Sunday, June 20, 2010
Here are just 10 things I love about you:
1. You love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
2. You love mom and have been faithful to her for all of these years
3. You love your children and have always wanted God's best for us
4. You are a hard worker
5. You are always interested in the right thing, not necessarily the easy thing
6. You have been faithful to pray for me throughout my life
7. You have encouraged me to follow God's leading, even if that took me away from you and mom; and regardless of what career path that led to
8. You have been supportive and loyal to your church, serving in many capacities and supporting the leadership
9. You were an example of the importance of spending time with God to begin my day
10. You can be counted on, to be there as needed, for counsel, advice, or just support
Thanks, Dad, for all you do; but especially for who you are.
Have a wonderful Father's Day!
Your Son,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Day 54 - final questions about faith and works
Are all good deeds evidence of faith in Jesus (Matthew 7:22,23)? Why or why not?
According to these verses, there will be people condemned who did good deeds; but did not follow the will of the Father, which includes true faith. So, no - all good deeds are not evidence of true faith.
Do good deeds not motivated by faith in Jesus have any value in God's eyes? Why or why not?
In one way, no, according to Romans 3:10 that says no one does any good, no not one. From God's perspective, none of our "good" works are good to him. However, God does use the moral works as well as the evil of non-believers to accomplish His will. It can have the value of being used to push ahead God's sovereign will. So, I guess I would answer the question: yes....and no!
Is there any way to demonstrate true faith other than by deeds of obedience to God? Why or why not? Once again, I would like to answer yes...and no. On one hand, true faith is only demonstrated by action, it seems, according to the Bible. But, with examples like the thief on the cross, who didn't have time to do good works, or passages of scripture that talk about the Holy Spirit letting us know if we are truly in the faith, it seems there are demonstrations, perhaps only known to God and that particular person, that there is true faith there.
If deeds demonstrate genuine faith, can we judge by their works whether other people are saved? Why or why not? I like my yes and no answers for this line of questioning. Yes, we can judge because the Bible says to judge the works and see if their is fruit. But, because we are humans, our judgments are still going to be off at times; and there is a sense in which we cannot judge the heart because only God knows the heart. It is safer, I think, to point someone's attention to the fact that the Bible says they need to follow Jesus if they claim to be His follower; but not judge them, leaving it only to God.
In summary, why is faith that is not demonstrated with deeds dead?
In your own words, summarize the relationship between faith and works.
I will take both of these together. It is useless to have faith that is not alive, putting action to words. True followers of Christ follow Him, obey Him and their lives make a difference. Faith is trusting in a God we cannot see, placing our belief in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation, according to all the Bible teaches. True faith will be evidence by a life that seeks to follow Jesus.
Friday, June 18, 2010
There was quite a bit going on. The World Cup was taking place in the United States, which always draws a world wide audience. Arnold Palmer, the day before, did not make the cut and it was his final time playing in the U.S. Open golf tournament. Just a day or two before, the New York Rangers celebrated winning the Stanley Cup with a ticker tape parade in New York City. The New York Knicks played a great game on June 17th and went ahead 3 games to 2 on the Houston Rockets, in the NBA Championship series.
But, what most Americans remember from that day was what happened just the day before, on June 17th; and what was interrupting and trumping all the other events I just mentioned, was footage of a white bronco, a car, travelling down an L.A. Freeway. Why was that so spectacular? Because O.J. Simpson was in that Ford Bronco, and was threatening to take his own life. Earlier in the day, a manhunt went out for the arrest of Simpson, who was under suspicion for murdering his wife and a family friend. It was pretty amazing, and it seemed to capture every one's attention. It caught mine as well, as I watched some of the coverage from my hotel room. Why was I in a hotel room that night? Because I was getting married the next day!
That, of course, is the most important event that weekend 16 years ago. And 16 years ago today, June 18, 1994, I became most blessed, as I was married to my bride: Teresa Ann Campagna!
While there were many other things for people to get excited about, my special event, my marriage to Teresa, was definitely the most important and exciting event that took place. Because of that event, I have grown in so many ways, as a person, and as a follower of Christ. Because of that event, God has added 5 special blessings to our lives, with our awesome children.
We have experienced many ups and downs, many victories and defeats, many joys and sorrows. But, through these 16 years, we have faced them together, and I wouldn't want it any other way. So, although most others might remember one of those other events from 16 years ago, I am celebrating and remembering one of the greatest days of my life, outside of my physical and spiritual birthdays: the day when Teresa said "I do".
