Tuesday, February 11, 2014


It is hard to imagine that it has been over 20 years ago when I began pastoral ministry. It has flown by! And it is hard to remember all the details. But, there are certainly many things I do remember, and that God has brought back to mind, from time to time. These things include great blessings, as well as lessons learned along the way:

Lesson 6: I have learned that this is God's Church
That doesn't sound very ground breaking, does it? Who is going to argue with that? If I heard this over 20 years ago, I would say Amen! But saying "This is God's Church" is very different than acting as though it is. The reality of pastoral ministry is that we are "told", usually by actions and innuendo, that everything that happens with the local church and will happen in the future revolves around us. If you are a good leader, it will grow and be successful. If you are not a good leader, it will die. You must figure out how to get people saved, baptized and disciple. You must shepherd everyone, and lead them into a growing, effective ministry. Those things don't necessary sound bad.

However, that thinking is centered around the pastor, or leaders, and can easily distract us from who is really in charge. This is God' church. I don't of any pastor who preaches that the church is the building. We all preach, boldly, that the church is the group of people who assemble here. It is about people, and their spiritual growth. I know these things to be true. But, I admit, that early on in ministry, and it continues to be a temptation, I felt it was my job to get people to feel and do what they needed; and if people did not, I was a failure. I had to figure out a way to make this happen, and bring people to a growing relationship with Him.

The lesson is that since this is God's church, He is the one responsible to make happen what He wants to happen. I am responsible to being a good steward of what He has given me, for as long as He has me there. But, I should not get too attached. This isn't my church. On a very practical level, what does learning the fact that "this is God's Church" look like? A few things come to my mind:
  • All praise goes to God when lives are changed
  • All criticism is accepted by us, the human beings who continually make mistakes
  • I can have peace even when things are not going my way
  • The goal is to accomplish His purposes not mine
  • He gives and He takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
I have become attached to the people I have served over the years. But, since they are God's people, I am able to move or stay, humbly serving His people wherever He calls. I am privileged to be serving His people right now; and I pray I will never forget that this is His church!

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