Beginning January 5, 2014, Weymouth Community Church will go to 3 services, planned to go through May. As we approach the summer, we will re-evaluate, to see what God wants us to do.
On the last Sundays of September, October, and November, we tested 3 services. The feedback we received was very positive. There are many benefits in having 3 services, especially in our very unique, awesome, and tiny facility that God has blessed us with! Most of those who call WCC their home were not bothered by the 3 services; and most were very open to whatever the leadership decided to do. We have such a great spirit and wonderful people here at WCC. We have read, carefully, any comments (including any concerns), and have taken all the comments into consideration in making this decision. Let me share some of the main reasons we have decided to go to 3 services; and then please feel free to ask your questions and share your concerns with us!
We are a life saving station
On December 15, 2013, I preached a message entitled: "PRAY, INVEST, INVITE". It introduced an evangelism (sharing the good news about Jesus Christ) strategy, that will serve as the foundation of our outreach efforts as a church moving forward. If you have not heard that message as of yet, please get on our church website,, and listen to it for more information. The basic reason we have an outreach strategy, is because God has called us to "make disciples", as our main purpose for existing. We are to go out, and in Christ's love, reach the "lost" (those who do not yet follow Jesus) for God's glory. The other option is to be inward focused, and become more like a social club. Going to 3 services, in our present circumstances, is a reminder that we are not here for ourselves, or to foster a small, safe, comfortable, fellowship. We are here to support and strengthen one another, by God's grace, to reach more people with God's love; and then to bring them here for the purpose of helping them take their next steps in Christ. We want to make more room for them.
We are full
If you were to come to 1 of our 2 present services, you could find some room still available, in the very front, in the corner of the balcony, in some other spots around the worship center, and even on people's laps! There is, presently, room to squeeze some more in there. And on days where more people are gone, on vacation, or because of sickness or weather, there are other empty seats where others could take their place. But, according to research and experience, there comes a time when those we are trying to reach see us as full. That normally comes at the 80% mark. When we are 80% full, in any service, it makes people feel like there is "no room" for them. It might not make sense to us, but it seems to play out that way in real life (most of the time). Our capacity is 110, and my unscientific test revealed that, including the balcony, with no extra chairs set up, we can "comfortably" (room for a regular sized adult to sit, plus room to put a Bible or purse, etc. next to them) seat about 100. That means that the 80% mark is 80 for any service (this is the kind of math I know how to do). Our average attendance in the first service (8:30 a.m.) has been 77 over the past several months; and in the 11 a.m. service, it has been 98. So, in the first service, we are just under the 80% mark, and in the 2nd service, we are very much over it. History has shown that if we do not make more room, we will probably continue to reach who we are reaching, but not many more. Our numbers will remain the same. We need to make more room.
We can all hit a "3" on Sunday mornings
Until God provides a new place for us to worship, we want to be thankful for what He has given us, and make the most of it. We also want to focus on a process of discipleship: how to help people be in environments, where they can take their next steps in Jesus. On Sunday mornings, with 3 services, everyone has the opportunity to participate in 2 key programs, and one other activity - all of which are a part of the discipleship process at WCC. Everyone can attend a worship service (8:30, 9:45, or 11:00 a.m.). We need those who attended one of the earlier services during our testing Sundays, to continue to do so; but most of all, everyone can choose their service based on what works best for their family and for those they will be bringing with them. Going to worship service allows for us, corporately, with all ages and stages of spiritual growth, to worship through fellowship; giving; singing; and the teaching and application of God's Word. With 3 services, you also have the opportunity to attend a Bible study (Sunday school class). This is provided for all ages. Unlike the large group setting, this is normally a smaller group, with those in your own stage of life; and you have the opportunity to learn about and discuss the Word of God together. Small groups is the 3rd program we will offer for everyone, but that will take place off site, in homes, and will re-start, officially, in the fall of 2014. The 3rd thing you can do, however, in another time slot, is to serve. Serving God and others at WCC is something we ask of everyone who calls WCC their home; and Sunday morning is one of the prime time slots for serving. You can do all 3 of these on a Sunday morning, if you choose. There will be some adjusting, and potentially some sacrifice on your part; but just remember why we are doing what we do, and that might help us all stay focused. Take advantage of this opportunity, while you have it; and let's grow together!
Our intention is not to become a mega church. We may always be "small", relative to larger churches in our area. We are already over twice as large as the average church in America. But, the goal for us is not to have a certain number of people. The goal is to help more people in our community take the next in their spiritual journey. For us to accomplish that goal, by God's power and grace, we have to structure ourselves so that more people feel like they can come and grow with us. It is with this goal in mind, that we want to fully test 3 services for several months, see if God will choose to bless it; and then prayerfully decide how to proceed from there. Please join us in this exciting journey!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Tomorrow, on December 22nd, I will officially have 5 teenagers. Teresa and I are protesting. My question mark at the end of "celebrate" in the blog entry title is not a mistake. It seems like we are supposed to celebrate, but why do we feel like we want to go into a closet and cry? Our dilemma is not related to whether or not we like teenagers. We love teenagers - especially ours! They are awesome; and parenting them is a privilege. There are unique challenges to parenting teenagers; but then again, every stage of life and parenting has its challenges. I think the real question as to whether or not it should be a celebration has to do with the feeling of old age that it brings to us as parents with growing children. We know the time is short, and if they are all teenagers, it also means that they are soon going to living somewhere else, not with us - building their own families. It is sad. We miss the little ones (don't talk to me about grandchildren yet), and the feeling that this was just beginning. We now have the feeling that things are ending. Don't you feel sorry for us? Probably not. It is life, isn't it? We grow older, and things change. We don't think we are old enough to have 5 teenagers. Don't you agree?
Happy Birthday to Caleb and Gabrielle, our two youngest; and turning 13! I can still remember holding both of you, one in each hand, at the same time - soon after your birth. God had already given us 3 amazing children, and you were the two that filled up our family, as He designed it. We are so thankful for both of you, and have seen God's hand in your lives up to this point. God has used you both to bring us incredible joy over these 13 years. We look forward to seeing how God is going to keep working in and through you over the next several years. We are glad (deep down) that you are now teenagers, and will continue to enjoy the time God gives us to walk along side of you. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday to Caleb and Gabrielle, our two youngest; and turning 13! I can still remember holding both of you, one in each hand, at the same time - soon after your birth. God had already given us 3 amazing children, and you were the two that filled up our family, as He designed it. We are so thankful for both of you, and have seen God's hand in your lives up to this point. God has used you both to bring us incredible joy over these 13 years. We look forward to seeing how God is going to keep working in and through you over the next several years. We are glad (deep down) that you are now teenagers, and will continue to enjoy the time God gives us to walk along side of you. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
It is hard for sports announcers to fumble, since they no longer play the game. But, last night, Ray Lewis, the former Hall of Fame linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens, and current analyst on Monday Night Football, "coughed it up" big time. Rarely do announcers have the opportunity to talk about their faith openly, in that kind of setting. Ray Lewis did last night, on "Monday Night Countdown", which is the pre-game show for Monday Night Football, which airs on ESPN. There was an emotional segment done on a little 7 year old girl, who was an incredible Baltimore Ravens fan, but died in the Newtown, Connecticut shootings at a school. As most stories like this, it was heartwarming, and "tugged" at your heart.
In the story, the family had received a very inspirational, encouraging note on an autographed picture, sent by Ray Lewis, who was playing for the Ravens at the time of the shooting and loss of this young girl. The dad read the note during the story, and then the announcer who reported the story, turned to Ray Lewis, and asked him about his motivation for writing such a note - a very personal note to the family following the tragedy. The note had talked about having trust in God, and the belief that the little girl is in Heaven; and they will see her someday.
It was when Ray Lewis was asked the question and he answered, that I believe he "fumbled" - at least as it relates to the opportunity to speak the biblical truth about God and eternal life. Just as in the note, Ray Lewis talked about how everyone is going to Heaven someday; and that is the reason we can get through tragedies like this. That was the basic message he gave - in a very passionate, heart-felt way, as only Ray Lewis can do. I respect him as a hard nosed football player; but I feel badly for him, and for many who may take his words, and believe that their eternal destiny is already secured with God in Heaven forever.
That belief is usually called "universalism" - that everyone, eventually, will make it to Heaven. That allows for the Catholic belief in a place called "purgatory", where you might wait for awhile, pay for your sins, and then make it to Heaven. But the Bible gives a very different viewpoint - and speaks the truth in love. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). There is no other way. We are all responsible to come to Jesus Christ, to confess Him as our Lord, and receive the free gift of eternal life. When it comes to children, who are young, or those who have handicaps that make it difficult to understand and express true faith, I leave that in God's merciful hands. I would not doubt if they, including this young girl in the story, were chosen by God "before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1), to be one of His children. But this does not mean that everyone, regardless of their faith, or lack of it, will make it to Heaven.
Romans 10:9 - "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart, that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
It is a tragedy when anyone dies, and even more so when a 7 year old girl is struck down by a murderer. But, in the eyes of eternity, in the perspective of God, there is a greater tragedy coming: when people who thought everyone goes to Heaven will have to stand before a righteous God; and find out that it is simply not true. We only get to Heaven once we trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Ray Lewis' plan sounds good to us; but it is not God's plan - it is not true. God, in His mercy and grace, is "desiring all to come to the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2). This is your opportunity to embrace the truth found in Jesus, as stated in the Bible; and in this case, not to listen to a charismatic, passionate communicator - Hall of Famer Ray Lewis. Everyone fumbles; and this may have been one of his most costly ones.
In the story, the family had received a very inspirational, encouraging note on an autographed picture, sent by Ray Lewis, who was playing for the Ravens at the time of the shooting and loss of this young girl. The dad read the note during the story, and then the announcer who reported the story, turned to Ray Lewis, and asked him about his motivation for writing such a note - a very personal note to the family following the tragedy. The note had talked about having trust in God, and the belief that the little girl is in Heaven; and they will see her someday.
It was when Ray Lewis was asked the question and he answered, that I believe he "fumbled" - at least as it relates to the opportunity to speak the biblical truth about God and eternal life. Just as in the note, Ray Lewis talked about how everyone is going to Heaven someday; and that is the reason we can get through tragedies like this. That was the basic message he gave - in a very passionate, heart-felt way, as only Ray Lewis can do. I respect him as a hard nosed football player; but I feel badly for him, and for many who may take his words, and believe that their eternal destiny is already secured with God in Heaven forever.
That belief is usually called "universalism" - that everyone, eventually, will make it to Heaven. That allows for the Catholic belief in a place called "purgatory", where you might wait for awhile, pay for your sins, and then make it to Heaven. But the Bible gives a very different viewpoint - and speaks the truth in love. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). There is no other way. We are all responsible to come to Jesus Christ, to confess Him as our Lord, and receive the free gift of eternal life. When it comes to children, who are young, or those who have handicaps that make it difficult to understand and express true faith, I leave that in God's merciful hands. I would not doubt if they, including this young girl in the story, were chosen by God "before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1), to be one of His children. But this does not mean that everyone, regardless of their faith, or lack of it, will make it to Heaven.
Romans 10:9 - "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart, that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
It is a tragedy when anyone dies, and even more so when a 7 year old girl is struck down by a murderer. But, in the eyes of eternity, in the perspective of God, there is a greater tragedy coming: when people who thought everyone goes to Heaven will have to stand before a righteous God; and find out that it is simply not true. We only get to Heaven once we trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Ray Lewis' plan sounds good to us; but it is not God's plan - it is not true. God, in His mercy and grace, is "desiring all to come to the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2). This is your opportunity to embrace the truth found in Jesus, as stated in the Bible; and in this case, not to listen to a charismatic, passionate communicator - Hall of Famer Ray Lewis. Everyone fumbles; and this may have been one of his most costly ones.
