Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 78 - O Lord Its Hard to be Humble

Extreme Faith Workout

The "workout" for today is to listen to last week's message, based on James 4:7-12: O Lord Its Hard to be Humble. The tite came from a 1980 country song I remember hearing when I grew up. In fact, when it came to my mind, I could still remember most of the words. So, I asked one of our musicians to sing it as an introduction to the message. Although it is a fun song to listen to, it is also representative of the sad state of our world's attitude. And this attitude is diametrically opposed to the kind of attitude that God requires; and this oppositional attitude has been written about in the first several verses of chapter 4. This message, in verses 7-12, is all about how to have the right heart attitude before God - to be humble before Him; and to be in the place of His blessing (to receive His grace).

There are a few things that stuck out to me in the process of preparing and preaching this message, as it relates to my own spiritual growth needs:
  • Resisting the Devil includes using the truth of Scripture to fight temptation. I want to be ready to fight His lies with Scripture and the application of those truths. Speaking out loud helps me process this.
  • I confess my sins often, but I need to take some more time to really reflect on the seriousness of my sin, so that I can mourn over it appropriately
  • I need to make sure I distinguish rightly, between confronting others with their sin, and having the wrong attitude toward others, becoming their judge

It is my heart's desire to be humble before God, knowing I am nothing without Him, seeing myself the way He sees me, trusting completely in Him.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 77 - joy and judging

Extreme Faith Workout

James 4:9 - "Be wretched and mourn and weep. let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom."
Compare James 4:9 to the following:
Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 - Solomon decided to pursue pleasure, but going after everything that his heart desired. This is in opposition to James 4:9, which is about mourning over your sin, which comes from a pursuit of selfish desires.
Ecclesiastes 7:2-4 - This is in line with James 4:9, saying it is better to mourn, because that is the state of your heart and then joy comes, rather than just pretending everything is o.k. and trying to be happy.
Luke 6:20-25 - This is a blessing for those who follow James 4:9, as Jesus talks about the blessings in the future for those who are mourning (for the right reasons).
Luke 18:9-14 - The tax collector, in Jesus' story, was a great example of James 4:9, because he was truly sorrowful for his sin.
To be sorrowful over our sin is not to contradict God's command to always rejoice. Both are necessary. The grief felt over sin will lead to the joy that comes from God's forgiveness and living for Him.
Why is judging or slandering someone the same as criticizing and judging God's law (4:11)?
Because God's law, the Bible, tells us to love one another like ourselves. It also tells us that people are made in the image of God, and it is wrong to judge them. So, when we judge or criticize others, we are not loving them, or treating the image of God appropriately. Therefore, we are actually speaking against God and His Word.
To accuse brothers and sisters in Christ is likened, in Revelation 12:10, to what Satan does.
Jesus Christ, instead of judging us, becomes our advocate, our lawyer, as He laid down His life so that we might not have to endure the rightful judgment for our sin.
Even if it is true, we must only speak against others actions if it fulfills what God has asked of us in His Word, to confront sinful behavior.
Slander is speaking against someone to take them down and hurt them. Constructive criticism, as it is called, can be negative things said to a person, usually in private, for the purpose of improving them and lifting them up. The difference is usually in the way it is given and in the motivation for it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 76 - devotion to God

Extreme Faith Workout

When I don't feel close to God, I know that it is me who is not drawing near (James 4:8). I begin to think the wrong things and get discouraged. When I follow Philippians 4:6-8, I find that I feel closer to God. When I give him my anxiety and worry, thanking Him for what He is doing, even in the stressful times, then I receive His peace. I try to focus on the thinking grid of Philippians 4:8, and when I do that, I believe I am "drawing near to God."

I am devoted to God, but I hate the fact that I keep failing, that I feel weak, and that I still sin. I know these are just parts of our journey, even for Christians, but it is still frustrating for me.

