Sunday, April 29, 2012


I suppose in a generation past, being called into real war, the draft would not be something you were hoping to be chosen in. But, this past weekend, if you said "the draft", most would be thinking about the National Football League's draft, as the teams choose from last year's best college football players, making many of them instant millionaires. One of the highest drama  impacts of every draft happens in the "green room". That is where the players who were invited, and expected to be drafted high, wait until they receive the phone call from the team drafting them, and then to have their name called. The cameras love to focus on the guys who thought they were going in earlier rounds, only to sit and wait...and wait...and wait some more. They all eventually get called, but sometimes there is an embarrassment or frustration attached; and sometimes loss of a lot of cash. Poor guys, right?

But, as I was watching the draft, and especially the green room action, I thought about a spiritual comparison. What if we were all in the green room, waiting to be drafted by God, in order to serve Him? I know I would be waiting quite a long time; longer than you, I'm sure. But, I am so thankful God doesn't do it that way...aren't you? First, the fact that I would be chosen at all, has nothing to do with anything good I have done. In football terms, I have no speed, to cutback ability, no soft hands, no accuracy, and no "up-sides". In fact, I failed the "wonder-lick test"! But, I am thankful it is not about that:

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing: it is the gift of God."
Ephesians 2:8

I have no business being in the "green room", but I am there, by God's grace, by His gift. Then, when it comes to being chosen by Him, to serve Him, I should be overlooked. I am weak, sinful, and fail all the time. And yet, our God likes to choose guys like me to serve Him; and people like you to:

"For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God." - I Corinthians 1:26-29

Isn't that amazing? So, don't get too comfortable in the green room. Your name has already been called. Go put your hat on, and get to work.You are not serving, to earn a spot on the team. You are serving because, despite your unimpressive speed and agility, you were chosen, by grace, to play on the greatest team ever. You are playing (living) to bring our leader, God Himself, all the glory, for every victory. Stop thinking about yourself and what you are incapable of; and start realizing what our great God can do through you.

Come join me on the field, and let's make the most of our opportunity. Game on!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Since the beginning of this year, my family has been working at memorizing the book of Colossians. It is a good thing; but one of the challenges when I am memorizing Scripture, is that I forget to apply it. I am so focused on putting it to memory that it is easy to forget to take the time to think about it, meditate on it, and consider what it has to do with my life today. So, as I was reviewing the first chapter of Colossians this past week, a couple verses really captured my attention, and I was able to re-focus on what is most important in my life:

Colossians 1:27,28 - "To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."

What a blessing, an encouragement, an amazing act of Grace, that based on placing my faith and trust in Jesus Christ for my salvation, He actually dwells in me; and I am assured of being in Heaven with Him someday! Based on that incredible truth, the mission of my remaining days here on Earth are made clear. We are to talk about Christ, admonishing, teaching the truths of God. Why? What is the overall goal? "That we may present everyone mature in Christ." I love it. That is discipleship. The way God placed this goal in my heart a few years ago, reads like this: "My dream is to help people take the next step in their spiritual journey."

These verses were a great reminder to me, of what this life, my life, is all about. It is one reason I love being in full-time ministry as a pastor. Even though we are all to be focused on this, it is my privilege to do it as my life's work: to help people grow and become mature in Christ. It is not about the money, the location, the title, or the ease. It is about living faithfully for Christ, wherever I am, giving my full effort to grow in Him and help others grow. This is my focus, my goal, my desire, and my prayer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Northeastern Pennsylvania, which is where I lived for 10 years, some 20 years ago! As we drove around the Clarks Summit area, where my school was, it brought back a ton of memories...mostly good. I attended Baptist Bible College for 4 years and Baptist Bible Seminary for 4 years, as well as teaching at the Baptist High School for 2 full years. Some extra months on either end add up to the 10 years, and I don't have enough time to remember everything that took place during those days.

But, as I visited on campus for an hour or so, and even talked to some professors I had back then, I became very thankful, grateful, for my time in PA. God used so many circumstances and people to grow and shape me during those years. I gained a greater love for the Bible, especially for the Old Testament, which has greatly affected my life and preaching over these years. I met some great friends that I am still in contact with; and of course, it is where I came to love the most beautiful and godly woman in the world: my wife Teresa!

