Saturday, April 26, 2014


Lesson 16: I have learned to rest

Growing up, resting was not something that was highly valued; except on Sunday, the day of rest! But instead, hard work was valued, and by watching my dad give everything he had to everything he did, I learned some very good, important lessons about life. I have carried some of that work ethic with me into ministry. I take it very seriously and I give myself to it, completely, while I am doing it. Ministry, and especially pastoral ministry, is one of those occupations where you are not on a time clock, from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Since it is a people kind of job, you are always "on call", so to speak, and the work is never done. I have learned to work really hard at every aspect of the pastoring role.

What I have found to be the most challenging, as it relates to giving effort, time and everything into ministry, the hardest part is getting the needed rest. With a high value on working hard; and with everyone expecting different things from a pastor, it is way too easy to work too much, to get burned out; and end up not being effective at any role, including being a pastor, husband, father and friend. I have learned to value rest, so that I can do, effectively, everything God has called me to do (not necessarily the things I or others would like for me to do). With that said, here some aspects of resting that I have learned and continue to learn along the way:
  • Since Sunday is not a day of rest for pastors, then I take a different day of the week, to cease from work (even ministry), and just be available to my family.
  • Every day, I seek spiritual rest by spending time in prayer and Bible reading with God
  • Every night, I work at getting needed physical rest, by getting to bed at a good time for me, and getting the rest I know I need to be effective.
  • There are days when I just know that if I don't take a few minutes to sit, relax, or even 5 minutes to close my eyes and rest, I will not be able to focus on the rest of the day, or be productive moving forward.
  • I make it a priority to take the vacation time that the church gives me. And during vacation, I do my very best to focus on my family and getting refreshed, putting all work aside.
I have learned to look at rest as an important, needed activity, so that I can do all God has called me to do. Resting doesn't mean that we don't care or are lazy. Resting, done rightly, demonstrates how highly we value others and the ministry God has given us. My desire is that I would use rest to stay focused on God, my family, my health, and the privilege of ministry that God has given me.

Now, go take a nap!

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