Lord, I am devoted to you. You know my sin, my weaknesses, my failures. I feel so inadequate to be the husband, father, friend and pastor you have called me to be. I need you. I am relying on you. I will step forward today, in all of these areas, trusting that you will guide me, lift me up, and be my strength and refuge. I love you, and am dedicating my day to you.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 75 - 4:7-12 and the book of James

Extreme Faith Workout

How does James 4:7-12 fit with the entire book of James?
1:2,3 - trials have a way of humbling us (4:10)
1:5 - we draw near to God as we ask Him for wisdom (4:8)
1:16 - do not be deceived - 4:7 talks about resisting the Devil, who is the master deceiver
1:21 - signs of repentance (4:8,9)

2:4 - judging others (4:11,12)
3:10-12 speaks of the inconsistency of the tongue (4:11,12)
4:6 - humble yourself (4:10)
5:9 - do not grumble against one another (4:11,12)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 74 - questions about James 4:7-12

Extreme Faith Workout

How can you actively submit to God today or tomorrow?
I can pray throughout the day, trying to put everything that happens into the context of what He is doing and what He would want me to do.

In what areas do you need to resist the devil today?
I need to resist him by not getting discouraged over negative things that have been said and done to me or to our church. Instead, I need to resist Him by talking about all the incredible things God has been doing in my life and our church recently.

What do each of the following commands have to do with pride and humility?
  • "submit God" - put yourself under God's authority - to obey Him with the right attitude
  • "resist the Devil" - not trying to do this in my own power, but relying on God and His truth as the only way to resist
  • "come near to God and he ill come near to you" - talking to God, spending time in His Word, truly seeking Him with my whole heart - sacrificing my own desires
  • "wash your hands you sinners, and purify your hearts you double-minded" - I will confess my sins daily and seek to make my life all about pleasing Him.
  • "grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom." - I will grieve and cry, sincerely over my sin. I will hate my sin and see it the way God does.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Why are you smiling at 6 a.m.?

This was the question asked me as we prepared to play basketball this morning. It didn't take me long to figure out why he noticed something in my demeanor that was a little different. I answered: I'm sure it is because of what happened yesterday; and I had the opportunity to share it with him:

What God did yesterday is why I remain in ministry. It is a reminder of what the church is supposed to be. It makes it all worth it. The morning service went fine and it was a pretty good day so far; but it is what God did in the late afternoon that brought the smile to my face and a lift to my spirit. We had planned on a baptism at the beach, after having a good experience last year with baptisms at the same beach.

The weather was a concern, as it had rained earlier, the skies looked somewhat foreboding, and I didn't know if people would show up. Once we got to the beach, red flags were up, meaning that the lifeguards were not allowing anyone in the water. My heart sunk. We were going to have to send everyone home. But, our incredibly cool Pastor Steve (if you are in doubt, just call his voicemail and he will confirm it!) went to talk to the life guards and they agreed to come down just for us and allow us to go into the water for the baptisms. God saved the day (using P. Steve of course!)

A good group of people showed up from the church, including some of our older ones, who certainly could have had excuses not to come; and some younger families, who for a variety of reasons with young children, could have stayed home. But they came. I don't know if they realize how encouraging it is just when they show up - to me and to all who were getting baptized. It was great!

The water was rough, but Steve and I helped each person into the water and through the baptism. It was kind of exciting to be helping these people take their next steps in Jesus, in the middle of some rough winds and waves. I kind of prefer it to the climate controlled baptismal tank! The crowd appropriately applauded and cheered each person after their baptism. Way to go church!

One of the greatest blessings of this baptism was that there were 6 adults that were baptized. Children are great to baptize, but there is something special about baptizing adults. It means that they have now come to the understanding of what it means to follow Christ and they are willing to take that next important step. This is what Jesus said we were to be doing until He returns: making disciples, which includes baptizing them. What we did yesterday was in direct relation to what God has called us to do. Out of all the things that a church does in its programs and activities, this is the thing we ought to focus on and celebrate the most. This is what the church was meant to be.

Then, I had the opportunity to spend some time with each of the 6 people that were baptized in the evening. To spend time with people who are taking the next step to obey God and follow Jesus Christ is the most important investment of time I can make. It was refreshing, encouraging and filled with joy. This kind of experience outweighs any negatives about things that don't really matter. I can get worried about giving numbers, attendance numbers, people walking away from relationships, and many other things. But, investing our time and energy in helping people take their next steps in their spiritual journey is really what lasts forever.

