Saturday, January 22, 2011


I'm not sure when I first said it. I was pretty cautious not to swear and that included anything close to swear words. But one thing I did say as I was growing up, and I have no idea where I learned it (or if I made it up) was this strange phrase: "Honkin' Moses"! I would use it in many different instances where I suppose others might use the swear words, or words close enough to it. Since no one knew what it meant, including myself, I guess I never got in trouble for it. I guess taking Moses' names in vain seemed less offensive than others. By the time I got to college, I must have learned to control myself, and perhaps not wanting to be embarrassed, I think I stopped using it.

But, this past week I was thinking about this term and I'm not sure exactly why. Then I realized that perhaps it was because I have been thinking about the biblical character Moses recently. It wasn't long ago that I preached through the book of Exodus and Moses was a key character. Then, this week I was preparing a message on John 3:16, perhaps the most well known verse in the Bible, and I noticed that Moses' name appears just 2 verses prior.

This all made me consider how I am like Moses and how I want to be more like Moses. I feel like Moses in that he, too, felt incompetent to be used by God and to fulfill God's will in ministry. I have no idea why God would want to use me in service for Him, when He already knows all of my sins and weaknesses. But, He chooses to anyway; and just like Moses, I am doing my very best to serve Him with all of my heart.

There are some things Moses did that I would not want to do; but there is one thing that Moses was praised for, by God, that I want to be a part of my life as well. It is not so much something to do, but to be. In the Bible, Moses is known for being the meekest man on earth. That doesn't sound all that great, at first mention, but once I studied what it meant, in the Bible, I realized that it was an amazing character quality to have!

"Meekness is not weakness" I have heard often, and that is right. Even Jesus was known as meek, but He certainly wasn't weak. And Moses, although unsure of himself, was a man of strength as well. And what made him really strong, in God's eyes, was that he showed meekness. That is: he was not about personal power and control; he was not a brawler; and was not out for His own glory. He was humble and lived only to please God.

That is what I want to be known for. I don't care if I never write a book or have a large church, or am known for being a great preacher. But, if others know me, and in particular and most importantly, if God knows me as a person of meekness, then I will be satisfied. It will mean that I had humbly served God and others, regardless of the challenges or trouble that came my way. It would mean that I would lead and serve in whatever way I believe God called me to; even if that meant I would not be the most popular person around.

Perhaps, the greatest compliment I could receive one day is for someone to exclaim: "Honkin' Moses! That Greg guy is meek!"

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