Friday, July 24, 2009


2,000 years ago, people who committed their lives to Jesus Christ went down to the river or lake, and demonstrated their commitment through public baptism. Many churches, such as ours, here in Ohio, have baptismal tanks, indoor tubs, in which we baptize during church services. I am excited that, God willing, this Sunday, July 26th, I will participate in the baptism of several people at Huntington Beach in Bay Village, OH. This will be a little more like they did it in Jesus' day.

This past Easter we baptized several people, including my daughter Breanna (a huge joy for me); but most of them were adults. It is really cool to see adults baptized, because it is much more difficult, humanly speaking, for an adult to make a commitment to follow Jesus. Children seem to respond to the simple truths about Jesus, from the Bible, than adults do. Jesus even used children as an example for how adults need to demonstrate child-like faith in order to get to Heaven. It takes simple faith to believe that God came to Earth in the flesh, as Jesus Christ, and He died for our sins and rose from the dead. It takes simple faith to believe that the only way to God in Heaven, as Jesus claimed, is through placing all trust and faith in Jesus alone.

I am excited to baptize an adult with an incredible story; but also excited that several children are publicly professing their desire to live for Jesus Christ, the rest of their lives. Because of no sound system at the beach, we are printing out everyone's testimony. I am including a copy of those testimonies here; so that you might be encouraged and challenged, with the growing faith of each of these.

Baptisms by Grace Baptist Church in Westlake
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Each of the following people are being baptized today, in order to identify with Jesus Christ; and to demonstrate publicly, that they have committed their lives to Jesus Christ. Each one has affirmed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They have already trusted in Jesus for salvation, and now they are being baptized in obedience to Jesus’ command and example. They know that baptism does not save them; but that it is important, as a testimony to their desire to live the rest of their lives for Jesus. Even young children, as evidenced today, can make the decision to follow Jesus; and it is because of their simple faith that Jesus used children as an example for us.

When they are baptized, I am asking them 2 questions: “Have you trusted in Jesus Christ alone for salvation;” and “Is it your desire to live the rest of your life for Him?” Then, I will tell them: “Based on your profession of faith in Jesus Christ and your desire to live for Him, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Then, in order to identify with Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, they will be fully immersed in water, before rising up to live for Jesus. When we baptize, they will be baptized in this order:

Jackson Jacobs- age 13
At age 5, when my dad came into pray with me one late night, we talked about getting saved. We were talking about it and he asked if I wanted to get saved and have a relationship with God. So, with my dad, I got saved that night. For a long time, we have been talking about being baptized, and this seemed like just the right time to do it.

Jasmine Jacobs – age 11
I was saved one night when we were all in my room at the beginning of the school year. We were all reading the book with my dad. During prayer time, my dad asked me if I told God that I believed in him and stuff. He asked me if I wanted to be saved. I asked what it meant to be saved and my dad explained it. He explained that I needed to believe that I was a sinner, and deserving of Hell. But, Jesus died so that I could go to Heaven. So, we prayed together. I wanted to pray and my dad helped me. I was 10 years old.

Kayla Jacobs – age 9
One night, our dad was reading the book to us, called: To Kill a Mockingbird. When he was done, he talked to us about God, including how to be saved. After he explained it, he asked if we wanted to be saved. I knew that I wanted to be saved right then. So, when I told my dad I wanted to, he told me that I needed to ask God to save me, believing that Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead. I asked God if He would save me. I didn’t hear the answer, but I think He did! At age 8, I asked Jesus to come into my heart.

Devon Pincombe – age 7
I go to school to Open Door Christian School. My teacher last year was Mrs. Crowder. One day, Mrs. Crowder asked the class if anyone wanted to pray to be saved. I said, “Yes,” so I prayed to the Lord to be saved. While I was praying I said I wanted to be saved. I said thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I asked Him into my heart so I could go up to Heaven. I believe John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jessica Foradora – age 10
I got saved when I was 7 years old. I prayed with my mom and asked Jesus to forgive my sins. I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. A verse from the Bible that helps me remember that Jesus loves me and died for me is John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Brianna Burwell – age 10
I got saved when I was 6 years old. I prayed with my cousin Darian and my grandmother. We talked about how Jesus died and why He died. Then I prayed to Jesus Christ and asked Him to forgive my sins.

Amanda Zevallos
I grew up attending Mass as a young girl, but never understood what they were talking about. It made no sense to me. I did everything I could to avoid anything that had to do with religion. I ran the other way. I didn’t want to pretend it was in my heart when it was not there. It was all about me. When people would talk about my need to live for God, I would say: This is my life. I’m not living it for God – why would I?

I experienced what many others my age did, wrongly thinking it was some type of rite of passage for all teenagers. I was out of control, many times no remembering what I had done the night before. I thought it was just what everyone my age was supposed to experience. Whether it was alcohol or men, I definitely abused them both. It was very temporary satisfaction. I had instant gratification, and then it was gone. Although one of my abuses could have ended my life, God used me trying to take my own life into my hands as a way to save me. One night, I ran my truck into a telephone pole, broke it in half, totaled the truck and yet came away unscratched. I shouldn’t have been alive let alone unscratched.

God used Don and Dena Pincombe (my mom and dad away from home), who before the accident had shown me unconditional love and shared with me the love of Christ. I believe God used this accident to wake me up; and I told the Pincombes: I am ready. I knew this was no “accident” and that God was in control of this. I was ready to give my life to Him and to trust in Him completely.

Through their prayers, the Word of God and books I have read, I realized that it was not about me anymore. I believed what the Pincombes had told me and what God had said: I was a sinner, who deserved death; and I almost experienced it. But, God loved me, even more than I loved myself; and he sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for me; and then He rose from the dead. I placed my faith and trust in Jesus for my salvation; because I know it is not my deeds that get me to heaven.

I am 100% sure that if I died today, I would go to Heaven because of Jesus dying for me, and rising from the dead. Based on what Jesus did for me, today, I am getting baptized, to tell all of you that I am a follower of Jesus and want to live my life, now, for Him. I am stepping into the light, turning over a new leaf, and committing the rest of my life to Him.

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