That is why I was smiling at 6 this morning; why I'm still happy; and I pray that God will help me continue to focus on this aspect of ministry...and keep smiling!

Day 73 - James 4:7-12

Extreme Faith Workout

How does James 4:7-12 fit into the context of James 4:1-6 and 4:13-18?
4:1-6 speaks of how you need humility to fulfill God's requirement of receiving His grace.
4:7-12 tells us how to be humble and see things the way God sees them. 4:13-18 talks about what happens when you don't include God in your life and future plans. 4:7-12 seems to be how to have the right attitude before God, while the passages before and after it seems to describe what happens when you don't.

James 4:7-12 (my paraphrase)
Put yourself under God's authority. Fight against Satan (with God's truth) and he will run away. Go near to God and He will come near to you. Confess your sins, be wholeheartedly focused on giving God everything. Grieve over your sin. Cry over it. See the seriousness of it. Be humble before God and He will bless you. Don't take God's place by judging others. When you do that, you are really judging God's Word. Only God is the judge. Remember that.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 72 - applying the message to myself

Extreme Faith Workout

As I listened to my message from last Sunday, I was listening for how I need to apply these truths to my life. It is easy to hear a message on Sunday and then to forget about the truths, without making them a part of our life. Those who preach are no different. As I listened to this message, I was struck with the example of Moses. He was the most humble man that lived and was considered the friend of God.

I want to be like Moses. He was called by God to lead His people and he felt incapable to do this. I can relate to that, although he had to lead 2,000,000 people and I can take away 4 zeros worth of people that I am responsible for. But, it is still overwhelming, knowing how weak I am. Moses was criticized and not listened to. He could have given up, whether it was because of his own sin or because of the sins of the people he was trying to lead.

But, he was humble before God. So, he did what God asked him to do, and he relied completely upon God to complete what God had called him to do. That is what I desire: to daily lean upon God, confessing my sins and trusting in Him to do what He has called me to do.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 71 - pride

Extreme Faith Workout

Why is friendship with the world equivalent to hatred toward God?
Because it is the way that God views it, as seen in the following passages of Scripture: you are either a friend of God or of the world's philosophy. You either love God or hate Him, according to how you live:

James 4:4 - Because when we go down the world's sinful path, it is spiritual adultery
Luke 16:13 - you cannot serve two masters: it is one or the other
Romans 8:5-8-You either live according to the flesh or the Spirit
I John 2:15-17 - You either love the world or you have the love of the Father in you
I John 3:8 - You are either of the Devil or you are of God.

Read Proverbs 3:34 and James 4:6 and then give your own definition of pride:
To live in your own power for your own purposes

What are your 3 next steps, in order to apply James 4:1-6?
  • To take a moment, when someone wants to fight with me, to evaluate my motives for entering into the argument
  • To confess my sins daily
  • To constantly work at humbly approaching God, desiring to submit to Him and His Word

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 70 - friendship with the world

Extreme Faith Workout

James 4:4
What desires battle with you, against you?
Desires: to be liked; to be loved; to be told that I'm doing a good job. Desires to have everything in my life going well, to be ideal: with my wife, with my children, with my church. But, because they don't all go well, I then struggle with wrong thoughts and attitudes and actions.

Is pleasure or God the dominant concern of your life?
I want to say God because I think that is true; and yet when I sin, it seems to be all about me.

What are some of the symptoms of friendship with the world?
  • talking constantly about self
  • not listening well to others
  • focus on making as much money as possible
  • not giving or sharing with others
  • fighting and arguing about anything and everything
  • trying to live life apart from the strength and wisdom of God

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 69 - a trip through James

Extreme Faith Workout

James 4:1-6 in the context of the entire book of James:
1:9 - the brother of humble (poor) circumstances has a high position with God; and that fits with 4:6 as God gives grace to the humble

1:14 - we are tempted by our own desires within us; and so 4:1 points out that our external problems come from the selfish desires that are at war within us

1:20 - our anger is not right before God; in 4:1,2 our anger that leads to fighting and other sin shows we are opposed to God (4:4)

2:8 - love your neighbor as yourself; that shows humility and would solve the problem of 4:1-3

2:11 - "do not commit murder" is pointed out as one of the commands of the law, which if transgressed, makes us guilty of the whole law; murder is also brought up as one of the things we do when we covet but cannot have what we want

2:23- Abraham did the right thing and was known as the friend of God; in 4:4 it speaks of being a friend of the world and an enemy of God. Abraham showed the way through humble obedience of how to be a friend of God.