Thank you, Lord, for the chance to remember a great stage of my life, there in Northeastern PA. Many of my experiences there, during those years, are still some of my favorite lifetime memories. And not to mention, my favorite season, anytime, anywhere, is the Fall in Northeastern PA! It is incredible: the looks and the feel. Great job God! May I use the remainder of my life to build into others the way that I was built into during those great years.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Easter means different things to different people. For some, it means a fun egg hunt and more candy. For others, it means dressing up and going to church. Or, it may just mean Spring is here and warmer weather is coming. But, for me, at this stage in my life, Easter means a new beginning; even a fresh start. I enjoy all the things that others enjoy with Easter, but at the heart of it all, for me, is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That, of course, is what we who follow Jesus are supposed to be celebrating at this time of year. And just as with Christmas, there is a truth, a hope, a promise, that is meaningful at all times, and to all who believe.

With the resurrection of Jesus, hope was secured. Yes, Jesus gives us someone to hope in, for this life, as we follow His example and appreciate who He was. But, it didn't end there. In fact:
"If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied." - I Corinthians 15:19
It is because of the resurrection that we have the sure hope of being raised ourselves some day:
"But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep."I Cor.15:20
Jesus rising from the dead secures our rising from the dead; and guarantees that those of us who are true followers of Christ will be in Heaven with God for eternity. That is what we celebrate today!

But, it doesn't end with the truth and future hope. Because Jesus had victory over sin and death, it means that we do as well. And that truth is to lead us to live differently, to have a fresh, new perspective as we keep serving God here in this troublesome world:
"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." - I Corinthians 15:57,58

There are many things to celebrate today, and they are all based on the resurrection of Jesus. That is the truth that affects everything else. So, today, in my particular situation and circumstance of life, I have a new beginning; even a fresh start. Because of Jesus rising from the dead, it motivates me to "hang in there", to be "steadfast and immovable", to keep giving myself to the work of God. Regardless of man's failure, God never fails; and He uses my efforts (feeble ones at that) for His glory. He is doing things, bringing it all about for good (Romans 8:28) that I cannot see. He is making sure that my "labor", my efforts (which fail in my eyes) are actually bringing about His purpose. That is amazing!

So, I have a new beginning today. I look at today and the days ahead with incredible hope: not only for what will happen when I die; but for the fact that until then, God is going to use me, for His glory, even while I am here. Let's celebrate!

Friday, April 6, 2012


Several years ago, I began a tradition that I continued this year as well. On Good Friday, I watched the movie: The Passion of the Christ. I know there are many who criticize the movie for different reasons: the "R" rating; the graphic portrayal of Jesus' death; the involvement of Mel Gibson in the project; the Roman Catholic slant; or a number of other things that could be criticized. However, for me personally, it has become much more than another movie or a topic to debate. It has become a time of personal worship.

I am not recommending that everyone see it. I just know the impact it has on me, positively, as it relates to what really happened to Jesus before and during His crucifixion. When I read or listen to the text of Scripture, as it talks about what Jesus went through, I read the truth of what happened. But, I know it is very difficult for me to imagine what it was really like; even the pain and suffering Jesus really endured on my behalf. However, when I watch "The Passion", I cannot help but think that it is a pretty realistic picture of what Jesus endured for me. I love to read, but this is one of those times when the visual representation brings it home to me.

Yes, it is hard to watch, especially the violent beatings and whippings of Christ; but let's not forget: He was violently beaten and whipped. He went through unspeakable pain and agony, to bring us redemption. His blood was spilled. This really happened! When I watch this movie, the main impact it has on me is to consider, in a new and fresh way, the truth of what the Scriptures say about Jesus' suffering and death. It causes me to be thankful, to be challenged, to feel deeply; even to worship!

Thank you God, for sending your Son, who went through all of that (He really went through it)...
for my redemption!


Today is a day to celebrate, although it tends, religiously, to be a somber day, as we think about the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus went through incredible pain, betrayal and torture, as He was falsely accused and then hung on a cross to die. It is a sad story; except that the very fact that those things took place, and that Jesus died on the cross, brings incredible joy to those of us who follow Him! It is because Jesus died and then rose again, 3 days later, that we have the opportunity of eternal life with God in Heaven. That makes it a day to celebrate.

