Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I had the privilege, this week, of meeting with my current pastor; which was a blessing for several reasons. It is a fairly larger church, so being able to meet with the senior pastor was great. I have known his name and some of his speaking for years, but I don't know him personally yet. However, I already had respect for him; and based on how he treated me, a nobody that he didn't know, my level of respect has grown considerably. The important thing is not who he is, or the details of our conversation; but one statement he made that encouraged me the most.

He said this: "The most effective ministry years are in between the ages of 50 and 75." You may want to read that again, as I needed to replay it in mind as soon as he said it. "The most effective ministry years are in between the ages of 50 and 75." I commented that I had never heard that; and that it seems most people, even in ministry, talk about it as though the opposite is true. He didn't have a book or Gallup poll or statistics that he was quoting (perhaps he did but didn't mention them to me). It may be that someone he respected told him that. It may be that since he is in that age window and has been used greatly by God, that he has seen it first hand. It may be that he has seen it in others. He definitely believed it to be true; and I hope it's true.

He said that many younger guys in ministry have a hard time not making it about themselves. They have dreams of building something big and are really concerned about how others view them. That is, of course, a generalization and not true of everyone. But, he believed most young guys, including when he was younger in ministry, focused on some of the urgent things rather than what was most important...maybe. He also said he needed to come to a place in his ministry, and did in his late 40's, when he realized he needed to put aside the things he "could do" and focus, instead, on the things he "had to do", or "must do" or "should do".

Guys a little more "seasoned" in ministry tend to have grown in wisdom as it relates to the futility of pleasing others. They have the potential of having a broader, more eternal view of life and ministry; especially as they realize their time is (as the Bible promises) short. This allows them not to be as distracted in the process of ministry, or derailed by other good, but not most important pursuits. They also don't need to be as influenced by the plans and pleas of others, that may very well detract for the purpose and goals God has put in his heart and directed in ministry.

I hope this is true. As I near that age window, and have a desire to be in ministry again, as a pastor, I desire to have God use me effectively, even more effectively than ever before. I pray that everything God has taught me along the way will help me be prepared to serve Him, better than ever, in a way that will honor Him and bring Him glory. I hope and pray it is true!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I heard someone the other day talk about the holidays and their significance. One person was saying that it is about remembering God and what He has done for us. But, the others were focusing on family and eating and football and buying gifts. People talk about being thankful, at least on Thanksgiving, but they don't always have a person that they know (God), to whom they can pour out their thanks. For those of us who are followers of Jesus, we know where everything we have and enjoy comes from; and  we know who deserves our thanks.

Lord, thank you for being you. You are the one and only God, the faithful Lord, the Creator of the Universe; and the lover of my soul. Only in you, does everyone and everything receive their life and breath; and even a reason to live. You are love, you are full of grace and mercy; and your love endures forever. You defeated sin and death; and because of that victory, we can have victory, and eternal life as well. You deserve all praise!

Thank you for my physical life, but more so for my spiritual life. My days are numbered and will be over soon. But, then I get to live with you forever. Thank you! Thank you for saving me, and for fulfilling your promise to keep working on me and in me throughout my days. Thanks for your Holy Spirit who is sanctifying me, convicting me and teaching me your ways. Thanks for your Word, to guide me, to encourage and comfort me, regardless of my circumstances. Thank you for every moment of every day, in which I have to enjoy your blessings and to live for you.

And thank you, Lord, for my family. Thank you for a wife that loves you, me and our children. Thank you for all the blessings I have received in knowing and loving her. Thank you for my children, who are each growing in their own way; and coming to love you more and more. Thank you for the privilege of leading them; and for their forgiveness when I do not lead very well. Thank you for all the laughter, and the sorrow, the days of this life with my family, as we walk through it together.

