Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 37 - James 2:8 and the Good Samaritan

Extreme Faith Workout

In James 2:8, the "royal law" is given: love your neighbor as yourself. This connects to a story Jesus told in Luke 10.

Who was talking to Jesus and what was his question?
A: A lawyer was speaking and asked Jesus how to get eternal life

What would you have expected Jesus to say? What would you have said? What did He say? Why do you think Jesus said what He said?
A: I would have expected Jesus to lead him through a sinner's prayer
I would have shared the "Romans Road" with him and then given him the opportunity to pray to receive Christ as lord and savior.
Jesus asked Him what the law, the Bible, had to say about following God.
I think Jesus went that direction because He was God and He knew exactly what needed to be said to get to the heart of the matter with this person. Also, Jesus said things so that He would be able to share what really needed to be shared at that time for everyone listening (i.e. story of the Good Samaritan)

Summarize the 2 greatest commandments:
A: Love God and love others

Does Jesus agree with him? What does this have to do with the gospel, do you think?
A: Yes, Jesus agrees. It connects with the gospel because only those who were true followers of Jesus were going to have the desire and be able to obey those 2 commands.

What was the lawyer's motive in asking the question: Who is my neighbor?
A: The Bible says he was trying to justify himself, get himself "off the hook".

How does this story relate to what is most important to God?
A: Overlooking cultural boundaries, we show love to God by loving others unconditionally and showing the mercy that God shows us

What do you think Jesus was trying to get across to this lawyer and everyone else listening?
A: This is the mercy that God is offering to you; and if you claim to be my followers, you must do the same; which is not what the religious leaders are doing.

What is the significance of the person who ended up helping was a Samaritan?
A: The Jews and Samaritans hated each other and the audience Jesus was talking to hated the Samaritans. So, to use the Samaritan as the hero went right to their heart attitudes.

How does this story apply to you?
A: I must be ready, sensitive to God's Spirit, to help anyone that God brings into my path that I can help.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


O.k. forget what I said last week about my pessimistic prediction that MY Boston Celtics were going to tank the Eastern Conference Championship against the Orlando Magic, after being up 3 games to zero. I couldn't help but default to my assumption that teams I like always find a way to crumble. However, I was wrong, thankfully, and now MY team is in the NBA championship for the 2nd time in 3 years. Although it is possible that the Phoenix Suns will win 2 games in a row to defeat the Los Angeles Lakers, it is unlikely, and the 2 teams that, together, have won about half of the championships in NBA history, will meet again to make more history together.

So, Boston, don't get the wrong idea. You are still MY team. I was just nervous, like most of your loyal fans. Now, get some extra rest this week, since you are kind of old, and get prepared to take your 18th championship banner home to Boston!


Day 36 - Next Steps with James 2:1-7

Extreme Faith Workout

The Next Steps, applications from the message last Sunday, from James 2:1-7:
1. Confess your sins of favoritism:
I have had to confess circumstances in which I lean toward partiality. It is very difficult to admit, because I don't see myself as prejudice in any way; and yet, my natural tendency, in certain situaitons, is to assume something about someone, and that is wrong.

2. At church, talk to someone you wouldn't normally talk to:
This is something, that even as a pastor, I realize can happen. It may even be more of a subconscious thing, but my goal must be to talk to, and welcome every person in the building, on any given Sunday, if possible.

3. Pray for someone, toward whom you are tempted to show favoritism:
I have been doing that all this week, as God brought someone to mind. And again, the main issue is that I would not make assumptions about that person just by the external look on their face, but really make an effort to get to know their heart.

4. Plan to do something, in love, for a person you might normally ignore or dishonor.
Recently, I have been working on some things, in the effort to demonstrate love toward those who might not have sensed that from me in the past.

My commitment:
I am committing myself to seeing others as God sees them. Although that does not dismiss times when confrontation of sin is needed, I want to respond to others in love, grace and mercy, regardless of external appearances.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 35 - the character of God and favoritism

Extreme Faith Workout

God ignores national differences:
Acts 10:34 - The Apostle Peter recognized that God was now allowing the Gentiles to be saved as well as Jews and therefore noted that God shows no partiality.

