Friday, April 6, 2012


Today is a day to celebrate, although it tends, religiously, to be a somber day, as we think about the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus went through incredible pain, betrayal and torture, as He was falsely accused and then hung on a cross to die. It is a sad story; except that the very fact that those things took place, and that Jesus died on the cross, brings incredible joy to those of us who follow Him! It is because Jesus died and then rose again, 3 days later, that we have the opportunity of eternal life with God in Heaven. That makes it a day to celebrate.

Today also happens to be the day that my oldest 2 children celebrate their birthday, now 17 years old. Teresa and I were blessed when God brought our first 2 children to us, through the means that is so close to His heart, adoption, 15 years ago. They have been incredible blessings to us, and to the rest of our family, as we have seen God work in their lives and make them more like His Son. God has also used them to help us learn and grow closer to our Savior. We look forward to how God is going to work on them this next year, their senior year of high school (yikes!) and then lead them to what He has planned for their future.

So, Good Friday to all of you, as you remember what Jesus did for you so many years ago. And Happy Birthday, Alex and Isabella. May God richly bless in your next year of life as well. I love you!

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