May you be forever praised; and may we always be thankful!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


There are all kinds of music, and certainly music without words can be very soothing, enjoyable, and even powerful. There are many tunes that are easily recognized as soon as you hear them; and they are often connected with a memory that makes it enjoyable, or painful. But, sometimes, I think music without words are empty, in vain. I thought of this while working a few weeks ago. The music can really, only,  be heard, faintly, in the restrooms (or perhaps it is my bad hearing). I recognized the music as Christian contemporary. It included some of my favorite worship songs. I was singing ever so faintly right along with them. But something was bothering me and it didn't take me long to figure out what it was. It was wordless music.

Although it may work wonderfully with other genres of music, it doesn't (in my novice opinion) with Christian contemporary music. I'm listening to the music without the words, and thinking: "what is this"? It just seems so empty, so lifeless, such a waste. As I thought and even sang the words that go with the song, there was power, life and meaning. Not because I was singing (it may actually bring death), but because of the words. These are words that talk about the power of God, the saving grace of Jesus, and the heart of the worshipper. Without the words, it is just noise (still my opinion). It is like saying I am a Christian but not actually living that way, nor talking about my faith. As James wrote: "Faith without works is dead."

God has greatly used music, over these past several months, to encourage me, to convict and challenge me. In the darkest of times, this music has restored my soul, hearing and singing the truths that come from God's Word; and doing it in a way that only music can do - so full of fact encompassed by great emotion. So, it it time to get off my soap box; but if I am ever king of the world, it may be the first rule I implement - All Christian contemporary music must have words with the music (can I count on your support?) !

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I slept well election eve...did you?

This morning, at work, I met several people that were very tired...and very angry. They had that "world is ending, I'm ready to jump off a cliff" kind of look. I empathize, but decided to take a different approach this year. There is nothing wrong with staying up late to watch election results; or to be disappointed with results. But, I had a very different experience than many I saw today.

I have not paid much attention to the political arena recently, as I found that both "sides" acted in ways that bothered me. I know what is important to me, and how I decide to vote. Much of what has been said recently did not influence me one way or the other. Last night, as I considered the fact that I needed to get up early for work, I went to bed while everything still seemed in doubt. And in the morning, early morning, I spent my time with God - praying, reading, journaling, and praying all the way to work. On my way into my workplace, I looked at the headlines from the paper sitting in the machine outside the doors: OBAMA TRIUMPHS. Why didn't this bother me?

I prepared myself, going to the only source that can secure my heart and help me deal with whatever the outcome of the election. By God's grace, I was able to focus on the only person that really matters in any election. By attempting to take a break from the human element of an election, I sought to consider God's perspective. It is only in God and in His Word that those of us who are followers of Jesus can find the answer to questions such as: "why would God allow certain people to be in power"?;
"doesn't God want to overturn some of the unbiblical things that have been introduced by ungodly leaders"? Doesn't God vote Republican?

God allowed me to focus not on the things that we all wish were answered, specifically, in the Bible; but on what we do know, what we can believe, what we can trust in, where our hearts can settle after any outcome of any election:

1. God is neither Republican or Democrat
Joshua 5:13,14 - "...And Joshua went up to him and asked, Are you for us or for our enemies? Neither, he replied, but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come..."

God is more interested in His purpose and plans, and in the end, is on His own side.

2. God is God and we are not
Daniel 4:35 - "All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, What have you done?"

Job 40:2 - "Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it."

Isaiah 55:8 - "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD."

Psalm 115:3 - "Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases."

In the middle of asking all of our "I don't understand" questions, we must stop and recognize that God did not intend for us to understand everything He wills, everything He allows. He is God, we are not; and He likes it that way. We are on dangerous ground when we start to question Him, about anything, including the election.

3. God's goal is to glorify Himself
None of us would have voted for the Pharaoh that would not let the Israelites go out of bondage, as described in the book of Exodus. But, in reading the story, we find out that God had a plan all along.