Romans 2:6-16 - Whether Gentile or Jew, God shows no partiality. To those who work wickedness, they receive God's wrath; and to those who do right, not just hearing the truth, they receive glory and eternal life (as believers).

God ignores social differences:
Ephesians 6:9 - Whether Masters or slaves, bosses or labor, Paul notes that each must do what is right, with the right spirit, because there is no partiality with God.

I Samuel 2:7,8 - God makes people poor or rich, and chooses to honor the poor (because of their faith)

God ignores popularity differences:
I Corinthians 1:26,27 - God chooses to use people that our world would not choose. He chooses the weak and those who seem to have nothing to offer.

God's character in salvation:
Ephesians 2:11-22 - At one time, we were separated from God, alienated from the body of Christ, strangers to His promises, no hope and desperately without a relationship to God. Then, God sent Jesus Christ to make a difference and bring us close to Him. He became our peace, overcoming the hostility that sin brings as a divide. So, now, we who have received Him are a part of the family, indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Isn't that an impressive number? It means 93 victories and one defeat. That is incredible! That is pure domination. You can hardly find a better percentage of victory anywhere in sports. In this particular sport, in this particular circumstance, this is what "always" happens.........................
UNTIL NOW! And normally, I would be very excited about the 93 side, amazed at how dominant this statistic really is. And yet, in this case, it is the most deflating for certain fans out there, including me, who just happen to be on the side of the 1...the 1 loss out of 94 tries. The only team to lose in this situation.

Now, granted, it hasn't actuall happened yet; but by the end of Memorial Day weekend, it will have. I just know it. I can feel it. It is fate (That is: if I actually believed in fate, it would be!).
If you are a basketball fan you have already figured it out. Up until now, when there is a NBA playoff series, best of 7, where one team goes up 3 games to zero, that team has ALWAYS won the series, eventually, 93 times. The team that goes down 3 games to zero, up until now, is 0 for 93. But, it will happen this time; and the Magic will beat my beloved Celtics. Doesn't that just ruin your Memorial Day weekend plans?

I say we take down the 17 championship banners and put up a banner of shame
So, now you have a little glimpse into my fanhood: I'm loyal but always sure we are on the brink of disaster, humiliation and going down in the record books as the only team to blow a 3 game lead in the NBA 94 tries!

o.k. I feel better now

Day 34 - rich in life, rich in God

Extreme Faith Workout

Although God uses the poor to be an example of those who are rich in faith, it is "those who love Him", rich or poor, that have eternal life and the Kingdom of God. God used many who in that day, were considered rich:

John 19:38-40 - Joseph of Arimathea, was a secret disciple of Jesus and was the one who asked for the body of Jesus so he could bury Jesus in his own personal tomb...the tomb from which Jesus rose from the dead!

Acts 8:36-38 -Tabitha (Dorcas) was raised from the dead and brought many to believe in the Lord.

Acts 13:7,12 - Sergius Paulus, a ruler on Cyprus, brought Paul and Barnabus to him, heard the gospel, and then believed

Acts 16:14 - Lydia, seller of purple goods, heard the good news, was baptized and influenced her entire household

Acts 17:1,4 - some of the scholars and "leading" women were converted to Christianity

Acts 18:1-3 - Aquila and Priscilla , tentmakers, worked alongside of Paul for a time.

Acts 18:7 - Titius Justus, living next door to the synagogue, worshipped God and hosted Paul

Acts 18:8 - Crispus, ruler of the synagogue believed the gospel and his entire household was baptized

I Timothy 6:17 - the rich were not condemned, here, but challenged to make sure that they trusted in God, not on their riches

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 33 - James and Favoritism

Extreme Faith Workout

In reading through the book of James, what are things that relate to the issue of favoritism?
  • 1:2-4 - those who are victims of favoritism can grow spiritually if they endure that trial
  • 1:13-15 - if I show favoritism, there is no person or circumstance to blame. It comes from my selfish desire within
  • 1:26,27 - one way to combat favoritism is to reach out to those in need (i.e. orphans and widows)
  • 2:1-7 - the command is to not show partiality, showing favoritism to people just based on externals. It goes against the character of God and against the people of God.
  • 2:8-13 - We are to love others as ourselves, which means "everyone is our favorite" and there is no partiality shown. If we sin in favoritism, we are guilty of breaking the entire law.
  • 3:1-12 - favoritism is many times demonstrated in the use and power of the tongue
  • 3:13-18 - true wisdom is demonstrated in how gentle we are to everyone, regardless of who they are
  • 4:4 - to show favorites is to become a friend of the world and an enemy of God
  • 4:6,10 - to show favorites is to be filled with pride. We must humble ourselves, treat others fairly, and then be blessed by God
  • 4:11 - if you judge someone for their externals, you will also be judged
  • 5:16 - confess your sins of favoritism