Friday, November 29, 2013
I know, I know - I misspelled it. And I'm a day late. And there is technology that would help me change
Givingthanks to Thanksgiving. I know. But as I think about Thanksgiving, I think we normally think about all the "wrong" things, such as Turkey, chocolate chip cookies (certainly chocolate can't be wrong in any context, but since I don't know how to use my delete button, I guess I'll keep it here), movies, football, and of course, going out late on Thanksgiving night, to stand in line for hours, so I can get $10 off on a Black Friday special! Certainly, the fact that most Thanksgivings include family we don't see all the time is still a highlight for many; and that is always a good thing (unless you don't like your family and you spend most of your time tolerating them, arguing with them, or just plain ignoring them - not your family of course - someone else's).
Anyways...what I noticed is that Thanksgiving is rarely about what it is supposed to be about: Giving Thanks.
So, I decided to change the name of the Holiday. Is that o.k. with you? It just makes more sense to me. It seems like it might keep us on track, if we said each time: "Happy GivingThanks". I understand it may not be as catchy; and the term may not have people running to get in line for Black Friday sales as readily. But, perhaps, it would cause us to take a pause...and to consider that whatever else we enjoy during this Holiday, there has to be a good healthy portion of GIVING THANKS.
Shouldn't we actually be thankful during Thanksgiving? If not, certainly we must be thankful during the Holiday renamed "Givingthanks"! And during this time, we should actually consider what we are thankful for; and remember to tell God, and others, what we are thankful for; and that we are, truly, thankful. Have I convinced you? Are you already finding yourself changing the name? Perhaps not. But, it's worth a try. So....
Thursday, November 21, 2013
uh oh - the phone's for you
Too many times, in my pastoral experience, I have answered the phone in my office, only to be "greeted" by an unsatisfied "customer". Unfortunately, in many cases, these are people that by age and experience, ought to be mature in Christ; and yet, what they feel comfortable saying to their pastor, over the phone, is anything but spiritually mature. I suppose people feel more comfortable saying things over the phone rather than in person; but nevertheless, what comes out of our mouths reveals our hearts.
This week, as I took a phone call, I wondered what I was going to hear. But God, here in my new ministry, has continued to bless and amaze me with the spiritual maturity of many of our members here. This elderly woman called with a question; and it wasn't a question like: "Why are you such an idiot"?; or "Do you really think you can come in here as a pastor and do this to us"? It was a legitimate question (not statement); and it revealed a sincere heart to understand God's Word and follow it. I realize that I may be too hardened, after some years of difficult phone calls; but it was a sweet relief and incredible blessing to have someone truly desiring her pastor to give some spiritual and doctrinal guidance.
Her question was a great one; and it revealed the heart attitude of someone who studies Scripture; and who truly wants to know what God has to say about something. I happily answered her question and talked with her about the issue. And then this sweet lady said "thank you so much pastor! I have been losing sleep over this issue; but now I know what the Bible says about this. I feel so much better!" My answer was not anything new. I don't know everything. But what really made me feel great was that there is a woman in our church who doesn't pretend to have "arrived" or "know it all"; but instead, is continuing to take her next steps in Christ, and is willing to ask her pastor for help.
Thank you, God, for the blessing of this phone call!
This week, as I took a phone call, I wondered what I was going to hear. But God, here in my new ministry, has continued to bless and amaze me with the spiritual maturity of many of our members here. This elderly woman called with a question; and it wasn't a question like: "Why are you such an idiot"?; or "Do you really think you can come in here as a pastor and do this to us"? It was a legitimate question (not statement); and it revealed a sincere heart to understand God's Word and follow it. I realize that I may be too hardened, after some years of difficult phone calls; but it was a sweet relief and incredible blessing to have someone truly desiring her pastor to give some spiritual and doctrinal guidance.
Her question was a great one; and it revealed the heart attitude of someone who studies Scripture; and who truly wants to know what God has to say about something. I happily answered her question and talked with her about the issue. And then this sweet lady said "thank you so much pastor! I have been losing sleep over this issue; but now I know what the Bible says about this. I feel so much better!" My answer was not anything new. I don't know everything. But what really made me feel great was that there is a woman in our church who doesn't pretend to have "arrived" or "know it all"; but instead, is continuing to take her next steps in Christ, and is willing to ask her pastor for help.
Thank you, God, for the blessing of this phone call!
Friday, November 1, 2013
The years have flown by, and as you celebrate (I'm assuming you are celebrating!) another birthday, I am thanking God for all the years I have had with you. And although I have been "out of the house" for many years now, your impact on my life has not lessened; and am I grateful for any time God gives us together. It is very difficult for many to grow old; and with age sometimes comes discouragement and anger. You are a great example as you appreciate the years and life God has given you; so that even if there are no more birthdays, you are gratefully living every moment for Him.
Today, on your birthday, I celebrate (in thankfulness to God) your:
Today, on your birthday, I celebrate (in thankfulness to God) your:
- faithfulness to God
- loyalty to family
- hard work
- determination
- godliness
- good example
- willingness to serve others
- never give up attitude
- prayers
- life
Have a wonderful day dad; and may God give you another blessed year of living for Him!
I love you!
Monday, October 28, 2013
4th quarter?
The title of my blog is Greg's Halftime. Some years ago, when I began blogging, I named it this because it seemed like my life was half over (at least); and I wanted to focus on any time left to honor God with my life. You can read my post entitled: Halftime, from October 26, 2007. It you get back on my blog:, and then go to this date to read it. I was challenged by the book: Chazown, which helped me come up with my life purpose statement: My dream is to help people take the next step in their spiritual journey.
However, just a couple of days ago, I found myself celebrating another birthday; and as it usually happens with birthdays, I was getting older. It just hit me: you're not at halftime Greg - you're in the 4th quarter! At first, I was offended by my own thoughts. Then, I realized how ridiculous it is to be offending yourself - so I stopped. But I kept thinking: perhaps this is a good thing. When I think of halftime, I think: I still have another half. I'm o.k. There is plenty of time to win the game, even if I am far behind. But, if it is the 4th quarter, there is more of an urgency. I don't have much time left. If I am going to do something significant before the game ends, now is the time!
I am very grateful for the life God has given me; and if I were to die today, I would feel satisfied, in Him. But, as it relates to my life and ministry, there is still more I would love to do, for the glory of God. That is where my focus needs to be, if God chooses to give me another day, week, month, year, or even decade (or more). He has left me here for a reason; and I want to make the best of it. So, if it is the 4th quarter, then let's figure out what needs to be done; so that when that final buzzer sounds, nothing is left on the field - and I can be a winner (i.e. God saying: Well done good and faithful servant).
However, just a couple of days ago, I found myself celebrating another birthday; and as it usually happens with birthdays, I was getting older. It just hit me: you're not at halftime Greg - you're in the 4th quarter! At first, I was offended by my own thoughts. Then, I realized how ridiculous it is to be offending yourself - so I stopped. But I kept thinking: perhaps this is a good thing. When I think of halftime, I think: I still have another half. I'm o.k. There is plenty of time to win the game, even if I am far behind. But, if it is the 4th quarter, there is more of an urgency. I don't have much time left. If I am going to do something significant before the game ends, now is the time!
I am very grateful for the life God has given me; and if I were to die today, I would feel satisfied, in Him. But, as it relates to my life and ministry, there is still more I would love to do, for the glory of God. That is where my focus needs to be, if God chooses to give me another day, week, month, year, or even decade (or more). He has left me here for a reason; and I want to make the best of it. So, if it is the 4th quarter, then let's figure out what needs to be done; so that when that final buzzer sounds, nothing is left on the field - and I can be a winner (i.e. God saying: Well done good and faithful servant).
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Bitter Free
This entry has nothing to do with food or drink. It has everything to do with the heart. We have all had those moments, where the unexpected happened; and it is only then that you really know how you will respond. I will be as specific as needed and as vague as possible. Sometime recently, somewhere in this world, I saw someone who had been a part of one of my previous ministries sometime in the last 20 years (how's that for vague?).
I was with my family and it was a couple I had not seen for some time. It was one of those situations where you could have gone the rest of life without seeing them, and yet there they were. It was also not a situation where you could embrace long lost friends, sit down and visit heart to heart, catching up on what God is doing in your lives. Those times are awesome, but this was not one of them. Because of some things they did and said at the end of our time together; and their unwillingness to take care of things biblically, there has been no reconciliation. It is a sad thing.
These are nice people and might be voted grandparents of the year - very kind in most cases. But in relationship to our ministry and the people affected, they were unwilling to work through the difficult issues and bring biblical resolution. Since some of it was directed at me, it was hurtful at the time; and I have had to deal with the issue in my own heart. However, I have found that you really don't know how you have dealt with it until you see people again that brings it back to the surface. Perhaps it was a test from God; or perhaps it was a confirmation that He had, indeed, done the work on my heart previously.
Because although there is no reconciliation to this relationship without their participation, I have forgiven them; and it was very encouraging to realize that I hold no bitterness toward them. I would have, before the meeting, told you I held none; but you don't really know until you see people face to face. I am grateful to God for His grace, so that I don't carry around bitterness or allow it to get a foothold, that would lead to all kinds of other sins. Perhaps one day, they will be willing to reconcile the way God describes; but until then, I am free to ask God's blessing on them, and to focus on the people God has given me to serve Him today.
I was going to say being "bitter free" doesn't help me lose any weight; but on 2nd thought...
I was with my family and it was a couple I had not seen for some time. It was one of those situations where you could have gone the rest of life without seeing them, and yet there they were. It was also not a situation where you could embrace long lost friends, sit down and visit heart to heart, catching up on what God is doing in your lives. Those times are awesome, but this was not one of them. Because of some things they did and said at the end of our time together; and their unwillingness to take care of things biblically, there has been no reconciliation. It is a sad thing.
These are nice people and might be voted grandparents of the year - very kind in most cases. But in relationship to our ministry and the people affected, they were unwilling to work through the difficult issues and bring biblical resolution. Since some of it was directed at me, it was hurtful at the time; and I have had to deal with the issue in my own heart. However, I have found that you really don't know how you have dealt with it until you see people again that brings it back to the surface. Perhaps it was a test from God; or perhaps it was a confirmation that He had, indeed, done the work on my heart previously.
Because although there is no reconciliation to this relationship without their participation, I have forgiven them; and it was very encouraging to realize that I hold no bitterness toward them. I would have, before the meeting, told you I held none; but you don't really know until you see people face to face. I am grateful to God for His grace, so that I don't carry around bitterness or allow it to get a foothold, that would lead to all kinds of other sins. Perhaps one day, they will be willing to reconcile the way God describes; but until then, I am free to ask God's blessing on them, and to focus on the people God has given me to serve Him today.
I was going to say being "bitter free" doesn't help me lose any weight; but on 2nd thought...
Thursday, October 17, 2013
This week my mom celebrated another birthday. She is only _____ years old! If you really want to know her age, perhaps my age, as her oldest, would help you: I'm only _____. But as the years have passed so quickly, I do not take for granted the incredible mom that God gifted me ____ years ago. (You thought I was going to give it away there, didn't you). I also know how easy it is to let time go by, years even, without telling someone how much they mean to you. Over the years, I have not done it enough with my parents. I try to tell them in the birthday and anniversary cards, but they just don't seem to communicate it as I feel it in my heart. This entry is another feeble attempt to let my mom, and the 2 others that read my blog, know how special she is to me.
Mom, there are many things that I appreciate about you; but as I think of you today, these characteristics come to mind:
I love you mom!
Mom, there are many things that I appreciate about you; but as I think of you today, these characteristics come to mind:
- faithful - I have seen you be faithful to God, to dad, to us, and to your other responsibilities in life
- loyal - There is no secret as to the loyalty you have to your family and friends
- godly - Many people think they are godly because of a list of things they do or do not do; but I see godliness in you because of your consistent attitude and desire to live for God
- patience - I have no doubt that somewhere along the way, in your _____ years, you have lost your patience. But I don't remember seeing it. I have seen, however, you demonstrate incredible patience in many situations that would have caused many to lose it.
- Giving - You are a very giving person. This includes the quality of selflessness. You always seem to be thinking about others before yourself; and you give of yourself and what you have to make others' lives better
I love you mom!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
God has given me the privilege of being a pastor for almost 20 years. It is hard to believe.
