Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 71 - pride

Extreme Faith Workout

Why is friendship with the world equivalent to hatred toward God?
Because it is the way that God views it, as seen in the following passages of Scripture: you are either a friend of God or of the world's philosophy. You either love God or hate Him, according to how you live:

James 4:4 - Because when we go down the world's sinful path, it is spiritual adultery
Luke 16:13 - you cannot serve two masters: it is one or the other
Romans 8:5-8-You either live according to the flesh or the Spirit
I John 2:15-17 - You either love the world or you have the love of the Father in you
I John 3:8 - You are either of the Devil or you are of God.

Read Proverbs 3:34 and James 4:6 and then give your own definition of pride:
To live in your own power for your own purposes

What are your 3 next steps, in order to apply James 4:1-6?
  • To take a moment, when someone wants to fight with me, to evaluate my motives for entering into the argument
  • To confess my sins daily
  • To constantly work at humbly approaching God, desiring to submit to Him and His Word

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