Thursday, November 24, 2011


Top 10 things I am thankful for today:

  • My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for my sins and brought me salvation

  • My beautiful wife, Teresa, who has promised to always love me...regardless!

  • My 5 awesome children...all incredible gifts from God!

  • The privilege of being the lead pastor of a great group of people at Grace in Ohio

  • A great vacation in warm and sunny Florida

  • Athletes like Tim Tebow and Phil Dawson, who seem very genuine in their faith

  • Romans 12, which I have memorized and meditated on over vacation

  • All of the blessings God has given me

  • Safety in driving with my family 24.5 hours yesterday, in rain and congested traffic

  • To be with my wife and children, my parents, my brother and his family, today for Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Last night, my son and I went out to eat at a restaurant that showed the football game between the Denver Broncos and the New York Jets. Recently, my interest has been piqued with all the attention, positive and negative, that Tim Tebow, the current quarterback for the Denver Broncos has received. Since he took over as the quarterback this season, the Broncos have 4 wins and 1 loss. Before that, they had 1 win and 4 losses. He is criticized for not being a good quarterback; and yet they keep winning.

What has interested me most is that he is a professing Christian. There are many professional athletes that profess Christianity; but many times, after hearing the things they say and seeing the things they do, I wish they never would have professed Christ. I realize that Tim may start losing every game, and he may bring shame to Christ at some point. But, what I am hearing so far, including from his own mouth, sounds different than the typical professing Christian athletes' response. Even after last night's win, he talked about his faith but he didn't use the typical phrases that are used. He just sounded more genuine. He didn't act as though God was on his side or wanted him to win. In fact, he said that win or lose, he knows what is most important and therefore, he can just enjoy playing, regardless of the result. God is in control.

So, for now, although I don't normally cheer for the Broncos, I am cheering for the Broncos, all because of Tebow. Perhaps you have seen the recent phenomenon on the internet, and elsewhere, that is referred to as "Tebowing". From what I can tell, it comes from the fact that the quarterback kneels in a prayer of thanksgiving after wins and perhaps at other times as well. It received a ton of attention after a win this season, when he came back to win in the 4th quarter. He was shown kneeling in a prayer pose and all of a sudden, "everyone" was doing it. This includes, of course, the Detroit Lions, who beat him the next week and made fun of him.

After last night's win, commentators are using his name in another way. When you get beat by the Broncos, and especially if Tim Tebow helps beat you, you are said to have just been "Tebowed"! I hope he does well, especially if he is truly a follower of Jesus; and especially if that will give him more open doors to share his testimony of faith in Christ. And for the rest of us, regardless of your football allegiances, we can all use a little more, check that, a lot more "Tebowing".

That is, if it means what I think it means to Tim Tebow himself: It means to pray, to remember who gave you the ability to do what you do, and to give Him all the glory". If that is true, then let's take some time to "Tebow" today, even though it is certainly o.k., and probably better, to call it what it is: PRAYER!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Georgia Billboards

Yesterday, as I was travelling through the state of Georgia, something really caught my attention: the big billboards lining the side of the highway. There may be other states that have similar billboards, but I have not seen any, at least to this extent, that compare with the ones in Georgia.
I saw a couple of billboards that were making very strong moral statements. One billboard, which I only saw once, said:" Homosexuality is a sin" - signed: God. I thought: wow. That is true, I believe, but is that the best way to communicate God's truth to people driving by at 75 mph? Another billboard I saw several times targeted abortion; or to put it more positively, were "pro-life". It had the picture of a mom who was pregnant and then a huge statement that was coming from the life inside of her: "18 days after conception, I have a heartbeat". To me, it is a moving billboard. And, in my opinion, it is a more reasonable, loving way to get a good message across.

Beside these examples, it was a series of 4 billboards that made the most impact on me. The first one had no pictures, but simply, in all bold letters, said: "STRIPPERS: Come and take a look!" Then, there was the encouragement to take the next exit and take a look. Probably 1/4 mile from that billboard was one that said: "What Can Wash Away My Sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!"
Another mile or so after that was another billboard: "STRIPPERS: Enough said!" Then, about 1/2 mile from that, another billboard: "For God so loved the world". It had a picture of Jesus dying on the cross, and then the words: "eternally assured".

As I was driving, I had some time to consider what I had just seen. A series of 4 billboards, with interchanging messages. I wonder: was it on purpose? Did those who put the gospel centered billboards up mean to do it just after the inappropriate billboards (inappropriate not because of images, but because it is encouraging sin)? I wonder...

My takeaway was this: Whether purposeful or not, There was great truth told in these billboards. There is the allurement to sin, which is very strong (if not these types of billboards, then there is something else that allures us); and then in between those alluring messages, that bring death, there is life bringing gospel messages. Thank God for that. It is truth. What is it that delivers us from the sin of lust, or any sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! And what is it about God that I need to focus on, as it relates to my sin, and the strong temptations that I face? "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life!"

Next time you are travelling the Georgia highways, look for a great message of truth, in the midst of lies...just on the side of the road!

Friday, November 4, 2011

I Don't Get it!

I feel like I say this quite a bit, and many times it is just because I am me and the topic I am trying to understand is beyond me. However, there are also other times when I Don't Get it!, but I really think it is the other party that simply makes no sense. And this was one of those times. I worked out the other night and, admittedly, I was sweating like crazy. It was a great workout and I was looking forward to my shower.

So, I got other clothes to change into, took my shower, changed and took my "dirty clothes", also very sweaty, down the hallway to the laundry chute we have on the main floor, that goes down to the laundry basket down in the laundry room. It is a pretty good system. Therefore, it was to my great surprise that I heard my wife say to me: Don't put your dirty clothes in the chute! I think my first words of response were: "But they're dirty clothes!

She went on to explain that my clothes were so "dirty", so sweaty, so smelly, that they went way beyond the "dirty clothes" category; and that my sweaty, smelly clothes didn't deserve (my words, not hers) to be with the other dirty clothes in the laundry room basket.

What? Are you kidding me? These were questions in my mind, not said out loud. Out loud, I think I said: "Yes honey". So, I'm bringing my "case" to those of you reading this blog. You understand where I'm coming from, don't you? If I didn't "stand up" for my own clothes right to survive, I think she might have burned them in the back yard!

Come on now: Am I right...or is she wrong? (Yes, that is exactly what I meant to say)!