And after I came home from an all day meeting with a group of leaders from our church, Teresa said she saw something in me that she hadn't seen in many years. She said I was happy. She said I was smiling - all in the context of returning from a 6.5 hour meeting! That is a good sign; but for me it is hard to believe that it has been years since I felt that way about a meeting that was about moving forward in church ministry. In fact, as I thought more about it, I cannot remember a time when I sensed a greater unity in a meeting like that than I did this past Saturday.
I was trying to identify what was different. Why did I feel that way? What was so unique. As I thought about it for some time, I realized that in past meetings, in different places over the years, there always seemed to be an obstacle to unity in our meetings. Perhaps it was me. But, there was always some underlying tension, or some of the group that came to the meeting, ready to oppose and criticize whatever it may be that we were discussing. It is hard to explain exactly what that is like; but most of you reading this know what I mean. You are meeting with an individual or group, and you can usually tell if they are working hard to engage in unity; or if they have their own personal agenda that is going to be an obstacle to progress. I have been through a lot of those meetings, returning home with the knowledge that our leaders are not unified. And no matter how hard I tried to unify them around biblical truth and principles, it was evident that unless the leaders are willing to sacrifice for unity, it isn't going to happen.
When I say "unity", I don't mean "uniformity", where we all think alike, have all the same opinions, and are unwilling to be who God made us. By unity, I mean that we are humbly submitting ourselves to God, realizing that what we are trying to accomplish as leaders together, is greater than my own personal agenda and preferences. We plead for God to make His will and direction known, and we participate in the recognition of that by setting aside our desires and actively working with the others who are present. We are unified on the value of each person present, and on what we are trying to accomplish. We listen to one another and speak when it would benefit the group and purpose for meeting. We are positive about the process and we are excited to see what God is going to do. This doesn't mean there aren't differences or disagreements; but no one allows those to keep us from moving forward together for the greater good.
That is the best way I can describe what happened Saturday; and I'm still smiling about it. It is isn't that the end product was anything ground breaking, or even complete; but what I am so excited about is how each of these 17 guys participated, in a God honoring way. Thank you God for each of these men, and thank you for a unity that is all about you.
And after I came home from an all day meeting with a group of leaders from our church, Teresa said she saw something in me that she hadn't seen in many years. She said I was happy. She said I was smiling - all in the context of returning from a 6.5 hour meeting! That is a good sign; but for me it is hard to believe that it has been years since I felt that way about a meeting that was about moving forward in church ministry. In fact, as I thought more about it, I cannot remember a time when I sensed a greater unity in a meeting like that than I did this past Saturday.
I was trying to identify what was different. Why did I feel that way? What was so unique. As I thought about it for some time, I realized that in past meetings, in different places over the years, there always seemed to be an obstacle to unity in our meetings. Perhaps it was me. But, there was always some underlying tension, or some of the group that came to the meeting, ready to oppose and criticize whatever it may be that we were discussing. It is hard to explain exactly what that is like; but most of you reading this know what I mean. You are meeting with an individual or group, and you can usually tell if they are working hard to engage in unity; or if they have their own personal agenda that is going to be an obstacle to progress. I have been through a lot of those meetings, returning home with the knowledge that our leaders are not unified. And no matter how hard I tried to unify them around biblical truth and principles, it was evident that unless the leaders are willing to sacrifice for unity, it isn't going to happen.
When I say "unity", I don't mean "uniformity", where we all think alike, have all the same opinions, and are unwilling to be who God made us. By unity, I mean that we are humbly submitting ourselves to God, realizing that what we are trying to accomplish as leaders together, is greater than my own personal agenda and preferences. We plead for God to make His will and direction known, and we participate in the recognition of that by setting aside our desires and actively working with the others who are present. We are unified on the value of each person present, and on what we are trying to accomplish. We listen to one another and speak when it would benefit the group and purpose for meeting. We are positive about the process and we are excited to see what God is going to do. This doesn't mean there aren't differences or disagreements; but no one allows those to keep us from moving forward together for the greater good.
That is the best way I can describe what happened Saturday; and I'm still smiling about it. It is isn't that the end product was anything ground breaking, or even complete; but what I am so excited about is how each of these 17 guys participated, in a God honoring way. Thank you God for each of these men, and thank you for a unity that is all about you.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
I do not normally like to use particular curriculums or books, exclusively, for any project. I have had a hard time finding pre-packaged materials that fit exactly what I am looking for. Normally, I use a little bit here and a little bit there, to put together what is needed for the moment. It hit us pretty hard, recently, that we were "past due" in the need for having "THE TALK" with our youngest 2 children (age 12, and moving on 13 quickly). We understand and embrace the fact that "THE TALK", about sex, is really to be an ongoing conversation with our children, beginning whenever the particular child is "ready" (this depends on a number of variables). But, there is value to the foundational "talk", when we talk about the details of sex, and challenge them to follow God's path of purity.
Last week we finished the foundational talks with all 5 of our children, by doing it with our youngest 2. And in each case, we used materials from the Christian organization, Family Life, entitled: "Passport to Purity." This is one of very few pre-packaged materials that I would recommend to every parent, to be used with every child. It is geared for moms to do with their daughters and dads to do with their sons (1 on 1), sometime in the "pre-teen" years. If the children are already 13, it is time, and probably past time. Whatever materials you use; or if you just develop your own talks, these times with our children have the potential of an incredible impact on our children now and in the future. The issues of purity and sex, before and after marriage, are ones our children will face, beginning in their pre-teen years and last the rest of their lives. The investment of time, money and planning is more than worth it!
To save money, Teresa and I took both of our youngest at the same time; but still worked it out so that we were 1 on 1 for all our talks and much of the "downtime". The materials in Passport to Purity include about 7 hours of CD material, including creative teaching about very sensitive issues (body changes, peer pressure, how babies are made, etc.), discussion time between the parent and child, and projects that illustrate the key points. They pretty much lay everything out for you, and in following it, we were able to concentrate on our children and these very important discussions. There are also optional CD's that we will use in the near future to discuss some other related issues that they don't seem to be facing yet, but will very soon. We will use those on future dates with our children.
They suggest taking a weekend (one evening and another full day) and to go, if possible, to a special place outside the home. This adds to the uniqueness and importance of what we are doing during this time. It is nice because the materials really can fit into any family's budget and schedule. It is very flexible. We did it in the middle of the week (one of the benefits of homeschooling) and at a time when the place we went was practically "empty". If you comment on this blog and ask for more information about our time away, I would be happy to give it to you.
The time together ends with the signing of a "wait to date" contract (which has the pre-teen agree to include the parents in future dating plans), a dinner out, and a special gift. The dinner is designed to include both parents with the son or daughter, even though it was just mom or dad who spent the time discussing the details. The gift can be anything that would be a special reminder about the commitment to purity that the young person is making, and the support of the parents in that commitment. We have given a "purity ring" to all 3 of our daughters, and a sword to both our sons.
We understand that this was just the beginning of talks we hope to have with our children about sex and purity in the coming years. But, it was a good, important beginning; and we are so grateful for the resource God provided us to have this special and memorable time with our children!
Last week we finished the foundational talks with all 5 of our children, by doing it with our youngest 2. And in each case, we used materials from the Christian organization, Family Life, entitled: "Passport to Purity." This is one of very few pre-packaged materials that I would recommend to every parent, to be used with every child. It is geared for moms to do with their daughters and dads to do with their sons (1 on 1), sometime in the "pre-teen" years. If the children are already 13, it is time, and probably past time. Whatever materials you use; or if you just develop your own talks, these times with our children have the potential of an incredible impact on our children now and in the future. The issues of purity and sex, before and after marriage, are ones our children will face, beginning in their pre-teen years and last the rest of their lives. The investment of time, money and planning is more than worth it!
To save money, Teresa and I took both of our youngest at the same time; but still worked it out so that we were 1 on 1 for all our talks and much of the "downtime". The materials in Passport to Purity include about 7 hours of CD material, including creative teaching about very sensitive issues (body changes, peer pressure, how babies are made, etc.), discussion time between the parent and child, and projects that illustrate the key points. They pretty much lay everything out for you, and in following it, we were able to concentrate on our children and these very important discussions. There are also optional CD's that we will use in the near future to discuss some other related issues that they don't seem to be facing yet, but will very soon. We will use those on future dates with our children.
They suggest taking a weekend (one evening and another full day) and to go, if possible, to a special place outside the home. This adds to the uniqueness and importance of what we are doing during this time. It is nice because the materials really can fit into any family's budget and schedule. It is very flexible. We did it in the middle of the week (one of the benefits of homeschooling) and at a time when the place we went was practically "empty". If you comment on this blog and ask for more information about our time away, I would be happy to give it to you.
The time together ends with the signing of a "wait to date" contract (which has the pre-teen agree to include the parents in future dating plans), a dinner out, and a special gift. The dinner is designed to include both parents with the son or daughter, even though it was just mom or dad who spent the time discussing the details. The gift can be anything that would be a special reminder about the commitment to purity that the young person is making, and the support of the parents in that commitment. We have given a "purity ring" to all 3 of our daughters, and a sword to both our sons.
We understand that this was just the beginning of talks we hope to have with our children about sex and purity in the coming years. But, it was a good, important beginning; and we are so grateful for the resource God provided us to have this special and memorable time with our children!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
I should be thankful that I can call this entry: "The emptying nest" rather than "The empty nest"! We are at the empty next stage yet, but the emptying nest stage is starting to hit me. Although our son left for Navy boot camp at the beginning of summer, it was 2 weeks ago that it seemed real, as he graduated and left for training school in Texas. It will be months before we see him again, and likely he will posted far away in the days to come.
Tomorrow, we take our daughter 6.5 hours away to college! Not sure if it will feel worse once we drop our daughter off, as opposed to our son, but we are about to find out. Once we drop her off, we are down to 3 kids, all pre-teens or teenagers, and the countdown begins (or continues). Time is flying by, and the nest, that just began to empty, is emptying fast. It is sad...and hard.
On the positive side, there are many things to be thankful for:
Tomorrow, we take our daughter 6.5 hours away to college! Not sure if it will feel worse once we drop our daughter off, as opposed to our son, but we are about to find out. Once we drop her off, we are down to 3 kids, all pre-teens or teenagers, and the countdown begins (or continues). Time is flying by, and the nest, that just began to empty, is emptying fast. It is sad...and hard.
On the positive side, there are many things to be thankful for:
- Our son is serving God and country
- Our daughter is following God's call to train as a teacher where we both went to school
- Our children are growing up, and are putting into practice the things they have learned during all of their years in our home
- Our children are all incredible blessings from God, and we look forward to see what He has planned for their future
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
I haven't really had a reason to say that phrase...ever...until now. The Army/Navy football game has been on every year, but I only see part of it if I happen upon it by accident. It is pretty cool to see the guys in their uniforms, cheering on their team, and all the ceremony that goes along with it. But after 5 minutes, I've seen enough, and its time for a nap. However, something changed this past Friday, that will now capture my attention...not only during the traditional football game; but anytime I hear anything about the Navy.
Last Friday, we had the privilege of being at the Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, Illinois, to witness Alex's graduation from Navy boot camp! A week prior to that he had called us, all excited, telling us that he had passed his battle stations and all testing. He had made it as a sailor. But it was there, in Great Lakes, where we saw our son participate in what is called a "Pass in Review" ceremony. He came in with the other 85 or so guys in his division, and with all counted, in all divisions, it was close to 1,000 total that were moving on to the next stage of their military career. He had not been off the site for 8 weeks of training, but was able to spend several hours with us afterward. Then, he was off to the airport, where we met him at 3 a.m. (to give him his "stuff"); and then off to San Antonio, Texas for "A" school. This is where he begins to train for his "chosen" job in the Navy: hospital corpsman (medic).
