Friday, July 5, 2013

Taking NOTHING for granted

It is too easy in life to take almost everything for granted. We don't take the time to consider how blessed we are; and how things could be completely a moment. Today, this thought hit me after my daughter informed me that a Chick-fil-a was robbed at gunpoint last night; and it was the Chick-fil-a she had worked at for almost a year while we lived in Georgia. To make matters worse, the young man that carried a gun into the store was a friend of hers, a fellow employee; and was the guy who had come, at her invitation, to the graduation party we held for her.

I just took it for granted that a Chick-fil-a would be safe from armed robbery, especially from employees; that no one we knew would ever do something like that; and that as my daughter worked there, her friends could be trusted. But today I am praising God for the things I often take for granted. I praise Him for: the fact that my daughter did not have a closer friendship with this guy; the fact that she was not there to work last night; the fact that no one was injured, and that he and his alleged accomplice were found and arrested; protecting my daughter; being the God who is always in charge and who can be truly trusted...always!

Hopefully, after today, I will not take as many things for granted as I usually do. Praise God for all He does, unnoticed, in our lives every day.

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