Thursday, March 29, 2012

Part 2: Lost my job...need to find it!

When people are out of work, there are many challenges that they face; even as they look diligently for their next job. Obviously, a major priority is finding the next job, to continue to provide for the family. But, are there other "jobs" that we must not forget in our search process? For me, I realized that my job #1 doesn't change just because I am looking for work. My #1 job is to pursue a closer relationship with God. If I don't keep that "job" my #1 priority, then pursuing my working job will be in my own power. I want God's blessing on it.

So, with that priority in order, what is job #2? It is easy to focus on the challenges and downsides of being out of work...way too easy. But, it is very important to count all of our blessings along the way. One blessing, for me, that I mentioned in my last post, was that my former ministry has been very gracious to us financially; which allows us some time to find another ministry before the pay stops. I need to thank God for that blessing. Another special blessing during this time has to do with family. I get to spend more time at home with my wife and children. That is an incredible blessing. And although we pray that someday I will have another job, which will cut down on my time at home, it is a current blessing to be thankful for, and enjoyed.

Job #2: To be a blessing to my family
This, of course, is to be a continue pursuit; but during these days of transition, I have more opportunities than normal to do just that. In fact, I learned something yesterday that my wife claims is her "love language". In packing the house and getting it ready to sell, there is quite a bit of pressure on my wife as she also homeschools our children. So, when she asked me to help pack, I thought this might be a way I could help. Turns out, it may be the best way I can relieve some pressure on her and be a loving partner during these days.
I also am more available during the day to help the children with a variety of things. So, I have another "job" to focus on during these "jobless" days. May God be praised!

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