We are very proud of Alex. Most of all, over these past 8 weeks, we have seen Alex grow as a man, and as a follower of Jesus. He has communicated, more clearly and often than ever, his love for God, and his love for his family. He leaned on God to get him through each day, and to keep his mind clear throughout the process of boot camp. He spent time every day, praying and reading Scripture, on his "own time". He got involved in serving in the chapel, and had many opportunities to talk to guys about their relationship with God. It was so exciting to see God's grace at work in Alex's life during these weeks. Our prayer is that it will continue to be evident as he goes to "A" school, and faces more challenges to living out his faith. Good thing we have God to trust in!
I'll leave you with the chant some of the Navy guys marching by were saying. It was one of Alex's favorites:
"Hey Hey momma can't you see (echo)
What the Navy's done to me (echo)
Used to drive my Chevrolet (echo)
Now I'm marching everyday! (echo)"
Last Friday, we had the privilege of being at the Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, Illinois, to witness Alex's graduation from Navy boot camp! A week prior to that he had called us, all excited, telling us that he had passed his battle stations and all testing. He had made it as a sailor. But it was there, in Great Lakes, where we saw our son participate in what is called a "Pass in Review" ceremony. He came in with the other 85 or so guys in his division, and with all counted, in all divisions, it was close to 1,000 total that were moving on to the next stage of their military career. He had not been off the site for 8 weeks of training, but was able to spend several hours with us afterward. Then, he was off to the airport, where we met him at 3 a.m. (to give him his "stuff"); and then off to San Antonio, Texas for "A" school. This is where he begins to train for his "chosen" job in the Navy: hospital corpsman (medic).
We are very proud of Alex. Most of all, over these past 8 weeks, we have seen Alex grow as a man, and as a follower of Jesus. He has communicated, more clearly and often than ever, his love for God, and his love for his family. He leaned on God to get him through each day, and to keep his mind clear throughout the process of boot camp. He spent time every day, praying and reading Scripture, on his "own time". He got involved in serving in the chapel, and had many opportunities to talk to guys about their relationship with God. It was so exciting to see God's grace at work in Alex's life during these weeks. Our prayer is that it will continue to be evident as he goes to "A" school, and faces more challenges to living out his faith. Good thing we have God to trust in!
I'll leave you with the chant some of the Navy guys marching by were saying. It was one of Alex's favorites:
"Hey Hey momma can't you see (echo)
What the Navy's done to me (echo)
Used to drive my Chevrolet (echo)
Now I'm marching everyday! (echo)"
Thursday, July 25, 2013
There are many things I enjoy doing; and I have certainly had many wonderful experiences over my lifetime. When it comes to ministry, I don't know of anything I love more than preaching. I love every part of the process, and am humbled to have this privilege. But, there is something that I do in ministry that might be better...that could be my favorite thing. Because even when it comes to preaching, my real desire is to see people discipled - taking the next steps in their spiritual journey. As a pastor, I get to see that quite often, and I love it. But, when it comes to decisions people make as followers of Jesus, there is one that stands out above them all; and I get to see and hear the experience up close and personal.
Baptizing someone, or at least seeing someone baptized, from our church, that I know...someone we get to see grow in my favorite thing. I love to interview them and hear how they came to Christ. I love to talk to them about what baptism is, and what it is not. I love to answer questions about it. I love to set up the experience for them, of publicly professing their faith in front of the church, friends and family. I love to see and hear how others celebrate and respond to those who are taking this very important next step.
This last Sunday, I experienced some of my favorite moments doing my favorite thing. I baptized my youngest 2 children: Caleb and Gabrielle. Previously, I had the privilege of baptizing my older 3 children; and now, I have baptized all of my children! In this case, it came up somewhat quickly, at least for me. We had planned a baptism, with over 12 people committed to be baptized after our morning service (2 were not able to make it). On the Friday night before, after a message they heard about listening to God and doing what He is calling them to do, both Caleb and Gabrielle told us they wanted to be baptized. It was great to see them, without any pressure from us, take this step forward and desire to follow Jesus in baptism.
And so it was, this past Sunday morning, after baptizing 10 others, I was privileged to baptize my children. What is better than that? I was front and center, and a part of the see them stand as a testimony to their faith in Christ, identify with Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection, and to see their joy in doing what God has asked them to do. I'm trying to think of better moments doing my favorite thing...and right now, I can't think of one.
Baptizing someone, or at least seeing someone baptized, from our church, that I know...someone we get to see grow in my favorite thing. I love to interview them and hear how they came to Christ. I love to talk to them about what baptism is, and what it is not. I love to answer questions about it. I love to set up the experience for them, of publicly professing their faith in front of the church, friends and family. I love to see and hear how others celebrate and respond to those who are taking this very important next step.
This last Sunday, I experienced some of my favorite moments doing my favorite thing. I baptized my youngest 2 children: Caleb and Gabrielle. Previously, I had the privilege of baptizing my older 3 children; and now, I have baptized all of my children! In this case, it came up somewhat quickly, at least for me. We had planned a baptism, with over 12 people committed to be baptized after our morning service (2 were not able to make it). On the Friday night before, after a message they heard about listening to God and doing what He is calling them to do, both Caleb and Gabrielle told us they wanted to be baptized. It was great to see them, without any pressure from us, take this step forward and desire to follow Jesus in baptism.
And so it was, this past Sunday morning, after baptizing 10 others, I was privileged to baptize my children. What is better than that? I was front and center, and a part of the see them stand as a testimony to their faith in Christ, identify with Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection, and to see their joy in doing what God has asked them to do. I'm trying to think of better moments doing my favorite thing...and right now, I can't think of one.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Taking NOTHING for granted
It is too easy in life to take almost everything for granted. We don't take the time to consider how blessed we are; and how things could be completely a moment. Today, this thought hit me after my daughter informed me that a Chick-fil-a was robbed at gunpoint last night; and it was the Chick-fil-a she had worked at for almost a year while we lived in Georgia. To make matters worse, the young man that carried a gun into the store was a friend of hers, a fellow employee; and was the guy who had come, at her invitation, to the graduation party we held for her.
I just took it for granted that a Chick-fil-a would be safe from armed robbery, especially from employees; that no one we knew would ever do something like that; and that as my daughter worked there, her friends could be trusted. But today I am praising God for the things I often take for granted. I praise Him for: the fact that my daughter did not have a closer friendship with this guy; the fact that she was not there to work last night; the fact that no one was injured, and that he and his alleged accomplice were found and arrested; protecting my daughter; being the God who is always in charge and who can be truly trusted...always!
Hopefully, after today, I will not take as many things for granted as I usually do. Praise God for all He does, unnoticed, in our lives every day.
I just took it for granted that a Chick-fil-a would be safe from armed robbery, especially from employees; that no one we knew would ever do something like that; and that as my daughter worked there, her friends could be trusted. But today I am praising God for the things I often take for granted. I praise Him for: the fact that my daughter did not have a closer friendship with this guy; the fact that she was not there to work last night; the fact that no one was injured, and that he and his alleged accomplice were found and arrested; protecting my daughter; being the God who is always in charge and who can be truly trusted...always!
Hopefully, after today, I will not take as many things for granted as I usually do. Praise God for all He does, unnoticed, in our lives every day.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Fresh starts are awesome, in any area of life. For me, to have a new beginning as a lead pastor means so much to me, it is beyond my ability to adequately describe. I am humbled and privileged to serve the Lord in this way. He has blessed me throughout the process of His leading; and to put me where He has put me, for ministry, is just incredible. There is no perfect church, but God has placed me with a perfect fit for ministry. The people of Weymouth Community Church have welcomed me with open arms, and have truly made our family feel special. Our first two weeks here have been filled with meals in different homes, and the blessing of getting to know some pretty special people.
There is already a freedom to approach ministry in the way God has wired me, and to be accepted for my God-given personality. I am diving in to investing in people and just getting to know as many as I can. More than any program, or ministry strategy, God will honor a people (a church) that is dedicated to Him and to one another. I want to be a part of what God has planned for this special group; and I desire that we will be moving forward, together, toward His divine plan. It is too easy for a church to get splintered, with everyone (including the pastors) having their own desires and going their own direction. My prayer is that we would all follow God's lead, as we take next steps together.
A new beginning allows me to focus on laying a good foundation for this fresh start. Over the years, I have learned more about what is really important as I begin a new role. First and foremost, it is all about staying connected with God, and intimately pursuing Him. If I am walking with Him, nothing else, including disappointments in ministry, are going to derail me, or cause me to lose my joy. There is nothing more important that walking with God each day, and being all about glorifying Him. My strength, endurance and guidance in ministry is going to come from Him; as well as any effectiveness in serving Him. And secondly, in the horizontal aspect, it is about investing in the lives of these precious people, and truly caring for them. It is my joy and privilege to do just that. Thank you, God, for new beginnings!
There is already a freedom to approach ministry in the way God has wired me, and to be accepted for my God-given personality. I am diving in to investing in people and just getting to know as many as I can. More than any program, or ministry strategy, God will honor a people (a church) that is dedicated to Him and to one another. I want to be a part of what God has planned for this special group; and I desire that we will be moving forward, together, toward His divine plan. It is too easy for a church to get splintered, with everyone (including the pastors) having their own desires and going their own direction. My prayer is that we would all follow God's lead, as we take next steps together.
A new beginning allows me to focus on laying a good foundation for this fresh start. Over the years, I have learned more about what is really important as I begin a new role. First and foremost, it is all about staying connected with God, and intimately pursuing Him. If I am walking with Him, nothing else, including disappointments in ministry, are going to derail me, or cause me to lose my joy. There is nothing more important that walking with God each day, and being all about glorifying Him. My strength, endurance and guidance in ministry is going to come from Him; as well as any effectiveness in serving Him. And secondly, in the horizontal aspect, it is about investing in the lives of these precious people, and truly caring for them. It is my joy and privilege to do just that. Thank you, God, for new beginnings!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Dear Weymouth Community Church,
You may never know how God has already used you to be an incredible encouragement to me. When we found out that you voted to invite me to be your next Lead Pastor, it was the culmination of over a year of praying, waiting, and hoping. God had some things He wanted to do in our lives first, but now He is bringing us together for what He has planned for the future. I could not be more excited about beginning this journey with you. You are an incredible answer to prayer.
I was praying for a church that had not been through a split, and that had a history of long-term pastors. I was praying for church that had solid doctrine, but was non-denominational. I was praying for a church that had elder leadership. I was praying for a church that might have some additional blessings added to it (and the fact that you are in Ohio, and near where we were for 7 years is an incredible special blessing!). I was praying for a church that gave the first impression of being loving, welcoming and caring. I was praying for a church that desired to make disciples around the world. I was praying for a church that seemed to be a great fit for me. I was praying for a church that only God could lead us to and put us together. You were the answer to my prayers; and God went above and beyond my expectations.
There are no illusions, after 18 years of ministry, that any church is perfect. But I do believe in God's perfect will, in His perfect timing, and His perfect fit - to do in us and to do in you exactly what is needed to draw us closer to Him and to bring Him glory. So, it is with God's sovereignty in mind, that I am overflowing with joy, excitement, and anticipation of what He is going to do moving forward. After Teresa and I visited for the first time, we already began to love the people, and felt like we were home. God has given us a new home with you, and we praise Him for His wonderful gift!
You may never know how God has already used you to be an incredible encouragement to me. When we found out that you voted to invite me to be your next Lead Pastor, it was the culmination of over a year of praying, waiting, and hoping. God had some things He wanted to do in our lives first, but now He is bringing us together for what He has planned for the future. I could not be more excited about beginning this journey with you. You are an incredible answer to prayer.
I was praying for a church that had not been through a split, and that had a history of long-term pastors. I was praying for church that had solid doctrine, but was non-denominational. I was praying for a church that had elder leadership. I was praying for a church that might have some additional blessings added to it (and the fact that you are in Ohio, and near where we were for 7 years is an incredible special blessing!). I was praying for a church that gave the first impression of being loving, welcoming and caring. I was praying for a church that desired to make disciples around the world. I was praying for a church that seemed to be a great fit for me. I was praying for a church that only God could lead us to and put us together. You were the answer to my prayers; and God went above and beyond my expectations.
