Tuesday, July 1, 2014


It took me by surprise; but then again, not really. I should be used to it by now. And, in reality, I love it when I hear someone say it. This is not the normal greeting my children give me, and you can rule them out as the suspects. It was said to me this past weekend, after I had officiated at a wedding. I was dressed in a normal suit and tie and did the wedding as I have been for 20 years. The things I say are fairly normal in evangelical circles; and when I introduce myself, I always say: "Hi, I'm Greg." So, with all that in mind, why would someone, and who would it be that would say: "Hello Father"?

It was the wedding photographer; and he is very familiar, in wedding settings, of the Catholic terminology for those who officiate. He may even be Catholic himself, although I'm sure he would have been able to recognize that I was not. He wanted me to know how much he appreciated how I officiated the wedding and told me that I did a great job. That was kind. But what struck me most was his calling me "Father". I wasn't offended by it at all. I have learned, over the years, to just accept and understand it when people call me that. But, more than that, I have come to really appreciate it when called "Father".

It has nothing to do with titles. I'm not a "titles" kind of guy. I stay away from them, at least for myself. And from my background, calling a minister "Father" was not seen as a good thing. Here is why I love hearing it. Normally, when someone calls me "Father", it means that I have been in a situation to minister to this person in some way, from God's Word. It also normally means that this person is not a devoted follower of Jesus. Not every time, of course, but in most cases, when I have talked to that person who called me "Father", I found out they are somewhat religious, but do not follow Jesus as a disciple.

I want nothing more than to be used by God to help people take their next steps in Jesus and to follow Him wholeheartedly. Many times, those who know the correct terminology are set in their ways and are not necessarily interested in doing what it will take to follow Him more closely. But when someone who calls me "Father" is willing to hear God's Word, I find they are much more open about finding out what God has to say to them. So, although I prefer to have my children call me "dad", the people I pastor to call me "Greg", I love it when someone who is searching for answers, and thinks that maybe the Bible has them, calls me "Father"!

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