Monday, March 14, 2011


This time of year brings all kinds of fun, including an annual, family tradition (even though this is just the 2nd year, I can still call it a tradition, right?)! So, at the dinner table Monday night, I announce it is time for our fun family tradition; and my daughter's first response was: "do I have to"? Not exactly the enthusiastic response I was expecting. But I pressed on, living in the fantasy world that 20 years from now, my children would include this activity as one of their favorite family memories and traditions!

So, after we are done eating, we sit at the table, filling out our brackets: that is, brackets for the NCAA Men's basketball tournament, affectionately known as "March Madness". We came up with a point system and the only way to get my family interested, was to have prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! We settled on dinner out with mom and/or dad for 1st; lunch for 2nd; and desert for 3rd. One of my daughters, our desert fanatic, asked if she could have the 3rd place prize even if she won 1st.

As for the science of the picking, I should have the advantage. I have played basketball all my life. I have watched basketball all my life. I pay attention to the teams, their records, their injury status, their momentum, their history, their seed, and everything else that should make a difference. What is the science that the rest of my family relies on for their picks? Important things like:I'm picking them because of their color; I like their team name; I like the state they play in; their mascot is cute; I'm just going to close my eyes and pick one; and other scientific data like this is used.

Of course, what usually happens? I don't normally do well with my picks; and in last year's family challenge, I think I finished 5th out of 7. But, this year is going to be different...please, let it be different. Don't let the mascot pickers win again!

So, here's to a month of madness and family fun. I can't see why they won't have fun.
Qne of my opening comments to my family was this helpful instruction:
"You are going to have fun whether you like it or not"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your daughter prefers "dessert" instead of "desert." :) I'm winning in our home brackets. The wife in our house lost Tennessee today, so her winner is out! My oldest daughter had an all PA final, and still has Pitt in. Both my final teams are still in. We'll see. Here's to a fist full of sand! :) Cu Sunday.