Saturday, May 10, 2014


Lesson 17: I have learned to have an open hand approach to ministry and everything else
Over the past few years, this is how I have described to people how I view the ministry God has given me, as well as every thing and every relationship. Since everything I have, including ministry, is God-given, then it all belongs to Him. That is easier to say than to actually practice. It is human nature for all of us, and that certainly includes me, to hold tightly to the things we value. For many years, I held tightly to pastoral ministry. Since that is what God called me to, I seemed gifted for it and I loved it, I never wanted to let it go. And when God tested me, to see if I was willing to let it go, I just tightened my grip even more. God had to teach me, the hard way, that I needed to hold everything He had given me with an open hand.

I picture it this way. Put your hand out in front of you, open-handed. Imagine your closest relationship or task or job or hobby or material possession in that hand. Close your fist tightly. This is how I used to approach ministry, and even my family. But, as some have learned in even the most precious of relationships, God sometimes takes them away; and there is nothing we can do about it. It is very difficult to come to the place that Job came to, after losing his 10 children in death, he said: "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Only a person who has an open hand approach can sincerely say something like that when something of great value is taken away. I had to face if I was willing to do that with ministry.

Now, open your hand once again and picture that most precious thing in your hand. Extend your arm and your hand outward and upward. Picture yourself saying to God: Lord, My __________________
(fill in the blank with the appropriate thing - i.e. job, family, health, etc.) is yours. It has always been yours. It is not mine to hold onto. It is for me to be a good steward of this gift you have given me. I love it, but it is still yours. You can take it from me at any time. I will not fight you over it. Until then, I will be grateful that I have it, value it as a precious gift; and do my best to be the best steward of it, as long as you allow me to have it.

That prayer sums up what I have learned to do, as it relates to a particular ministry, or even ministry all together. I am also learning to do that with my wife and children. How about you?

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