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 32 - the poor

Extreme Faith Workout

Some verses concerning the poor:
Psalm 68:10 - It was known, from God's actions in the past, that He met the real needs of His people

Psalm 72:4 - A prayer that God would protect the poor

Psalm 72:12 - God does provide for and will deliver those whom have no one else to help

Proverbs 17:5 - Those who make fun of the poor are really making fun of God

Proverbs 21:13 - If you do not respond to the cries of those in need, then your cries for help will not be answered

Isaiah 3:14,15 - God will judge those who hurt the poor

Amos 2:6,7 - God was going to judge a few things, no matter what,because of how important they were to Him; and one of those things was the dishonoring of the poor

Matthew 19:21 - Giving everything to the poor was one test for a man who was rich who wanted to follow Jesus

Galatians 2:10 - When Paul was sent out to do missions work, one of the main things he was asked to do was to help the poor.

Romans 15:26 - Paul honored some believers in particular places that gave money to help

James 1:5 - God chose to make the poor an example of those who have great riches in what really matters: faith

It is inconsistent for a believer in "the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory", to show favoritism because it goes against what we have received from Jesus and it brings no glory to God.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 31 - favoritism

Extreme Faith Workout
James 2:1-7

A summary: Faith and Favoritism do not mix. Don't talk about following Jesus Christ, Lord of glory, and then treating one of His created beings with partiality. See those who are poor and dishonored from God's perspective.

How does this passage fit with the context of the end of chapter one and all of chapter 2?
In chapter 1, James was talking about putting action to our declaration of faith - not just talking, but doing. If you talk about worshipping God, but it is all external, you are deceiving yourself. If, however, you allow the Word of God to change your heart, and you respond in purity and love then you are blessed. This passage then gives a specific example of how to put this kind of faith into action, or to show that it is all talk: the issue of showing favoritism based on someone's appearance or social status. As chapter progresses, the idea of showing true faith by what you do will be a the heart of the message, and these beginning verse lay that foundation.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 30 - James 1:27
Extreme Faith Workout

James 1:27 - "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widow in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

One of the workouts from this part of the message last week (James 1:22-27) was to read several articles from

"The Forgotten Part of James 1:27" - Dan Cruver
3 of my favorite quotes-

1. "The world tells us that our fundamental identity is determined by our performance. It seduces us to find out main sense of significance in what we do...By his life, death, and resurrection Jesus has forever secured the Father's pleasure and acceptance for us. i have bee adopted by God, not because of my performance but because of Jesus."

2. "If there's anything that will keep us unstained from the world, it is the gospel of grace. Only the gospel has the power to free us to visit orphans in their affliction and to patiently love and embrace our brothers and sisters in Christ at the same time. Only the gospel can produce 'religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father'."

3. "In a sense, we cold say that both the world and Christianity are performance-based. The world calls us to look to our own performance; its paradigm of living is me-centered: 'I care for the orphan; therefore, God accepts me.' Christianity invites us to look to the performance of another; its paradigm of living is Jesus-centered: 'God has already accepted me because of Jesus; therefore, I care for the orphan'."

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 29 - worthless vs. true religion

Extreme Faith Workout

James 1:26,27
Worthless religion:
  • thinks himself to be religious, worshipping God because of external appearances
  • does not control his tongue, but keeps talking about himself and his spirituality
  • deceives himself

True religion (pure):

  • care for orphans
  • care for widows
  • care for those who are hurting
  • strive for purity in an impure world

summary: worthless religion is all about yourself, whereas the true religion is about honoring God and loving others.