Exodus 10:1,2 - "Then the LORD said to Moses, Go in to Pharoah, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may show these signs of mine among them, and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and of your grandson how I have dealt harshly with the Egyptians and what signs I have done among them, that you may know that I am the LORD."

And this is what God communicated to Pharaoh:
Exodus 9:16 - "But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth."

Psalm 75:7 - "But it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another."

Daniel 2:21 - "...Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might...He removes kings and sets up kings...."

God puts up rulers, not necessarily because the Christians or Republicans, or any individual votes and prays for them to be elected. God is not about our comfort or happiness or political party. He is all about His glory. And sometimes that even means putting people who disagree with God in power so that (in ways that only God can understand and figure out) God is the one, the only one who gets the glory for what He is going to do. Who elected Obama? God did...for His own purpose and glory.

Conclusion: I believe one of the main things we are to learn in any election, and in all areas of our lives, is this: We must get our hopes off of man and set them squarely, and only, on  God:

Psalm 146:3,4 -"Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish. Blessed is he...whose hope is in the LORD his God."

Jeremiah 17:7 - "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD."

I don't always trust God this well; but on this particular night, on the same night many were worried and upset...I was sleeping soundly. On the morning while many were fuming, seeing what it would take to move to Canada, and just generally angry at everyone...I was focused on God. That is why I slept well last night and will sleep well tonight. I just hope I will learn to do that in all areas of life.
If we all learn, through this, to trust God more, then we will see at least one purpose God had in mind when He cast the vote for our incumbent president.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


I have often heard the stories, from speakers, who explain how they needed a certain amount of money; and after praying, God brought what they needed - usually the exact amount - in amazing ways. I have also been an eye witness, in our own family, of how God has provided for us, again and again, without us really knowing how He was going to do it - and many times from unexpected sources. It is a blessing to bless others, and to thank others who have blessed us. But, I really appreciate the "anonymous" gift. When I have been able to bless someone in some way, without them knowing who I am, it has been a special blessing just to serve without reward or recognition from man.

This week, our family, once again, received the undeserved blessing from God; but this time, it was through an anonymous giver. We received a note in the mail, handwritten and addressed to each one in our family. It communicated a concern that God would bless us as we see what He has for us. Included in the note was a handful of cash. I won't tell you how much, and I'm thinking the anonymous person probably doesn't want you to know; and may not even like me writing about him/her. However, since he/she is anonymous, I think they're safe in the telling of this story. What I can say is it was an incredible blessing as cash is pretty sparse right now and our expenses (even in living with family) are higher than my income. God blessed us in a special way and all real praise goes to Him (as always)!

But, I would like to take a moment, just in case Mr./Mrs. anonymous gets around to reading this blog entry, to thank you "Mr." anonymous. I was thinking about what I would say to you if I knew who you were; and I figured I should tell you these things anyway.

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you so much for the note and gift you sent to our family this week! It was unexpected, undeserved, but very much appreciated. I don't know your situation, but I am guessing that you don't just have a bunch of cash sitting around that you are looking to get rid of. Your gift represents some kind of sacrifice on your part, in some way, I am sure. Thank you for thinking of us, finding our address, writing the note and including such a generous gift.

We have been depending on God to provide everything we need. I am working hard at a job, and working hard to find other work that might allow us to pay all our bills and get out on our own someday. In the meantime, we have been greatly blessed by family and friends who have sought to meet our needs in special ways, at just the right time. We don't know who you are, but you are counted as one of our dear friends, as you have stepped forward to be God's hands in caring for us at this time.

Lord, please bless this anonymous giver. Re-pay him/her with more blessings than he/she could ever imagine; and may all glory go to you. Please use him/her in others lives, to be a blessing to them as he/she has been a blessing to us. And may we remember that as we have been blessed, we can bless others. Thanks you, Lord, for you are the one who has provided for us; and have used this special person in our lives.

So, anonymous, may God bless you; and may you continue to walk closely with Him. We will not forget your kindness.

The Whiting Family