Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Prayer for Grace

Yesterday was a "weird" day, in that it was my last day in the office as pastor of Grace. This last week was just all about packing up everything, and it certainly brought back many memories. I was focusing on the good ones. Even as I sat in my office, looking at the empty shelves and loads of boxes, I was remembering all the blessings that took place in that room: people trusting in Christ for the first time; some making sure of their salvation; those who committed to taking next steps, such as baptism or committing to the local body of believers; some who were struggling with addictions getting help; some marriages restored; and the list goes on. Thank you, God, for all of those blessings, and great memories!

I also took the time to walk into the worship center one last time and say a prayer for those who continue to worship and serve God here in this place:
"Lord, I first want to thank you for allowing me a wonderful 7 years of ministry here; and for giving me the opportunity to see many people take next steps in their relationship with you. I also want to pray for those who remain here. Please help them to worship you freely, serve you wholeheartedly, and do everything you ask of them, regardless of how hard. May they continue to reach out to those who walk in the doors, many of whom are hurting and have not been loved by previous groups of believers. Do not allow them to get distracted from the purpose you have given them: to glorify you by making disciples. Give them courage to confront when needed; and to comfort the hurting. Please bless the people who call this their home church, and may they glorify you in all things. Amen."

Before I left, I entered the office of my friend and pastor partner in ministry for these past 7 years: Steve. I prayed for him as well:
"Lord, thank you for Steve and for the privilege I have had to serve alongside of him for these past 7 years. Please give him the strength, wisdom, courage and guidance he will need to lead this people of yours to unify on your Word and move forward to serving you in the future. Help him to make the tough choices and to do what is right, no matter what. Bring men around him, to lift up his hands and strengthen him as he leads your church through some uncertain times. May you bless Steve incredibly and continue to use him for your glory. Amen."


Anonymous said...

Thank you God for using Greg in my family's life. We have been challenged by You through Greg in so many ways and truly believe we are more like You as a result, not perfect, but more like You. These times are never easy Lord, but I pray You will lead each of us where You want us to be -- finding complete rest in You. Please lead Greg and his family to be where You want them to be and may they faithfully serve You there as they did here. Prov 3:5-6
In Christ's awesome love I pray, Amen.
Greg, thanks for your friendship...may it remain for years to come.

gwhiting said...

Thank you so much, for your encouraging words and prayer!