What does it mean, do you think, to keep oneself from being spotted (stained) by the world? The filthiness of sin that is mentioned in verse 21 can stain us if we conform to the world's system of thinking, which leads to wrong actions.

What pollutions are the biggest dangers for you? Thinking that I am responsible to make everything right for someone else; which then means I am taking the Holy Spirit's place and not focusing on how I need to grow.

What are the practical steps you can take to remain pure in these areas? Confess my sins every day; be direct and loving with others about their sins, but then leave it in God's hands.

Do you know of any fatherless children or husbandless women? How can you help look out for them (or other needy people) in their distress? In leading a church, we are beginning a new ministry that will help care, more effectively, for widows and others in need.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 28 - JUST DO IT

Extreme Faith Workout -

James 1:22-27 (a paraphrase): Don't just listen to God's Word, but do it, constantly. Someone who listens but doesn't do is like a person who sees a major problem when looking in the mirror, but goes away and "forgets about it". The one who will be blessed by God is this: he looks at the mirror of God's Word, the perfect, liberating, Word of God and then does what it says. A person who just talk about spirituality but doesn't do it is deceiving himself. Real worship is when you care for those in need (i.e. orphans and widows) and strive for purity in this darkened world.

The Word of God and doing it:
Psalm 119:9-11 - Doing the Word of God, here, is putting it to memory and allowing its truth to keep you from sin.

Psalm 119:105 - The Word of God shows us how and where to walk in this life, if we will pay attention to it and follow it.

Matthew 7:24-27 - Jesus describes hearing His Word and doing it like a man who built his house on a firm and lasting foundation; and described listening to the Word but not doing it as a man who built his house on the sand, which would not last through the storms of life.

Hebrews 4:12 - If you will spend the time in God's Word, it can show you your heart and what really needs to change. The Holy Spirit can use His Word to do His work on you. But, you have to allow for the work to be done and act on it to have full effect.

I Peter 1:23-25 - Man fails and doesn't last very long, but the Word of God lasts forever. So, pay attention to God's Word and do it, since it relates to what is eternal.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 27 - praying through James
Extreme Faith Workout

Chapter 1
Lord, help me to endure through the trials you bring my way. Thank you, that there is a purpose, and that you promise to bring spiritual growth through them.

I need your wisdom. I believe that you will give it to me; and I desperately need it.

I know I fail, Lord, when my flesh desires something and it leads to sin. I confess that I am weak, and yet I am committed to not being deceived. t is my fault, completely, when I sin. And when I do, I will confess it before you.

Chapter 2
Lord, help me not to worry about what others think of me. Instead, help me to treat all with the idea of how I would want to be treated.

Help me Lord, not to make it about talking about faith, but living it out through doing what it right. I want to be known, as abraham was, as your friend.

Chapter 3
I know how destructive the tongue can be Lord, as I have been burned many times. But Lord, I want to use my tongue to build up and bless, not to criticize or hurt. Help me to think about what I say before I say it.

I want the wisdom that is from you Lord. It is not about the world's wisdom, or even about wisdom the current church culture provides. It is about wisdom that comes from you, from your Word.

Chapter 4
As you have said Lord, the blame for arguments and fights is our own, as it comes from the fleshly desires within us.

Lord, I want to be humble before you. I confess all of my pride. I want your blessing, and the lifting up that you bring. Help me to see myself and others the way you see us.

Chapter 5
It is my desire that I personally, as well as our church, be a people that are willing to share our lives with one another, which includes confessing our sins. This, Lord, is a way to humility when we are willing to say the truth about our sin struggles, pray for one another and support each other in a process of restoration, to God, and to others.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 26 - self deception

prayer time: 5 things I praise God for today
1. He never changes
2. He is faithful
3. His love is complete
4. He is truth
5. He is all knowing

James 1:22-24 and the mirror:
We look into God's Word which is the mirror that shows us how we truly are, on the inside. But, what we see, although not pretty, doesn't seem urgent, because it is on the inside; or it seems to bothersome to try and change it. So, in self deception, we see what is wrong, but walk away "forgetting", not doing anything about it.

