Thursday, March 29, 2012

Part 2: Lost my job...need to find it!

When people are out of work, there are many challenges that they face; even as they look diligently for their next job. Obviously, a major priority is finding the next job, to continue to provide for the family. But, are there other "jobs" that we must not forget in our search process? For me, I realized that my job #1 doesn't change just because I am looking for work. My #1 job is to pursue a closer relationship with God. If I don't keep that "job" my #1 priority, then pursuing my working job will be in my own power. I want God's blessing on it.

So, with that priority in order, what is job #2? It is easy to focus on the challenges and downsides of being out of work...way too easy. But, it is very important to count all of our blessings along the way. One blessing, for me, that I mentioned in my last post, was that my former ministry has been very gracious to us financially; which allows us some time to find another ministry before the pay stops. I need to thank God for that blessing. Another special blessing during this time has to do with family. I get to spend more time at home with my wife and children. That is an incredible blessing. And although we pray that someday I will have another job, which will cut down on my time at home, it is a current blessing to be thankful for, and enjoyed.

Job #2: To be a blessing to my family
This, of course, is to be a continue pursuit; but during these days of transition, I have more opportunities than normal to do just that. In fact, I learned something yesterday that my wife claims is her "love language". In packing the house and getting it ready to sell, there is quite a bit of pressure on my wife as she also homeschools our children. So, when she asked me to help pack, I thought this might be a way I could help. Turns out, it may be the best way I can relieve some pressure on her and be a loving partner during these days.
I also am more available during the day to help the children with a variety of things. So, I have another "job" to focus on during these "jobless" days. May God be praised!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Even as I begin to write about this new transition stage of my life, I feel a bit guilty. I am not alone in not having a job presently; but I have it much better than most. Although I do not have unemployment benefits some do, I have a previous employer that is taking care of us for a period of time, so that I can find a new job and possibly make the transition without going into more debt or having to take on several part-time jobs just to make ends meet. I am very grateful.

I have considered the age old method of standing by highway exits and holding up a sign that reads: "will work for food." But, if I were to go that route, my sign would have to say something like: "will preach for chocolate". That sounds much better, doesn't it? Whether it is holding up a sign or just working hard to apply for available work that God provides, it is God that opens the doors and does the providing. I just have to do my part.

But, during this time of transition, there is still the issue of not having a job and desperately asking God to lead me to what He wants me to do in His timing and way. During this time, it has made me wonder about myself, as well as others who are without work. In a way, finding a job is a full-time job; but during this time of transition, it is certainly easy to lose focus or even take a wrong turn in heart, mind and attitude. It is my desire, that during this transition, I will learn what I need to learn and be who I need to be. Finding a job cannot be the only, or even the most important goal during this time.

Job #1: Pursue a closer relationship with God
This is where I must start. This is more important than finding another ministry to serve God in. When people are without work, they are sometimes tempted to push God to the side, or even have feelings of abandonment, or worse yet, anger toward God for their predicament. It is crucial, that my highest priority during these days, my greatest relationship must be, has to be, a full pursuit of God. When the urgent will tell me that I need to be worried and spend my time elsewhere; even that I might not "have the time" to spend with God right now, I know better. It is not only a crucial thing, but the only thing that matters eternally right now. This is my first "job" during my time of unemployment.

There are a few ways in which I want to pursue Him during these days:
  • Read God's Word each day (right now I am reading it chronologically through this year)
  • Spend time in prayer (including thanks and praise)
  • Writing about what God is doing (this blog seems to be a good place to start)
  • Memorizing God's Word (our family began memorizing the book of Colossians)
I know that these are actions that don't always reflect the heart; but I also know that if my heart is set on God, then these are some of the things I will be doing in order to have a closer relationship with Him. As I pursue Him, during these days, may I also encourage and challenge all of you who may be in a time of transition (or not), to make this your #1 job as well!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Prayer for Grace

Yesterday was a "weird" day, in that it was my last day in the office as pastor of Grace. This last week was just all about packing up everything, and it certainly brought back many memories. I was focusing on the good ones. Even as I sat in my office, looking at the empty shelves and loads of boxes, I was remembering all the blessings that took place in that room: people trusting in Christ for the first time; some making sure of their salvation; those who committed to taking next steps, such as baptism or committing to the local body of believers; some who were struggling with addictions getting help; some marriages restored; and the list goes on. Thank you, God, for all of those blessings, and great memories!

I also took the time to walk into the worship center one last time and say a prayer for those who continue to worship and serve God here in this place:
"Lord, I first want to thank you for allowing me a wonderful 7 years of ministry here; and for giving me the opportunity to see many people take next steps in their relationship with you. I also want to pray for those who remain here. Please help them to worship you freely, serve you wholeheartedly, and do everything you ask of them, regardless of how hard. May they continue to reach out to those who walk in the doors, many of whom are hurting and have not been loved by previous groups of believers. Do not allow them to get distracted from the purpose you have given them: to glorify you by making disciples. Give them courage to confront when needed; and to comfort the hurting. Please bless the people who call this their home church, and may they glorify you in all things. Amen."