3:14,15 - wisdom from below includes bitter jealousy and selfish ambition; this is what opposes God in 4:1-6

3:16 - selfishness brings division and all kinds of evil; selfishness in 4:1-3 brings murder, arguments and unanswered prayer

4:7-12 - this gives steps in order to be God's friend by obeying in humility; 4:1-6 laid the foundation for that by showing what it looks like to be God's enemy and then making the transition into this next passage by pointing out that humility is the key

5:16 - confess your sins to one another is an example of the humility that is needed in 4:6

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 68 - fighting and prayer

Extreme Faith Workout

What causes us to fight and quarrel (4:1-3)?
It comes from within each of our hearts. We want something, anything, that we cannot have; and we become angry enough to fight about it or at least to fight others that we see keeping us from it.

What are some reasons for unanswered prayer (4:3)?
we don't ask in the first place but just try to get it on our on
we ask with wrong motives

What are some other conditions for answered prayer?
Psalm 34:15 - when we do what is right
Psalm 145:18 - call on God and be truthful
Luke 18:14- be humble
John 15:7- so what God says
I John 5:14 - ask according to the will of God

When have you experienced a James 4:1-3 moment; and what did you do about it?
I found myself, one time, arguing with someone about music. They had their point of view and I had mine. I realized that the argument was based on our selfish desires and what we liked and wanted. So, I changed direction and began to talk with them about the issue of music from a biblical perspective and church philosophy perspective rather than a personal one. This stopped the arguing right away.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 67 - James 4:1-6

Extreme Faith Workout

James 4:1-6 in context:
James 3:13-18 speaks of true and false wisdom; and how true wisdom leads to peace. James follows that up, in 4:1-6, showing that false wisdom leads to arguing and fighting, showing then how that happens and where it comes from. James 4:7-12 will then emphasize how to fight pride and selfish desires through humility before God.

James 4:1-6 (my paraphrase):
What causes all the fights that you are having? Don't you understand that it is the selfish desires that reside within you? You covet something but cannot have it, so you live in bitterness and hatred. You covet something and cannot have it so you fight and argue about it. You don't even ask God about it. And when you do, you ask Him with wrong selfish motives. That makes you an adulterer in a spiritual sense. You have become a friend of the world and an enemy of God. Don't you understand that God put His Spirit in you and is jealous for your wholehearted devotion? But, God gives His undeserved favor, with this: God opposes the proud but gives grace to the HUMBLE.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 66 - appying the message to me

Extreme Faith Workout

Today's extreme faith workout includes listening to last week's message, from James 3:13-18. One of the things that I struggle with, as a pastor, is making sure that my preaching is not just about getting wisdom out to others, for their learning and application, but that it begins with me. It is my desire, when I preach, that I am preaching to myself first. It is very interesting that many people will come to me and say that I was preaching to them. Sometimes, they are even angry because they truly believe I was using my preaching to preach at them or about them or embarrass them. Others come to me, obviously broken by God's Spirit, saying that God challenged them through the message and that it seemed as thought I was preaching directly to them. That is actually encouraging to hear, because I know that I wasn't but that God made it seem very personal to that person on that particular day with that particular message. Some days I feel I preached the worst sermon ever and yet I find out later that God used it greatly in someone's life. It is because God's power comes through the Word of God, even thought the messenger (me) is certainly mistake prone, a struggling sinner, and not the best communicator in the world. All praise goes to God. So, when I prepare for my messages, and when I preach them, and even if I listen to them later, it is my heart's desire to learn what God wants ME to learn and to apply what God wants ME to apply. Then, and only then, should I be concerned with what GOD wants me to say to others.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 65 - next steps for James 3:13-18

Extreme Faith Workout

Why do you think jealousy and selfish ambition lead to disorder and evil practices (James 3:16; Romans 1:18-32; Ephesians 4:17-19)?
These self-centered sins lead to a closed mind and heart against God. he, in turn, "gives them up" to their evil practices, so that all kinds of sin come to fruition.