Abraham deceived himself, thinking he needed to bring about God's promises (for an heir) to pass - through sin with other women. He thought he needed to protect himself (his wife) by lying, even though God had promised to provide. He deceived himself whenever he did the wrong thing to try to accomplish the right thing - the promises of God. He eventually learned to trust God and do right things, even when they are hard (process of sacrificing his son) because he believed God to be able to do what He promised.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 25 - James 1:22-27

A summary: It is all about putting into practice what you have heard and learned from God's Word, including caring for those in need and striving for purity.

This passage fits the context of James 1 in this way: Even as these believers were being persecuted themselves, they were to endure trials by obeying God's Word, not conforming to the pressures of the world's system; and to make sure that they continued to care for others in need as well. To obey God was to endure anything and be proactive in doing what was right.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 24 - Psalm 119

James 1:19-21 speaks of how to receive the Word of God: in submission, in purity, and in humility. One of the greatest passages in Scripture about Scripture is Psalm 119. As I read this Psalm, here are some of the reflections of my heart, as it relates to my desire to receive God's Word correctly:

There are great blessings for those who rightly receive and obey God's Word.

God's Word is the weapon with which we fight temptation

It is the light that shows us the way, the path, in this life

It is God's: testimonies, laws, precepts, statutes, rules, commandments, ways, words

I will meditate on God's Word and allow it to fill my thoughts and rest in my heart

In loving God's Word and applying it, there is hope, there if comfort, there is encouragement, regardless of what challenges I face

closing prayer - Psalm 119:172 - "My tongue will sing of your word, for all your commandments are right."

Friday, May 14, 2010


I'm not normally into blogging twice in one day, but I couldn't resist this one. Last night, MY Celtics eliminated the #1 seed and greatest player in the world, presently, from the playoffs. All year I have heard the quote from Shaq: "a ring for the king", referring to the goal he had and the Cavs had to get Lebron (labeled "the King") a championship ring. I actually feel bad for the Cavs and for Cleveland, as this was not just any playoff loss and not your normal elimination. Its not just that the Cavs were favored in the series or that they had the best record in the NBA or that they were picked to go to the Finals. The main thing that hurts for Cleveland is that Lebron is now a free agent, and they are terrified that this loss means that he will seek a championship and his desire for a billion dollars, elsewhere. So, I do feel badly, a little, and if it weren't for MY team, I would have cheered for them.

But, beneath all the hoopla of Lebron and all the talk of the Cavs collapse and the City's hopes and dreams being crushed, there is a story that perhaps only the Green Fans recognize. In this particular series, at this time, the Celtics, My Celtics, were the better team. And let me emphasize: the better TEAM. We did not have the best player, but we had the best team. Even though the NBA is not known for their defense, the commentators keep talking about the great defensive effort, a team effort, of the Celtics. I love to hear that!

When I played basketball, on a much lower level, it was all about team. When I coached, it was all about team. I wanted to see 5 guys work together to do their best, collectively, win or lose. I wanted to see team defense and an offense that utilized all 5 guys to get the ball in the basket. I wanted to see all 5 of them hustle, rebound and get down on that floor if that is where the ball was. I wanted to hear encouragement from one another, not selfish criticisms. I love team basketball. Even today, as my old and tired body lumbers up and down the floor for a pick up game, I love it when the 5 guys on my team instinctively know where to rotate on defense and where to cut on offense, how to set picks, and how to pass the ball.

I would cheer for the Celtics no matter what, but since they are playing the NBA style of the kind of basketball I love, I love MY team even more. Listen to them talk, see them play, and you will see that former superstars on a this team have put aside their egos (as much as you could expect) for the good of the team. If the team wins, that is all that matters to them. They know their role, they believe in the system, they humbly (as much as you could expect!) listen to their coach, who preaches "team, team, team"

That's MY team and I love watching them play, and win! I don't hold out much hope for this next series with Orlando (I am a pessimist when it comes to My teams) but this series will get me through the summer, as I remember the old, green guys playing their heart out,as a TEAM, against the best team (supposedly - at least they had the best record) in basketball.

