Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bible Reading Today

Exodus 9,10 - The story of the 10 plagues always amazes me. It isn't so much the details of the miracle plagues, but the "behind the scenes" discussions between God and Moses, and between Moses and Pharoah. One of the toughest phrases for us to accept in this story is found in several places, including (9:12; 10:1,20,27): "The LORD hardened Pharoah's heart." We also see that Pharoah hardened his own heart, showing that he was responsible for his sin; and yet God was very clear: "I will harden his heart, so that Pharoah will not let my people go." We might ask:Why? The text answers:" that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth...But for this purpose I have raised you [Pharoah] up, to show you my power, so that my name [the LORD] may be proclaimed in all the earth."(9:14-16)

God does what He does for one primary reason: To glorify Himself. And He is completely right, just in doing do. It isn't primarily for my deliverance or comfort or happiness, but for His glory. And He will do whatever is necessary, including the hardening of hearts, so that the timing and outcome of life's circumstances will all go to His praise and glory. The challenge for us as mere humans, is not to get discouraged or confused by this. We simply cannot fully understand the mind and purpose of God; and we need to leave that for Him to figure out.

What I must do is to trust Him. I must praise Him for His power, such as was displayed in the plagues, for His love for His people, as demonstrated to Israel; and for the fact that all things will work out for my spiritual, eternal good and God's eternal glory. I can rest in those facts even with whatever I will face today.

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