Thanks babe! You are an incredible gift from God, to me; and I am forever grateful. Thanks for putting up with me these 16 years and for your commitment to do that for the rest of the days we "both shall live". I am truly blessed. It is my desire that we will continue to grow together and honor God as husband and wife. Thanks for being my lover, my companion, my bride, my best friend.
Day 53 - more about Abraham
Summary of Hebrews 11:8-19:
Examples of faith in Abraham's life, including his leaving to follow God wherever He led, and offering his son Isaac according to God's command. Abraham demonstrated faith by simply trusting in God and doing what he was told to do. Sarah was also used as an example of faith, who believed in God about having a baby even though she was very old. A general group of those who showed faith, not receiving the promise but believing were also used as examples.
Similarities and difference between Hebrews 11:8-29 and James 2:20-26
similarities: Both use Abraham as a main example of faith. Both mention the particular incidence where Abraham is asked by God to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, in order to test his faith. Both mention the works of Abraham that go along with the faith.
Differences:The James passage mentions Rahab as well, and Hebrews mentions Sarah and a general group of those who showed faith. Hebrews mentions the Isaac issue, but also adds the demonstration of faith Abraham showed by leaving his homeland and "blindly" following God toward the Promised Land.
What can we learn from this passage as it relates to living out our faith?
It is following God's lead even when we cannot fully see what lies ahead; even though what He calls us to do doesn't make much human sense to us.
What is one thing you can take from this example and specifically apply it to your life?
God has asked me to do something that I don't think I can do; so I will trust Him completely,and follow Him, no matter what.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Day 52 - James 2 and Romans 4
Romans 4:1-25 - a summary:
Abraham received the righteousness of God, but that did not come through his own personal efforts. He received the righteousness of God by faith. His faith was evident, displayed in believing the promises of God. The same is true for us, if we believe, by faith.
What are the similarities and differences between Romans 4:1-25 and James 2:20-26?
Similarities: They are both about faith and works. In both of them, Abraham is used as an example of what it means to have true faith.
Differences: Romans is emphasizing the faith aspect apart from works, and James is emphasizing the works aspect, that goes along with the faith. Romans is written by Paul and James is written by James. Romans is mainly explaining how the law and faith work, using Abraham as the prime example, and then applying it to us at the very end. In James, he is mainly applying the faith and works issue to us, and uses Abraham's story just as an illustration.
What can we learn from Romans 4:1-25 as it relates to living out our faith?
That although James emphasizes the works part of Abraham's faith, the foundational statements are made here: that Abraham demonstrated his faith by works, but he received the righteousness of God apart from his works. We learn that faith is very difficult to live out; but the importance of living it out is certainly seen in the example of Abraham.
What is one thing you can take from this example and specifically apply it to your life?
For me, I want to apply the fact the Abraham made many mistakes, revealed to us throughout the Bible; and yet he did demonstrate his faith and was used an illustration of a man of great faith. I also have failed many times and wonder if God can use me. And yet, since I do trust in God completely and follow Him in faith, I can be seen by Him as a man of great faith (even if others see me as a failure as I often see myself). My attention must be on God, following Him, and letting His opinion be what really matters.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Day 51 - looking through James for faith and works
Today, I am reading through the entire book of James and looking for connection to James 2:20-26,which emphasizes that true faith has works connected to it; otherwise that faith is dead. And James gives illustrations of that through Abraham and Sarah.
James 1: There is works in that we must endure the trials to have spiritual maturity, which is evidence of true faith. There is the work of prayer in faith for the wisdom we need. It is not just having the faith but putting the action of prayer to it. Proving ourselves to be doers of the Word and not just hearers is certainly faith put into action; and it is applied in the final verses by talking about helping the orphan and widows in their struggles.
James 2: Before this particular passage comes up, he talks about putting faith into action by how we treat those who are poor; and how showing partiality for external appearances or financial status is a dead faith. Instead, we are to demonstrate true faith through the work of the royal law: love your neighbor as yourself.
James 3: we show true faith through the work of controlling our tongues. True faith, true wisdom is demonstrated in the works of gentleness and peace.
James 4: True faith is seen in the work of humility. It is seen by including God in our plans. This idea of faith and works in this chapter is summed up by verse 17: "Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin."