Before I left, I entered the office of my friend and pastor partner in ministry for these past 7 years: Steve. I prayed for him as well:
"Lord, thank you for Steve and for the privilege I have had to serve alongside of him for these past 7 years. Please give him the strength, wisdom, courage and guidance he will need to lead this people of yours to unify on your Word and move forward to serving you in the future. Help him to make the tough choices and to do what is right, no matter what. Bring men around him, to lift up his hands and strengthen him as he leads your church through some uncertain times. May you bless Steve incredibly and continue to use him for your glory. Amen."

Friday, March 16, 2012


Last time I wrote about having open hands, as it relates to all that God has given us. Everything and every relationship I have is a gift of God; and I am the steward of it until God decides my time is done or needs them more. It is tempting to clinch my fingers around whatever it might be and try to hang onto it. But, the humble, submissive spirit toward God keeps the fingers open; and although it can sometimes be heart wrenching, it is the attitude that God demands and brings Him glory.

However, even if we live with an "open hands" mentality, I realize that that there is something else we must do...that I must do. I must have an "open heart". After God takes something from us, and we no longer have the option of holding on, we must make the choice to respond to what God has for us next, and the people He chooses to have us invest in.

For example, with my situation, I wanted to pastor the church here in Ohio until the end of my ministry days. But, God has taken that out of my hands. So, now what? There are several thoughts, as it relates to my situation; and just maybe you can find a way to apply it to your own.

How to have an OPEN HEART:
  • Humbly confess your own sins and heart attitude struggles. God says that He will not despise a "broken and contrite heart".
  • Thank God for the past and all the blessings you enjoyed
  • Thank God for how you grew while you had possession of whatever it was; and for how He used you to help others grow
  • Forgive any hurts or offenses from the past, or even the circumstances surrounding God taking something from your open hands
  • Understand that God has something planned, and even though you may not understand all the "whys" of the situation, you can trust Him
  • As God replaces what He took out of your hand with new things, situations and relationships, be ready to receive them joyfully.
  • Be excited about the future, and instead of dwelling in the past, look ahead to what God has planned for you now

Lord, help me to have an open heart: a submissive, thankful heart toward you; and a kind, loving, forgiving and accepting heart toward others.


Saturday, March 10, 2012


Last week I had to do the most difficult thing I have had to do in my 18 plus years of pastoral ministry: resign from the senior pastor position of Grace. It is the most difficult thing because for the past 7 years I have invested my life in the lives of the people of Grace. God has used them incredibly in my life, to encourage me, to help me to grow in Christ. I have also been privileged to see God change many lives, over these years, and be a front row witness to people taking the next step in their spiritual journey.

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to remain the pastor here for the rest of my ministry days. That was my goal, my desire, my prayer, my will. But, I have learned some things over these past 18 years, and one of those is that a particular truth in Scripture seems to be applicable to many situations in life and ministry: "my ways are higher than your ways; and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts." God's plan, His way, His thought, His will, in this case, was that I resign and be willing to go where God wants me to go, and to be used as God wants to use me. This also includes a willingness to let go of the people that I have loved so much; and have had the privilege of serving for these 7 years. God has another plan for them as well.

The picture in my mind, that helps me to get God's perspective, and to humbly submit to His Word, is the image of open hands. Imagine it with me; or better yet, hold your two hands out in front of you. Keep your hands open and imagine, in your hands, everything, including the relationships, that God has given you. Now, close your fingers over each hand so that you make 2 fists. This is our natural tendency: to hold on tightly to what we have, to what we want. We love our spouse, our children, our friends, our house, our job. We can easily forget that all of these are given to us by God, and in biblical, eternal reality, they are God's, not ours. He has loaned them to us, for a time, to be good stewards of them, and to apply them for God's glory. We also have the special blessing of enjoying them, as His incredible gifts to us.

But, there are times when God wants, for His own purposes, to take something or someone out of our hands. Our tendency, because of our love for them, is to tightly hang on to them until our fingers are pried off, by force, and we have no choice but to let go. God is certainly capable of prying our fingers off, and taking from us people and things we love dearly; but that is not His will for us. His will for us is pictured by the wide open hands. Open your hands again and picture it. God's will is that my hands would remain open, so that when it is time for Him to take something, or someone, from me, I would be humbly submitting to the truth that God knows best; and is doing what is best.

So, as I resigned, I pictured myself holding open my hands as He took this particular ministry from me. Don't get me wrong: It hurt like crazy; it was heartbreaking; and I was tempted to close my fingers and play tug of war with God. By God's grace, I decided not to, this time. It was the hardest thing God has asked me to do in my ministry years; but I have never gone wrong in trusting God with anything in my life. It was the right thing to do. It may be, that in the years to come, I will be able to look back and answer some of the "whys" that are still unanswered. But if not, I will continue to trust, and will use this time to grow as much as I can; as well as ask God to use me, for spiritual impact, in the lives of those in my next ministry.

Growing in Grace, with open hands,