There are no illusions, after 18 years of ministry, that any church is perfect. But I do believe in God's perfect will, in His perfect timing, and His perfect fit - to do in us and to do in you exactly what is needed to draw us closer to Him and to bring Him glory. So, it is with God's sovereignty in mind, that I am overflowing with joy, excitement, and anticipation of what He is going to do moving forward. After Teresa and I visited for the first time, we already began to love the people, and felt like we were home. God has given us a new home with you, and we praise Him for His wonderful gift!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
God has answered our prayers; and after 10 months of living in the Atlanta, Ga area with family, we are moving back to Ohio and I am taking on the role of Lead Pastor once again. But, before we "move on" and just focus on where we are going, I want to pause and thank God for where we have been. Teresa's brother has been awesome, as their family has allowed us to live with them; and God has really done some pretty amazing things over this past year. One that sticks out in my mind and heart today, is the blessing of Chick-fil-a.
Today was my last day at work, and it was a bitter/sweet day. I am so excited about following God's call back into pastoral ministry; but I will miss my chick-fil-a family, and am so grateful for their part in my life this year. Kevin, the owner/operator, has been incredible, in hiring me and being so kind throughout the process. The managers, team leaders, and team members have all been so welcoming and a joy to work with the entire time. I saw how God can use a business, to really care about people, and serve their community - for the glory of God.
Over these months, as I awaited God's next call, I was able to immerse myself in the chick-fil-a family, and it was a great blessing. Here are some of the things I am most thankful for:
1) A company that does not shy away from their mission statement that is about the glory of God.
2) An owner that truly loves his employees; and continually finds ways to demonstrate that love.
3) Team leaders and managers who also care, and are all about training, customer service and excellence. They really want everyone to grow and succeed.
4) Lots of laughter and fun in this working environment
5) To go to work each day, and not dread it. It was, sincerely, a joy to work there.
May God bless Chick-fil-a, Kevin, and all my wonderful friends at our store in Canton, Ga. And if you are ever traveling close by, stop off on exit 20 off of interstate 575, in Canton, ,GA; and perhaps you will see just a glimpse of what I am talking about. God has used this Chick-fil-a family in a special time in my life; and for that I am forever grateful.
Today was my last day at work, and it was a bitter/sweet day. I am so excited about following God's call back into pastoral ministry; but I will miss my chick-fil-a family, and am so grateful for their part in my life this year. Kevin, the owner/operator, has been incredible, in hiring me and being so kind throughout the process. The managers, team leaders, and team members have all been so welcoming and a joy to work with the entire time. I saw how God can use a business, to really care about people, and serve their community - for the glory of God.
Over these months, as I awaited God's next call, I was able to immerse myself in the chick-fil-a family, and it was a great blessing. Here are some of the things I am most thankful for:
1) A company that does not shy away from their mission statement that is about the glory of God.
2) An owner that truly loves his employees; and continually finds ways to demonstrate that love.
3) Team leaders and managers who also care, and are all about training, customer service and excellence. They really want everyone to grow and succeed.
4) Lots of laughter and fun in this working environment
5) To go to work each day, and not dread it. It was, sincerely, a joy to work there.
May God bless Chick-fil-a, Kevin, and all my wonderful friends at our store in Canton, Ga. And if you are ever traveling close by, stop off on exit 20 off of interstate 575, in Canton, ,GA; and perhaps you will see just a glimpse of what I am talking about. God has used this Chick-fil-a family in a special time in my life; and for that I am forever grateful.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
My Passion
God has given every one of us a passion for something. He has gifted us for a particular purpose. He has called us to do something for Him that would be impossible without His calling and provision. Recently, I have been focusing on a particular verse in the book of Colossians; and I have realized that the passion God has given me is all about what this verse describes:
"Him we proclaim, warning everyone, and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ." - Colossians 1:28
This fits with my life mission: "My dream is to help people take the next step in their spiritual journey."
This is why I have a great passion to be a pastor again, so that this is what I can devote myself to full-time. I don't of any greater privilege, then to pastor a group of people, and help them grow in Christ. Not only that, but I get to help a group of people see others come to Christ and we all get to help them grow as well.
More than just sharing the gospel and seeing people saved, discipleship is about the entire process of helping people become more fully devoted followers of Christ. My desire is to keep maturing in Christ until He takes me home; and until then, I want to help as many people as possible take their next steps toward Christ as well. As far as I am concerned, there is no greater way to spend one's life. No matter where we are, or what we do for a "living", we can take the next step in our spiritual journey, and help someone else do the same. We can all live out the truth and challenge of Colossians 1:28.
"Him we proclaim, warning everyone, and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ." - Colossians 1:28
This fits with my life mission: "My dream is to help people take the next step in their spiritual journey."
This is why I have a great passion to be a pastor again, so that this is what I can devote myself to full-time. I don't of any greater privilege, then to pastor a group of people, and help them grow in Christ. Not only that, but I get to help a group of people see others come to Christ and we all get to help them grow as well.
More than just sharing the gospel and seeing people saved, discipleship is about the entire process of helping people become more fully devoted followers of Christ. My desire is to keep maturing in Christ until He takes me home; and until then, I want to help as many people as possible take their next steps toward Christ as well. As far as I am concerned, there is no greater way to spend one's life. No matter where we are, or what we do for a "living", we can take the next step in our spiritual journey, and help someone else do the same. We can all live out the truth and challenge of Colossians 1:28.
Monday, April 15, 2013
It was one of our dreams as parents: to take a family mission trip before our oldest graduated. For years we have been thinking and praying about it; and then the time came closer, and we were wondering how God was going to work it out. Our living circumstances changed, and our financial situation was not pretty. And yet, God came through! Although we originally hoped to take an overseas trip, and have our kids see real poverty, God had something else in mind. He kept us here in the States, and tuned our hearts into some very needy people, in a very different way.
Last week, we had the privilege and opportunity to go on a family mission trip to Lighthouse Family Retreat in the panhandle of Florida. They are a special organization that serves families living through childhood cancer. And they do an amazing job. This is was our first experience with them; and it was so positive and made such an impact on us, that we would love to go back. Our family had to raise almost $3,000, but God provided through the generosity of family and friends and through some money we had saved for a trip such as this. Raising funds allows Lighthouse to invite families dealing with cancer in their children to come experience a week of retreat at no charge.
The houses that are shared are on the beach and are beautiful. Although that is different than housing arrangements on most mission trips, it is fitting that these precious families get to enjoy these incredible vacation homes in this incredible location for a week of their lives. They really do a great job treating these families with special care during this week. They give the parents an opportunity every day to meet with the other parents while we took care of their children. They had a parents night out, where a local, very nice restaurant, gave those parents a free meal. And there were many other cool things they did to make the week very meaningful for the families (including a talent show, featuring their children, and a slide show featuring these special families).
We had plenty to do, in order to serve during the week. We helped with one of the meals each day, and during every meal, we served a particular family we were matched with. Our family was matched with a family that had 6 kids of their own and had been missionaries in India. Their 9 year old son was now going through his second round of cancer and chemotherapy. Our hearts were touched, and in a very short time, we felt very close to this family. It was our privilege to help set up their home every morning and night and to serve them in any way we could throughout the day. We also were able to serve many of the other families in small and big ways each day.
The most encouraging thing that we, as parents, experienced, was to see and hear good things about how each of our children served during the week. They each, in their own way, gave of themselves and invested their time and energy in serving others. That meant alot to us. I think they realized that when you give of yourself in serving others, you gain quite a bit yourself; and God uses those experiences to change you. We are very grateful for the experience God have us, and know it will have a lasting impact on our family. I would highly recommend Lighthouse to anyone looking to make a difference and to experience important, personal change as well.
Last week, we had the privilege and opportunity to go on a family mission trip to Lighthouse Family Retreat in the panhandle of Florida. They are a special organization that serves families living through childhood cancer. And they do an amazing job. This is was our first experience with them; and it was so positive and made such an impact on us, that we would love to go back. Our family had to raise almost $3,000, but God provided through the generosity of family and friends and through some money we had saved for a trip such as this. Raising funds allows Lighthouse to invite families dealing with cancer in their children to come experience a week of retreat at no charge.
The houses that are shared are on the beach and are beautiful. Although that is different than housing arrangements on most mission trips, it is fitting that these precious families get to enjoy these incredible vacation homes in this incredible location for a week of their lives. They really do a great job treating these families with special care during this week. They give the parents an opportunity every day to meet with the other parents while we took care of their children. They had a parents night out, where a local, very nice restaurant, gave those parents a free meal. And there were many other cool things they did to make the week very meaningful for the families (including a talent show, featuring their children, and a slide show featuring these special families).
We had plenty to do, in order to serve during the week. We helped with one of the meals each day, and during every meal, we served a particular family we were matched with. Our family was matched with a family that had 6 kids of their own and had been missionaries in India. Their 9 year old son was now going through his second round of cancer and chemotherapy. Our hearts were touched, and in a very short time, we felt very close to this family. It was our privilege to help set up their home every morning and night and to serve them in any way we could throughout the day. We also were able to serve many of the other families in small and big ways each day.
The most encouraging thing that we, as parents, experienced, was to see and hear good things about how each of our children served during the week. They each, in their own way, gave of themselves and invested their time and energy in serving others. That meant alot to us. I think they realized that when you give of yourself in serving others, you gain quite a bit yourself; and God uses those experiences to change you. We are very grateful for the experience God have us, and know it will have a lasting impact on our family. I would highly recommend Lighthouse to anyone looking to make a difference and to experience important, personal change as well.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Happy Birthday, today, to Alex and Isabella: 18 years old!
Alex and Isabella,
It is so hard to believe that, today, you are 18 years old. I guess we have to accept it: you are growing up and almost gone from our home. I want you both to know how grateful we are to God for bringing you into our family so many years ago. We have watched you grow up, and have seen God's work on your lives. There have been many challenges, but those are all a part of growing up. In fact, I wish I could tell you the challenges lessen or get easier as you get older; but I would be lying. The key is that God will help you through your challenges in the future, as He always has. He has used you in these years, and He has great plans to use you for His glory in the future. You just need to walk with Him.
Alex, we are so proud of you, as you signed up for the Navy and get ready to head to boot camp soon. Although it will be hard not having you here everyday, we know this is what God has planned for you; and we are excited to see how He grows and uses you during this next stage of life.
Isabella, we are also proud of you. We know this senior year has not been the easiest, but you have persevered and it is almost over. We hope you can do what you would like, as far as college next year; but if God has something else for you, even staying around home for awhile, we would be in favor of it! We know He will lead and guide you, as He has planned.
I hope you both enjoy your special birthday, and that this next year will be one of incredible blessing from God on your lives!
Alex and Isabella,
It is so hard to believe that, today, you are 18 years old. I guess we have to accept it: you are growing up and almost gone from our home. I want you both to know how grateful we are to God for bringing you into our family so many years ago. We have watched you grow up, and have seen God's work on your lives. There have been many challenges, but those are all a part of growing up. In fact, I wish I could tell you the challenges lessen or get easier as you get older; but I would be lying. The key is that God will help you through your challenges in the future, as He always has. He has used you in these years, and He has great plans to use you for His glory in the future. You just need to walk with Him.
Alex, we are so proud of you, as you signed up for the Navy and get ready to head to boot camp soon. Although it will be hard not having you here everyday, we know this is what God has planned for you; and we are excited to see how He grows and uses you during this next stage of life.
Isabella, we are also proud of you. We know this senior year has not been the easiest, but you have persevered and it is almost over. We hope you can do what you would like, as far as college next year; but if God has something else for you, even staying around home for awhile, we would be in favor of it! We know He will lead and guide you, as He has planned.
I hope you both enjoy your special birthday, and that this next year will be one of incredible blessing from God on your lives!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Last night, I had the privilege of attending the Good Friday service at Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA. It is where we have been attending church this past year, and we love Good Friday services. But, not having attending this one before, we didn't know what to expect. Last year's, up in Avon, Ohio, was amazing; so my expectations were not very high. We arrived late, so we sat in the balcony. On the main floor, they had moved the chairs, semi-circle, around the cross, and there were many candles surrounding it. The speaker, Shane Freeman (discipleship pastor) spoke near the cross and helped us focus on what Jesus did for us there.