Day 23 - humility

The extreme faith workout ( for May 14, 2010

II Chronicles 7:14 - If God's people would just humble themselves, which included seeking His help, then He would respond incredibly

Psalm 149:4 - God delivers the humble

Proverbs 3:34,35 - The humble receive the favor of God

Isaiah 66:2 - God will listen to the one and respond to the humble, which includes the one who has the Fear of the LORD

James 4:6 - God gives grace to the humble

James 4:10 - God lifts up the humble

I Peter 5:5,6 - To receive the grace and exalting from God, we are to clothe ourselves with humility

humility and relationships:
my wife - I will not respond in selfishness and anger; but consider how to show love to her

my parents - I will initiate contacts with them more often

my children - I will not use my authority to overpower them, but to lovingly discipline them and challenge them

the government - I will pray for my leaders even if I completely disagree with them

my enemies - I will listen to them and be willing to work through things

God - I will read His Word, think about it, and put it into practice

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 22 - in my own words

James 1:19-21 [a personal paraphrase]
Understand this: as it relates to God's Word, you must listen carefully, don't say anything right away, and keep your emotions under control. Because getting angry at God's Word is not right. So, confess all of your sins daily and humbly receive the Word of God, submitting to it; even remembering it is the truth that has given you eternal life.

Romans 6 - observations as it relates to sin and the fight for purity
  • Just because God forgives our sins, it doesn't mean we can then just willfully sin as we please, knowing we can be forgiven
  • When we became Christians, we "died to sin". So now, in reality, we are to strive, daily, to live right before God, confessing our sins and setting them aside.
  • There are no excuses. God promises that since we are in Christ, sin cannot rule over us.
  • Sin brings death, but we have final victory, as believers, because of the free gift of Jesus Christ. Now, we need to live like His followers, fighting against temptation and doing what pleases Him.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 21 - 3 more thoughts on James

A part of the extreme faith workout ( each week has been reading, once again, through the book of James and thinking about some things from the book that have not considered in the previous readings. So, here are 3 more thoughts on James that came to me as I read through it this morning:

1. Those with nothing (the poor), who are followers of Christ, really have everything that matters.

2. If I get into an argument, quarrel, fight, etc., it doesn't matter how much I want to argue that it is the other person's fault. The quarrel comes because of my own selfish heart.

3. It is crucial that I work hard at controlling my tongue. If I do not, it can cause great damage. If I do, it brings forth great blessings.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 20 - 5 hard things

Based on the extreme faith workout -

Proverbs 2:1-5 - Listen up
words to a son, to listen to the parents as it relates to the search for wisdom. We must listen to God's Word, searching it diligently like for hidden treasure if we are going to get its wisdom.

Proverbs 10:19 - Shut up
There is sin present when there is much talking. We must be quiet to take God's Word in, to gain what it has to say to us.

Proverbs 25:28 - Hold up
It takes self control to not respond from our fleshly emotions to the hard truths of God's Word. We have to hold up our natural response, even of anger, in order to humbly submit to the Word of God.

5 hard things to apply from God's Word:
1. Turn the other cheek - Matthew 5:39
I know it is what I am supposed to do, to be like Christ when I am attacked in any way; but I find it extremely difficult to just take it

2. Forgive as Christ did - Ephesians 4:32
I forgive as I want to, feeling I can easily forget. But, to forgive fully like Christ is so hard; especially as it relates to not allowing a prior offense to be a future obstacle in relationship

3. Give thanks in all circumstances - I Thessalonians 5:16
I think I am a thankful person, but I realize that I complain a lot in my own heart and don't like the circumstances that I sometimes face.

4. Forgetting the past - Philippians 3:12-14
To forget the past, especially my many failures, is very hard for me. It seems that I keep revisiting how I have blown it previously and it affects how I approach things now.

5. Seek eternal things - Colossians 3:1,2
I want to think about things from God's perspective, from an eternal perspective, but I find myself thinking about them from this earth bound perspective, in the midst of a sinful world.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 19 - a summary

James 1:19-21 [summary] - Receive God's Word with submission, reading it, truly listening; receive His Word in purity; confessing your sins first; and in humility, ready to respond to Him.

James 1:19-21 fit into chapter 1 as it relates to the Word of God; otherwise, it seems not to fit at all. Verse 18 introduces the idea of the Word of truth, and verses 21 and following talk about God's Word. Verse 19-21 fit into the middle of that context. They seem to be about how to receive God's Word the right way, preparing our hearts to do what it says (v.22)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 18 - good gifts of God

Make a list of 5 things that have taken place in your life that others might consider bad and yet you have come to see them as good gifts from God:
1. My broken leg in 8th grade - I have recently learned, from my parents, that God used that event to change my attitude for the better and break my will in some areas.