James 5: you put faith into action by being patient for God to make all injustices right rather than taking matters into your own hands. Works and faith go together as we do not judge others but care for others needs. We work out our faith by confessing our sins to one another and helping those who have turned out of the way to get back on the right path.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Day 50 - Abraham
Genesis 22:1-18 - a summary
This is the part of the story of Abraham, where God asks him to take his son, Isaac, and go sacrifice him. This was the promised son that was supposed to be the beginning of a new nation. But, Abraham obeyed and followed through right up until the point he was ready to kill his son and God stopped him. God provided a ram, a substitute and Isaac was spared. But, in that test, Abraham demonstrated his faith, and God blessed him.
Genesis 22:1-18 and James 2:14-26
This is the extended story, in Genesis 22, of the illustration that James gives in James 2:21-23.
It is a living demonstration of what it looks like, as James talks about in chapter 2, to live out your faith. This is not a faith that just talks, but a faith that lives through action, through obedience to God, even when it doesn't make sense, when it is difficult.
What can we learn from Abraham, as it relates to living out our faith?
We learn that it is all about trusting in God. It is not about common sense, necessarily, or what feels right. It is about hearing God's voice and obeying - PERIOD.
What is one thing you can take from this example and specifically apply it to your life?
For me, it is about being the pastor here at Grace. I have been tested severely in recent months. It has been hard to see clearly. It has felt at times, as though I was being sacrificed or the ministry was. But, although I did it imperfectly, I trusted that God knew what He was doing, and I tried to focus on obeying the Bible's principles throughout the ordeal. I find myself getting discouraged and wanting to quit; but Abraham's example is a great encouragement and challenge to me at this time. It is all about obeying and trusting in God. I don't have to worry about what others think. I don't have to worry about whether my "child" (this ministry) is going to continue on as I hoped it would. All I am responsible for, is to hear God's voice and to follow, no matter what - PERIOD. Lord, help me to do that, without reservation.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Day 49 - James 2:20-26
How does James 2:20-26 fit into the context of chapters 1 and 2?
- proving faith by works fits into chapter 1 theme of going through trials but enduring
- proving faith by works fits into 1:14-16 cycle of where sin comes from. If we do not prove our faith, it is no one's fault but our own
- proving faith by works fits 1:22 - prove yourselves to be doers of the Word, not just hearers
- proving faith by works fits 2:15,16 and helping others in need
- proving faith by works, using the illustrations of Abraham and Rahab fit the previous verses that talked about how you must have works along with your faith if it is true
My own paraphrase of James 2:20-26: you are foolish if you think you can talk about following Christ but not actually follow Him. Don't you understand that Abraham is a great example of someone who proved (justified) his faith by what He did - offering to kill his son as God told him to, believing and trusting in God's promises. And not only that, don't you understand that Rahab demonstrated, proved her faith by what she did in protecting the spies from Israel. You see that in both cases, their faith and works went together. If you have faith but no works you are like a dead body at a funeral.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Day 48 - It's prayer time
Back in college, I began, periodically, to spend an hour in prayer. In the times that I have done that in my life, I have been refreshed and challenged in a new way. Who has an hour to spend just talking with God and listening to Him. Well, of course we all do. We somehow find an hour to talk to our friends, or eat or watch TV or take a nap or do a hobby, etc. But, somehow, I find it difficult to take an hour each day to spend with my best friend, my Savior, and my God.
But, today, in the extreme faith workout, there is that opportunity. I made it a half hour prayer time instead of an hour; but if you are up for the hour, just spend 5 minutes on each of the 12 categories, rather than 2.5 minutes. I'm not a mathematician, but I think that works out right.
The different categories are as follows:
Confession: I have to begin by confessing my sins and getting things right with God
Praise - This is asking for nothing except the opportunity to praise and adore God for who He is, for His character. This gets, right away, my attention off of myself and onto Him, where it belongs.
Waiting - This is difficult, especially since I believe God speaks to us through His Word. But, I have found, that when I am just quiet and focus my attention on God, I do hear from His Spirit and sense His direction (which lines up with His Word).
The Word - There are all kinds of prayers in the Bible that can be prayed right back to God. I have especially enjoyed this part of it.
Intercession/supplication - Before praying for myself, it is important to pray for others
Petition - This is bringing everything that is on my heart before God.
Thanksgiving - This is focused on thanking Him for what He has already given me. Perhaps this should come before asking for things!
Singing - I enjoy singing, especially when I am by myself. Music is a great way to communicate to God and praise Him.
Meditation - This is active thinking (unlike waiting) where consider what God is saying through His Word, which I just read.
Listening - What is God asking me to do, now that I have meditated on His Word. What are my next steps?
Psalms - This is prayer, praise, crying out to God, all in one, as the Psalms are great for being real with Him!
