Monday, May 28, 2012


Like any other holiday, such as Mother's Day or Father's Day or Easter, etc., it is important to celebrate those special people and events more than once a year. However, we should still take the special day and celebrate the reason for which it has become known. Today, on Memorial Day, it is good to give a prayer of thanks, as we remember those who have given their lives for our freedom. We also are grateful for the families who have sacrificed, and for all of the men and women who currently serve our Country. It is especially meaningful to friends and family who remember those they have lost and those they miss, as they serve around the world. I spoke to a friend today who is sorrowful, because it was on a Memorial Day that he lost his father. There are many special memories for different people today.

For me, I cannot help but think of the One that I must thank the most for His ultimate sacrifice. His sacrifice guaranteed the greatest freedom there is, for those who have aligned themselves with Him. It is more meaningful, deeper, and greater than any loyalty we might have to the United States of America. It is not a loyalty to a nation, organization or family. It is a commitment that we make, with our lives, to serve the One who demonstrated the kind of loyalty, courage and honor that is unmatched in history. It not only enriches our lives here on Earth; but more importantly, it gives us a sure hope of eternal life, which lasts forever. It brings us into relationship with a person; and it is Him that we remember.

Thanks for your ultimate sacrifice, Jesus.
Today, I remember you!

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