In contrast to the maker of disorder (3:16) is the maker of peace (3:17,18). In light of 3:13-18, what do you think it means to be a peacemaker?
To speak the truth in love; to look at things from God's point of view, through the Bible; to care more about the person than the offense.

What are your 3 next steps, in order to apply James 3:13-18?
1. To apply the week's message to my life first and then to preach it to others
2. To be open and willing to talk to anyone about any problem, with the mindset of peace
3. To do what is right and to pursue others for peace, regardless of what others might say

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 64 - a peacemaker

Extreme Faith Workout

Different translations of James 3:13-18 (KJV; NIV; ESV)
v.13 - good conversation; good life; good conduct
v.14 - lie against the truth; deny the truth; be false to the truth
v.15 - sensual; unspiritual; unspiritual
v.16 - evil work; evil practice; vile practice
v.17 - easy to be entreated; submissive; open to reason
v.18 - And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace
Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness
And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace

A peacemaker does not avoid conflict at all costs; but faces them head on with a right spirit and attitude. He does not impose his solution on others but leads the parties involved to see that it is the best solution, in the biblical context. Or if there is more than one solution, then he proposes those and allows for the parties to choose. He does not always give in when opposed, if he is standing for what he believes to be right, which is what brings true peace. Peacemaking and righteousness are connected because it can only happen when you embrace God's wisdom. You cannot live by the world's standards and have peace and righteousness. Peace and righteousness come only through Jesus and living for Him.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 63 - 3:13-18 in the context of James

Extreme Faith Workout

James 3:13-18 and the rest of the book of James:
1:5 - if you lack wisdom in trials you go to God. 3:13-18 speak of the wisdom that is available, from God above, and what that looks like in real life.

1:13,14 - God cannot be tempted by evil. Evil comes from within us. 3:13-18 speak of the evil that comes when false wisdom is displayed by human beings.

1:17 - everything good is a gift from above. 3:13-18 speak of true wisdom coming from above.

1:19,20 - put away anger. 3:13-18 speak of true wisdom being gentle with others, open to reason, bringing peace

1:26,27 - this explains true and false religion being tied to works and 3:13-18 - explains true and false wisdom tied to works

2:1-9 - showing partiality to those who are rich and putting aside those who are poor is an example of false faith; even dead faith. 3:13-18 speak of not showing partiality being one of the characteristics of true wisdom

2:13 - mercy must be shown, and it is victorious over judgment. 3:13-18 speak of being full of mercy as one of the characteristics of true wisdom.

2:14-26 speak of living out your faith by your works, demonstrating that you are truly saved. 3:13-18 speak of living out your faith by your works, demonstrating you have the true wisdom from above.

3:1-12 speak of the importance of using the tongue well and the destruction that can come if it is not. 3:13-18 speak of having wisdom, true wisdom from God; and there is no better demonstration of that than how we use our tongue.

4:1-6 speak of how fighting and problems come from within - our own selfish desires that are not satisfied. 3:13-18 speak of selfishness and fighting being a sign of false wisdom whereas selflessness and peace are characteristics of true wisdom.

4:11,12 - do not speak against another or judge another. 3:13-18 speak of showing love and mercy toward others as evidence of having true wisdom.

4:17 - knowing what is right and not doing it is sin. 3:13-18 would say knowledge without acting on it skillfully is false wisdom.

5:9 - do not complain against one another. 3:13-18 speak of treating one another rightly.

5:16 - the prayer of those who are right before God make a difference. 3:13-18 speak of doing what is right as a major demonstration of true wisdom.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 62 - true and false wisdom

Extreme Faith Workout

Questions based on James 3:13-18:

How can we recognize (in ourselves and in others) the wisdom and understanding necessary for a teacher (3:13)?
Someone who is genuinely concerned for another person, not making it about how much the teacher knows. Someone who lives out what he/she teaches.