Praise - This is an appropriate way to end the prayer time, just as I began it - with praising God for who He is. The focus begins with Him and ends with Him.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Here are the things, through personal experience, that I naturally want to do:
- shoot back
- convince other observers to shoot them for you
- run for cover
- just lay down and die
However, having been shot at many times, and going through a variety of emotions and thinking through my options, I keep coming to the truth, the Word of God. This is where I find out, not what man would do, but what God did do. There is where I read what would honor God, as I endure the hurtful, dangerous fire of those I counted as friends. This is the truth, the example I want to follow:
I Peter 2:21-23 - "For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. he committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly."
There is the answer, found in the example of Jesus Christ. Like no other human being that ever lived, Jesus was shot at, not only by his enemies, but by those who he came to serve, those he came to save. He came to offer himself as a gift, to give his life, so that people could have eternal life; and yet they shot at him. They lied about him, mocked him, hurt him in every way imaginable. And what did he do, in response? Look again at verse 23: "when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly."
That is my prayer, as I am being shot at. This is what I want to do. I want to be like Jesus. So, instead of shooting back, instead of being so concerned about defending myself, this is my prayer, this is my commitment, this is what I have been doing, over and over and over again. This is what I desire to do, and it is what I want to suggest to those of you who are finding yourself in the middle of flying bullets:
Commit yourself, commit the shooters, commit the circumstance, completely to God. He is the judge who knows heart. He is the one who can protect you and care for you. People may kill your reputation by shooting at you, but they cannot damage your character; and that is what God is really concerned about. This is not easy, it is not natural, it is not what we normally think of when we realize we are a target. But, I know it is truth, it is what pleases God; and I am committed to it.
My prayer: God, I will not take revenge on those who seek to hurt and destroy me. I confess that I want to defend myself and hurt them because they have hurt me so deeply. I confess that I want to run away and hide from the bullets and be safe. But, I know that true safety is being where you want me to be, even if it is in the eye of the storm. I will trust your Word. I commit myself to you. I commit my enemies to you. I commit my present circumstances to you. You are the one and only true God: my comforter, my friend, my shield, my refuge; and I will leave the judging up to you.
Day 47 - listening to myself
Have you ever listened to yourself on tape? Usually, people don't like listening to themselves; and I am no different. And as a pastor, preaching every week, my voice is recorded, and available for me, or anyone else, to listen to at the click of a button. However, I very rarely listen to myself. I am too critical, so when I listen to myself, I keep thinking of all the things I should have said, what I should not have said, or how I should have said something differently. But, today, I am listening to myself because it was the assignment for the Extreme Faith Workout.
One of my goals as a pastor, as a preacher, is that I would learn from God's Word and apply God's Word to my heart and life, before I preach it to anyone else. This gave me the opportunity to come back, after preaching this, and listening in a fresh way, and thinking about how to apply this message, even though it was imperfectly preached, to my life today.
The passage of Scripture was James 2:14-19 and the title of the message was: Are You Dead? This is one of those passages in the Bible that seems contradictory, at first glance. And as I listen to it, I remember the challenge I had to try and explain this passage, communicate it clearly, to a diverse group of people, at all stages of spiritual development.
So, listening to this message, what are my next steps, to apply God's Word, this particular passage of His Word, to my life?
1. Each day, I need to be thinking of how God is asking me to live out my faith. What will it look like, today, for my belief system to be demonstrated by what I do?
2. I need to be sensitive and ready to help those that God brings into my path.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 46 - some more faith and works
Faith without works:
Romans 3:28 - justification (to be declared righteous) comes apart from the law
Galatians 2:16 - justified not by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ
Ephesians 2:8,9 - saved by grace through faith, not by works
Titus 3:5 - not by works of righteousness, but by God's mercy we are saved
I John 3:16-18 and James 2:15-17
Both passages are talking about how faith goes into action, or should, when there is someone in need. James 2 points out that if we have the resources to help someone in need and don't, our faith is dead. I John 3 points out that if we don't help, we don't have the love of God in us. Both passages say that our walk is more important that our talk. We must live out our faith in these real ways.
