Monday, September 27, 2010
More KISSES for Me!
I don't know if this is true for all of you previously facial haired men; but it was true for me, and I'm loving it! A few years ago, on Thanksgiving vacation, with Teresa's encouragement, I grew some facial hair. Over the past several months, Teresa had told me that she was ready for it to come off. I hesitated. I should have thought of this earlier, because when I went to kiss her, I noticed her wincing. I started to wonder if I was just a bad kisser, but it was all about the prickly hair. So, over vacation last week I shaved it all off. The surprising thing is, it took her almost a day to notice it - not sure why. Then all of a sudden she noticed it and...started kissing me. Over the past several days, I have received many more kisses - it has been pretty sweet. I wish I would have done that a long time ago; and I think it might be a long time before I forget to shave. Pucker those lips baby - smooth face coming for some more!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
We do everything we can to have dinner together every night. I take Fridays off and spend them with Teresa and the afternoon and evening with the family. Many Saturdays there is quite a bit of time together. But, I am very grateful for the times when we get to go away and some time together away from home completely. Granted, most of the time, we go to visit friends or family, where the lodging is free and it is great to catch up with everyone. It has been a while since just our family has gotten away; and it happened this week.
Tonight we pack and tomorrow we head back from Lake George, up here in Silver Bay, New York. Teresa grew up coming to this campground (YMCA) with her family and next summer there is a Campagna family reunion here; so, we thought we would come up here and check it out. Actually, the real reason we came now is because it is off season, and the food and lodging is free for pastor's families. When talking about this trip, I have had more than one pastor tell me: "My policy is: if it's free, it's me!" I suppose we pretty much adhere to that policy as well.
It did mean taking our kids out of school for a week, and missing some practices, games and special events; but you know what? Those things will always be going on with our busy lives, and it was worth it, just to spend a week alone as a family! We are grateful for the many blessings that come with being a pastor's family; and the generosity of camps like this, and Chip Devenger (our host this week), are prime examples. We don't take these things lightly, or for granted.
It is really beautiful here, and being right on Lake George is great! We have used kayaks (2 of our children that will remain unnamed got stranded and had to be rescued!), the archery range, climbing on rocks, tennis, soccer, basketball and "nuke'em" (a family favorite on the volleyball court); and there is probably more I am forgetting.
But, my absolute favorite thing has been, after breakfast, having everyone pick a scenic spot and having their own private time wth God. Then, we meet together at a certain point along the beach, sing, pray, and share what they learned in their time alone. It was awesome! I suggested that at home, we all get up at 5:30 a.m. go to the beach at Lake Erie and have family devotions every morning; but that great suggestion was not met with much approval or applause.
So, I will be content with remembering this great time of family; and thank God for His many blessings.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Entertaining Sheep, Attracting Goats
I recently heard a local pastor criticize other churches by saying that they were "entertaining sheep and attracting goats." The "sheep" term is used in the Bible to refer to believers, followers of God who are true Christians. The "goat" term is used to refer to those who might be among the sheep, for now, but will eventually be separated from them by God, because the "goats" are non-believers. So, the pastor's critical comment was that some churches are just trying to entertain the believers and attract non-believers by the methods they use in worship, rather than building up believers and honoring God in their worship.
I have heard critical remarks like this before, and they are usually used of churches that are growing, not from transfers from other like churches, but from people in the community, people that are spiritually searching, and are finding the truth they are looking for being communicated in an up to date, fresh, loving way. Usually, a co-criticism of churches like this is that the preaching is not "deep" enough.
Certainly there are churches that have a lot of people, are just a social type of church, and are not preaching truth. But, these criticisms, from other good, Christian pastors, are not aimed at the doctrinally deviant churches, but at churches that hold to pretty much the same doctrine. It is just that they have chosen a different method to communicate the same truth to the people they are trying to reach.
