Saturday, September 8, 2012

Was that really God?

The place I work does its best to be as personal as possible with customers. One of the things we do, after taking an order, and before giving the total, is to ask the customer for a name. This is fairly recent, and although some wonder why we do that, or think that it means we are going to take a long time getting their food (which is not the norm for us), they usually appreciate the personal feel of asking for a name. Then, when the "bagger" or "expediter" brings their food to the front counter, they often hear their name called rather than "who ordered the number 1 meal"?

This past week, it was obvious, right away, that I had a unique customer at my counter. He joked about everything, and yes, I do mean everything. It was a nice way to break up what was a fairly slow afternoon at the front counter. You probably already guessed that when I asked for his name, he very distinctly, and loudly, proclaimed: "God". I smiled, wrote it in, and had some more conversation (very entertaining - at least to me). I noticed that the person who  brought the order refrained from calling out the name God; but I still think the customer felt we were very personal with him during his time there. He did criticize my ice cream cone making ability (I'm not the best); but even then, it was done in fun.

Hearing him call himself God, even in jest, made me consider a couple of things. First, based on this customer's other actions and words, He didn't represent the name very well. God is holy, and His name is not to be used lightly, even for a laugh. Secondly, it reminded me that the Bible tells us, that although God is not going to show up in bodily form, angels might very well. I am pretty sure (99%) that he was neither God nor an angel in disguise; but it reminded me that God's messengers (angels) do come in various forms. You just never know.

And, the real lesson, for me, is that every person is worthy of respect and honor - not only because it is our company's policy; but because loving everyone, showing kindness and concern for real people - is the business of God, and of Christ followers. So, I need to remember, every single day, no matter where I am, I will meet people, who are need of compassion, a kind word, a smile, and perhaps something else that I can provide. When my "friend" walks in next time, I won't call him God, but I will smile, welcome him, and maybe even make a better ice cream cone!

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