The most meaningful part of the service was when everyone was invited to come down and celebrate communion, individually, or as a family, around the cross. Some partook elsewhere on the main floor; but I wanted us, as a family, to be near the cross. While music played, we waited in line...and then got our turn. We all knelt together, near the cross, and held our bread and cup in our hands. I leaned over and prayed and we took the bread. I prayed again, and we took the cup. It didn't last long, but long enough to pray silently as well, alone. We also sang, all together, about the blood and the cross. It was all about Jesus, and I am grateful for the Good Friday experience we had as a family.
The most meaningful part of the service was when everyone was invited to come down and celebrate communion, individually, or as a family, around the cross. Some partook elsewhere on the main floor; but I wanted us, as a family, to be near the cross. While music played, we waited in line...and then got our turn. We all knelt together, near the cross, and held our bread and cup in our hands. I leaned over and prayed and we took the bread. I prayed again, and we took the cup. It didn't last long, but long enough to pray silently as well, alone. We also sang, all together, about the blood and the cross. It was all about Jesus, and I am grateful for the Good Friday experience we had as a family.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
As I have been waiting for God's placement for ministry, during this time of transition, I have been open to other types of work; especially to provide for my family. One such opportunity came as a 911 operator in Atlanta. The whole process was fascinating. My application was 48 pages long. My drive to and from each meeting during this process was about an hour each way. The first scheduled meeting was an exam, which was 1.5 hours long and put us in simulated emergency call situations. That was fun. Then I was called back, after passing the exam, and invited to enter the background investigation process, which could last up to 6 months. One part of that process was to go in and have an initial interview with a detective, who would be doing my background investigation. They had a 911 operator come in and tell us what it is like, to be under that kind of stress during a 10 hour shift. Every phone call they answer has the potential of being life or death, and the operator has a huge, critical role to fill.
This is the kind of job that fits my type of personality. If you are already a high stress person, don't apply for this job! I admire those who work in these types of environment, and serve our communities. It was interesting. That day, we also filled out a lot of paperwork, and were answering questions about prior drug/alcohol use, criminal activity, etc. They kept emphasizing, detective after detective, who spoke, that the most important thing we need to do is tell the truth - the whole truth. If we had some problems in the past with these things, we wound not necessarily be disqualified from the job. But, if we lied about any of these things, and they found out, we would be disqualified. And they also emphasized - they will find out! These detectives work in the background department and this is what they do - and they're good at it. They also emphasized being on time, and even being early to every shift. I really like the organization, discipline and order that a job like this demands and expects.
As they continued to do the background, they would let us know if they wanted to continue with us. The last time I went was for a type of lie detector test and fingerprinting. I don't remember ever being fingerprinted, and it was a little more difficult than I thought - computer related. The lie detector test was a voice stress analysis test. They ask simple questions like: "are you sitting down", along with the ones they really want to know, like: "have you ever used illegal drugs"? And to test the system and how I respond when I lie, they have me purposely lie, to a question like: "Am I wearing a watch", to which I am to respond by lying. That was the last appointment I went to. The next thing that took place this last week, was that they offered me the job, as long as I came to the other 2 appointments set up for me; and then be able to begin April 29th. I had to say no. It was very appealing; but they made it clear that there would be no time off for months; and that just wouldn't work.
Not only do I have another job I want to keep, I need to be free to follow God's calling, that is so clear: to pastor again. I would not be able, at least for the next several months, to go meet with churches and pursue that calling. I was hoping the process would take a lot longer, but it is all in God' timing and sovereignty. I knew I had to say no.I am grateful for going through the process; but all the more excited about the real passion God has placed on my heart. I may not be able to save many physical lives, but I can be a part of something (as a career) that lasts for eternity: pointing people to the One who can save them forever. God bless those who work for 911 - for the important job they do!
This is the kind of job that fits my type of personality. If you are already a high stress person, don't apply for this job! I admire those who work in these types of environment, and serve our communities. It was interesting. That day, we also filled out a lot of paperwork, and were answering questions about prior drug/alcohol use, criminal activity, etc. They kept emphasizing, detective after detective, who spoke, that the most important thing we need to do is tell the truth - the whole truth. If we had some problems in the past with these things, we wound not necessarily be disqualified from the job. But, if we lied about any of these things, and they found out, we would be disqualified. And they also emphasized - they will find out! These detectives work in the background department and this is what they do - and they're good at it. They also emphasized being on time, and even being early to every shift. I really like the organization, discipline and order that a job like this demands and expects.
As they continued to do the background, they would let us know if they wanted to continue with us. The last time I went was for a type of lie detector test and fingerprinting. I don't remember ever being fingerprinted, and it was a little more difficult than I thought - computer related. The lie detector test was a voice stress analysis test. They ask simple questions like: "are you sitting down", along with the ones they really want to know, like: "have you ever used illegal drugs"? And to test the system and how I respond when I lie, they have me purposely lie, to a question like: "Am I wearing a watch", to which I am to respond by lying. That was the last appointment I went to. The next thing that took place this last week, was that they offered me the job, as long as I came to the other 2 appointments set up for me; and then be able to begin April 29th. I had to say no. It was very appealing; but they made it clear that there would be no time off for months; and that just wouldn't work.
Not only do I have another job I want to keep, I need to be free to follow God's calling, that is so clear: to pastor again. I would not be able, at least for the next several months, to go meet with churches and pursue that calling. I was hoping the process would take a lot longer, but it is all in God' timing and sovereignty. I knew I had to say no.I am grateful for going through the process; but all the more excited about the real passion God has placed on my heart. I may not be able to save many physical lives, but I can be a part of something (as a career) that lasts for eternity: pointing people to the One who can save them forever. God bless those who work for 911 - for the important job they do!
Monday, March 18, 2013
The Madness begins...March Madness, that is!
It's tradition... every year the brackets come out, our family has a little friendly competition (although the more years I lose, the less friendly it is becoming). We each fill out our own brackets, earning points each time we pick the right winner. What is unbelievable to me, after many years of playing, coaching and watching basketball, is that I normally end up near the bottom or at the bottom of the standings of our competition. I get beat by my lovely (that's not what I'm thinking) family members, who choose winners based on color of jersey, whether or not they like the state they are from, and even the mascot!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
But it really looks like a....
This last week, a man gave me some coins and expected some change back. As I closely inspected each bill and coin, I noticed something a little unusual about one of the quarters he gave me. It wasn't actually a quarter. It was a dollar coin. It didn't have the shine that many dollar coins have; but it was a dollar coin and not a quarter. It's pretty easy to miss, especially if there is not much shine and there are several coins. The dollar coin is not much larger, at casual glance, than a regular quarter. He was certainly pleased that I pointed it out to him and gave him the right amount of money in return.
That situation gave me the thought of what happens spiritually. There are many people (especially, it seems, down here in the South) who have the casual appearance of a Christ-follower; but at closer inspection, are just religious with outward appearances. If you don't listen carefully or get close enough to them, they look a lot like a Christian; and yet they are relying on what they can do or who they are connected with to have the look of religiosity with no reality. They might go to church, talk about spiritual things, and even be fairly moral. But, they have never truly given their lives, their heart, to Jesus Christ, to follow Him for the rest of their lives. They have trusted in religion, not Christ, for their salvation.
This is not about us trying to judge who is a true Christ follower and who is not. It is a reminder to evaluate our own hearts and lives; and make sure that we are the true, genuine coin that we say we are. Those who truly follow Christ, at close inspection, will have some flaws; but will nonetheless be striving to follow Jesus and God's Word in everything they say and do. It is not about a religion and morality, but about a relationship with Jesus and pleasing Him.
That situation gave me the thought of what happens spiritually. There are many people (especially, it seems, down here in the South) who have the casual appearance of a Christ-follower; but at closer inspection, are just religious with outward appearances. If you don't listen carefully or get close enough to them, they look a lot like a Christian; and yet they are relying on what they can do or who they are connected with to have the look of religiosity with no reality. They might go to church, talk about spiritual things, and even be fairly moral. But, they have never truly given their lives, their heart, to Jesus Christ, to follow Him for the rest of their lives. They have trusted in religion, not Christ, for their salvation.
This is not about us trying to judge who is a true Christ follower and who is not. It is a reminder to evaluate our own hearts and lives; and make sure that we are the true, genuine coin that we say we are. Those who truly follow Christ, at close inspection, will have some flaws; but will nonetheless be striving to follow Jesus and God's Word in everything they say and do. It is not about a religion and morality, but about a relationship with Jesus and pleasing Him.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
In the marketplace
I have often heard pastors, and others, talk about the great benefit from working in the marketplace. Sometimes referred to as "secular" work, it is used this way when a pastor (or some other person who works full-time in Christian ministry) takes on a job other than ministry. Some do it part-time, along with ministry; but in my case, for the last 8 months, I have been working outside of ministry in the "marketplace". For those of us who love ministry (paid, full-time), we normally would say that there is nothing else we would rather do. And although I love being a pastor, and look forward to it again (hopefully soon), I have learned (or have been reminded of) much from my time working outside of pastoral ministry:
1. I have had the privilege of meeting many people who work very hard for very little money; and I can better relate to them.
2. I am more grateful for the privilege of making my living in ministry; and for the flexibility it brought me and my family. The average hourly worker faces a variety of challenges.
3. I am reminded that one of the main reasons God still has me on earth is to help reach out to those who do not yet know Him; and this kind of work puts me face to face, shoulder to shoulder, with many who are not yet Christ followers.
4. There are some great companies out there that try to abide by Christian principles; and people take notice (even non-believers).
5. Although I could potentially make more money in advancing in the type of work I am doing, there is nothing that compares to the call of God and doing what He has called me to.
6. People can tell, pretty quickly, whether or not you are the "real thing". This keeps me "on my toes" as it relates to my testimony for Jesus; in particular how I live it out before others.
7. This confirmed for me that the desire God has given me cannot be fulfilled by trying to make more money, even in a morally upright company or organization. There is nothing like making a living, and especially investing my life in making disciples as a pastor. I have learned that although God has given me this time to work in the "marketplace", He has partly used the time to make my calling clear for pastoral ministry once again.
8. God has promised to provide, and I am very grateful for His provision for our family through my current job.
9. Every workplace needs good leaders, even if they are coming from Christian organizations previously. There is a leadership vacuum, and good, Christian leaders (even some pastor) can make a tremendous difference if our hearts are in the right place.
10. God is sovereign; and He calls and chooses each of to serve Him wherever we work. Working at a quick service restaurant is no less "spiritual" than being a missionary or pastor. It is vitally important to remember this. Even when I pastor again (God willing), I want to make sure I see those who are in "secular" work with the same perspective God has of me right now, as I work.
1. I have had the privilege of meeting many people who work very hard for very little money; and I can better relate to them.
2. I am more grateful for the privilege of making my living in ministry; and for the flexibility it brought me and my family. The average hourly worker faces a variety of challenges.
3. I am reminded that one of the main reasons God still has me on earth is to help reach out to those who do not yet know Him; and this kind of work puts me face to face, shoulder to shoulder, with many who are not yet Christ followers.
4. There are some great companies out there that try to abide by Christian principles; and people take notice (even non-believers).
5. Although I could potentially make more money in advancing in the type of work I am doing, there is nothing that compares to the call of God and doing what He has called me to.
6. People can tell, pretty quickly, whether or not you are the "real thing". This keeps me "on my toes" as it relates to my testimony for Jesus; in particular how I live it out before others.
7. This confirmed for me that the desire God has given me cannot be fulfilled by trying to make more money, even in a morally upright company or organization. There is nothing like making a living, and especially investing my life in making disciples as a pastor. I have learned that although God has given me this time to work in the "marketplace", He has partly used the time to make my calling clear for pastoral ministry once again.
