In this context, I certainly am using the word "funny" to mean "strange" as opposed to "ha ha". Certainly none of my true friends and loved ones will laugh at what I am about to describe...certainly not.
It was Tuesday night, just before 7 p.m., and I pulled in the additional parking lot of a large church for the large funeral I was attending. Although I normally like arriving early to things, getting to this funeral just before it began was going to work out fine, as I can park in a far off spot, not have any rush of cars or people, and easily find my car when the funeral was over. Good plan, right?
As I said, I pulled in the additional parking lot, figuring it would be much easier to find a parking spot. I have been to this church for various occasions, but I had never parked in this particular lot; so perhaps, I can use that as an excuse (my unfamiliarity with the lot) for what happened next? As I pulled in, I noticed, this lot was fairly full as well. No problem - I will head toward the back, find an easy spot and head inside - piece of cake.
I pulled down the first row of cars, and as I was getting near the end, I noticed some spots, near some other cars, open on the left. I also noticed some spots straight ahead, near the grass at the end of the lot. I decided to go ahead and park near some other cars, but with a few spaces in between us. Although I had the smaller car (not the suburban), I still prefer my space when parking.
As I was getting ready to pull into a spot on the left, another car came into view from the second row, who was also pulling into one of those spots. Although there was still room next to him, I immediately decided to look elsewhere. I would like to use the "someone pulled right in front of me" excuse for what I am about to describe, but that would not quite be the truth. But, if you would like to think that, in order to excuse me from responsibility for the following (as one of my dearly loved friends), then please feel free.
I looked forward to the spots, once again, at the end of the lot, and then looked back at the car pulling in, while still driving, and for some reason, starting to turn the corner. I guess I was a little undecided in my mind as to whether I was going straight, or taking a last spot on the left; and I guess I was going to turn the corner and then park near the grass a little further down and closer to the entrance.
All of this happened in a couple of seconds, once I saw the car pulling in to that spot. I looked ahead, looked back at them, and...BANG!
No, I didn't. Certainly, I did not just do that. Don't tell me I just ran into a light pole in a parking lot. I came to find out later that I was very fortunate not to have the air bag release, but at the moment, I certainly was not thinking of all the fortunate things in my life. I just ran my car into a light pole! From the moment I entered the parking lot, I never "saw" the pole. I was focused only on the parking spots and cars (here is where you can insert, family and friends, the "hey, he never parked in that lot before - how could he have known there was a light pole there" excuse).
Fortunately (here a fortunate thing I actually did think about at the time), no one else was in the parking lot, except for the man who pulled in just before I hit the pole (o.k. family and friends, here is where you say: "it is really that guys fault. If he wouldn't have taken your spot, then all would be well"!) He got out of his car and asked me if I was o.k. I said yes, and he went into the funeral. I do appreciate that he held back his laughter (as I am sure you are doing now).
So, that was about 7 p.m. The tow truck was taking me away a 9:15 p.m., which is just at the time that the funeral was letting out and people were crowding into the parking lot. Fortunately (see, here is another fortunate thing I was thinking), it was dark, and since I was hiding under the seat of the tow truck (at least I wanted to), no one saw me (at least that I know of - I was making no eye contact).
For those 2 plus hours following the crash and before being towed away in humility, I had the opportunity to tell two different guys from the church who had to come out and access the situation, explain it to the AAA operator, 2 different workers for the towing companies, my tow truck guy that responded, my wife, my friend who gave me counsel, and the sheriff who came by to check it out. I kept trying to find a dignified way to explain how I ran right into a light pole, but in all the times I had to tell people, it still sounded pretty silly.
The left front
bumper side and tire area was all messed up. There was plastic all over the place, as the head light was busted and stuff was coming off the car. I couldn't move the car completely out of the way because the tire had broken off from the tire rod (I think it was the tire rod. I know enough about cars to know that something was broken and it wasn't moving!). The sheriff did give me some good news: he said there were no warrants out for my arrest (see, something else positive to think about!) The next day, the collision place took a look and an estimate for repair. He said there might even be more damage, as the hood would not open and the whole insides, according to him, were moved over to the side. What it would take to fix the car was 90% of what it was worth. Needless to say, there may be some parts of the car available on Craig's list very soon.
Lesson learned...
Wait a second...
What lesson:
- bad things happen at funerals?
- here is another reason to hate Elyria?
- don't turn left into a light pole?
- bring a disguise in case you do this again?
While I am looking for the lesson learned, perhaps I will just accept the same lesson I need to learn over and over and over again, about the same foundational truth: God is in control, loves me, and only allows things for my spiritual good and growth. Therefore, I can trust Him!