Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This is something I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. There is something in common with all of the experiences we have each day. Some of them would be labeled as positive and some negative; and much of that depends on who is looking at the situation. For example, this past Sunday, our Cleveland Browns lost to the New York Jets. From a fan and team's perspective, the Browns and their fans see the result as negative (unless you are one of those non-fans who want to lose to get better draft picks!); and the Jets and their fans see the result as positive. That makes sense, right? And there are many things in life, just like that, where depending on what end of the circumstance you are on, you may see it as positive or negative.

However, I do believe, that even though it is a part of life, to have positive or negative experiences, that we do have a choice. That is, regardless of our circumstances, we can choose a positive outlook. Really? How is that? Let me explain. One of the foundational issues, in order to have a positive outlook, is the issue of eternal salvation. One thing that is a must, in order to see all of life, and death, as positive, is to be a follower of Jesus Christ. If you are a follower of Christ, not just professing belief, but actually following (James 1:22),then you absolutely have the opportunity to see all things positively.

Let's take the football game, for example. The Jets and their fans are going to see the win as positive (except in the cases where they want draft picks or want to lose so their coach can be fired. That is for bad teams and for fans that in my opinion, are not true fans). But, how can Browns fans or Christian players see it as positive? There are several ways:
  • Since we believe in God's sovereignty, then we believe that whatever God allows (even if we don't like it), is what will bring Him the most glory
  • Since we believe in the Bible, including Romans 8:28, then we believe that whatever God allows (even if it is painful or considered by us to be bad) is for our spiritual good.
  • If a player gets traded or released or a coach fired over a loss, or multiple losses, then God's sovereignty still stands; and God may have a different plan for the Christians involved than they first thought.
  • There is a great opportunity for we, as fans, to remember that this is just football; and although it has temporary pleasure, it certainly should not affect our emotions as it relates to living real life with our God, family and others. If our team losing a game puts us in depression, then it means that we are not following Jesus as we should. We have our priorities mixed up. One good thing about situations like this is that it tests what is really important to us, and checks our motives.

Perhaps you might say: that is all fine and good with something as trivial as football; but what about the major issues of life. Like what? You might say: what about cancer or a car accident or a job loss, etc. Yes, those are major issues, and much more important than football (yes, fanatic football fans who aren't quite sure - I can prove it by Scripture!).

Well, believe it or not, the response, as followers of Jesus, that we need to have in light of these tragedies and very painful times that affect so many, is the same response we have to football and other temporary, insignificant things. You do have a choice, as to how you look at something. Don't get me wrong: it is o.k. to be sorrowful, when you find out that you or someone you love has cancer. It is o.k. to cry and hurt like crazy when you or someone you love loses their job and go through a financial crisis. And it is o.k. to be concerned and frustrated with a car accident, especially if someone was hurt. But, you have a choice to make: will I focus on the negative aspects of this circumstance (and humanly speaking there may be many); or am I going to focus on the positive? If there is a tragedy, let's say cancer, the positive outlook is from God:

  • This did not surprise God. Nothing happens outside of His allowance and control; so I will trust, positively, that God knows what He is doing and I am "safe" in Him.
  • If God chooses to take my life "early" (from a human point of view),then I will be with Him in Heaven, with no more pain. I will be reunited with loved ones who have gone on before.
  • I will choose to see this an opportunity for God to show who He is through this. He will have to provide financially. He will have to provide the encouragement, strength and wisdom needed. He may choose, as everyone is praying, to heal me;and all glory goes to Him. He may give me opportunities to witness of Jesus, which might only come because of this physical ailment. I will focus on God instead of my cancer.
  • I have much to be thankful for; and with the days I have left on this earth, I will not take them for granted any longer; but with joy, appreciate everything I have - every breath I have left.

That is just an example. Most of the circumstances of every day life are not so dramatic, but I do believe that they offer us a choice. Unfortunately, I have found that Christians also struggle with their attitude and the way they approach "unfortunate" circumstances. But, as followers of Jesus, we have the great opportunity to live with an eternal perspective . (II Corinthians 4:16-18). We can choose to see things positively, no mater what they are; and as we do, we glorify God, and draw others to Him!

II Corinthians 4:16-18 - "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing fr us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. for the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."

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