Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 68 - fighting and prayer

Extreme Faith Workout

What causes us to fight and quarrel (4:1-3)?
It comes from within each of our hearts. We want something, anything, that we cannot have; and we become angry enough to fight about it or at least to fight others that we see keeping us from it.

What are some reasons for unanswered prayer (4:3)?
we don't ask in the first place but just try to get it on our on
we ask with wrong motives

What are some other conditions for answered prayer?
Psalm 34:15 - when we do what is right
Psalm 145:18 - call on God and be truthful
Luke 18:14- be humble
John 15:7- so what God says
I John 5:14 - ask according to the will of God

When have you experienced a James 4:1-3 moment; and what did you do about it?
I found myself, one time, arguing with someone about music. They had their point of view and I had mine. I realized that the argument was based on our selfish desires and what we liked and wanted. So, I changed direction and began to talk with them about the issue of music from a biblical perspective and church philosophy perspective rather than a personal one. This stopped the arguing right away.

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