Next steps to make a change in this area:
I John 1:9 - confess our sins
Ephesians 4:22-24 - put off the bad habits or attitude and put on the right thinking and actions that go along with true faith
Titus 2:11,12 - say no to sinful temptation to live for ourselves and say yes to godly character which will result in faith backed up by works
Difference between true and false belief:
Mark 5:7 - a demon "believed" in who Jesus was but certainly did not follow Him
Deuteronomy 6:4,5 - you can believe in verse 4 that there is one true God, but not follow through with verse 5 which includes loving God with our entire being
Matthew 7:21 - some will cry to God on judgment day talking about how they did things in His name; but they will not have eternal life because they did not live for God, obeying Him - which is an indicator of true faith.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 45 - James 2:14-19 in context
Reading through the book of James, what seems to connect and add context to James 2:14-19?
1:6 - must pray in faith to receive God's wisdom; idea of faith goes with works (prayer)
1:22 - don't just listen to the Word, but do it
1:26,27 - part of putting truth and faith into practice is to help those who are in true need
2:1-13 - how we treat others, especially the poor, demonstrates whether or not we have true faith
3:9,10 - how we speak about others shows if we have true faith; not just how we speak about God
3:13-17 - this demonstrates true wisdom, not in how much we know, but how we act. That is what shows where our loyalties lie and if we truly belong to God
4:17 - we must do the right thing, not just talk about it
5:1-6 - the non-believing rich are condemned because they have demonstrated they don't have true faith by how they treat others
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 44 - faith and works
What kind of faith does Paul count as genuine faith (Galatians 5:6)?
Faith working through love
According to John, what is a crucial piece of evidence that we "belong to the truth" and are children of God (I John 3:10,17-19)?
practicing righteousness - doing the right thing; and loving others
What does Jesus say about faith and works in Matthew 7:15-23; 25:31-46?
If you have true faith, your life will show it. God is not looking for verbal assent but a life dedicated to doing His will.
How does James show agreement with Paul and John (James 1:27; 2:14-17)?
James emphasizes the evidence part, the works part, of demonstrating true faith; not just talking about it.
How does Paul agree or disagree with James in Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 5:22-25; and Philippians2:12,13?
Paul agrees with James, that we must "work out our salvation" by living the right way, and loving others.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Day 43 - James 2:14-19
How does James 2:14-19 fit into context of James 1,2?
This passage is about dead faith and how if you have true faith, it will be demonstrated by works. In a way, that is the message of James. James 1 says that you must not just hear the Word of God, but DO it. Also, it is about reaching out to those in true need, just like the example in 2:15,16. The rest of James 2 is all about examples of those who lived out true faith.
In my own words - James 2:14-19
It is worthless to say you have faith but not back it up with works. For example, if someone in need of food and clothing comes to you and you send them away without meeting their real need, that is useless, worthless. If you don't live out your faith with works, your faith is dead. The demons have the kind of faith that just believes in a God but doesn't act in loving and living for God.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Day 42 - next steps with James 2:14-19
Next steps are the application steps for the message from last week, based on James 2:14-19.
1. Ask a close friend or family member how merciful they believe you to be.
In talking to people about this, it is interesting to consider their responses. As a pastor, I am thinking about the different things people have said recently about my mercy toward those who are either sinning or just hurting. Those who have felt hurt by me or who feel I have hurt their friends, do not feel I am merciful at all. Those who know me well feel that I have demonstrated mercy quite often. I come away from that question realizing that it must be a continual pursuit for me, to show mercy as I have been shown mercy; but not to base it on other's view of the circumstances. I have to put everything through the grid of Scripture.
2. Consider someone to whom you have not demonstrated mercy.
I have been able to identify someone with whom I have shown mercy before but have not shown mercy to in the recent past. I have my excuses, of course, but there is no good excuse. I confess that before God; and need to be prepared to demonstrate mercy to this person in the future.
3. Do one thing this week for someone else that you would like someone to do for you.
If I am not seeing things clearly and begin to walk down the wrong path, I would like for someone to point that out, gently, and be willing to help me see. I was able to reach out to someone like that this last week. They may not respond, but in mercy, I want to help them do the things that will honor God, even as they go through a very challenging time.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Day 41 - mercy
James 2:12,13 talks about mercy, including the statement that: "mercy triumphs over judgment." What do these other Scripture passages say about it?
Exodus 25:17 - one of the main furnishings in the tabernacle was the Mercy seat, over which God was known to dwell.
Psalm 23:6 - The hope and prayer and confidence of David, as he looked at God as His Shepherd, was that mercy would follow Him, throughout life and then into eternity.
Psalm 51:1 - This Psalm was supposedly written in response to David's fall into the sins of murder and adultery. He cried out to God, that according to His character, that He would show mercy to David.
Psalm 123:3 - A song that the people of Israel would sing, feeling downtrodden, asking God to bring mercy to them.
