Saturday, September 13, 2014


I don't know if those words are used very often; and even trying to get people who are willing to disciple or be discipled is a difficult task. But in those moments when people show a desire to take their next steps in Christ; and to help others take their next steps, there is nothing better. What I have found, is that in order to disciple someone, they need to have a desire. It is not easy, and real discipleship take everything we have and involves all we are. Comfortable Christianity is a foreign concept to true discipleship.

In a previous church, I had some guys who asked me to disciple them. But after I began, they quit; and eventually asked me to leave the church. I guess they didn't know what they were asking for; or perhaps their intentions were somewhat veiled. I don't know. Anytime someone shows interest, I will take it at face value and move ahead with helping them grow. And of course, when people turn against you, in any phase or life or relationship, it is always harder when you have invested yourself in them, and opened up your life to them.

All of that makes what God is doing, right now, in my present ministry, so encouraging and special for me personally. There are 10 guys who stepped up and basically said: "Disciple me." And in saying that, they also knew they were also saying this: "I want to become a disciple maker." They have committed a year of their lives to our process; and they know it won't stop with a year. It will then be up to them to take all that God has done in their experience and pass it on to someone else. This is what it is all about: disciples becoming disciple-makers. I'm having a hard time thinking about anything more important.

In fact, what I have noticed; is that with my focus on discipleship, the other external, temporary aspects of church ministry don't mean as much to me anymore. The facility, the numbers of attendance and finances; and even those who are complaining about things. These used to be my focus because they were the urgent things always in front of me. I was comparing myself to other "successful" pastors and churches. Now that discipleship is my personal focus and church focus, completely, those "other things" don't defeat or discourage me as much. I know that discipleship is what will last...eternally!

I have grateful to God for these men who said "disciple me"; and they really mean it!

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