Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Don't worry...I know, I know: I'm either 9 days late or about Three hundred and forty something days early. But, one of the thoughts I have had for some time about my mom and my wife, as a mother, is that one day is certainly not enough to celebrate them, and to thank them for all that they do. In fact, for many moms, even if they are thanked and treated well on Mother's Day, they are seemingly forgotten after that...for the next 355 days, or so. So today, I was thinking about my mom, and my wife; and thought it would be good to thank them, again, not just for what they do; but for who they are.

Mom, even though I have not lived at home for many years now, I am forever grateful for you. I'm sure I was not thankful at the time, or even realized all that you gave of yourself, during those years; but I am more aware of it now as I watch Teresa give of herself in the same way. You had an incredible impact on me, did much for me, and I am sure I don't know half of all that you sacrificed and gave. I cannot repay you, but I can tell you that I love you; and I thank you for being a faithful mom, then and now!

Teresa, I know you may not think of yourself as a great mom (which I think may be one of the secret ingredients to being a great mom); but that isn't going to stop me from telling you that you are. Yes, you have weaknesses, and in the pressure cooker of parenting kids (multiply times 5), your weaknesses may be revealed more easily. But, since we all have weaknesses, and sin struggles, we cannot allow those to overshadow God's grace, as well as all the incredible strengths He has given you.

  • desiring to grow in your own personal relationship with Jesus
  • wanted nothing more than for each of our children to walk with Jesus
  • being willing to confront sinful tendencies
  • faithfully fulfilling your duties as a mother, every single day
  • throwing yourself completely into your relationships with each of us
  • caring so much
  • all the chores you do, many of which are never recognized
  • teaching your children to work and be a productive member of our family
  • teaching our children at home
  • all that you do
Your investment may not yield the fruit we can see, for many years; and there will be some fruit we will not see, until we taste eternity. Don't let that stop you from investing yourself each day, in your children; and allow God to do the work He has planned to do - in your life, as well as in your family.


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