When I hear criticisms like this, I wonder what they would have thought or said about Jesus Christ, when He was here on Earth. We have recorded for us many of His messages and teaching methods. Would they consider Jesus' teaching "deep"? Certainly, He could have been accused of "entertaining the sheep" or "attracting goats" when He performed some of His incredible miracles. People were amazed and "entertained" as the Bible even tells us that some people were following Him only because of His miracles. Was He "entertaining the sheep" and attracting goats" when He told stories instead of going verse by verse through an Old Testament book? He told stories that today, we would say were entertaining, keeping our interest, and strongly making His point. Believers and non-believers alike were drawn to what Jesus did and taught. He would often use object lessons, using the water or mountains and hills, or fish and bread. Instead of answering some of the questions He was asked directly, He would make His point (and I'm sure caused many of the hearers to laugh) by answering the question with a question.
There is another way to look at this, you know. What if Jesus was not trying to "entertain" the sheep as much as He was trying to "engage" them in truth and have them consider what it really takes to be His follower? What if Jesus was, indeed, attracting "goats" because He wanted to introduce them to Himself, to the truth that would lead to God? And at the right time, after the "sheep were entertained" and the "goats were attracted", Jesus would then lay it out for them: this is what is required to be my follower...this is the truth. It was at moments like that, that most people, including His closest followers, would walk away from Him.
If by "entertaining the sheep" we mean engaging believers through effective teaching methods, bringing all of their senses into play, regarding God's truth, then I say: "let the sheep be entertained!" And if by "attracting the goats" we mean that non-believers are willing to hear the life changing message of the gospel because we are willing to do what the Apostle Paul was willing to do: "be all things to all men, so that I might save some"; then by all means: bring in the goats!
The only people that Jesus was really rough with and called names, were those religious leaders who pretended to know and follow God, but were actually causing damage to the testimony of God and the gospel of Christ. They were the ones who were very rigid and would never have been accused of entertaining anybody. They not only condemned the goats (ironically they were actually goats, non-believers, themselves), but they condemned true Christians. They were all about rules and keeping their man-made standards and laws.
Let's have the heart of Jesus as we minister to people, and remember why He was here: "to seek and to save that which was lost (goats)". We have been called by God to "make disciples", followers of Jesus; and if those followers, through engagement of the truth, are also laughing and enjoying their journey with Jesus (being entertained), then praise God! Perhaps God was right when He said we as believers are to be constantly rejoicing.
So, this week, my prayer for you churches is this: may your sheep be entertained, and may you attract many goats!
I have heard critical remarks like this before, and they are usually used of churches that are growing, not from transfers from other like churches, but from people in the community, people that are spiritually searching, and are finding the truth they are looking for being communicated in an up to date, fresh, loving way. Usually, a co-criticism of churches like this is that the preaching is not "deep" enough.
Certainly there are churches that have a lot of people, are just a social type of church, and are not preaching truth. But, these criticisms, from other good, Christian pastors, are not aimed at the doctrinally deviant churches, but at churches that hold to pretty much the same doctrine. It is just that they have chosen a different method to communicate the same truth to the people they are trying to reach.
When I hear criticisms like this, I wonder what they would have thought or said about Jesus Christ, when He was here on Earth. We have recorded for us many of His messages and teaching methods. Would they consider Jesus' teaching "deep"? Certainly, He could have been accused of "entertaining the sheep" or "attracting goats" when He performed some of His incredible miracles. People were amazed and "entertained" as the Bible even tells us that some people were following Him only because of His miracles. Was He "entertaining the sheep" and attracting goats" when He told stories instead of going verse by verse through an Old Testament book? He told stories that today, we would say were entertaining, keeping our interest, and strongly making His point. Believers and non-believers alike were drawn to what Jesus did and taught. He would often use object lessons, using the water or mountains and hills, or fish and bread. Instead of answering some of the questions He was asked directly, He would make His point (and I'm sure caused many of the hearers to laugh) by answering the question with a question.
