Saturday, June 14, 2014


I have come to the end of my list of 20 lessons I have learned in over 20 years since I began pastoral ministry. As I have put together this list, I have realized a few things: There are many more lessons I have learned that I could write about; I am still learning these things as well as much more; and God is so full of grace, to allow me to do this, even at the times when I feel I know absolutely nothing! Writing these things down has reminded me of how much I love being a pastor, and how thankful I am to God for this privilege. So, that brings me to:

Lesson 20: I have learned to take the next step

This sums up so much. It sums up this entire list. It sums up my pastoral ministry. It sums up my life's purpose. One of the greatest things God has done for me, over my life, is to help me simplify what can be very complicated. It is very hard, but it is somewhat simple. Wherever I am in my walk with Jesus, I need to identify it and then take the next step. When I am working with other people, I need to help them identify where they are with Jesus, and then help them take the next step.

I have many more steps to take, and I fail often. But it has helped me tremendously to focus on what is in front of me, what I can control; and on what God is calling me to do. If I can continue to live in that mindset, in ministry, family and life, then I believe I will be honoring God with my life, and He will see me as successful.

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