Today also happens to be the day that my oldest 2 children celebrate their birthday, now 17 years old. Teresa and I were blessed when God brought our first 2 children to us, through the means that is so close to His heart, adoption, 15 years ago. They have been incredible blessings to us, and to the rest of our family, as we have seen God work in their lives and make them more like His Son. God has also used them to help us learn and grow closer to our Savior. We look forward to how God is going to work on them this next year, their senior year of high school (yikes!) and then lead them to what He has planned for their future.

So, Good Friday to all of you, as you remember what Jesus did for you so many years ago. And Happy Birthday, Alex and Isabella. May God richly bless in your next year of life as well. I love you!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Champion is crowned...My head is hung in shame...again!

It has become a tradition unlike any other...I lose to my entire family in a sports related competition. I have played basketball most of my life and like to think that I know something about the sport. I have certainly watched more basketball than anyone else in my family. So, as the NCAA, Division I men's basketball tournament (known as March Madness) was getting ready to begin, I was feeling pretty confident. You see: a couple years ago, in connection with the March Madness tournament, I instituted a friendly family competition. I made copies of the brackets and during dinner asked everyone (all 7 of us) to fill them out. Then, once the games began, you would earn points for picking the winner; and each round, if your teams are still playing, you get more points for every win.

I go into the filling out of the brackets fairly confident. Even though the "seeding" of the teams is clearly known to all, I figure that I know the percentages, better than anyone, of where the upsets might be; as well as know some of the intangibles of different teams that might make a difference. I make my selections based on what I have seen in years past, as well as what it looks like what might happen this year. I also take the "experts" opinion into consideration. On the other hand, my dearly loved family have other criteria for picking their teams, which might include: picking a team from a nice place to vacation; picking the team with the prettiest colors; picking the team that has the "cooler" sounding name; picking the team that has a seeding number that is a favorite number; picking a team because no one else will pick them; picking a team because they like their football team; picking a team because someone else in the family picked them; and the list goes on.

You can see why I should be fairly confident. So, please explain to me, why, for the second year in a row, I ended up in 7th place. Yes, 7th: dead last; bottom of the heap; crushed; defeated; a loser; LAST PLACE! How did that happen? I can't go out in public any more (well, maybe I will; but only if I need to!). I won't be asked to sign autographs anymore (which is not too difficult of an adjustment since I don't get asked for my autograph now). And, finally, I won't be participating in the March Madness tournament family challenge again (until next year, of course).

As I hang my head in shame, I am beginning to strategize for next year's competition. Maybe I should pick teams based on my favorite numbers, colors or places to go on vacation.................................................
Nope - can't do it. But, I will be ready family. I am winning next year. I will be champion again (that is, for the first time)! Bring on the Madness.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Part 3: Lost My Job...Need to Find It!

While I am in transition, between jobs, I must not forget the important things God has for me to learn, and to do during this time. Even though finding a job seems to be what could consume those without work, there are actually more important things, at least in God's eyes, for us, for me, to be doing during these days. Job #1 was to pursue a closer relationship with God. Sadly, when we become consumed with anything, including joblessness, we can forget that God is our most important relationship and we need to invest in it every single day. Job #2 is to be a blessing to my family. After God, my relationship with my wife is the most important relationship, and that doesn't change just because I need a job. Stress can be higher during this time of transition, so it is crucial to remember to be kind to my family, which might include asking forgiveness for times of inconsideration. Spending more time with my family is a definite blessing from God during this time; and I need to take advantage of it.

Job #3: Find a Job
I suppose there could be other things that we could put before this part, but it seems to be in an appropriate spot in the process. With the right priorities of God and family in place, it is certainly a good investment of life to find a job. Sometimes any job will do, if there is no pay coming in at all. But, at some point, the concentration needs to be on the job God is calling me to; and one that I feel He has fit me for. In fact, it should be something I love to do; and could see myself doing for many years in the future. Again, we don't always have that luxury, but in my position, I am able to be patient and yet work toward this kind of job.

This "job", in finding a job includes many things: prayer, resume preparation and dispersal, and following up in any way that I can. I do believe that I should do everything within my ability to find the right job, still knowing that in the end, it is God that will bring the work; and He will do it in His timing and in His way. So, for now, I continue to ask God to help me fulfill all 3 jobs; and to please Him throughout this entire process. May God be glorified as I invest in these jobs; and may I remember to give Him all the glory when, at last, I am employed once again!