Micah 6:8 - According to the prophet, one of the few things God requires, for us to show mercy.
Matthew 5:7 - In the Sermon on the Mount, the merciful are the ones who will be shown mercy
Matthew 9:13 - When Jesus was criticized for spending time with "sinners", he responded by saying that what he is looking for from his followers is not some empty sacrifice, but for them to show mercy to others just as He came to show mercy to those who needed it.
Romans 9:15 - This was a quote about God, in the context of salvation, that He will sovereignly chooses, upon whom to show mercy. He is God and is in complete control.
Romans 12:8 - In serving and recognizing spiritual gifts, the one who has the gift of mercy should use it with cheerfulness.
Ephesians 2:4 - In explaining how God sent His Son to die for our sins, it is all connected to God's mercy on us.
Hebrews 9:5 - In looking back to the Holy Place of the Tabernacle, the mercy seat was mentioned. This was all in the context of explaining the new covenant of salvation that had come through Jesus Christ.
James 2:13 - Mercy triumphs over judgment!
I Peter 2:10 - In talking about Gentiles who were now recipients of God's mercy, just like the Jewish people, he was emphasizing what it means for salvation to have come to them.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Day 40 - mercy, grace and judgment
James 2:12,13 teach that those without mercy (non-believers) will be judged without mercy. It is a warning, a challenge, to believers because they are not to be living like non-believers. Put in the context of all Scripture, true believers will receive mercy even if they did not show mercy in a particular circumstance. But, they are to confess and repent of that, understanding that it is not to be a part of a believer's life.
Connection with James 2:8-13:
Matthew 5:7 - In God's Kingdom the merciful receive great mercy
Luke 6:38 - The principle is that whatever you give out is what you will receive
Romans 2:6-11 - This is in the context of demonstating true faith. Those who have true faith will show it and it is those who will receive eternal life (because they are truly saved). God show no partiality based on your outward appearances or just what you say.
II Corinthians 5:10 - All believers will have their works judged, whether or not they are lasting for eternity; but it doesn't have anything to do with their salvation.
Galatians 6:7-10 - Christians are treated in a certain way misunderstood; and yet the truth is the opposite; and we have to trust in that.
I John 4:7,8 - Showing love to others demonstrates that we know and love God
James 2:8-13 (a paraphrase):
To obey God's supreme law is to love others as you love yourself. That is great if you do. But if you don't, showing favoritism, you are seen by God as a lawbreaker, not right before Him. It doesn't matter that you keep certain laws, but then break this one about love. You are guilty. Focus on submitting to God's Word and showing mercy to others as you have been shown mercy. Mercy has victory over judgment.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Day 39 - James and the royal law
Prayer Time: 10 things I am thankful for
1. That God loves me
2. For my salvation, eternal life
3. God's Word
4. Teresa
5. My children (in alphabetical order): Alex
6. Breanna
7. Caleb
8. Gabrielle
9. Isabella
10. the people of Grace
The royal law: love your neighbor as yourself
1:13,14 - we don't love one another because of our own selfish desires
1:19 - slow to speak, quick to listen to one another
1:27 - true religion is helping those in need
2:1-4 - do not show favoritism based on outward appearances
2:8 - love your neighbor as yourself
2:16 - it is dead faith if you see someone in need and do not help
3:9 - we praise God but curse those he has created
3:17 - true wisdom is displayed with gentleness toward one another
4:1 - the reason we fight is because of our selfish desires
4:11 - do not speak evil against one another
4:12 - it is God's place to judge, not ours
5:9 - do not complain, grumble against one another
5:16 - confess your sins to one another and pray for one another
5:19,20 - love enough to turn others from their sins
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Day 38 - love your neighbor as yourself
Leviticus 19:18 - This is where it began, with this command of the law to love your neighbor as yourself. In this context, it includes not taking revenge or holding a grudge against others.
Matthew 22:34-39 - In answer to the question: what is the greatest commandment, Jesus included love your neighbor as yourself as the 2nd greatest one, and one of the two that all the law rests on. It always comes back to this, as it relates to our dealings with others.
Galatians 5:13,14 - The whole law is fulfilled in this: love your neighbor as yourself. That is huge. Included in this is not living to serve ourselves, but using our freedom in Christ to serve others.
Romans 13:8-10 - The debt that we owe, the only one we should owe, is to love one another. It further describes loving our neighbor as ourselves as doing no wrong, whatsoever, to our neighbor (those that God brings into our path).