8. God has promised to provide, and I am very grateful for His provision for our family through my current job.
9. Every workplace needs good leaders, even if they are coming from Christian organizations previously. There is a leadership vacuum, and good, Christian leaders (even some pastor) can make a tremendous difference if our hearts are in the right place.
10. God is sovereign; and He calls and chooses each of to serve Him wherever we work. Working at a quick service restaurant is no less "spiritual" than being a missionary or pastor. It is vitally important to remember this. Even when I pastor again (God willing), I want to make sure I see those who are in "secular" work with the same perspective God has of me right now, as I work.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
While I'm Waiting
Music has always been meaningful in my life. God has used music in different ways at different times to accomplish different things in me. One song that has been on my mind and heart recently is "While I'm Waiting". We are in a waiting time in our lives right now. When is God going to reveal what He has for us, where He is leading us? I don't know. But I don't want to waste this time of waiting. God knows it is exactly what we all need right now. We have been trying to make the most of it as a family, and personally I have been attempting, with God's help, to do everything He wants me to do and learn all He has for me to learn.
While we wait, there is still so much to do...things that are useful, helpful, meaningful, and that will bring God glory. May you be strengthened and encouraged, by this song, during your times of waiting as well.
While I'm Waiting - by John Waller
"I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord"
While we wait, there is still so much to do...things that are useful, helpful, meaningful, and that will bring God glory. May you be strengthened and encouraged, by this song, during your times of waiting as well.
While I'm Waiting - by John Waller
"I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait
I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord"
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Did God cheer for the Ravens?
That may sound like a silly question, following the Baltimore Ravens super bowl victory this past Sunday night. However, I ask it because the comments by some, including the Ravens most vocal player, make it sound as though God was on the Ravens side. I was also cheering for the Ravens, but only because the player whose life story was seen on the "Blind Side" is on the Ravens (just don't focus on the fact that he no longer is the one who protects the quarterback's blind side!). Enough about my fandom. The question is: Did God cheer for them?
Ray Lewis, the Baltimore Ravens, retiring, linebacker has made several comments about God and gives glory to Him (that part is good). But, I noticed that some of his comments beg the question about how God is involved in the winner of the Super Bowl. He quoted some Scripture about "being more than conquerers", from the book of Romans. The problem is that the passage, and most of the ones he refers to, has to do with God's sovereignty in the life of all believers; and it refers to spiritual issues rather than our winning athletic events.
What about the professing believers on the 49ers team, including those with tattoos of Bible verses on their bodies? Why didn't God cheer for them? I think it is dangerous and deceptive when athletes or anyone claims that God wanted their particular team to win. God is all about His glory, sanctifying those who already follow Him, and brining others to Him that do not yet believe. He is not, however, looking to win followers because He caused their favorite team to win. He is looking for followers who will keep their eyes on Christ even if their team never wins.
The super bowl was a great game, Ray Lewis is a great player; and all Ravens fans should celebrate. Just make sure we don't bring God down to our level; and keep Him in His rightful place.
Ray Lewis, the Baltimore Ravens, retiring, linebacker has made several comments about God and gives glory to Him (that part is good). But, I noticed that some of his comments beg the question about how God is involved in the winner of the Super Bowl. He quoted some Scripture about "being more than conquerers", from the book of Romans. The problem is that the passage, and most of the ones he refers to, has to do with God's sovereignty in the life of all believers; and it refers to spiritual issues rather than our winning athletic events.
What about the professing believers on the 49ers team, including those with tattoos of Bible verses on their bodies? Why didn't God cheer for them? I think it is dangerous and deceptive when athletes or anyone claims that God wanted their particular team to win. God is all about His glory, sanctifying those who already follow Him, and brining others to Him that do not yet believe. He is not, however, looking to win followers because He caused their favorite team to win. He is looking for followers who will keep their eyes on Christ even if their team never wins.
The super bowl was a great game, Ray Lewis is a great player; and all Ravens fans should celebrate. Just make sure we don't bring God down to our level; and keep Him in His rightful place.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Vertical church continued
Vertical Church by James McDonald
My favorite quotes continued:
Chapter 8: Unceasing Prayer
"When was the last time you participated in a faith-driven, expectation-filled prayer meeting that invited God to reveal His glory and show up in power at your church Not where one or two people pray the will of God, but where everyone in the room is in passionate agreement that God will displace our desperation with a manifestation of Himself. In a prayer meeting like that, voices are raised, God's will to save and heal and restore is confidently petitioned by faith as people cry out to the Lord with a palpable sense of determined persistence. Have you ever been part of a prayer meeting like that?" - p.270
"Far from the typically anemic prayers for minor health concerns so prevalent in poorly attended Protestant prayer meetings, these prayers were powerful, passionate, faith-filled petitions." - p.272
"God is ready now to pour grace and favor and blessing upon His children and His church, but we are the ones who block His mercies." - p.278
"How did we come to this musing and whispering, which are far from what the Bible portrays as prayer that God delights to answer? God is not moved by our meditative whispering and frequently invites us to cry out, to call out, lift up our voices, to our out our hearts." - p.289
"The problem in the church today is that we treat God's glory as a by-product and the missional activities of the church as the primary thing when the opposite is what Scripture demands...We seek the revealing of the glory of God through the methods He prescribes so that His glory is revealed in the church." - p.300
My favorite quotes continued:
Chapter 8: Unceasing Prayer
"When was the last time you participated in a faith-driven, expectation-filled prayer meeting that invited God to reveal His glory and show up in power at your church Not where one or two people pray the will of God, but where everyone in the room is in passionate agreement that God will displace our desperation with a manifestation of Himself. In a prayer meeting like that, voices are raised, God's will to save and heal and restore is confidently petitioned by faith as people cry out to the Lord with a palpable sense of determined persistence. Have you ever been part of a prayer meeting like that?" - p.270
"Far from the typically anemic prayers for minor health concerns so prevalent in poorly attended Protestant prayer meetings, these prayers were powerful, passionate, faith-filled petitions." - p.272
"God is ready now to pour grace and favor and blessing upon His children and His church, but we are the ones who block His mercies." - p.278
"How did we come to this musing and whispering, which are far from what the Bible portrays as prayer that God delights to answer? God is not moved by our meditative whispering and frequently invites us to cry out, to call out, lift up our voices, to our out our hearts." - p.289
"The problem in the church today is that we treat God's glory as a by-product and the missional activities of the church as the primary thing when the opposite is what Scripture demands...We seek the revealing of the glory of God through the methods He prescribes so that His glory is revealed in the church." - p.300
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The issue of evangelism is always a hot topic for churches; especially as it brings fear to most of our hearts. These are some of the thoughts of what God is calling each of us to do, through quotes from Vertical Church by James McDonald:
Chapter 7: Unafraid Witness
"God has done more than give us good news He wants to get out. He has given us a manner that must accompany every method and a rationale for that manner. The single term that best describes the way God wants His gospel given is boldness." - p.238
"Boldness is simply speaking the gospel plainly." - p.241
"Paul's point to the Corinthians and to all of us is that you can't have it both ways. If you are going to be used by God as a witness to the gospel, you are going to stink to some who don't see it no matter what." - p.242
"Vertical church runs past all the baseball leagues, barbecues and bake sales established for the bait-and-switch of building relationships as a long bridge to Jesus. Surely these approaches reach a few over a long period, but I challenge you to cut to the chase literally and look for the people who don't need all that. Are methods built around influencing over months and years the people we want to reach really best? More importantly, shouldn't we also be looking for the people God is reaching now?" - p.243
"If you truly embrace the countless scriptures that affirm salvation as a work only God can do, then you are freed up to ask why He is not doing it more through you. Again, the overriding question in Vertical Church is not how can we be more effective in working for God, but, how can we remove the barriers that prevent God from doing what we know He desires?" -p.245
"Vertical church is not about God sitting by and watching us convince people they need Jesus to better their horizontal world. God is the seeker, and when we proclaim Jesus boldly, it provokes Him to show up in saving power and conquer the horizontal idols that hold human hearts." - p.249
"Even where 'health wealth' has not invaded the church, we can slip into a more subtle version of this error. Jesus Christ promises us a cross to carry, a sword in place of peace, and an exacting accountability for those who claim him as Lord. Any assuring people of benefits Jesus doesn't promise or hiding the cost of following Him is a total break with the kind of gospel work revealed in the Gospels themselves." - p.251
"God uses the circumstances of life to ripen people to the gospel...Only when God Himself moves in their hearts to ripen them through a circumstance or condition that bankrupts their own ability to solve will they respond to the gospel." - p.257
"The red apples are ready to hear a perspective that differs from the one they learned in the world that is failing them...Give them a room full of passionate worshippers on fire for Jesus Christ with a powerful proclamation of God's Word applied to real life, and they will run to embrace what they have been searching for and longing for." - p.261
Chapter 7: Unafraid Witness
"God has done more than give us good news He wants to get out. He has given us a manner that must accompany every method and a rationale for that manner. The single term that best describes the way God wants His gospel given is boldness." - p.238
"Boldness is simply speaking the gospel plainly." - p.241
"Paul's point to the Corinthians and to all of us is that you can't have it both ways. If you are going to be used by God as a witness to the gospel, you are going to stink to some who don't see it no matter what." - p.242
"Vertical church runs past all the baseball leagues, barbecues and bake sales established for the bait-and-switch of building relationships as a long bridge to Jesus. Surely these approaches reach a few over a long period, but I challenge you to cut to the chase literally and look for the people who don't need all that. Are methods built around influencing over months and years the people we want to reach really best? More importantly, shouldn't we also be looking for the people God is reaching now?" - p.243
"If you truly embrace the countless scriptures that affirm salvation as a work only God can do, then you are freed up to ask why He is not doing it more through you. Again, the overriding question in Vertical Church is not how can we be more effective in working for God, but, how can we remove the barriers that prevent God from doing what we know He desires?" -p.245
"Vertical church is not about God sitting by and watching us convince people they need Jesus to better their horizontal world. God is the seeker, and when we proclaim Jesus boldly, it provokes Him to show up in saving power and conquer the horizontal idols that hold human hearts." - p.249
"Even where 'health wealth' has not invaded the church, we can slip into a more subtle version of this error. Jesus Christ promises us a cross to carry, a sword in place of peace, and an exacting accountability for those who claim him as Lord. Any assuring people of benefits Jesus doesn't promise or hiding the cost of following Him is a total break with the kind of gospel work revealed in the Gospels themselves." - p.251
"God uses the circumstances of life to ripen people to the gospel...Only when God Himself moves in their hearts to ripen them through a circumstance or condition that bankrupts their own ability to solve will they respond to the gospel." - p.257
"The red apples are ready to hear a perspective that differs from the one they learned in the world that is failing them...Give them a room full of passionate worshippers on fire for Jesus Christ with a powerful proclamation of God's Word applied to real life, and they will run to embrace what they have been searching for and longing for." - p.261
Friday, January 18, 2013
More of my favorite quotes from "Vertical Church" by James McDonald.....
Chapter 5: Unashamed Adoration
"Worship or adoration is the most powerful expression a human being is capable of, When worship is directed to an unworthy person or object, we call it idolatry. Idolatry, not pride as we are often told, is the root of all sin."
"When you worship, you are saying, 'This one is worth more.' At the same time you are implying, 'I am worth less.'"
"Worship is the actual act of ascribing worth directly to God...Worship is mind, emotions, and will engaged in whole person ascription of worth."
"While God is not enhanced or increased by our worship, He is apparently blessed, and that in itself should stoke the fire of our adoration."
"Why not drill past surface solutions that entertain instead of impact and get back to church as a place where God actually moves. White-hot, unrestrained, whole-congregation adoration is the first step in that direction, and pursuing that kind of worship is the unceasing center of Vertical Church."
"God knows the things about you that make whole-person worship challenging, but He expects you to begin climbing over any limiters in your personality or home of origin to amplify your personal expression of gratitude for the gospel."
Chapter 6: Unapologetic Preaching
"Biblical preaching demands effort, drains energy, and distracts attention away from other things that matter too but demand less."
