jesus spoke these words originally, the destruction of 70 A.D. was still decades away).
Jesus is saying this from His perspective, which is again, different than ours: God determined in the past the exact timing of this Tribulation in the future (which would include their suffering in 70 A.D. with the destruction of the temple.) But, the future events also predicted here would culminate with the 7 year Tribulation time. He said that if that time was not cut short by God’s sovereign plan, then they would all be destroyed; but because of those He had chosen to be a part of His family, it would only last a “short time” (from God’s view).
The suffering those first Christians would experience, the suffering of those alive during the desecration of the temple in 70 A.D.; and eventually, those who will receive Christ during the Tribulation and are enduring it, would all receive grace by that time of suffering being “cut short” so to speak, by God’s sovereign will.
This is really, believe it or not, a positive part of the message. Suffering will come. Yes, there will be tribulation; but when God’s people are involved, there will also be grace, so that they will not be completely wiped out.
Mark 13:21-23 – “And then if anyone says to you, Look here is the Christ! Or Look, there he is! Do not believe it. False christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand.”
In the midst of those days, Jesus said, others will be claiming to be the Messiah or point you to the Messiah (the Christ). Don’t believe them. They will have the ability to do miracles, even leading others to follow them. If it was possible, and its not, even those chosen by God would follow. There will be people, who have decided to follow Christ, during the Tribulation time. They are the elect; but will not fall away, since they are true believers. But, Jesus warns everyone to be ready for such a time of deception. The fact was, that those listening to Him would not experience the tribulation time, but they would experience many signs of it, including intense suffering; and people who would claim to be the Messiah. These warnings applied to them in that day; just like they apply to us now; and those that will go through the Tribulation in the future.
Now, Jesus gives a contrast with what will be happening during those days of Tribulation with what will take place when the Tribulation ends and the true Messiah will come:
Mark 13:24,25 – “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.”
This shows that He is not primarily referring to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. because these other things did not happen and Jesus did not return. Although that time would be what they were going to go through, these events are still future for us. There will be incredible changes in the heavenly lights. No one will miss that something new and unique is taking place.
Mark 13:26,27 – “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.”
And this is what will signify that the Messiah has come the second time and has come this time…to rule. And by referring to Him as the Son of Man, He is making it clear that He speaking of Himself. Those on earth at the time will see Him coming after all of those signs in the heavens; and He will be coming with great power and glory. His angels will gather all those who have accepted Christ (the elect) to join Him.
Jesus then uses an illustration to enforce his warning to keep their eyes open to the true signs of these things taking place; even things that will not happen until the future. Jesus answers their first question about :When will this happen:
Mark 13:28,29 – “From the fig tree learn its lesson; as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates.”
He uses the idea of a fig tree to talk about the timing of when these things will happen. He notes that the fig tree, unlike the other trees in that area, would blossom in the spring. So, when that happens, you know that summer is getting close. Jesus said, so when you see these events that I have just described to you taking place, then you also know I am getting ready to come. The he of verse 29 can also be translated “it”. If “it” is the better translation, then this could refer to the abomination of desolation, the destruction of the temple that the disciples would see fairly soon. Either way, they would see some of these signs and know that things were set in motion for the end to come. Just remember that God’s view of time and ours is very different.
Mark 13:30 – “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.”
This sounds a little strange, doesn’t it? What is he saying? He couldn’t have meant that everything described earlier would actually happen before those people listening to Him died, could he? Because if that was true, Jesus would be a liar; because we are still waiting for some of these things to happen; and those people died over 2,000 years ago. So, what was he saying?
This is one of those times when we are looking at a “both/and” in Scripture. In other words, He is referring to those disciples - that some of them would see the abomination of desolation with the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. But, He was also speaking to the future Jews, during the time of the Tribulation, who would understand then what Jesus was referring to, because they would be living it. The term generation can be used to refer to a narrow (those living now) and a broader (those who are your descendants) focus concerning those in the future.
Mark 13:31 – “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
Jesus said: Yes – all you see here on Earth and in the heavens (not Heaven itself but the heavens – the skies) will pass away, but everything I am telling you, will certainly come to pass. Now, of course it would not come to pass in the way they thought or in the time frame they thought – we still struggle with that today – but it will come to pass.
These things are not easy to interpret; and that is why so many people have made the mistake of trying to set specific times. And when they have done that, they have make rash decisions based on their predictions; and they have caused others to do so as well. Let me just give you a few more examples from history (from the time of Jesus even until now):
· In 247 A.D., Christian prophets declared that the persecutions by the Romans were a sure sign that Jesus was returning at any moment
· In AD 380, The Donatists, a North African Christian sect, predicted the world would end in 380.
· In AD 500, the theologian Irenaeus predicted the second coming of Jesus in the year 500.
