Thursday, October 25, 2012

Nikki tries to hide her "stuff"

I do love my dog...really...I do. For the most part, she has been a blessing to our family. There are days when you might hear us say things that don't sound like she is a blessing; but overall, it is true. There are things about her that amuse me, and I was reminded of one, in particular the other day. When we take her out to go do her "business" (that's going to the "potty" for those of you not familiar with this terminology), she has a habit which just cracks me up.

When she goes #2 (please ask your mother if further explanation is needed), she will do "her thing" and begin to walk away from it. Then, she will dig in her heels and try to kick up dirt (or whatever is on top of the ground at the time) back onto her "stuff" (doggie "doodoo" for those of you still struggling). She very rarely kicks much up at all; and when she does, she is usually too far away to actually cover any of her "stuff". I sometimes ask her out loud, as I chuckle: "what are you doing dog? do you really think you're covering up your mess"?

I have often thought of the spiritual lesson this brings to mind; and then the other day, as I was thinking it, my wife actually said it. What Nikki tried to do is what we, what I have tried to do. We make a mess (sin), and we make attempts to cover it up. We pretend its not there, or we deceive, or justify it; or do any variety of "stupid" things to cover up what cannot be humanly covered. When we try to cover it, like a dog, I can imagine God shaking his head, saying: "Greg, what are you trying to do? Do you really think you can hide it"? And eventually, for all of us, our stinking sin is revealed. If not now, it will be some day. We cannot hide from God.

There is a good turn to this story. Although there is no hope for Nikki, there is hope for me. Once we bring our sin into the light (or more accurately, God brings it into the light), we have the opportunity to have it covered. But, the only way it is covered and buried, never to be seen again, is to be covered by the blood and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. When Jesus covers our sin, it is covered. And when we act like Jesus, toward other's sins, we are able to participate in an amazing thing: "love covers a multitude of sins". So, let's not play the dog's game and pretend we can hide it. Let's be honest, open, transparent, telling the truth, confessing, repenting; and then living in the grace and mercy of God, which covers and casts out ALL of our sin!

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