Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Coffee, A Computer, and some Compassion

You never know who is going to walk into your life, from day to day. Outside of family and close friends, along with regular business associates, we normally cross paths with several other people, on any given day. And although it is unlikely that we will have an intimate, close relationship with most of them, there is an opportunity with many of them. I had such an opportunity this past week.

A woman walked into the restaurant and ordered a small breakfast item. She also asked me if we had wi-fi in the restaurant. I assured her that we did, and showed her the places she could plug in. She said she needed to go out and get her computer from the car and she would be back. At one point in the morning, she asked if it was o.k. that she was staying there so long. Another team member told her it was fine.

Later, she walked back up to the front counter and ordered a coffee. She then, without any real provocation from me, began to open up. I saw that she was studying something, so I asked her what it was. She told me it was accounting and that it was making her very tired. She also, then, opened up about her personal life. That very morning, she had been in court, finalizing the divorce with her husband. She then turned pretty sad, and admitted her exhaustion. My heart went out to her. I have had the opportunity to minister to hundreds of people over the years, going through similar circumstances, and intense pain. I asked her if children were involved. She said: yes - two.

She continued to tell me that her husband was an alcoholic, and that it caused a terrible problem for her, because she was a Christian. I told her I had been a pastor for over 18 years, and that I was sorry for what she was going through. She said thanks, and told me the church she was attending; which also included a Celebrate Recovery program she was attending.

That was pretty much it. I was not able to do what I normally would, as a pastor, and spend whatever time necessary, to pray with her, encourage her, and connect her to someone else in the church. But, in that moment of opportunity, when I just thought she was working on her computer and drinking coffee,  what she really was ordering was some compassion. Perhaps, today, you will see the opportunities God brings your way as well.

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