Tuesday, August 19, 2014


At the beginning of a summer message series on the Church, I gave a challenge called: I Am One.
The message series was entitled: The Plan, as it focused on the one and only plan Jesus left us with, as to what we were to do until He returns: Make Disciples! We may all approach it differently and communicate it differently, but it is THE PLAN we are to be following. Of course, it is all about following Him! Our church purpose statement puts it this way: Following Jesus one step at a time.
As we take our next steps in following Jesus and come alongside someone else to take the next step, we are making disciples.

Over the summer, in looking for 100 people in our little church, there have been 84 so far that have taken the challenge. They have signed a "I am one" paper and posted it to the board under the cross. It has been encouraging to see the response our people have had, to pursue discipleship individually, and as a church. Over the summer, we have shared what our discipleship process is here; and how we can all be a part of it. So, once again, here is the challenge that was made; and to which others can still commit:

The challenge is this: We are looking for 100 people who attend Weymouth Community Church, who would commit to making our purpose statement their main focus: Following Jesus One Step At A Time. This is all about discipleship. Jesus' final command to his followers included one main imperative: "make disciples". The other phrases explained what would be included in the process of this one main command: Going, baptizing, and teaching others to obey all that Jesus said.

There are 2 key questions that a person who makes discipleship the main focus is going to continually ask: What is my next step?; Who am I helping take their next step? These 2 questions can keep us thinking about and pursuing the one thing we are supposed to be doing. We get distracted by so many other things in life, including good things in church. We are interested in the music style, preaching style, the facility, the programs, and so many other things.

But what would happen if we kept our focus on the main thing? What is it was all about THE Plan? What could be accomplished, even in a small church, if 100 people dedicated themselves to following Jesus one step at a time? Are you 1 of those 100 that God is calling? If so, then make your statement:

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


As an athlete, or former athlete (is seems), playing hurt is a phrase often heard and applied to those athletes who practice and perform, who play, even with injury. Sometimes you can't continue, such as the gruesome leg fracture that Paul George, who plays for Team USA (and the Indiana Pacers) just experienced. Many times, however, you see players get hit in the head, or bleed from different parts of their body, or twist parts awkwardly, but are able to continue (unless a doctor or coach tells them they cannot). We usually admire those, who push the pain aside, and continue fighting for their team (as long as it is "our" team!).

And then, there are those, like me, who get hurt (probably because of my advancing age); and yet try to come back and play anyway (probably because my mind sometimes tricks me into thinking I'm getting younger). That's just plain stupidity. Last week, while playing basketball (still the greatest game in the world (if you're not counting Settlers of Catan!), I was kneed in the ribs; and with concerns of internal bleeding (no evidence, just concerns), I went to the ER to get checked out. Turns out it was just bruising, or more specifically, the muscles around the ribs were contused (or something like that). All I knew, is that the pain worsened during the day and so I went.

But a few days later, after not doing anything to aggravate it, it was time to go play basketball again. I felt pretty good; so why not. I'll be careful. What an idiot. I was fine for a while, but as soon as I was pushed, in that very spot on my side, I went down in pain (anyone who didn't know what happened a few days before probably thought I was a wimp). I made sure they knew I almost died at the ER the other day (well, I did go to the ER; and there have been people who died after going there, right?). The rest of the morning I was sore; and by evening, I was hurting as much as I did when I first injured myself. Hopefully I learned my lesson, and I won't be playing basketball until I am fully healed (doubtful, but I can hope).

I don't know if it is because I'm a pastor, but I couldn't help but think of the spiritual application here. We all are "playing hurt". We all start out injured so badly, that only heart surgery, performed by someone else, will heal us. But even if we have a new heart, and changed life, we still battle a sinful nature, we still "play hurt". And yes, we should be playing, but we need to play, we need to live, understanding fully where how we are hurt, and where we are vulnerable. There are times when we need to protect certain areas; and times when we need the healing touch that only comes through some more surgery:some repentance, confession and forgiveness.

In sports, it is often said that we should never allow others to know or see our weaknesses and vulnerable areas. And yet, in our walk with God, it is exactly the opposite. The more we reveal our weaknesses, the more it is evident that God's strength is our power; and His grace is sufficient. So, keep playing hurt, but do it in the grace of God.