2. Broken relationship the night before buying an engagement ring - this was tough but it led to building a relationship with a young woman that became my wife and an incredible blessing from God.

3. Little money to go to college or graduate school - But, I followed God anyway, with my parents support, going where I believed God wanted me to go; and He supplied what was needed, financially to get me through. I learned to trust Him in that area.

4. Not taking the first pastoral job I was offered, right out of graduate school - voted in at 92% and offered a great salary for a single guy, I just didn't feel right about it. Instead, I took a teaching job and about a 50% pay cut that I would have received with the other job. But, God gave me a couple great years coaching (I loved it) and allowed me to date my future wife; as well as lead me to where He wanted me to pastor first: in Connecticut.

5. Only being in my first pastorate 3 years - and yet God led us to Florida, where we had a lot of support from our church, were able to buy our first home and after a few months of arriving, were able to receive our first two children - through adoption!

James 1:17,18 (a paraphrase) - Everything good, including my trials, comes from God, the Creator of all, and who never changes. His sovereign will brought me forth as one of His children, giving promise of a spiritual harvest to come.

The fact that God never changes greatly impacts my life:
  • When others change, I have one person I can go to that is always the same
  • It means I can count on God to keep all of His promises in His Word
  • He will have complete and final victory over Satan one day, and I will also have final victory over sin and death

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 17 - The Progression of Temptation

James 1:14-16 describes the progression of temptation: Desire, Deception,Destruction and Death
I have seen these in the world around me:

Desire - Advertisements are based on it...what desires does your flesh have? Whatever it is, the desires are heightened and enticed by things that look so good and so important to have.

Deception - These are the thoughts that impregnate our desires. The world's system tells us that we are the most important thing and pleasing ourselves is the greatest pursuit. God is placed to the side because He will keep us from enjoying life, and we just need to do what we want.

Disobedience - Eventually, this leads to the birth of sin. Look in the prisons for examples of this; but every day, we decide to disobey God and His Word in every aspect of life. As you walk through a normal day in the world, you see disobedience to God all around.

Death - People die every day because of their own sin or someone else's. There are major consequences, experienced by the guilty and innocent, from disobeying God's commands.

The connection between all of these is that it has to do with our sinful nature that lives within us; and except for the grace, mercy and forgiveness of God, we are doomed to repeat this cycle daily until the final consequence of physical death arrives.

The story of King David (II Samuel 11,12) demonstrates this progression:
Desire - When David should have been out with his army to battle, he was walking on the rooftop and noticed a beautiful woman bathing. He looked, he lusted, he allowed the fleshly desire to draw him.

Deception - He first was deceived into thinking that it was o.k. to keep looking and to let lust take over. He was deceived into thinking that it was o.k. to desire another woman, who was not his wife; and to consider having a woman who was another man's wife. Also, he was also deceived, thinking that since he was king, he deserved this and could have anything and anyone he wanted.

Disobedience - He called for one of his servants to bring this woman to him and he had sex with her. He knew what was right, but allowed his desire to rule his heart and he acted on his lust. He thought he got what he want, but it was in direct opposition to what God wanted for him.

Death - This sin brought many consequences, including actual physical death. This woman (Bathsheba) got pregnant, and David tried to hide it by having her husband (Uriah) come home to have sex with her. But, when he wouldn't (because of his loyalty to his fellow soldiers who were still fighting), David commanded that Uriah be put on the front lines so that he would die. The baby that was born to David through this sin lost his life. And moving forward, all kinds of sins and consequences followed in David's family.

Confession and Repentance: I am glad that God also included in His Word the fact, that when David was confronted with his sin, he confessed (agreed with God that He had sinned) and He repented (he did not continue in that sinful pattern). His prayer in Psalm 51 demonstrates this.

This is my prayer, as it was David's:
Psalm 139:23,24 - "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!"

