James 1:26,27
Worthless religion:
- thinks himself to be religious, worshipping God because of external appearances
- does not control his tongue, but keeps talking about himself and his spirituality
- deceives himself
True religion (pure):
- care for orphans
- care for widows
- care for those who are hurting
- strive for purity in an impure world
summary: worthless religion is all about yourself, whereas the true religion is about honoring God and loving others.
What does it mean, do you think, to keep oneself from being spotted (stained) by the world? The filthiness of sin that is mentioned in verse 21 can stain us if we conform to the world's system of thinking, which leads to wrong actions.
What pollutions are the biggest dangers for you? Thinking that I am responsible to make everything right for someone else; which then means I am taking the Holy Spirit's place and not focusing on how I need to grow.
What are the practical steps you can take to remain pure in these areas? Confess my sins every day; be direct and loving with others about their sins, but then leave it in God's hands.
Do you know of any fatherless children or husbandless women? How can you help look out for them (or other needy people) in their distress? In leading a church, we are beginning a new ministry that will help care, more effectively, for widows and others in need.
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