· In AD 1000 Christian authorities from all over the known world predicted the second coming in the year 1000 (and you can probably understand why – the same thing happened as we approached the year 2000 AD – remember?)
· IN AD 1284 Pope Innocent II predicted the end of the world in the year 1284, 666 years after the founding of Islam.
· In AD 1500, Martin Luther gave a general prediction, that Jesus would return within 300 years (AD 1800)
· Jonathan Edwards, in AD 1700, was reported to have predicted that the Antichrist’s rule would end when the papacy ended in 1866, and that the Devil, would be finally defeated in the year 2000, when the Millennium would begin.
· Isaac Newton, in AD 1700 predicted the Jews would reclaim Jerusalem in 1899, and that the second coming of Christ would occur precisely 49 years later.
· Mormon founder Joseph Smith, in AD 1832, said the New Jerusalem temple would be built in Missouri before another generation of people lived.
· Charles Taze Russell, founder of what would become the Jehovah’s Witnesses, first announced that the Last Days had begun in 1874 and the world would end in 1914.
· Radio evangelist Harold Camping, in 1994 believed the world would end by September 6, 1994.
And there are many more. But Jesus made it clear:
Mark 13:32 – “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
People would see some of the things happening and know what is coming; and yet no one, not even the angels or Jesus in His human form, would know exactly when Jesus would return. Jesus has equaled Himself to God saying that His words will never pass away. That is only true of God. Now, He is reminding everyone that He is also fully man, as he says that He at that moment, did not know when He would return one day.
This is all very important, being fully God and fully man, as he would die in just a few days for mankind. He had to be fully man AND fully God in order to do so.
What is the Day He is speaking of here? Certainly, the day He will return is in view; but also the Old Testament context of The Day of the LORD is in view. This includes the Tribulation, the Second coming and the 1,000 year reign of Christ. This will all begin suddenly. The Rapture of the church, which could happen at any moment, will set all of these things in motion without any more time for preparation.
Since no one knows when, exactly everything will happen, Jesus continued:
Mark 13:33 – “Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.”
It had implications for the people listening to Him that day; and it still has implications for us today, and everyone who lives in the future, up until Jesus returns. I believe that the Apostles believed Jesus would come again in their lifetime. I believe, if you read Paul’s writings, he thought Jesus would return soon. If you read historical writings of scholars and pastors and teachers down through the last couple centuries, everyone has believed that they have seen the signs of the times, and that certainly Jesus would come in their generation.
We all would say that is also possible in our generation. Many talk about these signs as though they are happening now; when they have really been happening ever since Jesus talked about them. I believe the reason is this:
Mark 13:34-37 – “It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake. Therefore stay awake, - for you do not know when the master of the house will come in the evening, or at midnight, or when the cock crows, or in the morning – lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake.”
Jesus sums up the So What for everyone listening then and everyone who would read this in the future, with a story. I remember a professor of mine in college telling us the story of when he was in college. A teacher of his had allowed him and his friends to use his house while he was going to be gone for a weekend. So, they did what their college friends were doing – they partied and left a huge mess at this man’s house. In their thinking, they had plenty of time. He had told them he would return sometime on Monday, so they could easily clean it up Monday morning. However, as you can probably guess, the man’s plans changed, and he returned on Sunday instead. He came in to find the boys on the couch, watching football, with food and drink everywhere and garbage all over the apartment. The boys were completely embarrassed as they assumed when the teacher would return; and they were not ready.
Jesus gives this story to remind us all of this spiritual reality. Jesus, our Lord and master, will return one day and we don’t know when. So, don’t let your house (your life) go to waste. Make the most of your time. Be ready, Be alert, be on your guard. Jesus said, I could come any day, and any time of day. He used the four watches of the night to refer to the Roman system of measuring time. The evening was 6-9 pm., the midnight watch was 9 pm.-12 midnight; the rooster crows was the third watch from 12 a.m.-3 a.m. and the dawn was the fourth watch (3-6 am..) Mark used the Roman system for his readers benefit; and to make this point. It could happen at any time. 2,000 years have since past; and yet Jesus’ words have not passed away. They are still true.
1. Be a student of the Word of God
2. Be aware of spiritual deception
3. Be prepared to suffer for the gospel’s sake
4. Be ready for Christ’s return.
· Don’t make predictions – just be prepared.
· Trust in Christ for eternal salvation
· Live for God’s glory, knowing he could come for you in the Rapture; or your life could end.
Don’t get so caught up in the details of the study of future things; that you forget what was most important to Jesus as he spoke these words. He doesn’t want us obsessing about setting dates for the end of the world. He wants us focusing on living faithfully, each moment; as we seek to make disciples around the world. And as we do that, we live as though this life could end in the next moment.
SO WHAT changes do you need to make?
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