Explain in your own words what the following are:
Bitter jealousy - I am comparing myself to others at all times; and when it seems that I have not received what I want or deserve, then I develop bitterness in my heart toward others who do have it. I am not content or thankful because it is always about what I don't have.

Selfish ambition - Again, this is all about me. I want to make a name for myself. If someone is standing in my way, I go over him. If someone can help me accomplish my goals for selfish purposes, then they are valuable; but only as long as they can help me.

Contrast the effects of the wisdom that is "earthly, unspiritual, of the devil" (false) in 3:15,16, with those of the wisdom that comes from God (true) in 3:17,18:
False wisdom brings a focus on man and true wisdom brings a focus on God
False wisdom brings fighting and true wisdom brings peace
False wisdom brings deception and true wisdom brings truth
False wisdom is selfish and true wisdom is concerned for others
False wisdom brings division and true wisdom brings unity

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 61 - James 3:13-18

Extreme Faith Workout

How does James 3:13-18 fit into the context of the passages surrounding it?
This passage is about wisdom, and the difference between true and false wisdom. The passage before has to do with the tongue. One of the key areas in demonstrating wisdom is through how we use our tongue. The Bible tells us that what comes out of our mouths is what is in our hearts, and it will either be self-centered false wisdom or God centered true wisdom. In the following passage the issue of where fighting, arguing comes from is raised. It comes from our own selfish desires, and it is a demonstration of false wisdom, which comes from the earth, is natural and demonic (3:15).

James 3:13-18 (My paraphrase)
If you say you have true wisdom, then prove it: do what is right with a humble attitude. But, if you are all about you, you are lying against the truth. This kind of false wisdom is natural wisdom, straight from Hell. All kinds of sinful practices come from selfish, false wisdom. The wisdom that is true is from above. It is pure, makes peace, is gentle, open to reason, merciful, doing good for others, does not waver and is not hypocritical. Planting true wisdom in peace will bring a harvest of righteousness.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 60 - listening to my own voice

Extreme Faith Workout

I don't know many people who like to listen to recordings of their own voice. I certainly don't. But, in following the extreme faith workout that I am encouraging others to participate in, today's assignment is to listen to last week's message that I preached from James 3:1-12. So, I have to ignore my own voice and concentrate on the message; and what my response to the message ought to be.

This message on the tongue is very challenging. Last Sunday, after I preached, someone shared with me the struggles she and her husband have with their tongues and how they wanted to apply this message to their lives. I expressed to her that I also have to apply this message to my life. We all struggle, in some way, with the us of our tongue; and I am no different. One of my goals, as a pastor and as the main teacher on Sunday mornings here at Grace, is to make sure that I am applying the message, even before I attempt to preach it to others. May God help me to NEVER lose that desire and motivation!

Friday, July 9, 2010


So, after a couple of years of waiting, and after months of speculation, rumors, etc. LeBron James announced last night that he is leaving Cleveland for the glitz and glamour of Miami Beach, with the hope of winning multiple NBA championships. A few years ago, he led Cleveland to the NBA Finals and the last 2 years to the playoffs, including having the best record in the NBA last year (only to lose to MY Celtics! - sorry Cleveland.) Seems to me he could have stayed and continued to be "the guy" trying his best to bring a championship to Cleveland. Now, people are burning his jersey and talking about their hatred for him - not good - and certainly not right.

But all of those things are not the most important thing to me. Everyone in the last several days have had the opportunity to "speak to LeBron" telling him one thing. Of course, most of it has revolved around trying to get him to stay. Now, most people in Cleveland would like to tell him something but it wouldn't be very nice. If I had the chance to say one thing to him, it would be this:

LeBron, I hope things go well for you in Miami. But, there is one prayer I have for you; and it has nothing to do with championships (in fact, I will probably be rooting against you in every game!). Last night, in your interviews you referred to the guy above (or something like that). My prayer for you, LeBron, is that you get to know that "guy above" in a personal way, in a way that changes your life forever. His name is God and that God came in the flesh and is known as Jesus Christ. He died for your sins LeBron and wants a personal relationship with you. If you place all or your faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, the Bible says that you will have eternal life. But this is more than just trying to stay out of Hell.

