Friday, March 26, 2010

Psalm 62

This has been a Psalm that has been on my mind and heart the past couple of weeks. Our worship team is learning a worship song that is based on this Psalm, and that has made it even closer to my heart. There is something about reading the Word of God, and singing it as well. For me, I take it in when I read and meditate on it; and then when I sing it, I express it outwardly in committment and praise. Let me encourage you to read Psalm 62; and then consider the way it is worded in this song:

Psalm 62 by Stuart Townend and Aaron Keyes
My soul finds rest in God alone, My Rock and my salvation,
A fortress strong against my foes, And I will not be shaken.
Though lips may bless and hearts may curse, And lies like arrows pierce me,
I’ll fix my heart on righteousness, I’ll look to Him who hears me.

Chorus: O praise Him, hallelujah, My Delight and my Reward; Everlasting, never failing, My Redeemer, my God.

Find rest, my soul, in God alone Amid the world’s temptations; When evil seeks to take a holdI’ll cling to my salvation. Though riches come and riches go,Don’t set your heart upon them; The fields of hope in which I sowAre harvested in heaven.

Chorus: O praise Him, Halelujah, My delight and my Reward; Everlasting, never failing, My redeemer, my God.

I’ll set my gaze on God alone, And trust in Him completely; With every day pour out my soul,And He will prove His mercy. Though life is but a fleeting breath,A sigh too brief to measure, My King has crushed the curse of deathAnd I am His forever.

O praise Him, O praise Him, hallelujah, hallelujah, O praise Him, O praise Him, hallelujah, hallelujah, O praise Him, O praise Him, hallelujah! hallelujah!

Chorus: O Praise Him Hallelujah, my deight and my reward; everlasting, never failing, my redeemer, My God

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today begins one of the best, few week stretch in sports each my opinion. It is the men's NCAA [march madness] basketball tournament! I love it. I have always enjoyed watching college basketball over professional, because it just seems to be more "pure", basic, fundamentally sound, and team-oriented. You don't get to know the names of players over a period of years, because if they are good enough, they aren't around very long. That is o.k. with me. I didn't get a chance to watch much basketball this season, but now is the time that I make time, if at all possible. Come's THE TOURNAMENT!

As I thought about what I like most about this particular tournament, it came to me...I love the upsets, or the every game potential of an upset. I love it when a lesser known or less talented team gives the "big boys" a good game, and nothing is better than when a lesser known actually knocks off one of the Goliaths! Granted, if any Iowa teams are playing (I guess Northern Iowa counts too), then I want them to win, no matter what. But, other than that, I normally root for the "underdog". It is a big part of what makes this tournament so special.

I cheer for the underdog so much, that when I fill out my brackets each year, I tend to be unrealistic, and pick several of the underdogs to win against better opponents. Don't worry, I'm not betting the house on my picks, or anything for that matter; but it's fun for me. This year, I decided to let my family in on the fun, and as a family activity, one night after dinner this week, I pulled out brackets for everyone and told them how much fun it would be to fill out our own brackets. I admit it took awhile to convince them, but I mentioned something about prizes and that seemed to help. Can you think of anything that can bring a family closer? Stop it. That was a rhetorical question.

I don't know who the underdog winners will be this year, but there are certainly going to be some. It probably won't be as dramatic as one of my kids think: picking a 15 seed to make it to the final four (good luck with that); but there will most certainly be some good ones. I have always thought that basketball was a great illustration of real like, and the idea of underdogs has fueled my thoughts as to how it applies to me.

The context is much different. It is not about winning, but about being an important player on the winning team. But, it has nothing to do with ability or years of experience or spiritual gifts. It has to do with God, His choosing, and our submissive, humble attitude. It is my desire to be used by God, however He sees fit, for His team, for His glory. I am an underdog, in that there is nothing impressive about me. In fact, recently, someone said those very words in describing me. I'm so glad they recognized that. Therefore, I am completely dependant upon God, for making something useful out of me. And yet, in realizing that as an underdog, we can accomplish great things for God, the praise, all of it, goes to the one who called us and empowered us and gave us the victory. If we boast in anyone, it must be in who God is and what He has done.

I Corinthians 1:26-31 - "For consider your calling, brother: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing thing that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. he is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom and our righteousness and sanctification and redemption. therefore, as it is written, let the one who boasts , boast in the Lord."