Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 28 - JUST DO IT

Extreme Faith Workout -

James 1:22-27 (a paraphrase): Don't just listen to God's Word, but do it, constantly. Someone who listens but doesn't do is like a person who sees a major problem when looking in the mirror, but goes away and "forgets about it". The one who will be blessed by God is this: he looks at the mirror of God's Word, the perfect, liberating, Word of God and then does what it says. A person who just talk about spirituality but doesn't do it is deceiving himself. Real worship is when you care for those in need (i.e. orphans and widows) and strive for purity in this darkened world.

The Word of God and doing it:
Psalm 119:9-11 - Doing the Word of God, here, is putting it to memory and allowing its truth to keep you from sin.

Psalm 119:105 - The Word of God shows us how and where to walk in this life, if we will pay attention to it and follow it.

Matthew 7:24-27 - Jesus describes hearing His Word and doing it like a man who built his house on a firm and lasting foundation; and described listening to the Word but not doing it as a man who built his house on the sand, which would not last through the storms of life.

Hebrews 4:12 - If you will spend the time in God's Word, it can show you your heart and what really needs to change. The Holy Spirit can use His Word to do His work on you. But, you have to allow for the work to be done and act on it to have full effect.

I Peter 1:23-25 - Man fails and doesn't last very long, but the Word of God lasts forever. So, pay attention to God's Word and do it, since it relates to what is eternal.

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