Jesus is asking you to be His follower. He is the true King and He would ask you to follow Him as your King. He wants to be #1 in your life, over basketball. He wants all the glory. You will have to "die to yourself" in order to become one of his children. That is my prayer for you LeBron, that you would come to know Him personally and follow Him wholeheartedly. If you want to talk about this further, just let me know!

Day 59

Extreme Faith Workout

Positive uses of the tongue from Proverbs:
10:31; 14:3; 16:21; 20:15 - speaking with wisdom
13:3; 15:28; 21:23- thinks about what to say before you say it
12:19; 14:5; 14:25; 12:22 - tell the truth
10:32; 12:25; 15:23; 16:24 - speaking the right thing at the right time
10:20; 10:21; 12:18; 18:4 - helping and encouraging to others
10:19; 17:27 - choose your words carefully

Which of these areas do you already do pretty well?
I usually think before I speak

Which of these areas are most challenging to you?
probably making sure I am saying the right thing at the right time

What can you do, specifically, to improve in these areas of speech?
I want to clearly communicate what I am feeling so that it will not be misunderstood; at least to the extent that I can control that

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I was reminded, this morning, as to why I do what I do.
As a pastor, I put up with a lot of ups and downs, many disappointments and quite a bit of crap (I don't like that word, but it communicates)
Many of you are in professions that face the same kind of challenges
There are times when I wonder why I keep doing this, especially when there attacks on my character and other people that let me down.
Well, God reminded me why I do what I do, this morning. It was a reminder of why I can never see myself doing anything else.
It is why I keep coming back, and deep down, absolutely love what I do.
Want to know what it is?

This morning, in the presence of myself and my wife, another woman said these words:
"Dear God, I know I am a sinner, and deserve to be separated from you forever. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose from the dead. I am placing all of my faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. I am giving my life to you and want to live for you. In Jesus name, Amen."

Can you think of anything greater, more exciting, than that? I can't!

That is it. That is why I am here. That is why our church is here. This is what we ought to get excited about. This is worth sacrificing our preferences for. This is why I am willing to lead and risk being criticized. It is why I count it a privilege to be a pastor. It is why I love being a pastor of this church - because God has chosen to work here, and to change people's lives - forever!

Praise be to God!

Day 58 - wrong uses of the tongue

Extreme Faith Workout

wrong uses of the tongue:
Proverbs 10:31,32; 15:12; 17:5 - scoffing, mocking
Proverbs 10:18; 11:13; 26:20,22 - slander
Proverbs 19:5,9; 21:28; 25:18 - false witness
Proverbs 10:8,10,19; 26:28; 27:1,2; 29:5 - continual talking
Proverbs 15:2,18; 18:6,7; 20:3 - quarreling

I don't struggle with the area of continual talking. God has given me a quiet personality and that is helpful at times.

My struggle with this list would be the quarreling part. If someone says something that is hurtful or not true, in my opinion, I am willing to argue with them about it. I continually need to have wisdom as to when I should talk and when it is not wise to speak.

To improve in the area of speech, I need to keep asking God, before I speak, several questions:
Is this true?
Is it kind?
Is it necessary?
Would saying this honor God?
What happens if I don't say it?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 57 - another reading through James

Extreme Faith Workout

One of the most valuable parts of this Extreme Faith Workout, for me, has been to read through the entire book of James, in one sitting, once a week. Every Wednesday, in the extreme faith workout, that is the main assignment. Today, I was reading the book of James, looking for how other parts of James fits James 3:1-12:
  • 1:13 - do not use your tongue to accuse God of tempting you
  • 1:26 - if you use your tongue to pretend to be religious, you are deceiving yourself
  • 2:3 - do not use your tongue to put down the poor and give partiality to the rich
  • 2:7 - the non-believing rich use their tongues to blaspheme God
  • 2:16 - you have dead faith if you talk about caring for people but don't actually help them
  • 3:13-18 - this whole passage of wisdom will be demonstrated by how we talk
  • 4:1,2 - fighting and quarreling with our tongues show the heart problems we have
  • 4:11 - do not use your tongue to judge someone else
  • 4:16 - do not use your tongue to boast - that is evil
  • 5:9 - do not complain against others and judge others
  • 5:12 - do not make an oath; but instead, just tell the truth and do what you say
  • 5:13 - if you have something to be thankful for, then use your tongue to praise God
  • 5:14 - if you are sick, call your pastors to come pray for you
  • 5:15 - the pastors should use their tongues to pray for the sick
  • 5:16 - use your tongue to confess your sins to others and to pray for one another

