Sunday, May 20, 2012


This will be my 3rd time selling a home, and I admit it is not my favorite thing (or even in the top 100 of favorite things) to do. Some people love it and even make a living off it. That is certainly not my calling...or hobby! But, it is what God has given us to do, so it is with faith and hope in Him, that we have listed our home (officially) and will leave the outcome in His hands. If He sells the home quickly, we may be in a situation where we will need to find somewhere else to live before we find my next job. Thankfully, an extended family member has already offered that to us. What a blessing (if needed)! If He chooses not to sell our home in the next few months, we could be in a situation where I have no work, no pay, and still have this mortgage. Even if I get a job somewhere else, still having the home will be a "problem". But, that is why this is called faith. It is up to God to provide for us, in His way and time. And in the process, He will teach us what we need to learn, about Him and about ourselves.

We need your help. If you know of anyone looking for a home in the Cleveland, OH area, would you please guide them to our website: or to our multiple listing number: 3319413, which can be found in different places, including

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