Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 78 - O Lord Its Hard to be Humble

Extreme Faith Workout

The "workout" for today is to listen to last week's message, based on James 4:7-12: O Lord Its Hard to be Humble. The tite came from a 1980 country song I remember hearing when I grew up. In fact, when it came to my mind, I could still remember most of the words. So, I asked one of our musicians to sing it as an introduction to the message. Although it is a fun song to listen to, it is also representative of the sad state of our world's attitude. And this attitude is diametrically opposed to the kind of attitude that God requires; and this oppositional attitude has been written about in the first several verses of chapter 4. This message, in verses 7-12, is all about how to have the right heart attitude before God - to be humble before Him; and to be in the place of His blessing (to receive His grace).

There are a few things that stuck out to me in the process of preparing and preaching this message, as it relates to my own spiritual growth needs:
  • Resisting the Devil includes using the truth of Scripture to fight temptation. I want to be ready to fight His lies with Scripture and the application of those truths. Speaking out loud helps me process this.
  • I confess my sins often, but I need to take some more time to really reflect on the seriousness of my sin, so that I can mourn over it appropriately
  • I need to make sure I distinguish rightly, between confronting others with their sin, and having the wrong attitude toward others, becoming their judge

It is my heart's desire to be humble before God, knowing I am nothing without Him, seeing myself the way He sees me, trusting completely in Him.

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