Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 62 - true and false wisdom

Extreme Faith Workout

Questions based on James 3:13-18:

How can we recognize (in ourselves and in others) the wisdom and understanding necessary for a teacher (3:13)?
Someone who is genuinely concerned for another person, not making it about how much the teacher knows. Someone who lives out what he/she teaches.

Explain in your own words what the following are:
Bitter jealousy - I am comparing myself to others at all times; and when it seems that I have not received what I want or deserve, then I develop bitterness in my heart toward others who do have it. I am not content or thankful because it is always about what I don't have.

Selfish ambition - Again, this is all about me. I want to make a name for myself. If someone is standing in my way, I go over him. If someone can help me accomplish my goals for selfish purposes, then they are valuable; but only as long as they can help me.

Contrast the effects of the wisdom that is "earthly, unspiritual, of the devil" (false) in 3:15,16, with those of the wisdom that comes from God (true) in 3:17,18:
False wisdom brings a focus on man and true wisdom brings a focus on God
False wisdom brings fighting and true wisdom brings peace
False wisdom brings deception and true wisdom brings truth
False wisdom is selfish and true wisdom is concerned for others
False wisdom brings division and true wisdom brings unity

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