Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Happy 11th birthday!
I am a little disappointed that you didn't follow my advice and remain 10 years old. I thought that was a good age for you. What would it have hurt to stay 10 for just another year or two? Anyway, since you decided not to listen to me (and that is rare), I decided to celebrate with you anyway. I love taking you out for donuts on your birthday (and our regular dates) and just having some time alone. I hope you enjoy your special day and celebration with your party.

Breanna, I want you to know that you are a special gift from God. We love our two sets of twins, but Breanna, we also love you as a unique creation of God. We prayed for years that God would allow mommy to get pregnant and have a baby and you were the answer to our prayers! You are a sweet girl, who loves God and loves other people. We are privileged to be your parents and I am greatly privileged to be your daddy.

Have a wonderful birthday sweetheart
I love you


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