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 16 - MY sin

This is a part of my personal workout in the book of James for today (extreme faith workout -

A paraphrase of James 1:14-16:
This is how temptation works: you have fleshly desires that are enticed by some deception of the world's philosophy. When you give in to you it, you have sinned, and then come the consequences, eventually bringing death. Don't allow yourself to be deceived.

Romans 3:1-18 and accountability for our sin:
Everyone sins...everyone! We do no good, in God's eyes. We have chosen to go out of the way. Our mouths have spoken deceit, our feet have taken us to do wrong. Going our own way, there is only destruction and misery. We are accountable for our sin.

Statement: I will not blame God for putting me in a situation where I feel I have to sin. I will not blame the Devil or even this evil world's system of thinking. I will not blame my wife, my children, my neighbors or my enemies for my sin. All blame, all responsibility for my sin can be found in the mirror: it's me, my flesh, MY sin. May God the Holy Spirit make me sensitive to it, so that when I choose to sin, I will also then choose to be humbly in confession and repentance (I John 1:9).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 15 - 3 thoughts on James

One of the exercises for my spiritual workout today ( was to make a list of what I am thankful for and to pray through that list. Here are my top 10:
  • my godly heritage through my parents example
  • Jesus Christ, who died for my sins
  • Teresa, my wife and best friend
  • My 5 children, all unique, all helping me grow, all awesome
  • a good education
  • a great church family
  • the warmer weather
  • good friends
  • my staff at church
  • the opportunity to fellowship with God each day

This morning, I read through the book of James, again, and here were the 3 key thoughts that came to my mind:

1. Hang in there. Do not give up. Endure through your trials for growth.

2. Treat others as you want to be treated, seeing them as God sees them.

3. You are responsible to do what you know to be right.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 14 - God's testings

God does not tempt us, James writes, but He does test us

  • When God came down in thunder and lightning to the people of Israel, Moses told them that God was testing them. At the time they responded well. But, throughout their time in the wilderness, they failed His tests soon after great victories.
  • God tested Abraham's faith when He asked him to sacrifice his promised son Isaac. Abraham passed the test by getting ready to do so, and then God provided another sacrifice
  • God tested His only Son Jesus, by allowing Him to be tempted by Satan. Jesus resisted the temptation, even as He went through the testing, by quoting Scripture
  • God tested Job by allowing Satan to take Job's health and family. Job struggled but did pass the test, and ended up more blessed than ever.

When God has brought trials into my life, I have often struggled with temptations that come from within. I want to be rid of the trial, immediately; but have had to learn that these trials are a good gift from God. And if I will endure, then will come the growth God intended.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 13 - Trials and Temptations

James 1:13-18
God is not to blame for my temptations - I am. My flesh desires something and my thinking is deceived; so that I give in to sin, which has dire consequences.

verses 13-18 in the overall context of chapter 1:
In the beginning of chapter 1 is the topic of trials, which Christians go through for their faith.
If we endure those trials, we gain spiritual maturity. In order to endure, we need the wisdom of God to do so.

verses 13-18 bring in the connection between trials and temptation. The words translated such are from the same Greek word group but depending on the context are translated differently. When we go through trials, there are temptations that come. When those temptations come, we cannot blame God because they have nothing to do with Him. He brought the trials to grow us, but we are to blame for turning it into a temptation.

The connection is that these verses show that God is not to blame for our temptation to sin, while we go through God given trials. Everything bad is from our flesh and everything good comes from God.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 12 - Just what I needed

Day 12 of the Extreme Faith Workout ( called for a 30 minute time period of prayer, broken up into two and a half minute time segments. I was able to do this as a walked around the neighborhood early this Saturday morning. One nice thing about an iphone is that as I am walking, I also have the extreme faith workout list to look at as well as a Bible!

This was just what I needed. It is way too easy for me to jump right into my day and all the things planned, the things that just have to be done, even many good things, important things, spiritual things! But, there is nothing more important, than to spend time with my Creator, my Father, my Friend, my Guide, my Counselor, my God!

I was able to pour my heart out to Him, confessing my sins, praising Him, and asking Him to do great things on the behalf of others. I took time just to listen, to allow God the Holy Spirit to use His truth in His Word to fill my mind and heart with what He wants me to think and pray about.
I was encouraged, I was refreshed, I was challenged.