Thursday, August 30, 2012

Before honor...

There is something in all of us that desires honor. We don't necessarily want fame and fortune; but we do want honor. We want to feel like someone notices, someone cares; and someone feels we are doing something right. Whether it is as an employee, friend, spouse, or teammate, honor is something that is special when given. It is actually a fine thing to seek, with the right motivation. The Bible would say honor is a good thing; but it is the attitude in which it is sought that holds the key.

When I was playing basketball my freshman year of college, my basketball coach liked to quote a particular part of a particular verse of Scripture: "before honor comes humility." - Proverbs 15:33
His point, as it relates to basketball, is that before you get to the height of your ability in the sport, and on the team, you have to put in the hard work. You have to practice hard, even when no one else is looking, in order to be the best you can be. You have to humble yourself, to do the tedious drills, and to listen to the coach, and to be a good team player, before you are recognized for your accomplishments, and honored for anything. The same principle applies to all of life.

Yes, it is true that it doesn't always seem to work out that way. Some people seem to be honored without ever being humble. In fact, they seem to be honored for their arrogance! We can't control that; but we can believe the Scriptures: real honor, especially that which comes from God, will only come after we humble ourselves. It is a good lesson I am learning, and it is something we want to pass along to our children. We can either embrace humility training or we can despise and reject it. Only those who embrace it will be honored by God - in His timing - in His way. He loves to lift up the humble:
"God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble"; "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you." (James 4:6,10)

God has given me some recent opportunities to embrace humility: living with someone else (no home of our own); working at a fast food joint (I mean quick service restaurant!); applying for state help for health insurance (for low income families); talking about my weaknesses every day; depending on others for many things that most people in my stage of life are independent in. This is not said to gain pity or a handout. These are things that are gifts from God, for me, for our family, for this time. These are things that remind me of: what is really important in life; who God is; what God expects of me. This is the time for humility. I want honor, but I don't want yours. I want God's. And it only comes through humility. Humble circumstances, such as the ones we are experiencing now, don't guarantee a humble attitude. However, they certainly give us a great opportunity to develop true humility.

So, thanks Coach Huckaby, for your wise words; or at least for your wise use of the Scriptures, in teaching me, in a new and meaningful way, the power and importance of humility. Let's hope I was learning something. I still am.

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