Monday, October 28, 2013

4th quarter?

The title of my blog is Greg's Halftime. Some years ago, when I began blogging, I named it this because it seemed like my life was half over (at least); and I wanted to focus on any time left to honor God with my life. You can read my post entitled: Halftime, from October 26, 2007. It you get back on my blog:, and then go to this date to read it. I was challenged by the book: Chazown, which helped me come up with my life purpose statement: My dream is to help people take the next step in their spiritual journey.

However, just a couple of days ago, I found myself celebrating another birthday; and as it usually happens with birthdays, I was getting older. It just hit me: you're not at halftime Greg - you're in the 4th quarter! At first, I was offended by my own thoughts. Then, I realized how ridiculous it is to be offending yourself - so I stopped. But I kept thinking: perhaps this is a good thing. When I think of halftime, I think: I still have another half. I'm o.k. There is plenty of time to win the game, even if I am far behind. But, if it is the 4th quarter, there is more of an urgency. I don't have much time left. If I am going to do something significant before the game ends, now is the time!

I am very grateful for the life God has given me; and if I were to die today, I would feel satisfied, in Him. But, as it relates to my life and ministry, there is still more I would love to do, for the glory of God. That is where my focus needs to be, if God chooses to give me another day, week, month, year, or even decade (or more). He has left me here for a reason; and I want to make the best of it. So, if it is the 4th quarter, then let's figure out what needs to be done; so that when that final buzzer sounds, nothing is left on the field - and I can be a winner (i.e. God saying: Well done good and faithful servant).

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bitter Free

This entry has nothing to do with food or drink. It has everything to do with the heart. We have all had those moments, where the unexpected happened; and it is only then that you really know how you will respond. I will be as specific as needed and as vague as possible. Sometime recently, somewhere in this world, I saw someone who had been a part of one of my previous ministries sometime in the last 20 years (how's that for vague?).

I was with my family and it was a couple I had not seen for some time. It was one of those situations where you could have gone the rest of life without seeing them, and yet there they were. It was also not a situation where you could embrace long lost friends, sit down and visit heart to heart, catching up on what God is doing in your lives. Those times are awesome, but this was not one of them. Because of some things they did and said at the end of our time together; and their unwillingness to take care of things biblically, there has been no reconciliation. It is a sad thing.

These are nice people and might be voted grandparents of the year - very kind in most cases. But in relationship to our ministry and the people affected, they were unwilling to work through the difficult issues and bring biblical resolution. Since some of it was directed at me, it was hurtful at the time; and I have had to deal with the issue in my own heart. However, I have found that you really don't know how you have dealt with it until you see people again that brings it back to the surface. Perhaps it was a test from God; or perhaps it was a confirmation that He had, indeed, done the work on my heart previously.

Because although there is no reconciliation to this relationship without their participation, I have forgiven them; and it was very encouraging to realize that I hold no bitterness toward them. I would have, before the meeting, told you I held none; but you don't really know until you see people face to face. I am grateful to God for His grace, so that I don't carry around bitterness or allow it to get a foothold, that would lead to all kinds of other sins. Perhaps one day, they will be willing to reconcile the way God describes; but until then, I am free to ask God's blessing on them, and to focus on the people God has given me to serve Him today.

I was going to say being "bitter free" doesn't help me lose any weight; but on 2nd thought...

Thursday, October 17, 2013


This week my mom celebrated another birthday. She is only _____ years old! If you really want to know her age, perhaps my age, as her oldest, would help you: I'm only _____. But as the years have passed so quickly, I do not take for granted the incredible mom that God gifted me ____ years ago. (You thought I was going to give it away there, didn't you). I also know how easy it is to let time go by, years even, without telling someone how much they mean to you. Over the years, I have not done it enough with my parents. I try to tell them in the birthday and anniversary cards, but they just don't seem to communicate it as I feel it in my heart. This entry is another feeble attempt to let my mom, and the 2 others that read my blog, know how special she is to me.

Mom, there are many things that I appreciate about you; but as I think of you today, these characteristics come to mind:
  • faithful - I have seen you be faithful to God, to dad, to us, and to your other responsibilities in life
  • loyal - There is no secret as to the loyalty you have to your family and friends
  • godly - Many people think they are godly because of a list of things they do or do not do; but I see godliness in you because of your consistent attitude and desire to live for God
  • patience - I have no doubt that somewhere along the way, in your _____ years, you have lost your patience. But I don't remember seeing it. I have seen, however, you demonstrate incredible patience in many situations that would have caused many to lose it.
  • Giving - You are a very giving person. This includes the quality of selflessness. You always seem to be thinking about others before yourself; and you give of yourself and what you have to make others' lives better
There are many more things I could say, but these are enough for now. I am thankful for you mom, as you are a special gift from God. I pray that God will give you another blessed year on this earth (if it is His will), and I know if He does, you will continue to be an incredible blessing to others.
I love you mom!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


God has given me the privilege of being a pastor for almost 20 years. It is hard to believe.
And after I came home from an all day meeting with a group of leaders from our church, Teresa said she saw something in me that she hadn't seen in many years. She said I was happy. She said I was smiling - all in the context of returning from a 6.5 hour meeting! That is a good sign; but for me it is hard to believe that it has been years since I felt that way about a meeting that was about moving forward in church ministry. In fact, as I thought more about it, I cannot remember a time when I sensed a greater unity in a meeting like that than I did this past Saturday.

I was trying to identify what was different. Why did I feel that way? What was so unique. As I thought about it for some time, I realized that in past meetings, in different places over the years, there always seemed to be an obstacle to unity in our meetings. Perhaps it was me. But, there was always some underlying tension, or some of the group that came to the meeting, ready to oppose and criticize whatever it may be that we were discussing. It is hard to explain exactly what that is like; but most of you reading this know what I mean. You are meeting with an individual or group, and you can usually tell if they are working hard to engage in unity; or if they have their own personal agenda that is going to be an obstacle to progress. I have been through a lot of those meetings, returning home with the knowledge that our leaders are not unified. And no matter how hard I tried to unify them around biblical truth and principles, it was evident that unless the leaders are willing to sacrifice for unity, it isn't going to happen.

When I say "unity", I don't mean "uniformity", where we all think alike, have all the same opinions, and are unwilling to be who God made us. By unity, I mean that we are humbly submitting ourselves to God, realizing that what we are trying to accomplish as leaders together, is greater than my own personal agenda and preferences. We plead for God to make His will and direction known, and we participate in the recognition of that by setting aside our desires and actively working with the others who are present. We are unified on the value of each person present, and on what we are trying to accomplish. We listen to one another and speak when it would benefit the group and purpose for meeting. We are positive about the process and we are excited to see what God is going to do. This doesn't mean there aren't differences or disagreements; but no one allows those to keep us from moving forward together for the greater good.

That is the best way I can describe what happened Saturday; and I'm still smiling about it. It is isn't that the end product was anything ground breaking, or even complete; but what I am so excited about is how each of these 17 guys participated, in a God honoring way. Thank you God for each of these men, and thank you for a unity that is all about you.