Friday, July 6, 2012


For some reason, the first line of the old Beverly Hillbillies theme song came to mind as I thought of telling you about what God has done. We always need to be telling stories of God, what He has done, is doing, and be careful to give Him the glory. So, let me tell you a little bit about this story. If you already received an e-mail from us, it is pretty much a repeat. But, it wouldn't hurt you to read it again!

"They" said it couldn't be done. We bought our house when the market was up, 7 years ago, and found ourselves needing to sell it this summer, with the market still pretty down. We knew we would probably have to lower our price, but we were even wondering if we could get enough out of it to pay off our mortgage, pay closing costs, have enough to move, etc. Teresa reminded me tonight that it was only 4 weeks after we put it on the market, to sell, that the eventual buyers came (with their 7 kids) to look at it the second time (during which their realtor told us they would be putting an offer on our home). And although we did For Sale By Owner (which is one thing relators didn't think would be successful), it was first through a friend with whom I play basketball (thanks Mark!) that this family heard about our home.

The realtor they had was a God send, for sure, because she lowered her 3% commission to 1.5% (that is something we were told would never happen); and she also took nothing from the buyers. We did the open house thing a few times, with a few who came through and some realtors called and brought people; but this couple who called us one day and came over, were our only real leads (but you only need one, right?). They looked at the house 3 doors down from us that went up for sale just after us for $45,000 less (that was another thing we though would doom our sale possibility) and it supposedly was the same model home as ours. However, this couple who is buying our home explained that it was very outdated and had no finished basement (one of the great blessings God gave us with this home). They liked our home and wanted it (although they said the taxes were too high, which they are, and they didn't really want to be in a neighborhood. But, God didn't allow them to find something else.

I kept hearing stories from people how they got "stuck" with their homes and just could not sell them, for a variety of reasons. No homes seemed to be selling in our price range. A home near us said they sold but the inspection fell through and the deal was done. Homes in our neighborhood were selling for a lot less and even a bank foreclosure nearby went for a very, very low price. The realto's we talked to told us they didn't think we could sell at a certain price; and even if we did, it probably wouldn't appraise. Are you getting the idea yet that the Great Realtor was somehow involved in this/ We could see God putting it all together, but we also loved the house, loved our neighborhood and loved our friends. We would have been happy if God kept us here; and I'm sure He would have found us a job. But, that didn't seem to be His will.

We were on hold, waiting for the inspection and appraisal, and just yesterday, we found out everything went through, even $2,000 above our selling price. What "they" said couldn't be done looks like it's going to happen (of course God could stop it if He desires); at least all the indicators are there; and the buyers realtor says it is time to pack! And I suppose it is, since we have to hand over the keys (assuming all goes well) in about 2 weeks (July 20th)!

So the craziness starts (or I should probably say continues)! But, the most important factor here, is that this is something God did. The glory goes to Him. Don't forget to look at your present circumstances and see the hand of God as well.

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