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Happy 11th birthday!
I am a little disappointed that you didn't follow my advice and remain 10 years old. I thought that was a good age for you. What would it have hurt to stay 10 for just another year or two? Anyway, since you decided not to listen to me (and that is rare), I decided to celebrate with you anyway. I love taking you out for donuts on your birthday (and our regular dates) and just having some time alone. I hope you enjoy your special day and celebration with your party.

Breanna, I want you to know that you are a special gift from God. We love our two sets of twins, but Breanna, we also love you as a unique creation of God. We prayed for years that God would allow mommy to get pregnant and have a baby and you were the answer to our prayers! You are a sweet girl, who loves God and loves other people. We are privileged to be your parents and I am greatly privileged to be your daddy.

Have a wonderful birthday sweetheart
I love you


Day 56 - illustrations of the tongue

Extreme Faith Workout

Why should we hesitate before becoming teachers?
Well, especially being teachers of God's Word ought to give us pause because there is a greater accountability, judgment for those who do it. Jesus was very condemning of the religious teachers in His day because they were hypocrites, teaching one thing and doing another. To teach the Word of God is to be responsible to communicate the truth that the Holy Spirit uses to change people's lives.

How does James, in James 3:1-12, use the following 6 word pictures to talk about the power and importance of the tongue?
  • The Bit - Like a small bit in the mouth of the horse can control its entire body (1,000 lbs. or more), so our small tongue can control all areas of our body
  • The rudder - Like a small rudder (in comparison to the entire ship) can control the whole vessel, so the tongue can control the whole body
  • Fire - Like a small spark in a forest can eventually devour the entire forest, so our small tongue can destroy people's reputations and lives
  • A poisonous animal - like a caged animal ready to devour and a poisonous snake ready to strike so our tongue has that kind of fast striking, deadly power
  • A fountain - like a fountain that gives out only one kind of water (hopefully fresh), so the tongue must give out one kind of talk (God honoring)
  • A fig tree - like a fig tree that produces figs, so our tongue (being from a Christ follower) must produce talk that sounds like a Christ follower

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 55 - James 3:1-12

Extreme Faith workout

After 2 weeks of vacation, I am back to my daily workouts in the book of James. It was nice to have a little break, but it is also good to be back studying and applying to my life the book I am preaching from each Sunday morning.

How does James 3:1-12 fit the context of James 2:14-26 and James 3:13-18?
The power and use of the tongue follows up the basic them of the book of James laid out in James 2:14-26: you must demonstrate your faith by works; because faith without works is dead. So, the use of the tongue fits this context because there is no greater test of our faith than how we use our tongue. Then, in the following passage in James 3:13-18, it is talking about true wisdom, and that is demonstrated as well, by how we use our tongue.

James 3:1-12 - a paraphrase
Don't seek to become a teacher, because you will be held responsible for what you teach.
We all sin, but if you do not sin in the use of your tongue, you are complete in the faith.
You can control a horse by the bit in its mouth. You can control a ship by the rudder. So,also, the tongue is small in comparison to the whole body, but it also controls the whole thing. The tongue is small, but like a small fire, it can cause incredible damage. The tongue can negatively affect every aspect of life and gets its destructive power from Hell. You can tame all kinds of animals, but not the tongue. It is restless, evil and can kill like poison. We use our mouth to bless God and then turn around and curse men made in His image. We use our mouth to bless and to curse. It shouldn't be that way. A fountain doesn't send out 2 kinds of water. A tree doesn't bear 2 kinds of fruit. So, our mouths should not bring blessing and cursing.