Saturday, January 26, 2013

Vertical church continued

Vertical Church by James McDonald
My favorite quotes continued:

Chapter 8: Unceasing Prayer
"When was the last time you participated in a faith-driven, expectation-filled prayer meeting that invited God to reveal His glory and show up in power at your church Not where one or two people pray the will of God, but where everyone in the room is in passionate agreement that God will displace our desperation with a manifestation of Himself. In a prayer meeting like that, voices are raised, God's will to save and heal and restore is confidently petitioned by faith as people cry out to the Lord with a palpable sense of determined persistence. Have you ever been part of a prayer meeting like that?" - p.270

"Far from the typically anemic prayers for minor health concerns so prevalent in poorly attended Protestant prayer meetings, these prayers were powerful, passionate, faith-filled petitions." - p.272

"God is ready now to pour grace and favor and blessing upon His children and His church, but we are the ones who block His mercies." - p.278

"How did we come to this musing and whispering, which are far from what the Bible portrays as prayer that God delights to answer? God is not moved by our meditative whispering and frequently invites us to cry out, to call out, lift up our voices, to our out our hearts." - p.289

"The problem in the church today is that we treat God's glory as a by-product and the missional activities of the church as the primary thing when the opposite is what Scripture demands...We seek the revealing of the glory of God through the methods He prescribes so that His glory is revealed in the church." - p.300

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