There is another way to look at this, you know. What if Jesus was not trying to "entertain" the sheep as much as He was trying to "engage" them in truth and have them consider what it really takes to be His follower? What if Jesus was, indeed, attracting "goats" because He wanted to introduce them to Himself, to the truth that would lead to God? And at the right time, after the "sheep were entertained" and the "goats were attracted", Jesus would then lay it out for them: this is what is required to be my follower...this is the truth. It was at moments like that, that most people, including His closest followers, would walk away from Him.
If by "entertaining the sheep" we mean engaging believers through effective teaching methods, bringing all of their senses into play, regarding God's truth, then I say: "let the sheep be entertained!" And if by "attracting the goats" we mean that non-believers are willing to hear the life changing message of the gospel because we are willing to do what the Apostle Paul was willing to do: "be all things to all men, so that I might save some"; then by all means: bring in the goats!
The only people that Jesus was really rough with and called names, were those religious leaders who pretended to know and follow God, but were actually causing damage to the testimony of God and the gospel of Christ. They were the ones who were very rigid and would never have been accused of entertaining anybody. They not only condemned the goats (ironically they were actually goats, non-believers, themselves), but they condemned true Christians. They were all about rules and keeping their man-made standards and laws.
Let's have the heart of Jesus as we minister to people, and remember why He was here: "to seek and to save that which was lost (goats)". We have been called by God to "make disciples", followers of Jesus; and if those followers, through engagement of the truth, are also laughing and enjoying their journey with Jesus (being entertained), then praise God! Perhaps God was right when He said we as believers are to be constantly rejoicing.
So, this week, my prayer for you churches is this: may your sheep be entertained, and may you attract many goats!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
9 years ago today
About this time (6:27 a.m. EST), I'm sure some people who were involved in the tragic events of that day, 9 years ago, were getting up, were on their way to he airport, were beginning their day as a first responder in NYC, etc.; and except for the criminals, no one had an idea what that particular day would bring. They lived out the truth of what the Bible says: "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring." (Proverbs 27:1). For those who lost someone on that day, I'm sure the pain is still there, and today it is good for us to pray for them...especially today.
I can still remember that Tuesday morning, when the church custodian came to my youth office and told me what had happened. I called Teresa and told her to turn on the TV. That scenario must have played out thousands of times in our country that day: "turn on the won't believe what just happened." The pictures and video from that day are chilling. I don't know how anyone can process those events, unless you believe in a sovereign God, who allowed the consequences of sin to be seen in a cataclysmic way on that particular day. Those who did those terrible things will have to give an account before a holy God; but God also used the events of that day to turn many people toward Him; even those who had ignored Him most of their lives.
So, today, we remember the fallen and thank God for those first responders, many of which also gave their lives that day. We remember the friends and families that remain, who still grieve over their loved ones. We look to God, realizing that He may not give us all the answers to our questions about that day; but He will give us the answers for how to live in an uncertain, sinful world, and how to be prepared for eternity.
"Lord, today I pray for all of those who will be grieving, as they remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. We believe, Lord, that you have or will bring to justice (your perfect justice) those who committed those terrible crimes and caused death and incredible pain to so many. We believe your Word, that all those who died that day, as your followers, have spent the last 9 years in your peace. So, we ask you to give comfort and peace to those who grieve today, and continue to use this tragedy to help people look to you as their comforter, their Savior, and their Lord. In Jesus name, Amen."
I can still remember that Tuesday morning, when the church custodian came to my youth office and told me what had happened. I called Teresa and told her to turn on the TV. That scenario must have played out thousands of times in our country that day: "turn on the won't believe what just happened." The pictures and video from that day are chilling. I don't know how anyone can process those events, unless you believe in a sovereign God, who allowed the consequences of sin to be seen in a cataclysmic way on that particular day. Those who did those terrible things will have to give an account before a holy God; but God also used the events of that day to turn many people toward Him; even those who had ignored Him most of their lives.
So, today, we remember the fallen and thank God for those first responders, many of which also gave their lives that day. We remember the friends and families that remain, who still grieve over their loved ones. We look to God, realizing that He may not give us all the answers to our questions about that day; but He will give us the answers for how to live in an uncertain, sinful world, and how to be prepared for eternity.