"Preaching has been the crucible for my sanctification, the thing God has used more than any other to shape my soul I hope it has helped others; I know it has transformed me and continues to."
"Bible explanation is not preaching...If you are unpacking your lexical study and dispensing, biblical accuracy without Holy Spirit urgency, you are not preaching in the biblical sense, which commands a heralding of the message."
"The goal is to actually preach the message of the Bible itself, where a passage is read and what is said about its subject is what the text asserts about that subject, and what is said about those assertions is what the text says about those assertions. Biblical preaching is where passages are expounded for their main points and the points the text makes about those points. In that kind of preaching, people are truly hearing what God is saying to His church by the Holy Spirit and glory comes down."
"When the preacher does not believe that God is speaking through him, sermons become shorter, more horizontal, and consumed with the preacher or the audience rather than the Word of God."
"Preach one passage as often as possible...Sermons should be about one main concept...Be just as conscientious about your application preparation as you are about your interpretation preparation...Challenging application of the truth taught brings you into partnership with the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit...We must pray with fervency; we must pray in faith..."
Chapter 5: Unashamed Adoration
"Worship or adoration is the most powerful expression a human being is capable of, When worship is directed to an unworthy person or object, we call it idolatry. Idolatry, not pride as we are often told, is the root of all sin."
"When you worship, you are saying, 'This one is worth more.' At the same time you are implying, 'I am worth less.'"
"Worship is the actual act of ascribing worth directly to God...Worship is mind, emotions, and will engaged in whole person ascription of worth."
"While God is not enhanced or increased by our worship, He is apparently blessed, and that in itself should stoke the fire of our adoration."
"Why not drill past surface solutions that entertain instead of impact and get back to church as a place where God actually moves. White-hot, unrestrained, whole-congregation adoration is the first step in that direction, and pursuing that kind of worship is the unceasing center of Vertical Church."
"God knows the things about you that make whole-person worship challenging, but He expects you to begin climbing over any limiters in your personality or home of origin to amplify your personal expression of gratitude for the gospel."
Chapter 6: Unapologetic Preaching
"Biblical preaching demands effort, drains energy, and distracts attention away from other things that matter too but demand less."
"Preaching has been the crucible for my sanctification, the thing God has used more than any other to shape my soul I hope it has helped others; I know it has transformed me and continues to."
"Bible explanation is not preaching...If you are unpacking your lexical study and dispensing, biblical accuracy without Holy Spirit urgency, you are not preaching in the biblical sense, which commands a heralding of the message."
"The goal is to actually preach the message of the Bible itself, where a passage is read and what is said about its subject is what the text asserts about that subject, and what is said about those assertions is what the text says about those assertions. Biblical preaching is where passages are expounded for their main points and the points the text makes about those points. In that kind of preaching, people are truly hearing what God is saying to His church by the Holy Spirit and glory comes down."
"When the preacher does not believe that God is speaking through him, sermons become shorter, more horizontal, and consumed with the preacher or the audience rather than the Word of God."
"Preach one passage as often as possible...Sermons should be about one main concept...Be just as conscientious about your application preparation as you are about your interpretation preparation...Challenging application of the truth taught brings you into partnership with the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit...We must pray with fervency; we must pray in faith..."
Sunday, January 13, 2013
One of the things I do, when reading, is highlight that passages, illustrations and quotes and catch my attention; and which I would like to remember for later. Just going back over these quotes now are both encouraging and challenging. These are my favorite quotes from "Vertical Church" by James McDonald. I pick up where I left off with the last post:
Chapter 3: A Common Access: Church
"The glory of God is revealed in Jesus Christ." - p.98
"We are all either grace or truth people by nature and greatly in need of this powerful pairing. Churches tend to align themselves with one to the neglect of the other." - p.100
"God's glory is such that it will not displace the adoration humans heap upon themselves, and it will not wash away our preoccupation with exalting one another." - p.103
"How often in ministry have we dealt with those who cannot see the glory of what God is doing? They have their religious systems; they have their historic convictions and their ancient experiences, but no room for Christ to reveal His glory in fresh ways in the hearts of the people they claim to serve."- p.105
"There is only one place on the face of the earth where God has promised to reveal the glory of His great Son, Jesus Christ, and that is the church." - p.112
"The metric for measuring what God wants to do in your church and mine is not our ability but His, not our power but His. That reality makes me feel a lot smaller even about the awesome things God is doing." - p.113
Chapter 4: An Epic Failure: Ichabod
"Vertical Church is about faithfulness and fruitfulness; it's about passionate worship, biblical proclamation, fervent prayer, and effective outreach that flows into every avenue of compassion for those in need." - p.128
"We should not prefer or protect what churches did in 1975 or 975 or AD 75 unless prescribed by the Word of God." - p.135
"Sunday school or ushers in suits or pompous pastoral prayers must be evaluated by a single question: Do they advance our goal of the manifest presence of God in church? Don't let anything that isn't in the Scripture be required of your ministry." - p.136
"A Vertical Church gets after stubborn sheep and refuses to fall into shallow service that dishonors God...I challenge every pastor and church leader to stand up to stubborn sheep and refuse to offer God shallow service that costs you nothing...God is not a respecter of persons, and you must not withhold correction from those who think they are beyond it, thereby risking the loss of God's favor. A church with no conflict is likely a church that is manufacturing peace in a way that prohibits glory." - p.147
"In a Vertical Church, evangelism and discipleship are equal in priority because both bring more glory to God. First, we pursue better disciples, which brings more glory to God, and in turn better disciple are more effective evangelists where they live." - p.150
"It's self-deception to believe there is a true faithfulness apart from visible fruit; a barren tree is not an upgrade t trees with bad fruit." - p.152
Chapter 3: A Common Access: Church
"The glory of God is revealed in Jesus Christ." - p.98
"We are all either grace or truth people by nature and greatly in need of this powerful pairing. Churches tend to align themselves with one to the neglect of the other." - p.100
"God's glory is such that it will not displace the adoration humans heap upon themselves, and it will not wash away our preoccupation with exalting one another." - p.103
"How often in ministry have we dealt with those who cannot see the glory of what God is doing? They have their religious systems; they have their historic convictions and their ancient experiences, but no room for Christ to reveal His glory in fresh ways in the hearts of the people they claim to serve."- p.105
"There is only one place on the face of the earth where God has promised to reveal the glory of His great Son, Jesus Christ, and that is the church." - p.112
"The metric for measuring what God wants to do in your church and mine is not our ability but His, not our power but His. That reality makes me feel a lot smaller even about the awesome things God is doing." - p.113
Chapter 4: An Epic Failure: Ichabod
"Vertical Church is about faithfulness and fruitfulness; it's about passionate worship, biblical proclamation, fervent prayer, and effective outreach that flows into every avenue of compassion for those in need." - p.128
"We should not prefer or protect what churches did in 1975 or 975 or AD 75 unless prescribed by the Word of God." - p.135
"Sunday school or ushers in suits or pompous pastoral prayers must be evaluated by a single question: Do they advance our goal of the manifest presence of God in church? Don't let anything that isn't in the Scripture be required of your ministry." - p.136
"A Vertical Church gets after stubborn sheep and refuses to fall into shallow service that dishonors God...I challenge every pastor and church leader to stand up to stubborn sheep and refuse to offer God shallow service that costs you nothing...God is not a respecter of persons, and you must not withhold correction from those who think they are beyond it, thereby risking the loss of God's favor. A church with no conflict is likely a church that is manufacturing peace in a way that prohibits glory." - p.147
"In a Vertical Church, evangelism and discipleship are equal in priority because both bring more glory to God. First, we pursue better disciples, which brings more glory to God, and in turn better disciple are more effective evangelists where they live." - p.150
"It's self-deception to believe there is a true faithfulness apart from visible fruit; a barren tree is not an upgrade t trees with bad fruit." - p.152
Saturday, January 12, 2013
A couple of months ago, I read "Vertical Church" by James MacDonald. He is the senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in Illinois. Just after I read the book, I also had the privilege of hearing him speak at Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA. In short, I really appreciate what James wrote in "Vertical Church." It puts the emphasis, even in church, on how we are viewing and responding to our God. As I wait on God to put me back into the pastorate, there are many things in this book that have influenced my philosophy moving forward. It's not that these things are new; and yet, they are presented in such a way that makes sense as a whole. Let me share some of my favorite quotes with you:
Read This First (the introduction):
"We cannot survive spiritually without that corporate connection in heart, soul, mind, and strength with the One who made us That's what I mean by Vertical." - p.19
"The problem is you can't fake glory. You can't manufacture it, or manipulate it, or manifest it at will. Only God Himself can bring glory into a church." - p.21
Chapter 1: A Universal Longing: Transcendence
"Every discussion of the nature of man or meaning, or ministry, must begin with this reality: humans are unique among the living in that there is in the center of each of us a hunger for something that the experiences of this planet cannot satisfy - a quest for eternity." - p.40
"To experience the transcendent is to sense your smallness." - p.51
"While it is wonderfully true that God is loving, merciful, caring, and compassionate, we err when we downplay or reject preaching about transcendence, holiness, omniscience, or omnipresence." - p.54
Chapter 2: A Singular Provision: Glory
"God's provision for all that we need is His manifest presence with us." - p.70
"What we pastors and church leaders too often lose sight of is that the only thing that makes a church worth shouting about is God showing up in power and doing what we cannot do for ourselves." - p.75
"But do we come to church conscious that every action and motive promotes or discourages God's manifest presence? Every note, every spoken word, every attitude from every usher, every motive of every vocalist - all of it seen and known by a holy God whose desire is to manifest His presence among His people and is welcomed or spurned by us." - p.80
"He doesn't need us or our glorifying, but we need it desperately to displace our pride." - p.87
C.S. Lewis (quoted on p.87):
"Because God and you are two things of such a kind that if you really get into any touch with Him at all, you will, in fact, be humble - delightedly humble, feeling the infinite relief of having for once got rid of all the silly nonsense about your own dignity which has made you restless and unhappy your whole life. God's trying to make you humble in order to make that moment possible: Trying to get you to take off a lot of silly, ugly, fancy-dress in which we have all got ourselves up in and are strutting about like the little idiots that we are."
More later...
Read This First (the introduction):
"We cannot survive spiritually without that corporate connection in heart, soul, mind, and strength with the One who made us That's what I mean by Vertical." - p.19
"The problem is you can't fake glory. You can't manufacture it, or manipulate it, or manifest it at will. Only God Himself can bring glory into a church." - p.21
Chapter 1: A Universal Longing: Transcendence
"Every discussion of the nature of man or meaning, or ministry, must begin with this reality: humans are unique among the living in that there is in the center of each of us a hunger for something that the experiences of this planet cannot satisfy - a quest for eternity." - p.40
"To experience the transcendent is to sense your smallness." - p.51
"While it is wonderfully true that God is loving, merciful, caring, and compassionate, we err when we downplay or reject preaching about transcendence, holiness, omniscience, or omnipresence." - p.54
Chapter 2: A Singular Provision: Glory
"God's provision for all that we need is His manifest presence with us." - p.70
"What we pastors and church leaders too often lose sight of is that the only thing that makes a church worth shouting about is God showing up in power and doing what we cannot do for ourselves." - p.75
"But do we come to church conscious that every action and motive promotes or discourages God's manifest presence? Every note, every spoken word, every attitude from every usher, every motive of every vocalist - all of it seen and known by a holy God whose desire is to manifest His presence among His people and is welcomed or spurned by us." - p.80
"He doesn't need us or our glorifying, but we need it desperately to displace our pride." - p.87
C.S. Lewis (quoted on p.87):
"Because God and you are two things of such a kind that if you really get into any touch with Him at all, you will, in fact, be humble - delightedly humble, feeling the infinite relief of having for once got rid of all the silly nonsense about your own dignity which has made you restless and unhappy your whole life. God's trying to make you humble in order to make that moment possible: Trying to get you to take off a lot of silly, ugly, fancy-dress in which we have all got ourselves up in and are strutting about like the little idiots that we are."
More later...
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