- for my physical life: I am so grateful to God for the opportunity I have had to live these past 43 years (I am so old!). If my life ended today (not my desire by the way), I would still be grateful for incredible experiences in life that God has given me. I am grateful for each new day.
- for my eternal life: One of the main reasons I would be o.k. with dying today is because I believe God's Word, that tells me that when this life is over, we all enter eternity, either with God in Heaven, or apart from God forever in Hell. And because of God's grace, not my own doing, I became a Christ-follower at a very young age, trusting in Jesus Christ alone for my salvation. According to the Bible, that means that when I die, I will go to Heaven, not because I earned it, but because of God's grace and mercy.
- for my wife: Sorry fellas - regardless of what you might think about your wife or other women, I have the most beautiful, godly, woman in the world as my wife; and I am extremely thankful for her. I don't know how she puts up with such a sinful husband; but I'm so glad she does.
- for my children: The Bible says it is a blessing to have a "quiver full" of children; and for us, 5 is certainly a "quiver full"! All 5 of our awesome children came to us as depraved, sinful human beings; and they still are! Well...they do still have their sinful natures, in tact, and demonstrate them often (just like their parents do!); but as Jesus comes into their lives, He makes an incredible difference. My main prayer for each of my children is that they would become Christ followers; and live for Him the rest of their lives. I am amazed at how God brought each child to us; and I am incredibly grateful for them! They are very special, each one of them, and they are a blessing to me each day.
- for my friends: To my friends, I quote the Apostle Paul, in Philippians 1:3: "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." I am so thankful for my friends. They hold me accountable in different areas of my life. They pray for me. They support me. They encourage me. They remind me of truth. They love me, despite my many faults.
- for my church: I wouldn't want to do anything else but be a pastor. In my opinion, it is the greatest job ever! Even with its many challenges, there is nothing better than being a pastor. I get to help people grow in their spiritual journey, including going through the ups and downs of life. When I see that God has used me, even in a little way, to help someone grow in Him, I couldn't be more satisfied with "work". Thank you God for this great privilege of shepherding your people.
See? What did I tell you? Nothing (almost) to be thankful for!
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