"Lord, today I pray for all of those who will be grieving, as they remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. We believe, Lord, that you have or will bring to justice (your perfect justice) those who committed those terrible crimes and caused death and incredible pain to so many. We believe your Word, that all those who died that day, as your followers, have spent the last 9 years in your peace. So, we ask you to give comfort and peace to those who grieve today, and continue to use this tragedy to help people look to you as their comforter, their Savior, and their Lord. In Jesus name, Amen."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A couple notes here. Yes, I am an Iowa Hawkeye fan, but I knew I could set that aside for opening weekend and cheer on Penn State against Youngstown State (yes, I know I live in Ohio and Youngstown is in OH). I also didn't want to get booed, embarrass my relatives, or have beer poured over my head (although I didn't see any beer in the stadium, and the season ticket holder fans we were seated near didn't seem to surly). I also knew this was opening day, which meant Penn State would play a "cupcake" team (meaning a team they should easily beat). I am competitive, so I like competition and the possibility of a team wining or losing; but I decided this was going to be just a nice day to enjoy time with my son and Teresa's sister's family.
I have been at just a couple of college football games, but they can't be beat, in terms of the excitement that the fans, especially the home team's college students bring to that atmosphere.
The pictures I have included show a little of our experience. Caleb was pretty excited, that before the game, he won a Hershey's chocolate bar by throwing a football through a target hole at a booth outside the stadium. I also won one, but Caleb ate that on too since I just started my diet (and I LOVE chocolate!). You also see a picture of some nachos and cheese. I happened to be looking down through my camera when those came by, so I took the picture. I LOVE nachos and cheese, but unbelievably, I once again showed restraint by refraining. When is this diet going to be over? Oh, yeah, I just started it. One of the cool things about the experience was that we arrived a couple hours before the game started and were able to enjoy all the things taking place outside the stadium. We heard both marching bands play, got to through some footballs and just watch all the people getting pumped up for the big game.
Another picture shows the marching band on the field and in the top right hand corner, you can see an "S" which stands for State (Penn State) and made by just the right placement of fans wearing the right colored shirts. The atmosphere inside the stadium was "electric". Lots of music, lots of cheering...Lots of acrobatics and, of course, the mascot, who in one picture, you see him hugging Caleb. Plus, we were there on a day that had great football weather (for you non-football fans, that means it was nice and cool).
One thing that really struck me, was when the Penn State school song was played before the game, with everyone standing, and those who attended Penn State, singing it. I looked at the words on the big screen and they really struck me. They were words that you could have almost sung in church, as a worship song. In fact, that is exactly what I thought: this is a worship song! They were singing about their love and devotion for their school. School loyalty is great, but it also made me sad. I was making the assumption that most of the people that were in that stadium, yelling and screaming for their team, singing from their hearts about their devotion, are not followers of Jesus Christ.
This is the kind of devotion that ought to be giving to Jesus. These are the kinds of songs that ought to come from our hearts, with the energetic emotion that was coming from these football fans. The next day, as I helped lead others in worship, I made sure that I was, first of all, a worshipper, rather than just someone leading others. I gave my heart in singing out to my God. That is where my devotion must lie, and that is where I must strive to lead others.
p.s. Go Hawkeyes!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 108 - The End has come!
