Thursday, December 4, 2008


I know that my last entry also emphasized giving thanks, although the day which our country has desigated as Thanksgiving, has already past. Hopefully, you will forgive me again, for I have something else to be thankful for. If you are wondering about the title, no, I don't feel like Noah because I'm that old; or even because I have a couple sets of twins! Instead, think water.

It was Sunday night of Thanksgiving weekend, and if you read my last blog about the broken mirror, you will notice a theme here: we were playing board games; with different friends this time. All of a sudden, one of our kids comes running in: the basement is flooding, the basement is flooding! That brought back bad memories since in the first year of moving into our home, our basement was flooded, as many in the area were during that long-lasting, hard falling rainstorm.

But, it had not been raining, so it couldn't be that! We ran downstairs to see that, indeed, water was splashing down onto our basement carpet from the vents above. Where was it coming from? We came back up the stairs to the middle hallway and saw water dripping steadily from a light fixture onto the floor; so we kept going up. Once we reached the upstairs bathroom, we found the source of the "flood" - God!

Not really: instead we found a full and overflowing sink, which upon further investigation had been plugged purposely by our children, so that something fun could float in it. The bathroom floor was definitely flooded. We cleaned up the bathroom floor, put a bucket on the middle floor, under the light fixture, and two bins under heavy drips in the basement. Not ever having water flow through our house like that before, we had no clue what damage there could be or what to do.

I am so grateful for friends, people God has put in our lives to encourage us and help in time of need. Not only did our friends who were there help dry up some water, but I called my friend who had helped so much when our basement flooded a few years back. I thought there might be several damage issues, and that we could potentially lose a part of the carpet, having to cut several feet out.

However, he told me how to soak up some of the water, bringing it up from the pad through the carpet and into towels; and then drying it off with fans. He came by the next day, put two huge fans, for drying carpet under the carpet, on the pads; and told us that everything in the house would dry, and there would no damage, in his opinion. We were very grateful.

So, once again, I thank God for loving people He has put in our lives, for keeping us from losing anything through the "flood waters falling", and especially for reminding me to trust in Him. I never know what is going to happen next, but I do know it will be another opportunity to learn more of myself, as well as the soveriegnty and faithfulness of God. Praise Be to Him!

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