Thursday, January 1, 2009


I like to be on time; or early. I put value on punctuality. My dad instilled this in me at a young age. I don't remember ever being late to church, school or work. It was just something you didn't do. And if anyone else was late, well...they lost a little respect in my eyes. Of course, God knowing what is best for me, and having a great sense of humor, he gave me a wonderful wife (did you see I wrote wonderful?) who had a different experience growing up. Being early to anything was a crazy idea (why would you want to be early?). Instead, being 5 minutes late was considered "on time" (at least this is my interpretation of this particular part of her family history).

We've made it work. Sometimes we are early (not often), sometimes late, and mostly on-time (the real on-time). But I, personally, still value being on time and early,if possible. So, heading into a new year, there was no reason to change that. This was going to be a priority, something I would continue, naturally, from my childhood. This would set the precedent for the remainder of the year. There was no reason to think anything would be different.

Last night, as is our tradition on New Year's Eve, we host a party, inviting different people from our church each year. Along with tradition, we also play games and then watch the ball drop in times Square (from our TV of course) at midnight. No reason to think that plan would change. Through the night, I kept watching the time, to make sure that we would all celebrate the new year coming in with our tradition.

Then, all of a sudden, as though someone stole an hour or so, I looked at my watch and saw that it was just before midnight. In the middle of a game, I announced, as I looked at my watch, that the ball would probably drop within 2 minutes; and we all started to head downstairs. Then, I looked at my watch again, and it looked like less than one minute. Still, I was confident that we would hear the 10 second countdown and everything would be perfect.

Everyone gathered around (about 30 of us) and I turned on the TV. To my dismay, the ball had just dropped (it was over!) and we were now watching everyone in Times Square celebrating: people kissing, people taking pictures, confetti dropping, and even Bill and Hillary Clinton dancing (glad I didn't miss that!). I couldn't believe it. The first appointment of the new year, and I was late for it!

How disheartening. I let everyone down. Now, mind you, no one was hissing or booing or making obscene gestures (that I saw anyway); but still, for me, it was utter failure. Is there any hope of turning this around in 2009? Can I redeem myself, or is this entire year doomed? I hope this is not a sign for the rest of 2009. I guess we will have to wait and see...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, we had friends over New Years and were playing MarioKart until someone noticed it was 11:58...we turned over immediately and the ball had already dropped...we were watcing Bill and Hillary dance, it was great!

Obviously, they dropped the ball early...
