Thursday, May 3, 2012


I have been a football fan for most of my life. And although I have my favorite teams, I also have favorite players that might not be fortunate enough to be on one of MY teams. One of those guys was Junior Seau. When he played for the Chargers, I cheered for the Chargers, including their incredible run to the Superbowl many years ago. He was all energy, great spirit and attitude on the field, and just loved the game. I hadn't thought about him for quite awhile, until yesterday of course. And sports fans everywhere, even young ones, have now heard of Junior Seau. But, the reason we are talking about him now, is not because he was a great football player or great guy. Those of the things people will talk about as he is remembered.

Junior Seau is dead, and the preliminary suspicion is death by suicide. Many are bringing up questions about whether or not he had depression or if the constant contact he took over his many years of football affected his brain to this extent. There are many, many questions swirling around his death. But, this one thing is sure: He is dead, at the age of 43. His life is over; and no one can do anything about it. All we can do now is learn from his life, as well as his death. I didn't know him personally, so what I learn from his death is pretty much what we can learn from the death of anyone.

No one is exempt from this end. And anytime someone younger than me dies, it impacts me a little more. We have no guarantees of another day, let alone another year, or 40 years. The Bible is clear on this and every time someone dies, we see the truth revealed. At one time, Junior had money, fame and pretty much anything else he wanted. But, with all of his effort and money and fame, it couldn't buy him one more day on earth. Even if we don't want to blame him, or football, or anyone, the fact holds true: his days on this earth are over; and now he faces judgment before a holy God.

So, once again, this is what I have learned, as it relates to me:
This moment is the only moment I may have - so, I must use it for God's glory
Life is short, regardless of how long I live - so, make the most of this one life
This life is not about getting money or fame or pleasure - so, remember why I'm here
None of us deserve to live a moment longer - so, be thankful to God for every breath
Make a difference today, for eternal purposes; for it may be your last opportunity

I pray that Junior Seau was prepared for eternity, even at age 43.
Am I?

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