Extreme Faith Workout
I don't know about the end of the world, as God will take care of that in His timing, but I do know that my extreme faith workout in James has concluded. Working out and writing 6 days a week has now concluded with my 108th entry. Even if no one else has done the workout with me, it has been very valuable for me, in many ways:
I don't know about the end of the world, as God will take care of that in His timing, but I do know that my extreme faith workout in James has concluded. Working out and writing 6 days a week has now concluded with my 108th entry. Even if no one else has done the workout with me, it has been very valuable for me, in many ways:
- Continuing the discipline of prayer and Bible study each day
- Applying what I am preaching
- Growing in my faith
This has been a great experience for me and I believe God has used it to test, challenge and grow my faith. Thanks, God, for this opportunity.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 107 - James 3-5 and 5:19,20
Extreme Faith Workout
James 5:19,20
3:2,3 - the rescuer, if he can control his tongue, will be more effective in his rescue
3:8 - it is likely that the wanderer was struggling with his tongue
3:13 - the rescuer will need this to love the wanderer
3:14 - many times this is what the wanderer is struggling with
3:18 - the rescuer is really a biblical peacemaker, trying to bring restoration in personal relationships and to God
4:2-4 - the wanderer is shown to be a friend of the world
4:6 - this is what is needed, humility - for both the wanderer and the rescuer
5:16 - the wanderer needs to confess his sins to the rescuer, who can pray for him and help bring him back
James 5:19,20
3:2,3 - the rescuer, if he can control his tongue, will be more effective in his rescue
3:8 - it is likely that the wanderer was struggling with his tongue
3:13 - the rescuer will need this to love the wanderer
3:14 - many times this is what the wanderer is struggling with
3:18 - the rescuer is really a biblical peacemaker, trying to bring restoration in personal relationships and to God
4:2-4 - the wanderer is shown to be a friend of the world
4:6 - this is what is needed, humility - for both the wanderer and the rescuer
5:16 - the wanderer needs to confess his sins to the rescuer, who can pray for him and help bring him back
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 106 - looking at the whole
Extreme Faith Workout
Read chapters 1,2 and see any connection with James 5:19,20:
Read chapters 1,2 and see any connection with James 5:19,20:
- 1:1,2 - steadfastness in trials is a blessed characteristic. Those who are wandering from the truth are not being steadfast
- 1:5 - the need for wisdom is the same in rescuing someone from spiritual disaster as it is in enduring a trial
- 1:13 - the one wandering cannot blame God
- 1:14,15 - the reason the person has wandered has everything to do with
- 1:21,22 - this is the answer for what the wanderer needs to do
- 1:23,24 - this is an explanation for what the wanderer has done
- 1:27 - this is the challenge for the wanderer and for the rescuer
- 2:1 - for those who are going after the wanderer, we cannot show partiality
- 2:8 - this is an encouragement for the rescuer
- 2:12,13 - the one who rescues demonstrates the mercy of Christ
- 2:17 - the wanderer may have had the head knowledge but didn't follow it through with his life
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 105 - applying James 5:19,20
Extreme Faith Workout
James 5:19,20 - NEXT STEPS
1. It is our responsibility to bring people back to God's truth
James encourages those who are willing to go after people who are sinning; and with the rest of Scripture we know the importance and responsibility of reaching out to our fallen brothers and sisters in Christ. This has been an area I have taken much more seriously in recent years, even though it is full of risks and consequences.
2. Evaluate your own heart, and then humbly attempt to rescue them from God's judgment.
This is crucial, to make sure that we have confessed our own sins, before we attempt to go after others and help them. But, once we have done, that, we must go after those struggling with sin, as thought their lives depended on it.
3. Be encouraged that you are doing the right thing.
This command is very tough, at times, so it is good to remember that God wants us to do it, He will bless it; and it is God's will.
James 5:19,20 - NEXT STEPS
1. It is our responsibility to bring people back to God's truth
James encourages those who are willing to go after people who are sinning; and with the rest of Scripture we know the importance and responsibility of reaching out to our fallen brothers and sisters in Christ. This has been an area I have taken much more seriously in recent years, even though it is full of risks and consequences.
2. Evaluate your own heart, and then humbly attempt to rescue them from God's judgment.
This is crucial, to make sure that we have confessed our own sins, before we attempt to go after others and help them. But, once we have done, that, we must go after those struggling with sin, as thought their lives depended on it.
3. Be encouraged that you are doing the right thing.
This command is very tough, at times, so it is good to remember that God wants us to do it, He will bless it; and it is God's will.
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