Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 93 - James and James 5:7-12

Extreme Faith Workout

Reading through James and thinking through how James 5:7-12 fits into the overall context:
chapter 1 - Patience is a key theme in James. In 5:7-12, we are to be patient for Jesus to come, for Him to make things right, for Him to judge. In chapter one, we are to be patient and endure in suffering because that suffering is going to bring spiritual growth.

chapter 2 - working out your faith in action is a key theme in chapter 2 as well as the entire book of James. In 5:7-12, the suffering believers are asked to put what they know to be true into practice, so that they can endure injustice.

chapter 3 - the importance and power of the tongue is key in chapter 3. In 5:7-12, the command not to grumble against others and to be full of integrity in what you say, are a couple of the main points.

chapter 4 - This chapter speaks of having the right heart attitude toward God, and and commands that we do not speak against one another or judge each other. In 5:7-12, we are also to have the right perspective on God's sovereignty and to make sure we are not judging one another.

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